Christian Ethics, Churches, Religious Leaders And Pacifist Faith Organizations Working For Abolishing Nuclear Weapons And Nuclear Power Plants

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Christian Ethics, Churches, Religious Leaders And Pacifist Faith Organizations Working For Abolishing Nuclear Weapons And Nuclear Power Plants

Christian Ethics, Churches, Religious Leaders And Faith Organizations Working For Abolishing Nuclear Weapons And Nuclear Power Plants


Few people know or understand that all wars are now illegal, due to an international agreement, called the Kellogg Briand Pact, which abolished all wars. The military industrial complex does not want anyone to know about this international peace agreement, because it effectively means the end of the military industrial complex globally. The profits in this cartel are too large to let go that easily.

The End Of All Wars; Kellogg–Briand Pact Abolished And Outlawed All Warmongering

What is possible, now that war has been abolished by international agreement? What if the UN took this on and planned on how to abolish all standing armies, dismantling all WMD weapons, and destroying all weapons, in an organized, verifiable manner, modeled after the START treaties already in place?

War Has Been Abolished And Is Now Illegal; International Peace Quotes, Songs And Stories


Admiral Gene Larocque Speaks to Studs Terkel About "The Good War"
"We've institutionalized militarism. This came out of World War Two. In 1947, we passed the National Security Act. You can't find that term—national security—in any literature before that year. It created the Department of Defense. Up till that time, when you appropriated money for the War Department, you knew it was for war and you could see it clearly. Now it's for the Department of Defense. Everybody's for defense. Otherwise you're considered unpatriotic. So there's absolutely no limit to the money you must give to it. So they've captured all the Christians: the right of self-defense. Even the "just war" thing can be wrapped into it.

I think the United States has changed. It got away from the idea of trying to settle differences by peaceful means. Since World War Two, we began to use military force to get what we wanted in the world. That's what military is all about. Not long ago, the Pentagon proudly announced that the U.S. had used military force 215 times to achieve its international goals since World War Two. The Pentagon likes that: military force to carry out national will. Of course, there are nuclear weapons now.

Nuclear weapons have become the conventional weapons. We seriously considered using them in Vietnam. I was in the Pentagon myself crying to decide what targets we could use. We explored every way we could to win that war, believe me. We just couldn't find a good enough target. We were not concerned about the opprobrium attached to the use of nuclear weapons.I hated to see how they glorified war. In all those films, people get blown up with their clothes and fall gracefully to the ground. You don't see anybody being blown apart. You don't see arms and legs and mutilated bodies. You see only an antiseptic, clean, neat way to die gloriously. I hate it when they say, "He gave his life for his country." Nobody gives their life for anything. We steal the lives of these kids. We take it away from them. They don't die for the honor and glory of their country. We kill them. "

20+ Close Calls; Why MAD Total Nuclear Global World War III Almost Happened 20 Times So Far, What Happens AFTER A Global Nuclear War? via @AGreenRoad


The UN was set up to prevent a global world war, for good reason. Humanity cannot live through another world war, as mutually assured destruction (MAD) would be the only end result. It was for good reason that war has been abolished, but many countries are acting as if war is still on the table and that first strike policies somehow are other than insanity. 

The Cold War Is Over! Why Are We Still Aiming 5,000 Nuclear Missiles At Russia? via @AGreenRoad

The UN is there to work through disagreements, so first strike policies are not needed. 

First Strike Policy And The Samson Principle; Holding The World Hostage With Nuclear, Chemical, Biological Weapons Of Mass Destruction; via @AGreenRoad

The only thing that first strike policies accomplish is to further increase the risk and danger of a global nuclear war. If ANYONE launches even ONE nuclear missile or sets off one nuclear bomb, the risk is very high that everyone will launch everything they have. Why have a first strike policy in the first place, when war is now illegal. Striking 'first' is an illegal thing to do, so why even have the policy in place? 


