CIA Training Centers, Universities, School Of The Americas, SOA, The Farm, Western Hemisphere Institute for Security Cooperation, WHINSEC

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CIA Training Centers, Universities, School Of The Americas, SOA, The Farm, Western Hemisphere Institute for Security Cooperation, WHINSEC

CIA Training Centers, Universities, School Of The Americas, SOA,  The Farm, Western Hemisphere Institute for Security Cooperation, WHINSEC


Any government, agency or organization that is based primarily on secrets has to 'compartmentalize' in order to keep secrets most efficiently and effectively.  In turn, this means the left hand does not know what the right hand is doing. Only a few people at the top know what the real picture is, and get a broad overview. If any one of those people are corrupt at the top, then the whole compartmentalized organization becomes corrupted, because it is controlled from the TOP DOWN. If the President or leader is corrupt or misuses the secret organization, then odds are that the whole organization will also be corrupted by that. 

Another mechanism that happens in all secret organizations is that the 'leader', no matter who it is, loses control of the organization, especially if it grows to more than 300 people, which is about all one person can manage and still keep track of enough details to know what the heck is going on. After that size, things tend to go downhill, no matter what is done. 

Pol Pot said about his 'secret' government, which ended up committing genocide on millions of people, supposedly without his knowledge or permission; "He said he must accept responsibility because he didn't keep proper track of what was going on. He said he was like the master in a house he didn't know what the kids were up to, and that he trusted people too much. For example, he allowed [one person] to take care of central committee business for him, [another person] to take care of intellectuals, and [a third person] to take care of political education.... These were the people to whom he felt very close, and he trusted them completely. Then in the end ... they made a mess of everything.... They would tell him things that were not true, that everything was fine, that this person or that was a traitor. In the end they were the real traitors..[49]"

The only problem is, with any large secret organization, delegation is required, because micro management does not work. Delegation is hard because one has to 'trust' people. Super secret organizations such as the Mafia, CIA, NSA and military, tend to attract people who are sociopathic, which also means they are not trustworthy. Due to not having clear morals or ethics, they will do things that no one knows about, and turn the organization into a festering pool of corruption.

In the end and over the long term, any super secret organization that is not open and transparent to the public, will cause more problems than it solves.  CIA schools are an example of how this works in practice. 

What effect would you expect from training expert killers and torturers and then letting them loose on society, many times controlled by the CIA? This article and movie is about what happens when this is done, and continues to be done even today. 


Serena Yang produced this Spy School documentary on the CIA Training Program at the top secret military facility known as The Farm. Released as a DVD bonus feature for the Touchstone Pictures and Spyglass Entertainment feature film, THE RECRUIT.

They look for the best and the brightest, and approach them to see if they want to work for the CIA. They want people who are energetic, out of the box, not black or white and can deal with ambiguous grey material. They get thousands of calls and almost all them are rejected. Then they do exhaustive interviews in depth, IQ tests, personality tests, and more. 

If you have the characteristics that the CIA looks for, then you do more in depth investigations, history, lie detector tests, and finally you go to secret training facilities. 

Then you learn the 'black arts'.

But what does all of that 'fun' sounding stuff actually consist of?

The movie sounds like a great recruiting tool for the CIA, making them sound glamorous, adventurous, and mysterious. Who doesn't like that? James Bond movies also glamorized CIA spy operations, but what do fictional movies have to do with real life?

Now let's dive into what actually happens after people graduate from schools such as this, where people learn how to assassinate, torture, become dictators, spies and much more...

"School Of The Americas" - (School For Training Assassins)

55,000 Military officers from 23 countries have been trained at this school. It teaches counterinsurgency, which is basically how to subvert the local people, according to Rep Kennedy. The school is famous for producing dictators who end up repressing the people in their countries. The end result of this training produces death squads, assassinations of people complaining about environmental, human rights, or democracy issues, including US citizens who are acting as missionaries in those countries.

