Dog Studies And Inhaled Plutonium Radiation Effects

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Dog Studies And Inhaled Plutonium Radiation Effects

Live in San Francisco? You (and your dog) Inhaled 75 MILLION Plutonium Atoms In Just 4 days

People, kids (and dogs) living in San Francisco inhaled 75 million plutonium atoms or 'hot' particles in just 4 days, according to PorterBlog analysis of EPA data. The data is VERY conservative, and is based on 1 second inhalation/exhalation with no particles sticking in the lungs, which is not realistic, and is discounted by a huge factor. 

Remember that these dozens of different types of invisible radioactive gases and particles came out of Fukushima for MONTHS, not just 4 days. So you can safely multiply these figures by 2 for a one week period, (150 Million) then again by 4 for one month, (600 million) then again by 2 or 3 for the several months (1800 million) because Fukushima was on fire, exploding, leaking and steaming with larger amounts of radiation for months after 3/11, not just for 4 days. As a matter of fact, Fukushima is still spewing hot particles today, and unit #3 is still steaming, out of control, and highly radioactive water is still being dumped or leaked into the ocean at a rate of 400 tons per day, or more. 

Remember also, that this is only counting ONE radioactive element, and there were many more. Now you can multiply the above by the number of different radioactive elements, say at least 1,000, out of the 1,946 that are documented? 

Radioactive Xenon Gas; Dangerous And Lung Cancer Causing Isotope; via A Green Road

1,946 Lethal Radioactive Man Made Isotopes Are Created By Nuclear Plants And Atomic Bombs; via @AGreenRoad

What effect will this plutonium, iodine, strontium, uranium, xenon and 1,996 other toxic, radioactive elements that came out of Fukushima  have on your children, and your grandchildren? 

Now we are up to 1,800 million atoms times 1,000. So we are up to 180,000 million radioactive element atoms that were breathed in by an average child in the USA. What right does the nuclear industry have to perform this radiation experiment on millions, possibly billions of people on planet Earth?

Here are some medical and scientific studies to give you some possible ideas of what effects we may see in the near future, as the incubation periods run out on the plutonium, strontium, iodine, and other radioactive elements that everyone breathed in, and are now eating, and drinking via Fukushima contaminated foods and drinks....


Radiat Res. 2012 Nov;178(5):447-67. doi: 10.1667/RR2504.1. Epub 2012 Sep 21.
Biological effects of inhaled 239PuO2 in Beagles.

Seven groups of 8-24 Beagle dogs, exposed to (239)PuO(2) aerosols by inhalation [mean initial lung depositions (ILD) of 0.0, 0.14, 0.63, 3.2, 13, 44 and 210 kBq] were observed throughout their lives to determine tissues at risk and dose-effect relationships. The mean average pulmonary retention half-time of (239)Pu was 1,192 days. Most (70%) of the plutonium recovered at death in dogs surviving >10 years after exposure was found in the thoracic lymph nodes with ∼15% in lung, ∼10% in liver and ∼2% in bone. Eight dogs at the highest exposure levels died from radiation pneumonitis prior to a minimal 3-year latency period after exposure for the observation of lung tumors, with the first succumbing 337 days after exposure. Of 108 plutonium-exposed Beagles with ILD[PubMed - indexed for MEDLINE]
National Library of Medicine (NLM).

A 1996 testing of 144 Beagles given inhaled Plutonium killed 141 of the dogs within 1.5 to 5.4 years. Bone tumors killed 93, Lung tumours killed 46, and liver tumors killed 2 (although liver tumors were found in 20 dogs, just that the Bone and Lung killed quicker).

Radiat Res. 1996 Mar;145(3):361-81.
Toxicity of inhaled plutonium dioxide in beagle dogs.

This study was conducted to determine the biological effects of inhaled 238PuO2 over the life spans of 144 beagle dogs. The dogs inhaled one of two sizes of monodisperse aerosols of 238PuO2 to achieve graded levels of initial lung burden (ILB). The aerosols also contained 169Yb to provide a gamma-ray-emitting label for the 238Pu inhaled by each dog. Excreta were collected periodically over each dog's life span to estimate plutonium excretion; at death, the tissues were analyzed radiochemically for plutonium activity. The tissue content and the amount of plutonium excreted were used to estimate the ILB. These data for each dog were used in a dosimetry model to estimate tissue doses. The lung, skeleton and liver received the highest alpha-particle doses, ranging from 0.16-68 Gy for the lung, 0.08-8.7 Gy for the skeleton and 0.18-19 for the liver. At death all dogs were necropsied, and all organs and lesions were sampled and examined by histopathology. Findings of non-neoplastic changes included neutropenia and lymphopenia that developed in a dose-related fashion soon after inhalation exposure. These effects persisted for up to 5 years in some animals, but no other health effects could be related to the blood changes observed. Radiation pneumonitis was observed among the dogs with the highest ILBs. Deaths from radiation pneumonitis occurred from 1.5 to 5.4 years after exposure. Tumors of the lung, skeleton and liver occurred beginning at about 3 years after exposure. Bone tumors found in 93 dogs were the most common cause of death. Lung tumors found in 46 dogs were the second most common cause of death. Liver tumors, which were found in 20 dogs but were the cause of death in only two dogs, occurred later than the tumors in bone and lung. Tumors in these three organs often occurred in the same animal and were competing causes of death. These findings in dogs suggest that similar dose-related biological effects could be expected in humans accidentally exposed to 238PuO2.