Nuclear weapons are a clear and present danger to all living things on Earth. Nuclear reactors and spent fuel pools just add to the risk and danger, as each spent fuel pool contains the equivalent of close to 1,000 nuclear bombs. Just one spent fuel pool melting down and out is the equivalent of a global nuclear war, which humanity cannot afford. 

First Strike Policy, Nuclear Bombs, Down Winders, Acute Radiation Sickness, Nuclear War, Dirty Bombs, Bomb Shelters

Nuclear power plants are nothing more than factories producing the nuclear bomb  making ingredients, and they also pose a direct existential threat to humanity and all life on Earth, so both must be abolished and dismantled. 

Planet Earth 911 Emergencies And Global Threats



The progressive church must not fall prey to sins of the traditional church in either approving of or remaining silent during the build up to war. As Howard Zinn documented so well, warfare is usually economically motivated and not a moral enterprise.

War inevitably punishes the victims of tyrants more than it punishes tyrants. Taking Eisenhower's warnings about the power of the military industrial complex seriously, we must work to intelligently plan for peace and make open warfare no longer necessary.
These progressive sermons are available as podcasts at:

Is it true that churches are always in the hip pocket of the fascist/warmongering government that is in power? Are churches nothing more than whores who sell out to the warmongers, fearmongers and despots who clamor for revenge, invasions and now illegal wars? 

For all the talk about evils of communism, fascism, socialism, or terrorism, the only real war and problem that needs to be solved is the war on inequality and poverty. If people are provided with adequate education, jobs, food, rights and basic needs, most people will not go to war. Now that war has been made illegal, no nation should be making, exporting, selling or trading weapons of any kind. All standing armies should be disbanded.


Every gun that is made, every warship launched, every rocket fired signifies, in the final sense, a theft from those who hunger and are not fed, those who are cold and are not clothed. This world in arms is not spending money alone. It is spending the sweat of its labourers, the genius of its scientists, the hopes of its children.
-Dwight D Eisenhower, 1953

Peace, War, Drones, Human Rights, Justice, Prisons, War on Drugs, Violence Prevention, Death Penalty, Jury Rights, Women's Rights

First Strike Policy, Nuclear Bombs, Down Winders, Acute Radiation Sickness, Nuclear War, Dirty Bombs, Bomb Shelters


What would Jesus do when confronted with a world full of nuclear weapons and nuclear power plants that produce the 'fuel' for those nuclear bombs? 

What would Jesus do when 50% of the annual budget is spent on weapons and war in the USA, while children are starving, and millions of people are unclothed and homeless? 

Who would Jesus bomb? 

Why did those WWJD armbands disappear from store shelves a day after 9/11? 

How would Jesus have responded to 9/11?

Would Jesus have tortured anyone?

Jesus was a pacifist. He hurt no one. He killed no one. He did not use weapons against anyone. He did not order anyone to kill anyone else. He willingly gave his life over to the hands of his enemies, knowing he would be tortured (crown of thorns, carrying cross, hung on cross, isolation cell, spit on, given vinegar to drink, laughed at, put down, etc.) and hung up to the cross to die in the worst, slowest and most painful way of dying there is, guaranteed. 

Is choosing to die and not resist an enemy like Jesus did;  weakness, or strength?

Could what Jesus did be called bravery, or was it cowardice? 

Did Jesus project strength, honor, grace and heroism with his life and death, or fear and weakness?

Did he affect future generations in a positive peaceful manner through teaching things like forgiveness, healing, selflessness, treating everyone equally, giving, love, and prayer, or did he encourage isolation, torture, brutality, wars, threats, intimidation, selfishness, killing and fighting to resolve all disputes, both domestic and foreign?


The world has been moving slowly and surely towards the elimination of war and the banning of all weapons of mass destruction. The international agreement banning war is proof of that. The United Nations is also proof that the world values peace above war, because it was set up to PREVENT another world war, through diplomacy and non violent peaceful conflict resolution methods, instead of violence. Why are the governments of the world not talking about peace? 