When the Archbishop of El Salvador called for an end to the violence being conducted by his countries military leaders, a meeting was held at the American Embassy, where lots were drawn to see who would assassinate the Archbishop. Three of those present were trained at the School of the Americas. 

In another case, 900 innocent civilians including over 100 children, were massacred by the military  in El Salvador. 10 out of the 12 individuals involved had been trained at the School of the Americas. 

In another case, 6 Jesuit priests, their daughter, and a housekeeper were assassinated by a military squad, most of whom had just returned from training at School of the Americas. 

The rape and murder of 4 Christian missionaries and nuns was linked back to 5 individuals, of which 3 were graduates of the School Of The Americas. 

Many of those graduates are honored at the School Of the Americas by having their pictures hung in a place of honor. Included in the honor gallery are dictators and/or they are guilty of human rights abuses, according to human rights watch groups. Quite a rogues gallery; really something to be proud of... Of course, there are links to the CIA with all of these schools, and they readily admit that they recruit and/or train at multiple facilities, not just one or the other. 

CIA and School of The Americas

The CIA knows and abets in the torturing of people all over the world, and they have been doing this for a LONG time. The US government turns a blind eye to it, because of the 'fear' of terrorists, or Communists, or Socialists, or some other boogeymen. Of course, anyone opposed to the US doing whatever it wants in any country, including torturing people and installing dictators, must be kidnapped, tortured and then killed, as the following story illustrates. The CIA 'outsources' the torture part in many cases, but they are still involved, know about it, and 'supervise'. 

The School of the Americas, the CIA and the US-Condoned Cancer of Torture Continue to Spread in Latin America, Including Mexico


War on democracy - School of Americas, interview with CIA Operations Officer Duane Dewey Clarridge

"Duane Ramsdell "Dewey" Clarridge (born April 16, 1932) was a senior operations officer for the United States Central Intelligence Agency and supervisor for more than 30 years, who became known in the mid-1980s for his role in the Contra end of the Iran-Contra Affair. He is the planner of the clandestine mining of Nicaragua's harbors during the Nicaraguan Revolution.[1][2] Clarridge was the founding director of the Counterterrorist Center.[3]

CIA Career

Clarridge was born into a "staunchly Republican family"[4] in Nashua, New Hampshire. His father was Duane Herbert Clarridge and his mother was Alice Scott Ramsdale. Duane Herbert Clarridge worked as a dentist.

During his three-year tenure, he directed several of the CIA's more notorious operations in Latin America, including the 1984 mining of Nicaraguan harbors, an act for which the United States was convicted in 1986 World Court at the Hague (Nicaragua v. United States). 

When asked about his role in the mining, Clarridge was open about his involvement but downplayed the severity of the covert operation: "So we decided to go big time for the economics alright... So I was sitting at home one night, frankly having a glass of gin, and I said you know the mines has gotta be the solution. I knew we had 'em, we'd made 'em outta sewer pipe and we had the good fusing system on them and we were ready. And you know they wouldn't really hurt anybody because they just weren't that big a mine, alright? Yeah, with luck, bad luck we might hurt somebody, but pretty hard you know?"

Clarridge was also instrumental in organizing and recruiting Contra forces to overthrow Nicaragua's leftist Sandinista government. Clarridge used aliases such as "Dewey Maroni" during these operations. He described the early Contra force as "about 500... some of them were former members of the Nicaraguan National Guard(whose leader Anastasio Somoza Debayle had been overthrown by the Sandinistas in 1979), or a lot of them were just you know peasants from the mountainous areas between Honduras and Nicaragua who had been at war with somebody, forever.

And in many respects they were like a bunch of cattle rustlers. Bandits. Not bandits, they weren't robbing people but they were doing the things they do in that area." But, Clarridge maintained, by the end of the conflict, the Contras numbered more than 20,000 peasants due less to the CIA's efforts than to the Sandinistas' attempts at reeducation and land redistribution.

In 1984 he became chief of the European Division of the CIA, where he ran a successful "counterterrorist" operation. Later, with the support of CIA director William Casey, he set up a Counterterrorist Center that operated out of Langley, Virginia.


