Interviews With Bonnie Kouneva, Dr. Janet Sherman, and Alexey V. Yablokov (Chernobyl/Fukushima) Nuclear Hotseat

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Interviews With Bonnie Kouneva, Dr. Janet Sherman, and Alexey V. Yablokov (Chernobyl/Fukushima) Nuclear Hotseat

Very rough transcript;

Libbe interviews Bonnie Kouneva

Bonnie lived in Sofia, Bulgaria when Chernobyl blew up and melted down.

She talked about how the Russian government covered up this nuclear disaster both when it happened, and after it happened.  She said the plants all looked burned, and annual plants died. Some lettuce grew 3 to 4 times normal size. Many animals were born with defects or dead. Scientists predicted the peak of genetic and health problems would happen no more than ten years after Chernobyl, and then get better, but that is not true. The genetic and health problems are only getting worse and worse, even in the third generation.


The Russian government kept denying any harm from radiation, saying it was all safe, and people were fed radiation contaminated food. But at the same time, those same government officials imported food from New Zealand and were hiding in nuclear bomb shelters to protect themselves against the radiation. They did not care about public health or protecting people.

My son was born with Down's Syndrome, a heart defect, stomach problems, blood problems, immune problems, tumors, thyroid problems, and more.

Out of 40 kids born at the time I was in the hospital, 4 kids were born with Down's Syndrome. The normal ratio before Chernobyl was 1 out of many thousands of people.

The powers that be serve their buddies with money. Governments will cover for the nuclear industry, because it has power and money. Since Chernobyl, the percentage of stillborn children, thyroid problems, blood problems and much more has increased by huge epidemic amounts. At the hospital in Bulgaria, the miscarriages and other female/baby problems are considered normal now, much like the flu, they are so common. Health problems are skyrocketing, and it was not like this before Chernobyl.

We should give our kids a better future. Kids do not deserve tumors, health issues, and a tough life, without any life opportunities. This is a robbery imposed on them. Even one kid is too many, but what about millions of kids?  Most of the people who helped clean up Chernobyl are already gone. The same thing will happen around Fukushima. We do not have to sell ourselves so cheap to the nuclear industry.

Dr. Janet Sherman 

I worked with Dr. Mangano, where I proved a link between Chernobyl and a link to a spike in the US of babies with thyroid problems, increased deaths, etc.

A lot of people say we are scaring people. But testing and showing the negative impacts of low dose radiation is not fearmongering, and should not cause people to sit on a psychiatrist's couch. Certainly none of these children, animals, plants, insects are needing mental health counseling, as they are being harmed by radiation. They are just suffering. 

80% of children in Belarus are not well; low IQ, birth defects, heart problems, and many others. This is going into the third generation, and they are having a terrible time, both economically and in numerous health issues. These genetic issues are happening all over, and never stop.

A researcher looked at voles impacted by radiation once and then followed them for 20 generations, and nothing got better. The 20th generation was just as negatively genetically affected as the 1st generation. (AGRP; In other words, people, animals and plants do not 'adapt' to the effects of radiation on a DNA level. The genetic damage keeps on being passed on through the generations. If your child has Down's Syndrome, and then has children, they will also have the same genetic defects that caused Down's Syndrome in your first child that was damaged by radiation.)


Strontium 90 mimics calcium, and you know calcium goes to the bones as does strontium. With cesium, it mimics potassium, and cesium goes to the muscles and causes problems there. There is a half life with cesium of 30 years, but it actually takes 300 years to disappear, because there are ten half lives, not just two. (This is another example of how the nuclear industry tries to downplay radiation effects and damage. The radioactive elements do not disappear at each half life, they just turn into another one, which does damage in different ways, and then another one, and so one. So the 300 year total life turns into thousands of years or even longer)

We know that children born to Chernobyl liquidators turned out to be unhealthy. Many died, and there was a high number of abortions and miscarriages. There is no way to reverse this, and it keeps on going, generation after generation.

Many babies exposed to radiation will have thyroid problems, and will be on medicine for the rest of their lives. Believing that a nuclear plant can release radiation and not have any effects is foolish. Vegetables, grain, fish are all negatively affected. Fukushima used to be a huge agricultural center. What are they going to do now?

Radioactive Iodine goes to thyroid. Radioactive Cesium goes to muscles. Radioactive Strontium goes to the bones, and they all cause harm.


To try and reverse or prevent some of the damage in children who had absorbed high doses of cesium around Chernobyl, they used apple pectin and got them away from the radiation contaminated zone. They used a whole body gamma radiation chair to measure 300,000 children's radiation load both before and after they did this.

Japan is removing radiation from radiation contaminated water at the Fukushima Daichi plant and storing it in plastic lined pools, which is not working very well. Radioactive water is leaking/pouring into the ocean, which then contaminates sea life and fish.


