Multiple CIA Secret Torture Prisons All Over The World; Not Foreign Governments Doing Torturing, It Was The CIA All The Way

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Multiple CIA Secret Torture Prisons All Over The World; Not Foreign Governments Doing Torturing, It Was The CIA All The Way

Published on Dec 10, 2014
The damning report into CIA torture has led Poland to finally admit that it DID host a secret American prison - after years of denying it. It's the first acknowledgement by a foreign country to hosting such a site. The person from the UK being interviewed was fired for disclosing what was happening in this secret CIA prison in Europe, as he was told that he was making things up and lying to the public. He goes on to say that the Guantanamo prison who were flown to one specific prison were killed, because they disappeared, never to be seen again. 


A vast network of covert CIA facilities appears to be everywhere in the Middle East, North Africa and Eastern Europe. CIA secret prisons were reported to be operating in Poland and Lithuania, and the controversy over this news has divided Europe and triggered a political crisis in several countries. Are the allegations true?


Via Heart of the Rose December 14, 2014 "Humans have embarked in full scale depravity. Another marker of the decline of a civilization.. Inside the CIA’s Sadistic Dungeon Dec 9 2014

Many of the most shocking scenes recounted in the Senate’s torture report all take place at a location known as ‘Cobalt,’ the ‘Dark Prison,’ the ‘Salt Pit,’ and a ‘dungeon.’ At the CIA’s detention site Cobalt, the lights were never turned on.
Why does it have to be so dark?
Why do we have to get the complete freak on..?
To what end..?
Eventually all that is left talking hate in the mirror ..when the world is done with them.
The military.. a couple of medals.. a retirement package and a warm bed at the VA."

President Obama has cut a swathe through the Bush-era National Security Program, forcing the CIA to close its secret overseas prisons and ban harsh interrogation methods. RTs Anastasia Churkina spoke to Human Rights lawyer John Sifton, who reveals the truth behind CIA secret prisons - the controversy, the lies, the torture, and the blacked-out documents..

Any country that is involved with torture, is violating human rights agreements. Especially in Europe, there is a much bigger scandal, because their human rights agreements are much more detailed and at a higher level than in other countries, in part due to Nazi Holocaust. 

There were deaths in both the military and CIA prisons. 

The CIA redacted documents on FOIA documents, and they will not disclose any information and they refuse to admit to anything, claiming it would hurt 'national security'. What difference does it make if the programs are all closed and done? 

The victims of these prisons were not all terrorists. Innocent people were also caught up in these torture prisons both on the military and CIA prisons. 

This is a stain and blot on the moral character of the US, which claims to be a standard holder of human rights. President Obama has ended the program, but releasing the CIA report is not enough to cleanse the stain. Odds are nothing else will happen, now that Republicans are in control of both the Senate and Congress. 

Republicans as a rule seem to be much more in favor of torture, compared with the Democrats. Senator Feinstein is the one who came out in public as the report was released, right before Republicans took over. Odds are that the report would not have been released if Republicans were in control all the way through. 

It will be interesting to see if the Republicans bring back the secret torture prisons and CIA programs on their watch, now that they are in control.


The Detainee Abuse Photos Obama Didn’t Want You To See
If you thought the Senate’s ‘torture report’ was shocking, imagine the prospect of the Obama administration releasing hundreds, maybe thousands of photographs depicting detainee abuse.


Classified Evidence: US Soldiers Raped Boys In Front Of Their Mothers
Now, over a decade later the evidence of these events are beginning to surface, but the Department of Defense is still doing their best to keep it under the radar.
AGRP predicts that unless the judge releases these photos before the Republicans take over in both Congress and the Senate, that there will be a disappearance of these photos, either that, or a law will quickly be passed to ban or censor them. After all, the US cannot have it's biggest and best image and appearance besmirched by something like this, can it? People might be outraged and demand something be done about it. Worse yet, someone may demand accountability and punishment, and then the search would be on to find a culprit, or two, but more likely it will be a low level clerk or paper pusher who will go to jail over this, but not the masterminds who engineered it and gave it the 'cover' story of acceptability or legality, despite being clearly illegal according to the Geneva Convention. 