The Universal Golden Rule; Moving Towards A Sustainable Global Ethic Within The Science Of Sustainable Health; via A Green Road

Why is the mass media so focused on promoting more 'illegal' wars and not on dismantling armies and weapons of mass destruction? Humanity needs to focus on moving forward and evolving, not on going backwards into the 'good old days'. Change is constant and never ending, even inside religions.

What Will It Take To Save Humanity And Join The Galactic Community? via @AGreenRoad

Pacifists have accomplished a lot over the 2,000 years since Christ appeared. They have; 

Pacifists are slaughtered because they do not defend themselves or their families.


A world war is not possible any more, because the consequence of a world war is that all nuclear weapons are used. No one can live through a mutually assured destruction (MAD) war where thousands of nuclear bombs are used globally.

As a result, no nuclear weapons can be used any longer because using even one, will more than likely trigger the use of all of them. The consequences of a nuclear war and what happens after that are detailed in the article below, going into what happens to 430 nuclear plant spent fuel pools, in an Armageddon scenario.. Each spent fuel pool contains the equivalent of 1,000 nuclear bombs worth of radiation. Multiply 430 spent fuel pools globally times 1,000 nuclear bombs, on top of the thousands of nuclear bombs released initially and you get the idea of what would happen.

How And Why Spent Fuel Pools Melt Down, Catch On Fire And Cause Armageddon Scenarios

If (God forbid) a nuclear war ever happened, a nuclear winter would follow. Combine huge amounts of radiation, an almost instant Ice Age, and contamination of anything left living with increasing amounts of radiation, and you have a scenario that more than likely means the extinction of all living things on Earth. 

Nuclear Winter - Consequence Of Nuclear War; via @AGreenRoad


Imagine the nuclear reactors in 1,000 nuclear powered ships and subs melting down and releasing their radioactive contents into the world, during a nuclear war when they are all destroyed by whatever enemy forces. 

Nuclear Ships And Subs Pose Huge Risk To Humanity; 1 Minute Away From Starting WW III

Nuclear Bombs, Nuclear Weapons, Nuclear War

Add this source of deadly atomic radiation of this to the dental, medical, research labs, and industrial sources of radiation, all of which would be opened up to the environment in case of a nuclear war.

Each small civilian radiation source such as a dental xray machine can become a dirty bomb on it's own, without a nuclear weapon causing any destruction. Just one destroyed dental xray machine will make a large city uninhabitable. Releasing all of those tens to hundreds of thousands of radiation sources on top of a nuclear bomb just makes things that much worse.  

Looking at the consequences of war and nuclear war on humanity, the only reasonable conclusion is that war is immoral, unethical and not possible. War was banned by international agreement for a reason, and it was a very good reason. 

Countries, religions, political parties and individuals must now learn the way of peace instead of war. Pacifism is the only logical conclusion that all churches, religions and politicians should be reaching at this point in time. There is a gift inside of any challenge or problem. 

The Universal Golden Rule; Moving Towards A Sustainable Global Ethic Within The Science Of Sustainable Health; via A Green Road

Almost all Holy Books predict a Golden Age of 1,000 years of peace.. This is the time. This is the gift. It is always darkest before the dawn. But to reach it, church leaders have to declare it, set a goal and work for it.


Wikipedia; "Throughout history, many have understood Jesus of Nazareth to have been a pacifist,[25] drawing on his Sermon on the Mount (see Christian pacifism). In the sermon Jesus stated that one should "not resist an evildoer" and promoted his turn the other cheek philosophy. "If anyone strikes you on the right cheek, turn the other also; and if anyone wants to sue you and take your coat, give your cloak as well... Love your enemies, do good to those who hate you, bless those who curse you, pray for those who abuse you."[26][27][28] 

The New Testament story is of Jesus, besides preaching these words, surrendering himself freely to an enemy intent on having him killed and proscribing his followers from defending him.