Fukushima has NOT stopped. It is still pouring out massive amounts of radiation. Yabolokov said Fukushima is MUCH WORSE than Chernobyl. He said Japan is a very small island, with no place to escape. He also said there is going to be another meltdown, among the 400 nuclear plants worldwide. It is just a question of when, not if.

I helped Yablakov translate his book, (link below) . It consists of about 5,000 articles published by non English speaking scientists in Russia and other countries. This was the first time that all of these 5,000 articles were translated into English out of all of these languages. The nuclear industry really hated it and attacked it as soon as it came out. (Only they normally control what gets published, and this was an exception to the rule, and it was outside of their pro nuclear industry control).


There is a direct rate of relationship between increase in cancer and living close to nuclear power plants. A German study showed children living close to nuclear plants had higher rates of leukemia. Busby did a study showing the same thing around nuclear plants in the UK. Mangano did a study showing an increase of thyroid cancer in kids living close to US nuclear plants. 

The highest rate of cancer in the US is downwind of Three Mile Island, generated by data released by government data. The federal government is not doing anything. The Congress is not doing anything. Many people and families are suffering, but no one is doing anything about it.


Newborns are required to be tested for a number of things. One thing tested for is thyroid problems. Thyroid problems are worse at higher elevations due to more fallout at higher elevations, where there is more radiation contaminated rain.

Rosalli Bertell proved that the thyroid problems and cretinism are linked to nuclear radiation in a direct relationship. All of those children have to take thyroid medication or suffer and die. We are killing ourselves with nuclear radiation. Japan (via Fukushima) is committing genocide, to save the nuclear industry.


We need to mobilize neighborhoods. It does not help to petition the government. Mobilize locally to close a nuclear plant within 200 miles. Now deal with the spent fuel pools. Unless kept cool, they have to be kept safe for many, many years, or they catch fire and melt down too. Unless people scream and holler, nothing will change. No war stopped until people went into the streets. No women got the right to vote until they hit the streets. No nuclear plant will shut down or be prevented from being built via public taxpayer funding, unless people get together and take action to make something different happen.


There is the Hippocratic oath (Thou shalt do no harm) and if this were given to the people working at these plants, maybe it would change things. We do not need nuclear plants. We can put solar on roofs. We do not need nuclear power. Wind is becoming very useful. There is a tremendous amount of money in the nuclear industry, and it provides things for making nuclear bombs; which is why it continues. Mobilize your neighborhood, and say; WE HAVE TO STOP THIS MADNESS. For more see;

Chernobyl; Consequences of the Catastrophe for People and Nature
Written by Alexey V. Yablokov (Center for Russian Environmental Policy, Moscow, Russia), Vassily B. Nesterenko, and Alexey V. Nesterenko (Institute of Radiation Safety, Minsk, Belarus). Consulting Editor Janette D. Sherman-Nevinger (Environmental Institute, Western Michigan University, Kalamazoo, Michigan).
Volume 1181, December 2009

This is a collection of papers translated from the Russian with some revised and updated contributions. Written by leading authorities from Eastern Europe, the volume outlines the history of the health and environmental consequences of the Chernobyl disaster. Although there has been discussion of the impact of nuclear accidents and Chernobyl in particular, never before has there been a comprehensive presentation of all the available information concerning the health and environmental effects of the low dose radioactive contaminants, especially those emitted from the Chernobyl nuclear power plant. 
Official discussions from the International Atomic Energy Agency and associated United Nations’ agencies (e.g. the Chernobyl Forum reports) have largely downplayed or ignored many of the findings reported in the Eastern European scientific literature and consequently have erred by not including these assessments.

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Interview with Alexey V. Yablokov

Chernobyl and Fukushima showed that the negative consequences around public health and the lack of government regulations prove that there is not enough protection for the public or communities. The big question is why?

It is impossible to estimate the radiation amount being released from a nuclear accident in the first few days, hours or minutes. The safety regulations that come from the industry are not something that makes us all safe. The nuclear industry, experts and regulators do not provide enough safety or protection for the public.

It is impossible for the public to trust official declarations and nuclear officials. Why? They want to diminish any consequences of radiation releases. Normal people cannot believe or trust the nuclear industry or government.


We need to create an independent system to check the radiation levels around nuclear power plants, all over the world. Every nuclear power plant needs independent radiation measurement. Around Chernobyl, it was impossible, due to KGB, secrecy.

After Fukushima melted down, measuring radiation was possible and it shows that this can happen. (Safecast is one example)

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Radiation measurement is a key question even in the United States. Even normally working nuclear power plants, release more radiation than reported officially through the NRC. These plants report an average, but that does not give what the highest amount is at a specific time, which might be ENORMOUS amounts of radiation. (The highest amount of radiation is released when they switch out the fuel) That is is the lesson we need to learn from Chernobyl and Fukushima.


Interviews With Bonnie Kouneva, Dr. Janet Sherman, and Alexey V. Yablokov (Chernobyl/Fukushima) Nuclear Hotseat

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