Am J Pathol. 1988 November; 133(2): 265–276.
PMCID: PMC1880776
Primary liver tumors in beagle dogs exposed by inhalation to aerosols of plutonium-238 dioxide.

Primary liver tumors developed in Beagle dogs exposed by inhalation to aerosols of 238PuO2. Initial deposition of 238PuO2 in the respiratory tract was followed by translocation of a portion of the 238Pu to the liver and skeleton, which resulted in a large dose commitment and tumor risk to all three tissues. 

In a population of 144 dogs exposed to 238PuO2, 112 dogs had died or were killed 4000 days after 238Pu exposure;
100 dogs had osteosarcoma
28 dogs had lung cancers
(128 out of 144 dogs developed disease or died due to plutonium. This does not include liver tumors below.)

At increasing times after exposure, however, liver lesions have become more pronounced. Ten primary liver tumors in nine animals were diagnosed in the dogs dying before 4000 days after exposure. An additional five primary liver tumors in three dogs occurred in 9 animals killed after 4000 days after exposure. The majority of these tumors have been fibrosarcomas. The liver tumors were usually not the cause of death, and rarely metastasized. The occurrence of liver tumors in this study indicates that 238Pu is an effective hepatic carcinogen. Liver carcinogenesis is assuming an increasing importance in this study at late times after inhalation exposure. These results suggest that the liver may be an important organ at risk for the development of neoplasia in humans at time periods long after inhalation of 238Pu.
National Library of Medicine (NLM).

The picture above is a liver tumor in a dog. Liver tumors happened mostly with lower levels of plutonium exposure. With higher amounts of plutonium exposure, the bones and heart were affected more. Note that they talk about a 'latency' period, which Helen Caldicott MD also talked about. It can take years for cancers to develop from initial exposure to plutonium, and this is called the 'latency' period.


Am J Pathol. 1977 June; 87(3): 499–510.
PMCID: PMC2032130
Radiation-induced erythroleukemia in the beagle dog. A hematologic summary of five cases.

Eleven cases of myeloproliferative disease occurred in a group of 24 beagle dogs placed in a 60Co gamma-ray field at about 13 months of age and irradiated at an exposure rate of 5 R/22-hour day for duratior of life. Of these 11 dogs, 5 (described in this paper) were diagnosed as having erythroleukemia. The bone marrow showed marked erythroblastic hyperplasia, with maturation arrest of the erythroid elements, and increased numbers of myeloblasts and promyelocytes. The terminal peripheral blood was characterized by marked anemia and thrombocytopenia, with circulating erythrocytic precursors and abnormal erythrocyte morphology. Splenomegaly and hepatomegaly occurred in 4 of the 5 animals. In the spleens and livers of all 5, there was extensive leukemic infiltration and proliferation. The extent of leukemic involvement in other tissues and organs varied in individual dogs.
National Library of Medicine (NLM).


This study describes the effect of intratracheal instillations (2 X 5 mg) of benzo(a)pyrene (B(a)P) on lung carcinogenesis in rats which had previously inhaled different levels of 239 plutonium oxide (220, 630, 6300 Bq, initial lung burden). Survival decreased with increasing PuO2 exposure and additional B(a)P exposure. The incidence of malignant lung tumours, adjusted for differences in survival, increased in a dose-related fashion with PuO2 dose and was elevated in the presence of additional B(a)P exposure. A multiplicative relative risk model was found to describe reasonably well the observed joint effect. The practical implications of these findings are discussed.
National Library of Medicine (NLM).


