Thousands Of Unwilling, Unknowing Human Radioactive Plutonium Experiments

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Thousands Of Unwilling, Unknowing Human Radioactive Plutonium Experiments

In the video above, the reporter talks about a super secret study where 18 patients were injected with plutonium, but not told about it.

In the video above, the author of a book about this subject discloses how many children were spoon fed plutonium in a secret experiment. 


Via anneV October 6, 2014  "The Human Plutonium Injection Experiments
“…When radium or plutonium were injected in amounts capable of causing death in 30 days, they were essentially equal in toxicity…. “plutonium concentrated ‘in the endosteal layers of bone close to the marrow and (at least to a greater extent than radium) in soft tissues.’ …” (p. 200)

The Human Plutonium Injection Experiments “…An alpha-emitter safe dose. In a draft report authored by Bassett and Langham - in 1947 or 1948, they stated that an accepted safe dose to irradiated tissue for an alpha emitter was 0.01 rep per day (where 1 rep, a “roentgen equivalent physical,” corresponds to the absorption of 93 ergs per gram of tissue). They felt that “a dose of this [size] appears to carry little likelihood of injury to cells.” Using the activity of plutonium-239 and the energy of its alpha particles, they calculated that this dose corresponds to 32.6 micrograms of plutonium if the plutonium is distributed uniformly throughout the body and 5.2 micrograms if the plutonium is concentrated in the skelton with a uniform distribution in bone. “Unfortunately,” they wrote, “radioautographs reveal a far from uniform distribution of plutonium in bone.” Furthermore, “early localization of a large fraction of the dose in the liver . . . is a distinct possibility.” They estimated that, in the regions where the plutonium concentrated, a 5-microgram body burden could result in a dose to tissue that was ten times higher than the accepted safe dose of 0.01 rep per day. Thus, they were aware of the fact that a 5-microgram dose most likely exceeded accepted standards, depending on the assumptions regarding distribution in the body….” (p. 205)

“…By integrating the expression for total excretion of plutonium, it was determined that only about 8.7 per cent of a single plutonium dose is excreted in the urine and feces over a five-year period and 12.7 per cent in 20 years. This very slow rate of elimination led the authors to conclude that it would take about 118 years for the body to eliminate half of the plutonium (the biological half-life). Futhermore, there was “no practical significance . . . in permitting the return to work of an individual who has reached the maximum permissible body burden.”’In other words, ‘once a worker is retired from work with plutonium . . . it must be assumed that he is retired . . . for the balance of his lifetime.’…” (p. 212)

“…The body burden. Equally important, of course, was checking the reliability of estimating a plutonium body burden from urinary excretion data when the exposure had been primarily through inhalation. Using a computer program developed by James N. P. Lawrence of the Los Alamos Health Physics Group (see “A Computer Analysis of Plutonium Excretion”), a body burden was calculated for Kelley of 19 nanocuries (equivalent to 0.30 micrograms of plutonium-239). This value was extremely close to the autopsy estimate of 18 nanocuries (or 16 nanocuries if the 10 per cent in the lungs was subtracted). In the discussion, Foreman, Langham, and Moss concluded that ‘the . . .agreement between body burden from tissue analyses and estimated burden from urine assays is so very satisfactory that it is undoubtedly fortuitous.’ Nevertheless, the agreement was a very strong indication that the execretion modeling approach was, indeed, closeto the mark.…” (p. 216)

The Human Plutonium Injection Experiments William Moss and Roger Eckhardt “The human plutonium injection experiments carried out during and after the Manhattan Project have received tremendous notoriety in the past year or so owing to the Pulitzer-prize winning journalism of Eileen Welsome in the Albuquerque Tribune in 1993. The purpose of those experiments was to develop a diagnostic tool that could determine the uptake of plutonium in the body from the amount excreted in the urine and feces. This tool was essential for the protection of workers who would produce and fashion plutonium metal for use in the early atomic bombs.” (p.177)"


Doctors and scientists have exposed thousands of unwilling and unknowing Americans to radioactive substances. These are not terrorists, but US medical doctors, working together with the nuclear industry 'experts'. The Nazi death camp doctors could not have done better.. 