He has claimed that he had no involvement in the later illegal diversion of funds to the Contras or the subsequent cover-up. Clarridge was indicted in November 1991 on seven counts of perjury and false statements. On Christmas Eve 1992 in the waning hours of his presidency, George H. W. Bush pardoned Clarridge before his trial could finish. At the same time, Bush pardoned five of Clarridge's associates in the Iran-Contra Affair including former Defense Secretary Caspar Weinberger, Elliott Abrams, a former assistant secretary of state for Inter-American affairs; former National Security Advisor Robert McFarlane; and former CIA employees Alan Fiers and Clair George.

Post-CIA career

Clarridge currently runs a "private spying operation . . . from poolside at his home near San Diego.[4] According to the New York Times, "he has fielded operatives in the mountains of Pakistan and the desert badlands of Afghanistan."[4] 

Specifically, he "has sought to discredit Ahmed Wali Karzai, the Kandahar power broker who has long been on the C.I.A. payroll, and planned to set spies on his half brother, the Afghan president, Hamid Karzai, in hopes of collecting beard trimmings or other DNAsamples that might prove Mr. Clarridge’s suspicions that the Afghan leader was a heroin addict."[4] 

In addition to these efforts, Clarridge's "dispatches—an amalgam of fact, rumor, analysis and uncorroborated reports—have been sent to military officials who, until last spring at least, found some credible enough to be used in planning strikes against militants in Afghanistan. They are also fed to conservative commentators, including Oliver L. North, a compatriot from the Iran-contra days and now a Fox News analyst, and Brad Thor, an author of military thrillers and a frequent guest of Glenn Beck."[4]

Colleagues say that Clarridge now views the CIA "largely with contempt."[4] He has "likened his operation, called the Eclipse Group, to the Office of Strategic Services, the C.I.A.’s World War II precursor."[4]

See also

Gladio, NATO's paramilitary anticommunist organizations during the Cold War, active in most European countries and which followed a strategy of tension in Italy and Turkey. Operation Charly"

See also;

CIA Used To Assassinate Foreign Democratically Elected Leaders And Install US Friendly Dictators


Wikipedia; "The CIA established its first training facility, the Office of Training and Education, in 1950. Following the end of the Cold War, the CIA's training budget was slashed, which had a negative effect on employee retention.[49][50] In response, Director of Central Intelligence George Tenet established CIA University in 2002.[49][51] 

CIA University holds between 200 and 300 courses each year, training both new hires and experienced intelligence officers, as well as CIA support staff.[49][50] The facility works in partnership with the National Intelligence University, and includes the Sherman Kent School for Intelligence Analysis, the Directorate of Intelligence's component of the university.[51][52][53]

For later stage training of student operations officers, there is at least one classified training area at Camp Peary, near Williamsburg, Virginia. Students are selected, and their progress evaluated, in ways derived from the OSS, published as the book Assessment of Men, Selection of Personnel for the Office of Strategic Services.[54]Additional mission training is conducted at Harvey Point, North Carolina.[55]

The primary training facility for the Office of Communications is Warrenton Training Center, located near Warrenton, Virginia. The facility was established in 1951 and has been used by the CIA since at least 1955.[56][57]

Spanish language documentary movie 

Wikipedia; "The Western Hemisphere Institute for Security Cooperation (WHINSEC), formerly known as the US Army School of the Americas,[1][2] is a United States Department of Defense Institute located at Fort Benning near Columbus, Georgia, that provides military training to government personnel of Latin American countries with right-wing governments.