We have investigated the possibility that transgenerational effects from preconceptional paternal irradiation (PPI) may render offspring more vulnerable to secondary exposure to an unrelated carcinogen. 239Pu (0, 128 or 256 Bq g(-1)) was administered by intravenous injection to male mice, 12 weeks before mating with normal females. Two strains of mouse were used -- CBA/H and BDF1. Haemopoietic spleen colony-forming units (CFU-S) and fibroblastoid colony-forming units (CFU-F), a component of their regulatory microenvironment, were assayed independently in individual offspring at 6, 12 and 19 weeks of age. Bone marrow and spleen from each of these mice were grown in suspension culture for 2 or 7 days for assessment of chromosomal aberrations. Female BDF1 were injected with methyl-nitroso-urea (MNU) as a secondary carcinogen at 10 weeks of age and monitored for onset of leukaemia/lymphoma. Mean values of CFU-S and CFU-F were unaffected by preconceptional paternal plutonium-239 (PP-239Pu), although for CFU-F in particular there was an apparent increase in variation between individual animals. There was significant evidence of an increase in chromosomal aberrations with dose in bone marrow but not in spleen. By 250 days, 68% of MNU-treated control animals (no PPI) had developed thymic lymphoma (62%) or leukaemia (38%). The first case arose 89 days after MNU administration. In the groups with PPI, leukaemia/lymphoma developed from 28 days earlier, rising to 90% by 250 days. Leukaemia (65%) now predominated over lymphoma (35%). This second generation excess of leukaemia appears to be the result of PPI and may be related to inherited changes that affect the development of haemopoietic stem cells.
National Library of Medicine (NLM).


Out of a total of 185 cases of acute leukemia at our institution from 1967 to 1978, fifteen cases (8.1%) were identified as erythroleukemia or erythremic myelosis. The symptoms at presentation were often related to anemia (10/15 cases); the presenting hemoglobin value was lower than 10.0 gm/100 ml. Nucleated red cells were present in the peripheral blood and reticulocyte response was inappropriate to the degree of anemia. Marrow biopsy showed erythroid hyperplasia with megaloblastic and dyserythropoietic features, increase in myeloblasts greater than 5% (10/15 cases), positive PAS staining of erythroid precursors (12/12 cases), and erythrophagocytosis by abnormal erythroid precursors (6/15 cases). Abnormalities were noted in monocytic and megakaryocytic cell lines, and it was concluded that erythroleukemia is probably a stem cell disorder. Response to chemotherapy was poor with median survival of four months from initial diagnosis. Intracranial hemorrhage and bacterial or fungal infection were the most frequent cause of death.
National Library of Medicine (NLM).
Source of studies above: National Library of Medicine (NLM).

828 Radioactive Beagles Are Buried At Hanford
October 17, 1990

SPOKANE, WASH. — Hundreds of dead dogs, the remains of a Cold War radiation experiment, were shipped to the Hanford nuclear reservation for burial last month. Coming next: 17.5 tons of their radioactive excrement. The 828 dead beagles, shipped from California in 55-gallon drums, were buried in trenches at Hanford. Their remains had been stored in freezers at the Institute of Toxicology and Environmental Health on the University of California campus at Davis. The last dog died at the age of 18 1/2 in 1986, 27 years after government-funded beagle experiments began. The beagle cleanup, expected to cost about $22 million, is part of a nationwide Department of Energy effort to clean up radiation contamination at university labs."

What is the take away from the EPA reference and the dog studies? If plutonium is so safe, why did they have to collect all of these plutonium dosed dogs and their waste and ship them to a hazardous waste site like Hanford? Plutonium and the other radioactive elements that come out of nuclear weapons labs, processing facilities, and recycling units are deadly dangerous, and the risk goes up with increasing dose. If plutonium was as safe as the pro nuclear apologists claim, they would have just buried the dogs locally, or handed them over to a local pet cemetery. 

The hazard of plutonium goes up when it is combined with other chemicals or hazardous, toxic materials, such as the other things that come out of a nuclear reactor disaster, oil products, chemicals used in daily life, and more. 

Plutonium is also a hazard for young males and females, who will have kids. The plutonium causes higher rates of birth defects and leukemia in kids born to parents who have been exposed to plutonium.  Pregnant women are also at higher risk because the plutonium can and does get into or near the eggs, sperm and fetus, causing direct harm to the human embryo. 

If someone tries to tell you plutonium is not dangerous, you can smile, nod and tell them about these studies. Then vote the pro nuclear apologists out of office.  Because you have seen the studies, and you have seen the effects of plutonium, that should be enough to close down all of these genocidal death traps. If this is not enough, offer to take the pro nuclear person to Hanford and show them the close to 1,000 radioactive dogs buried in 55 gallon drums, along with their radioactive waste. 