Wikipedia; "In 1945, as part of the Manhattan Project, three patients at Billings Hospital at the University of Chicago were injected with plutonium.[60]

In 1946, six employees of a Chicago metallurgical lab were given water that was contaminated with plutonium-239, so that researchers could study how plutonium is absorbed into the digestive tract.[57]"


"Medtronics made about 250 plutonium-powered pacemakers, and about twnty-two were still stimulating human heart more than twenty-five years after they were manufactured, a feat that no battery-powered pacemaker could match. " 

Why are these plutonium powered heart pulse generators not being mass produced? Certainly the medical and nuclear power industry was pushing this product quite hard. 

"The authors suggest that an isotopic pulse generator be considered for every patient with a life expectancy of 10 years or more in spite of the still existing restrictive and cumbersome protocols required for licensing by the United States Nuclear Regulatory Commission." pg. 1. 

"With respect to safety, follow-up, and retrieval of isotopic pulse generators, the record has been flawless. It is difficult to envision any potential risk to the general public. The greatest probable risk is that of burying a patient without removing the pulse generator-a trivial risk compared with those of the disposal of radioactive waste materials and the threat of nuclear arms." pg. 3

"It is certainly possible to design a lithium pacemaker of acceptable dimensions and a potential life of 20 years. However, that is a far cry from the 77-year calculated life of the isotopic device (Coratomic 100). Furthermore, the decay of the radioactive fuel is accurately predictable; the future behavior of any chemical system is not." pg. 4 Source;

The medical industry seemed to have discovered some drawbacks to having people with a large amount of plutonium implanted in their chests. Was the change of heart due to actual experiences, or due to some other reasons? 

"However, while the potential benefits of a longer-lasting pacemaker and the alternative of using a battery-operated pacemaker are perhaps easily explained to patients, it can sometimes be difficult to get a handle on the specific risks involved. This is because in some cases there may be theoretical risks that may not be readily quantified, such as the risk of developing a malignancy or other serious complication such as radiation fibrosis while being exposed a source of radioactivity over a prolonged period.

Even more difficult would estimating social risks, such as the risk that a patient with a nuclear pacemaker might be kidnapped and murdered with a view to committing a terrorist act by extracting the plutonium fuel and introducing it into (say) the Pentagon’s air intake system. (Inhaled plutonium dust is very carcinogenic: a mere one ten-thousandth of a gram (0.1 milligram) ingested in this manner can cause cancer [13]." pg. 15


They do not mention other more real world possibilities, such a person being cremated with large amount of plutonium inside of them. The plutonium in the device could vaporize and be spread all over a large city. A very small amount of plutonium vaporized via cremation could kill millions of people. 

The nuclear industry is 'experimenting' with the lives of everyone on the planet, but with no notice, no permission and no warnings. The invisible, deadly radiation is being released from accidents, recycling plants, uranium mines, depleted uranium weapons use, and much more.. The following links are the tip of a huge iceberg of secrets that the nuclear industry does not want anyone to know about...


What is the take away? It is important to understand that these were not 'isolated' instances. The hospitals, clinics, nuclear regulators, government, medical doctors, universities, colleges, and military all worked together back then and they still work together today, in the same exact way.

The nuclear cabal consisting of universities, nuclear experts, scientists, medical doctors, nuclear regulators and government covered up, hid, lied, kept secrets back then, and they still do today. Nothing has changed. If you think it was bad back then, today it is much worse. The secrecy, lies and deceptions have only grown in both number and scale.

The power and profit motive underneath all of this keeps driving this sinister, dark and very deadly experimentation forward into the future. On the positive side, maybe we can learn something from the details of the suffering that these unwilling human lab rats went through, so we will know what Fukushima will do to at least a portion of the rest of humanity that was also exposed as unwilling plutonium, iodine, cesium, and xenon gas guinea pigs after 3/11. 


Thousands Of Unwilling, Unknowing Human Radioactive Plutonium Experiments; via @AGreenRoad

More like this at;

Human Radiation Experiments Performed Without Consent Or Knowledge; via @AGreenRoad

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