The school was founded in 1946 and from 1961 was assigned the specific goal of teaching "anti-communist counterinsurgency training," a role which it would fulfill for the rest of the Cold War.[3] In this period, it educated several Latin American dictators, generations of their military and, during the 1980s, included the uses of torture in its curriculum.[4][5] In 2000/2001, the institute was renamed to WHINSEC.[6][7]

The US Army School of the Americas was founded in 1946. From 1961 (during the Kennedy administration), the School was assigned the specific Cold War goal of teaching "anti-communist" counterinsurgency training to military personnel of Latin American countries.[3] At the time and in those places, "communists" was, in the words of anthropologist Lesley Gill, "... an enormously elastic category that could accommodate almost any critic of the status quo."[7]:10

During this period, Colombia supplied the largest number of students from any client country.[7]:17 As the Cold War drew to a close around 1990, United States foreign policy shifted focus from "anti-communism" to the War on Drugs, with narcoguerillas replacing "communists".[7]:10 This term was later replaced by "the more ominous sounding 'terrorist'".[7]:10


By 2000 the School of the Americas was under increasing criticism in the United States for training students who later participated in undemocratic governments and committed human rights abuses. In 2000 Congress, through the FY01 National Defense Act, withdrew the Secretary of the Army's authority to operate USARSA.[8]


The next year, WHINSEC was founded as a successor institute. U.S. Army Maj. Joseph Blair, a former director of instruction at the school, said in 2002 that "there are no substantive changes besides the name. [...] They teach the identical courses that I taught and changed the course names and use the same manuals."[1]

But in 2013 researcher Ruth Blakeley concluded after interviews with WHINSEC personnel and anti-SOA/WHINSEC protesters that "there was considerable transparency [...] established after the transition from SOA to WHINSEC" and that "a much more rigorous human rights training program was in place than in any other US military institution".[9]


In 2005 a bill to abolish the institute, with 134 cosponsors, was introduced to the House Armed Services Committee.[16] In June 2007, the McGovern/Lewis Amendment to shut off funding for the Institute failed by six votes.[17] This effort to close the Institute was endorsed by the nonpartisan Council on Hemispheric Affairs, which described the Institute as a "black eye" for America.[18]
Annual protest at SOA

Non Participation

In 2004, Venezuela ceased all training of its soldiers at WHINSEC[10] after a long period of chilling relations between the United States and Venezuela. On March 28, 2006, the government of Argentina, headed by President Néstor Kirchner, decided to stop sending soldiers to train at WHINSEC, and the government of Uruguayaffirmed that it would continue its current policy of not sending soldiers to WHINSEC.[11][12]

In 2007, Óscar Arias, president of Costa Rica, decided to stop sending Costa Rican police to the WHINSEC, although he later reneged, saying the training would be beneficial for counter-narcotics operations. Costa Rica has no military but has sent some 2,600 police officers to the school.[13] Bolivian President Evo Morales formally announced on February 18, 2008, that he would not send Bolivian military or police officers to WHINSEC.[14] In 2012, President Rafael Correa announced that Ecuador would withdraw all their troops from the military school at Ft. Benning, citing links to human rights violations.[15]

Current organization


Authorized by the United States Congress through 10 U.S.C. § 2166 in 2001,[19] WHINSEC "provides professional education and training to eligible personnel of nations of the Western Hemisphere within the context of the democratic principles set forth in the Charter of the Organization of American States[20] (such charter being a treaty to which the United States is a party), while fostering mutual knowledge, transparency, confidence, and cooperation among the participating nations and promoting democratic values, respect for human rights, and knowledge and understanding of United States customs and traditions.[21] 

Throughout the decade since its establishment, WHINSEC has provided training for more than 13,000 US and international students. Its educational format incorporates guest lecturers and experts from sectors of US and international government, non-government, human rights, law enforcement, academic institutions, and interagency departments[22] to share best practices in pursuit of improved security cooperation between all nations of the Western Hemisphere.


In 10 USC 2166, Congress establishes an independent review board (a federal advisory committee) to "inquire into the curriculum, instruction, physical equipment, fiscal affairs, and academic methods of the Institute, other matters relating to the Institute that the Board decides to consider, and any other matter that the Secretary of Defense determines appropriate".[23] 

The "Board of Visitors" (BoV), as this committee is named, is responsible for reviewing the curriculum of WHINSEC to "determine whether the curriculum complies with applicable United States laws and regulations; is consistent with United States policy goals toward Latin America and the Caribbean; adheres to current United States doctrine; and appropriately emphasizes the matters specified in subsection (d)(1): "The curriculum of the Institute shall include mandatory instruction for each student, for at least 8 hours, on human rights, the rule of law, due process, civilian control of the military, and the role of the military in a democratic society." 