How Dangerous Is 400-6000 Pounds Of Plutonium Nano Particle Dust Liberated By Fukushima? Via @AGreenRoad

Fukushima Released Massive Amounts of Plutonium; It Was Found In Japan, The Pacific Ocean And Inside Many US Cities; via @AGreenRoad

Plutonium-238 From Fukushima Traveled Around The World - ‘Misleading’ Experts Said It Would Stay Close By, Or Did Not Happen; via @AGreenRoad

We know that plutonium was released in massive amounts (600-6000 pounds) from Fukushima. We learned that plutonium is deadly in even very small nano sized particles. According to Helen Caldicott MD, just one pound of plutonium turned into nano particle dust and distributed all around the world, can kill everyone long term, after the incubation period, which can last 30 to 40 years. 

The nuclear industry is rapidly expanding the use of plutonium and converting ALL uranium fueled reactors to burn plutonium instead. Plutonium is also being used in space vehicles, satellites, and more. 

The problem is that plutonium can burn when exposed to air, thus releasing it's super deadly nano particles. It is also a terrorism risk, because it is very easy to make a hydrogen bomb out of just a small amount of it. Wouldn't you agree, that this highly flammable, deadly cancer causing substance should not be allowed near your neighborhood or in the world? 

Dogs and kids are much more vulnerable to radioactive substances such as plutonium. Dogs fur is like a magnet for hot charged particles, and their noses are close to the ground. They are sniffing in hot particles that are more abundant closer to the ground. Their hairy paws also pick up hot particles. They lick these hot particles and ingest them as they groom themselves or their pups. When they shake, they 'spray' hot particles in all directions out of their fur. 

When pets come in the house, they can contaminate the whole house, if they walked through or rolled in a 'hot' spot. So it is wise if you own a pet, to periodically test their paws, their pet bed and test areas where the pet spends time (such as on the couch or bed) for radiation with a high quality pancake detector style of Geiger counter. AGRP has seen at least one instance where a pet owner was shocked to find radioactive couch cushions in their house, but that is where their pet spent most of it's time.

Please help shut down the nuclear industry, which seems to be setting out to destroy not only our most beloved companions, (kids, dogs and cats), but all life on the planet with their deadly radioactive substances. 


Dog Studies And Inhaled Plutonium Radiation Effects; via @AGreenRoad 

For more articles; 

How Dangerous Is 400-6000 Pounds Of Plutonium Nano Particle Dust Liberated By Fukushima? Via @AGreenRoad

Fukushima Released Massive Amounts of Plutonium; It Was Found In Japan, The Pacific Ocean And Inside Many US Cities; via @AGreenRoad

Plutonium-238 From Fukushima Traveled Around The World - ‘Misleading’ Experts Said It Would Stay Close By, Or Did Not Happen; via @AGreenRoad

Fukushima Spent Fuel Pool #4 Contained A Full Load of MOX Plutonium Fuel; It Melted Down, Exploded And Burned; via @AGreenRoad

25% of #2, 50% of #3, 100% of #4 Spent Fuel Pools Burned Up And Vaporized, 100 - 1000 Tons Plutonium Per SFP; via @AGreenRoad

Fukushima Plutonium Detected In Lithuania - Toxicity Of Plutonium Scientific Animal Studies; via @AGreenRoad

How Dangerous Is 400-6000 Pounds Of Plutonium Nano Particle Dust Liberated By Fukushima? Via @AGreenRoad

Fukushima Secret Nuclear Weapons Research- Plutonium Weapons Research - Breeder Reactor? via @AGreenRoad

Dr. Holger Strohm - Plutonium From Fukushima Will Kill Millions - Via Recycling Through Many Future Generations; via @AGreenRoad

Plutonium Mimics Iron In Body - 2 Million Times More Dangerous Than Uranium, MOX Planned For Use In All Future Nuclear Power Plants; via @AGreenRoad

Alpha Radiation Dangers; Polonium, Radon, Radium, Plutonium, Uranium; via@AGreenRoad

Pu-239, The Half Life of Timofey Berezin; via @AGreenRoad

Fukushima Nano Bucky Balls Weaponized With Uranium, Plutonium, And Cesium; via A Green Road

Santa Susana Sodium Reactor In Los Angeles California Nuclear Plant Meltdown; Completely Covered Up And Worse Than Three Mile Island; via @AGreenRoad

CIA Lost A Plutonium Spying Device In Nanda Devi; Contaminating The Ganges River; via @AGreenRoad

1966 Palomares Spain B-52 Crash Spread Plutonium From Hydrogen Bombs Over Wide Area

Is There 'Natural' Plutonium And Are There 'Natural' Fission Reactions? via @AGreenRoad

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