"Perhaps the most gut-wrenching story to emerge from Bagram has been buried in the German media and remains unknown to much of the world. Published by German author and former politician Juergen Todenhoefer in his latest book, Thou Shalt Not Kill, the account stems from a visit to Kabul. At a local hotel, a former Canadian soldier and private security contractor named Jack told Todenhoefer why he could not longer stand working in Bagram. "It's not my thing when Afghans get raped by dogs,” Jack remarked." For more on this, click on...

Were those dogs and their 'handlers' administering this torture US military, CIA or some other organization? 


Many military officers go through programs to resist illegal torture in foreign prisons. This same illegal torture program that was used to train military and CIA officers, was also used to set up the CIA secret rendition and torture program under President Bush. There was not going to be any intelligence coming out of it; it was just torture, pure and simple. 

CIA Interrogation Program Was Re-Reverse-Engineered Torture
Many Americans assume the architects of the CIA's so-called "enhanced interrogation" program were hardened, trained professionals of the storied spy agency. But as the Senate torture report makes clear, the policy was, in fact, the brainchild of two psychologist contractors previously employed by the U.S. Air Force's SERE (Survival, Evasion, Resistance and Escape) program. The history of this program reveals its true nature, and it has nothing to do with professional interrogation. The point of the SERE program is torture, and when the CIA hired SERE psychologists, that's exactly what it got.

The Legal Prohibition Against Torture
Men who had been held under American custody at Bagram have described standing naked, their faces hooded, their arms raised, and chained to the ceiling, their feet shackled for days on end (thirteen days in the case of one of them) without being allowed to sleep. The U.S. military has begun a criminal investigation into the deaths two Afghan men held at Bagram, both of whom died as a result of blunt force injuries. An U.S. Army pathologist reportedly classified the deaths as homicides. (See, New York Times, "Threats and Responses: Prisonsers; U.S. Military Investigating Death of Afghan in Custody," March 4, 2003, and Washington Post, "Army Probing Deaths of 2 Afghan Prisoners," March 5, 2003.)

It should be clear and convincing evidence that an active and illegal torture program set up by people within the US government resulted in a number of deaths in many facilities controlled by both the CIA and the US military.

To this date, no one has admitted or charged or even investigated any of these deaths with the goal of finding out who was responsible for the deaths, much less bringing charges against them. Maybe the US has sunk to a new low of not only allowing illegal torture, but also deaths. Now that this is ok with the US, other countries can go about torturing and killing with wild abandon, because the US set the standard, and has no problems with it.

Human rights? Who cares? Assassinating, droning and torturing people is fun, and besides, the CIA gets more money and they really need it. (sarcasm)


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Multiple CIA Secret Torture Prisons All Over The World; Not Foreign Governments Doing Torturing, It Was The CIA All The Way

2014; CIA Sponsored Torture And Renderings Still Legal In The USA; via A Green Road

CIA And White House Suppressed US Senate Report On Torture Plus Cruel And Unusual Punishment In The USA

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CIA, US Military, And Medical Human Radiation Experiments Performed Without Consent Or Knowledge; via @AGreenRoad

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Robert Greenwald - The CIA, 1% And Government War on Whistleblowers; via @AGreenRoad


The USA is subject to fear and over reaction in times of crisis. The US jailed Japanese US citizens without due process during WWII, without trial or due process. The US forced indigenous Indians out and took over their land after 'discovering' what would become the USA. Slavery was common not too many years ago, and it was not until recently that women even got the 'right' to vote or own property. 

The US seems to be expressing a very violent and aggressive nature historically. In this way, torture today should be no big surprise. The only problem with basing all solutions on a violent, threatening and persistent human rights abusive type of pattern is that it sets up that nation for a fall. Power corrupts, but absolute power corrupts absolutely. 

It will be interesting to see if the media explores the roots of this torture campaign and follow it back to the roots, into the secret chambers where the 1% plan their takeovers and undercover activities. 

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Multiple CIA Secret Torture Prisons All Over The World; Not Foreign Governments Doing Torturing, It Was The CIA All The Way

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Art And Science Of Deception; Global Corporations, CIA, Journalism And The 1%, Whistleblowers, Voting, Elections And Solutions

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