The Board must also submit an annual report to the Secretary of Defense on its findings and recommendations related to its review of the institute. Copies of their reports are posted on the Federal Advisory Committee website.[24]

The fourteen-member BoV currently includes these people:
Senator Carl Levin (Senate Armed Services Committee majority, D-MI)
Senator Saxby Chambliss (Senate Armed Services Committee minority, R-GA)
Rep. Phil Gingrey (House Armed Services Committee majority, R-GA)
Rep. Loretta Sanchez (House Armed Services Committee minority, D-CA)
GEN John F. Kelly (United States Southern Command)[25]
GEN Charles H. Jacoby (United States Northern Command) [26]

It also has six members designated by the Secretary of Defense from the community at large. These six members include representatives from the human rights, religious, academic, and business communities. Members of the Board are not compensated for service on the Board. A full listing of the BoV members can be found on the Federal Advisory Committee website[24] and the WHINSEC public website.[27] The BoV annual meeting is open to the public, and meeting dates are posted in advance on the Federal Register.[28]

Criticism of WHINSEC

Human rights violations by graduates

WHINSEC has been criticized for human rights violations committed by former students.[1][29][30]

According to the Center for International Policy, "The School of the Americas had been questioned for years, as it trained many military personnel before and during the years of the 'national security doctrine' – the dirty war years in the Southern Cone and the civil war years in Central America – in which the armed forces within several Latin American countries ruled or had disproportionate government influence and committed serious human rights violations in those countries." 

SOA and WHINSEC graduates continue to surface in news reports regarding both current human rights cases and new reports.

Defenders argue that today the curriculum includes human rights,[31] but according to Human Rights Watch, "training alone, even when it includes human rights instruction, does not prevent human rights abuses."[29]

SOA Watch

Since 1990, Washington, D.C.-based nonprofit human rights organization School of the Americas Watch has worked to monitor graduates of the institution and to close the former SOA, now WHINSEC, through legislative action, grassroots organizing and nonviolent direct action.[32] It maintains a database with graduates of both the SOA and WHINSEC who have been accused of human rights violations and other criminal activity.[33] 

In regard to the renaming of the institution, SOA Watch claims that the approach taken by the Department of Defense is not grounded in any critical assessment of the training, procedures, performance, or results (consequences) of the training programs of the SOA. According to critics of the SOA, the name change ignores congressional concern and public outcry over the SOA's past and present link to human rights atrocities.[34]

Protests and public demonstrations

Since 1990, SOA Watch has sponsored an annual public demonstration of protest of SOA/WHINSEC at Ft. Benning. In 2005, the demonstration drew 19,000 people. The protests are timed to coincide with the anniversary of the assassination of six Jesuit priests in El Salvador on November 1989 by graduates of the School of the Americas.[35] 

On November 16, 1989, six Jesuit priests (Ignacio Ellacuria, Segundo Montes, Ignacio Martin-Baro, Joaquin López y López, Juan Ramon Moreno, and Amado López); their housekeeper, Elba Ramos; and her daughter, Celia Marisela Ramos, were murdered by the Salvadoran Military on the campus of the University of Central America in San Salvador, El Salvador, because they had been labeled as subversives by the government.[36] A United Nations panel concluded that nineteen of the 27 killers were SOA graduates.[37]

A Wave of Peace--Pilgrimage to the School of the Americas

Graduates of the School of the Americas

"The U.S. Army School of the Americas is a school that has run more dictators than any other school in the history of the world."