There are those, however, who deny that Jesus was a pacifist[25] and state that Jesus never said not to fight,[28] citing examples from the New Testament. One such instance portrays an angry Jesus driving dishonest market traders from the temple.[28]  ....On no occasion did Jesus shed blood or urge others to shed blood.[25]

Beginning in the 16th century, the Protestant Reformation gave rise to a variety of new Christian sects, including the historic peace churches. Foremost among them were the Religious Society of Friends (Quakers), Amish, Mennonites and Church of the Brethren. The humanist writer Desiderius Erasmus was one of the most outspoken pacifists of the Renaissance, arguing strongly against warfare in his essays The Praise of Folly (1509) and The Complaint of Peace (1517).[21][31]

The Quakers were prominent advocates of pacifism, who as early as 1660 had repudiated violence in all forms and adhered to a strictly pacifist interpretation of Christianity. They stated their beliefs in a declaration to King Charles II:

"We utterly deny all outward wars and strife, and fightings with outward weapons, for any end, or under any pretense whatever; this is our testimony to the whole world. The Spirit of Christ . . . which leads us into all truth, will never move us to fight and war against any man with outward weapons, neither for the kingdom of Christ, nor for the kingdoms of this world.[32]

Throughout the many 18th century wars in which Britain participated, the Quakers maintained a principled commitment not to serve in the army and militia or even to pay the alternative £10 fine.

The English Quaker William Penn, who founded the Province of Pennsylvania, employed an anti-militarist public policy. Unlike residents of many of the colonies, Quakers chose to trade peacefully with the Indians, including for land. The colonial province was, for the 75 years from 1681 to 1756, essentially unarmed and experienced little or no warfare in that period.

From the 16th to the 18th centuries, a number of thinkers devised plans for an international organisation that would promote peace, and reduce or even eliminate the occurrence of war. These included the French politician Duc de Sully, the philosophers Émeric Crucé and the Abbe de Saint-Pierre, and the English Quakers William Penn and John Bellers.[33][34] (This ended up coming to pass, with the formation of the United Nations, which was set up to talk through things, instead of resorting to war immediately.)

Pacifist ideals emerged from two strands of thought that coalesced at the end of the 18th century. One, rooted in the secular Enlightenment, promoted peace as the rational antidote to the world's ills, while the other was a part of the evangelical religious revival that had played an important part in the campaign for the abolition of slavery

Representatives of the former, included Jean-Jacques Rousseau, in Extrait du Projet de Paix Perpetuelle de Monsieur l'Abbe Saint-Pierre (1756),[35] Immanuel Kant, in his Thoughts on Perpetual Peace.[36] and Jeremy Bentham who proposed the formation of a peace association in 1789. Representative of the latter, was William Wilberforce who thought that strict limits should be imposed on British involvement in the French Revolutionary War based on Christian ideals of peace and brotherhood. 

Bohemian Bernard Bolzano (1781–1848) taught about the social waste of militarism and the needlessness of war. He urged a total reform of the educational, social, and economic systems that would direct the nation's interests toward peace rather than toward armed conflict between nations.

Throughout the many 18th century wars in which Britain participated, the Quakers maintained a principled commitment not to serve in the army and militia or even to pay the alternative £10 fine.

The English Quaker William Penn, who founded the Province of Pennsylvania, employed an anti-militarist public policy. Unlike residents of many of the colonies, Quakers chose to trade peacefully with the Indians, including for land. The colonial province was, for the 75 years from 1681 to 1756, essentially unarmed and experienced little or no warfare in that period.

