John F. Kennedy Jr. Plane Crash and Death; Was It Accidental Or Something Else?

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John F. Kennedy Jr. Plane Crash and Death; Was It Accidental Or Something Else?

Do you believe in Santa Claus, the tooth fairy and everything that you were taught in school? Do you believe everything that you see on TV? Do you believe Columbus 'discovered' America? Do you believe everything the government tells you? If you you answered yes to all of these, you may not want to go any further, because the following videos and articles may upset and shock you.

The Holocaust of Native Americans - Educational Documentary (25 min)

To understand the multiple Kennedy assassinations (Bobby Kennedy and John F Kennedy), you have to understand what led up to those assassinations historically. The dark forces at work today come from the same dark forces that were in existence back then, when millions of Indians died or were killed, driven off their lands and worse. 

The US Is STILL The Greatest Nation On Earth, Right? via @AGreenRoad

Remember that American Indians did not get the right to even vote until 1971, and at the 'founding' of this country, they were not considered humans. Just like black slaves, Indians were treated worse than animals, and in many cases they still are being treated that way. 

This country was 'founded' on the Constitution/Bill of Rights, which were designed and written for a few rich, white men. Many of those 'founders' owned slaves. Women did not vote back then either. Women could not own property, run for office, or own a business back then. Remember this fact; the US was 'created' largely by a few rich white men. Many of the people who 'settled' what eventually became the US, were racist, genocidal and exonophobic


You also have to understand that many Nazi war criminals were imported into the US after WWII, and that this dark force laid the foundations of the modern military industrial complex. What happens when your house foundation is unstable and built on deception, lies and killing millions of Jews and Indians, while importing and building wealth via kidnapped slaves, many of whom died on the way over to the huge plantations that created wealth for these few, rich, white Americans?

Project Paper Clip; USA Imported And Hired Hundreds Of Nazi War Criminals To Develop Nuclear Industry; via @AGreenRoad

President Eisenhower - Farewell Warning About Military Industrial Complex; via @AGreenRoad

1,000 US Foreign Military Bases In Foreign Countries - 2 Trillion Dollars And Rising Cost; via@AGreenRoad

Watch the documentary above first, before you watch the Kennedy movie below, to fully understand and comprehend the historical connections and how this all fits together.  Those who do not understand and learn from history, are condemned to repeat it, probably in a worse way.

After John and Bobby Kennedy were assassinated within a few years of each other, Jacklyn Kennedy moved out of the US, to get away from all of the killers. She married the richest man on Earth, greek shipping magnate Onasis. Onasis had ONE son, plus John K. Kennedy Jr..  Onasis's only son died in a plane crash. What are the odds of this happening accidentally? After this death, Onasis then cut off all ties to John K Kennedy Jr., who lost his father for the third time with this death.


What are the odds that John F Kennedy Jr, who was being groomed to go into politics and potentially be President of the US, also dies in a plane crash? His death makes number 3, after his uncle and dad.. Did you know that John F Kennedy, his father, almost died in a plane crash as well? What are the odds of all of these plane crashes and deaths happening, just in this tiny circle?

Some people would call all of these deaths and crashes a curse, but then again, it is easy to believe in curses, broom riding witches, Santa Claus and the tooth fairy. What is the REAL story behind all of these deaths? Wouldn't you want to know if they are connected in some way?


To understand why this all makes sense in a very dark way, and why John Jr. could not become a politician or President, you have to understand both of the other assassinations  of his uncle and father first.  Once you understand the links between all of these deaths, things will become clearer. Before you go on, watch the following videos first. 

JFK's Speech About The Danger Of Secret Societies And Huge Monopolies; via @AGreenRoad

President Kennedy Nuclear Test Ban Treaty Speech; via @AGreenRoad

Dark Legacy; How And Why The Coverup Of John F. Kennedy Assassination Was Accomplished Via Skull And Bones Member; via @AGreenRoad

Bobby Kennedy, 'Evidence of Murder' Movie - Links to John Kennedy Assassination


Once you finish with the above videos, you will be an expert on the assassinations. Now watch the following video and it will make much more sense to you, and you will see how it all fits together.

John F. Kennedy Jr. was preparing to run for Senate and was due to announce this shortly. That would have set him up for the next step too.


Skipper August 15, 2009 "Kennedy was preparing to re-tool “George” magazine to take on investigations of a number of major stories, not least of which was the actual story behind the assassination of his father in Dallas on November 22, 1963.

According to an article in Germany’s Bild am Sonntag on August 1, 1999, Kennedy was also preparing to meet with the deputy chief of Mossad, Amiran Levine, at the Oak Room in Manhattan’s Plaza Hotel the Wednesday after Kennedy was killed. The subject was the assassination of Israel’s Prime Minister Yitzhak Rabin in 1995 and that Rabin was assassinated by one of his body guards and not the convicted murderer Yigal Amir." (this story was printed.) (2 min in.)

"Kennedy’s friend said the real priority of the “George” publisher was to re-open the case of the assassination of President John F. Kennedy and the role that the father of the all-but-announced Republican presidential candidate for the upcoming 2000 election — George W. Bush — played in the assassination. Apparently, some documents had come into Kennedy’s possession that pointed to George H. W. Bush as a prime participant, on behalf of the CIA, in President Kennedy’s murder." The George magazine was shut down after his murder. Why? Kennedy wanted the magazine to continue and publish without his name being associated with it.


