2014 - Fukushima Radiation Linked By Scientists To Hairless Seals And Mass Animal Die Offs In Alaska

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2014 - Fukushima Radiation Linked By Scientists To Hairless Seals And Mass Animal Die Offs In Alaska

Mass die off of starfish report

Beyond strange, very weird things are going on with the wildlife and the weather in Alaska, BC and down the Pacific ocean coastline. 

Weather and strange animals that have never been seen before are being spotted all over the state. There are really odd things going on that are being photographed and reported all over the state. 

Seals and salmon are being found with white spots, sores and white goo inside of them. Sea stars are dissolving into white goo, all the way from Alaska to Mexico. The crows, polar bears and other scavengers won't touch these 'weird' animals, despite being the official dead animal cleanup 'buzzards' of Alaska. 

In another case, a seal was harvested, and the organs were all 'wrong'. The kidneys were too small on one side and too large and almost black on the other, the liver was about 1/2 normal size.

More strange going ons in Alaska, include hairless seals, orange colored seal, unusual growths inside salmon, krill die off, fish die off, dead sea birds, sick fish with growth on it, and more. 

Unusual white growths inside salmon

Hairless seal Alaska 2013

Sick fish, Alaska..2013

Krill die off Alaska 2013

Dead krill, Alaska 2013

Fish die off in Klawock Alaska 2013

more of same

Dead sea birds, English Bay, Alaska 2013

For all those that believe the earth is cooling down, in Decemmber of 2013, the far northern part of the North Slope in Alaska there is no snow, very warm weather, 45 degrees Fahrenheit, rain plus very unusual lightning, while at the same time, it is -10 below zero Fahrenheit in the midwest part of the United States. The north slope Alaska cold weather and southern states warm weather has been reversed. The lower 48 is getting Alaska's weather, and Alaska is getting the lower 48 states weather.

No snow in December, North Slope area of far north Alaska. http://www.flickr.com/photos/leoalaska/11316867824/in/photostream/

Rain plus lightning in December 2013, North Slope area of Alaska

Due to accelerated global warming, polar bears in Alaska are getting so desperate for food, they are now being seen drinking hydraulic fluid, eating car batteries and car seats, just to make it through another day, because there is no ice pack to go hunting on.

The lower 48 is getting Alaska's weather, and Alaska is getting the lower 48 states weather. It is -20 In Minnesota in the middle of January 2014, without the wind chill factor added in. At the same time, it is +45 degrees Fahrenheit in far north Alaska, which should be having this -20 temperature. What kind of crazy is going on here? 

Back in 2002, it was noted that seals do accumulate cesium in their bodies. Why would that be so hard to believe now?

"Seals are high trophic level feeders that bioaccumulate many contaminants to a greater degree than most lower trophic level organisms. Their trophic status in the marine food web and wide-spread distribution make seals useful sentinels of arctic environmental change."

Mar Pollut Bull. 2002 Dec;44(12):1366-71.
Bioaccumulation of radiocaesium in Arctic seals.
Carroll J, Wolkers H, Andersen M, Rissanen K.

For the first time ever, scientists are admitting that Fukushima radiation is related to unusual seal deaths noted above. They are blaming a 'pulse' of radiation from Fukushima as the ice melted for causing the problems with seals, polar bears and walruses.

Now that the connections are starting to fall into place, nearly three years after the Fukushima mega disaster happened, maybe the pro nuclear scientists will even start admitting reality instead of living in some kind of strange fantasy world where no one is affected and no animals die or get sick from the largest, most toxic, most deadly radiation release the planet has ever seen in human history. They have never admitted to anything like this for any prior nuclear accident, but there is always a hope for a first time, right? 


2014 - Fukushima Radiation Linked By Scientists To Hairless Seals, Mass Animal Die Offs And Sickness In Alaska; via @AGreenRoad

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