A number of graduates of the SOA and WHINSEC have been accused of human rights violations and criminal activity in their home countries.[39] In August 2007, according to an Associated Press report, Colonel Alberto Quijano of the Colombian army's Special Forces was arrested for providing security and mobilizing troops forDiego León Montoya Sánchez (aka "Don Diego"), the leader of the Norte del Valle Cartel and one of the FBI's 10 most-wanted criminals. 

School of the Americas Watch said in a statement that it matched the names of those in the scandal with its database of attendees at the institute. Alberto Quijano attended courses and was an instructor who taught classes on peacekeeping operations and democratic sustainment at the school from 2003 to 2004.[40]

Other former students include members of the Atlacatl Battalion, responsible for the El Mozote massacre, and Franck Romain, former leader of the Tonton Macoute, responsible for the St Jean Bosco massacre.[41]

Critics of SOA Watch argue the connection is often misleading. According to Paul Mulshine, Roberto D'Aubuisson's sole link to the SOA is that he had taken a course in radio operations long before El Salvador's civil war began.[42]


Gambia President of the Gambia Yahya Jammeh

Educated according to other sources

In 1992 the OAS Inter-American Commission on Human Rights recommended prosecution of Col. Cid Díaz for murder in association with the 1983 Las Hojas massacre. His name is on a State Department list of gross human rights abusers. Díaz went to the Institute in 2003.[6][48]


School of the Americas Assassins, a 1994 short documentary film produced by Robert Richter. It was nominated for an Academy Award for Best Documentary Short.

Hidden in Plain Sight, a 2003 feature length documentary film produced by Andrés Thomas Conteris, Vivi Letsou, and John Smihula.

The War on Democracy, a 2007 documentary film produced by Youngheart Entertainment PTY Limited.


National Security Archives

Declassified Army and CIA Manuals suffers from a "lack of distinction between civilian movements and armed rebellion. Perhaps the most persistent and nefarious aspect of the manuals is the lack of distinction between legitimate political and civic opposition and armed rebellion. The "Counterintelligence" manual, for example, defines as potential counterintelligence targets "local or national political party teams, or parties that have goals, beliefs or ideologies contrary or in opposition to the National Government," or "teams or hostile organizations whose objective is to create dissension or cause restlessness among the civilian population in the area of operations." (p. 228) This manual recommends that the army create a "black list" of "persons whose capture and detention are of foremost importance to the armed forces" (p. 225), which should include not only "enemy agents" but also "subversive persons," "political leaders known or suspected as hostile toward the Armed Forces or the political interests of the National Government," and "collaborators and sympathizers of the enemy," known or suspect. - See more at:

"One other historical connection is worth noting. According to a congressional report on the School of the Americas, training manuals it distributed to students from 10 Latin American countries included material on the "use of truth serum in interrogation, abduction of adversary family members to influence the adversary, prioritization of adversary personalities for abduction, exile, physical beatings and executions."


'Torture report is disaster, shows CIA being little more than a rogue organization', but no one will be 'punished'. The report documented that the CIA went far beyond the 'enhanced interrogation', and that the CIA also tried to stop it's publication in various ways. 


Some people defend schools where graduates end up later becoming dictators, despots, or rapists/murderers of nuns, claiming that one cannot blame a school for what the student later does in life, with that 'education'. Hmmmmm, let's follow that logic a little further. 

If any average person opens up a school that teaches how to kill, torture, assassinate, take over countries, all in secret and without being caught, and then the student graduates go out and do that, the claim by the supporters of these schools is that the teachers at that school are not guilty of anything?.

Maybe they are not guilty because they don't conspire together with the students to target specific people, but then again, no one has asked about that connection, have they? No one is inside of these classes monitoring them to make sure that they are NOT conspiring together to kill people or take over countries after they graduate, via the CIA or other agencies of the US government. 

Any ordinary person that plans, trains, and helps someone to kill anyone else is guilty of that murder in just the same way as the actual murderer. This concept is well established in legal circles, and people are convicted, put in jail all the time for being the mastermind of murders, but never actually touching the weapons or being involved directly. 