It is interesting that the battery was missing out of the crashed planes black box, so no information was retrieved from it. A missing battery on a critical piece of safety equipment does not sound like a Kennedy. He was a VERY careful, methodical, safety and detail oriented pilot.


The FBI opened a murder investigation around this case. They found some evidence such as the plane being blown up by a bomb, linked to government source, but they were recalled to Washington and the whole investigation was dropped, largely because of where the investigation was headed. Some pictures of the plane and crash site were also buried and never revealed, just like at Bobby's public trial against Sirhan, and John Kennedy's assassination investigation via the Warren Commission.


Part of the truth was revealed at the 2nd Assassinations Commission, but even there, the truth did not fully come out; it was just pointed at. Where are all of the pictures of ALL of the wreckage, which would indicate whether or not a bomb had gone off? Bottom line, it does not matter whether it was a bomb, an EMP device, or the co pilot that brought this plane down. Odds are that someone other than John F. Kennedy Jr. did something, which was covered up in the same way that the other two deaths in the same family were. 

Wouldn't you agree that there are just too many coincidences and details that do not fit, such as this Kennedy running for office and getting ready to investigate and publish materials around the previous assassinations, to make this just another completely random plane accident? If one adds on what happened after the plane crash, then it makes the theory of this being an accident seem that much more remote. 

What is the common thread with this death and the other two Kennedy assassinations? Would it be that these deaths force us to ask the question; what kind of country is this, where people who are representing the common man and are running for office or who are in office can be assassinated? 

Why was there such a feeling of loss on a VERY deep level when John F Kennedy was lost, no matter how it happened, whether it was one magic bullet, 3 bullets or a dozen assassins? Could it be that when John Kennedy was lost, everyone felt the death of a piece of the soul of America?


Sickputer July 11, 2014 "A man without a country…whether you hate or sympathize with Israeli whistleblower Mordechai Vanunu, you should know his story. He will probably never leave Israel alive.

SP: His life in some ways mirrors Nelson Mandela, but his future will probably never result in him emigrating out of the country that hates him as a traitor, but feel morally bound to keep him alive as a reminder of how political Jewish prisoners were massacred by the millions during the Holocaust.

What is interesting to me as a historian is the Kennedy assassination connection to Israeli power brokers. Another group to be in the lineup with the Mafia, Castro, John Birchers, and the Russians. Kennedy had oh so many enemies.

From the wiki piece:

"In July 2004, Vanunu claimed in the London-based Al-Hayat newspaper that the State of Israel was complicit in the assassination of John F. Kennedy. He claimed there were "near-certain indications" that Kennedy was assassinated in response to "pressure he exerted on Israel’s then head of government, David Ben-Gurion, to shed light on Dimona’s nuclear reactor"."

SP: This whistleblower/traitor (pick one or both) also plays a very integral historical role concerning the Dimona nuclear reactor: "[He] revealed to the Sunday Times his knowledge of the Israeli nuclear programme, including the photographs he had secretly taken at the Dimona site."

Did you know that Israel has secret and illegal nuclear, biological and chemical weapons? And what are the odds that Israel got these weapons from the US, via secret CIA programs? Hmm, secret, illegal, coverup, threatened with exposure? We can't have that... There are too many skeletons in the closet that would come out if this story was revealed and people dug into it. 

Israel's Secret Illegal Nuclear, Biological, And Chemical Weapons


The Kennedy's represent the truly selfless service, common man, bottoms up, democratic values that reside in the hearts, minds and souls of most people, not just in America, but all around the world. When a person is lost who represents the common man, such as the three Kennedy's did, what is the consequence? The Kennedy's represented the symbolic and brightest REAL hope for a sustainable future of humanity. Their goal was a cessation of all war, the destruction of all nuclear weapons and the bringing back of the gold standard, plus elimination of fiat currency. None of those things happened.


The opposite of what the Kennedy's stood for came into force and took power right after their lives were snuffed out. The loss of the Kennedy's is not just a symbolic loss. This loss of peace, of goodness, of representing all people is something that still affects all Americans, and indeed people all around the world. The loss of one Kennedy after another is symbolic of evil triumphing over good, darkness winning against light, deception and secrecy asserting itself over freedom, openness and transparency, war winning over peace, violence succeeding over kindness, bullets snuffing out life, hate plus fear winning over love, absolute power winning over justice, and the 1% controlling the 99%.


Why is it that the public polls consistently say that America is going in the wrong direction? Could it be that when multiple good, kind hearted leaders and noble princes are killed, and despotic ones take over who are all about the money, and not about the people's business, then that has a huge impact, on everyone's lives, not just in the US, but also globally? The US is supposed to be the beacon on the hill.. Does the statue of Liberty saying still stand for what the Kennedy's represented? 

Give me your tired, your poor,
Your huddled masses yearning to breathe free;
The wretched refuse of your teeming shore,
Send these, the homeless,
Tempest-tossed to me
I lift my lamp beside the golden door!

Assassinations cannot kill the spirit. The truth cannot be covered up forever. Killing cannot put out out the flame of love in the hearts of humanity. Violence will not bring in peace and harmony. Bullets are not the answer for disagreements or differences of opinion and religion. Money cannot be substituted for happiness. Power corrupts, but absolute power corrupts absolutely; physically, emotionally, mentally and spiritually. These may be some of the many lessons that the sacrifices offered by the lives of the Kennedy's present to us.


John F. Kennedy Jr. Plane Crash and Death; Was It Accidental Or Something Else? via @AGreenRoad

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