In Criminal Law, contributing to or aiding in the commission of a crime. One who, without being present at the commission of an offense, becomes guilty of such offense, not as a chief actor, but as a participant, as by command, advice, instigation, or concealment; either before or after the fact or commission. One who aids, abets, commands, or counsels another in the commission of a crime.


The supposed reason why these schools exist is to combat Communism. But that reason makes no sense, when the US has a best friend and most favored trading partner in Communist China and Communist Vietnam. Millions of jobs and huge US factories are now based in China and Vietnam. You may have noticed that the news media does not talk about the evil Communists anymore, oh, except for Cuba, a tiny peepsqueak nation off the coast of Florida.

What makes Cuba so evil and bad, when Communist China is the essence of free market Capitalism?

Do we really need the CIA anymore, since Communists are now our best friends, train with the US military and 'own' most of the US through US bonds?

Communist China Winning War Against USA, Without A Shot Being Fired; via @AGreenRoad

Some people would argue that the CIA and these training centers are still needed to combat 'terrorism'. But that does not make sense either, since the CIA paid and sponsored the very terrorists that they are now claiming to 'fight'. It is like they are creating the terrorists, just so they can justify getting a bunch of money to 'fight' them later on. See links below for more information.

What is the end net result of all of these dictators installed all over world by the CIA? Could it be that they actually helped spread Communism and allowed Communist China into places where it would not be, just because Communist China now seems like a better idea than allowing the US in?


Project Paper Clip; CIA Smuggled In And Hired Thousands Of Nazis And Hundreds of War Criminals To Develop US Nuclear Industry; via @AGreenRoad

Unit 731 - US CIA And Military Involvement With Japanese Class A War Criminals, After World War II

CIA Used To Assassinate Foreign Democratically Elected Leaders And Install US Friendly Dictators

Operation Mockingbird; How The CIA Controls The Mass Media News; via @AGreenRoad

CIA Conducted And Led War In Afghanistan, Asked To Do So By President Bush, Which Led To Gross Acts Of Torture, Mass Murder, Rendition And Kidnappings

CIA And The Panama Deception - Academy Award Best Documentary Movie

Secrets of the CIA Movie - Ralph McGehee, Phil Agee, and other former CIA officers/agents, Operation Phoenix

CIA MKULTRA Documentary And Survivor Lynne Talks About Experiments She Underwent During Secret CIA Experiments On Non Informed Human Subjects

CIA Secret Global Drone War, Violation Of Sovereign Nations, Violation of US Citizen's Constitutional Rights

Future Uses And Menace Of 7,000 CIA Developed Drones Plus Technology

Multiple CIA Secret Torture Prisons All Over The World; Not Foreign Governments Doing Torturing, It Was The CIA All The Way

2014; CIA Sponsored Torture And Renderings Still Legal In The USA; via A Green Road

CIA And White House Suppressed US Senate Report On Torture Plus Cruel And Unusual Punishment In The USA

CIA Leading Pro Nuclear Mass Media Propaganda Campaign All Around The World, Calls It Atoms For Peace 

CIA, US Military, And Medical Human Radiation Experiments Performed Without Consent Or Knowledge; via @AGreenRoad

CIA Lost A Plutonium Spying Device In Nanda Devi; Contaminating The Ganges River; via @AGreenRoad

Bobby Kennedy,  'Evidence of Murder' Movie - CIA Links to John Kennedy Assassination

Dark Legacy; How And Why The Coverup Of John F. Kennedy (JFK) Assassination Was Accomplished Via Skull And Bones Member/CIA; via @AGreenRoad

Civil Trial Verdict: MLK Was Assassinated by FBI And CIA

Robert Greenwald - The CIA, 1% And Government War on Whistleblowers; via @AGreenRoad

CIA Training Centers, Universities, School Of The Americas, SOA, The Farm, Western Hemisphere Institute for Security Cooperation, WHINSEC

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CIA Training Centers, Universities, School Of The Americas, SOA,  The Farm, Western Hemisphere Institute for Security Cooperation, WHINSEC

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