From the 16th to the 18th centuries, a number of thinkers devised plans for an international organisation that would promote peace, and reduce or even eliminate the occurrence of war. These included the French politician Duc de Sully, the philosophers Émeric Crucé and the Abbe de Saint-Pierre, and the English Quakers William Penn and John Bellers.[33][34]

Pacifist ideals emerged from two strands of thought that coalesced at the end of the 18th century. One, rooted in the secular Enlightenment, promoted peace as the rational antidote to the world's ills, while the other was a part of the evangelical religious revival that had played an important part in the campaign for the abolition of slavery

Representatives of the former, included Jean-Jacques Rousseau, in Extrait du Projet de Paix Perpetuelle de Monsieur l'Abbe Saint-Pierre (1756),[35] Immanuel Kant, in his Thoughts on Perpetual Peace.[36] and Jeremy Bentham who proposed the formation of a peace association in 1789. Representative of the latter, wasWilliam Wilberforce who thought that strict limits should be imposed on British involvement in the French Revolutionary War based on Christian ideals of peace and brotherhood. 

Bohemian Bernard Bolzano (1781–1848) taught about the social waste of militarism and the needlessness of war. He urged a total reform of the educational, social, and economic systems that would direct the nation's interests toward peace rather than toward armed conflict between nations. 


"Leading Citizens want War and declare War; Citizens Who are Led fight the War" 1910 cartoon

In New Zealand, during the latter half of the 19th century British colonists used many tactics to confiscate land from the indigenous Māori, including warfare. In the 1870s and 1880s, Parihaka, then reputed to be the largest Māori village in New Zealand, became the centre of a major campaign of non-violent resistance to European occupation of confiscated land in the area. 


One Māori leader, Te Whiti-o-Rongomai, inspired warriors to stand up for their rights without using weapons, which had led to defeat in the past. In 1881 he convinced 2000 Maori to welcome battle-hardened British soldiers into their village and even offered food and drink. He allowed himself and his people to be arrested without resistance for opposing land confiscation. He is remembered as a great leader because the "passive resistance" he practiced prevented British massacres and even protected far more land than violent resistance.[44]


Mohandas K. Gandhi was a major political and spiritual leader of India, instrumental in the Indian independence movement. The Nobel prize winning great poet Rabindranath Tagore, who was also an Indian, gave him the honorific "Mahatma", usually translated "Great Soul." He was the pioneer of a brand of nonviolence (or ahimsa) which he called satyagraha—translated literally as "truth force". This was the resistance of tyranny through civil disobedience that was not only nonviolent but also sought to change the heart of the opponent. He contrasted this with duragraha, "resistant force," which sought only to change behaviour with stubborn protest.

During his 30 years of work (1917–1947) for the independence of his country from the British Raj, Gandhi led dozens of nonviolent campaigns, spent over seven years in prison, and fasted nearly to the death on several occasions to obtain British compliance with a demand or to stop inter-communal violence. His efforts helped lead India to independence in 1947, and inspired movements for civil rights and freedom worldwide."

Martin Luther King Jr led a pacifist 'rebellion' and accomplished putting in place a system of civil rights, using techniques that Gandhi and Jesus taught.

Pacifists led a global coalition to bring down the Apartheid regime in Africa through divestment, sanctions, and other non violent techniques.

Pacifists are responsible for Start treaties, reducing the number of nuclear missiles that nations point at each other.

Pacifist women are responsible for getting the right to vote, own property and to be treated equally to men, among many other things..

Pacifist Women Are Rising Up, Using Peaceful Weapons And Tools - Feminism And International Women's Day Explored And Explained

Pacifist workers and unions are responsible for worker right laws, safety laws, reducing hours worked daily, child labor laws, and much more.

PBS; New York Triangle Shirtwaist Factory Fire - The Reason For Worker Rights, Unions, Voting Women, Safety Laws, And More; via @AGreenRoad
Pacifist environmentalists have accomplished laws regulating toxic materials, emissions, and cleaning up the environment, plus pointing humanity away from toxic, poisonous carbon and nuclear fuels, which will cause the extinction of all life, if they are used in the future.

Pacifist educators are responsible for teaching in schools and colleges plus universities, sharing the wisdom of all of humanity from the birth of humanity to now.

Pacifist martial arts instructors teach the folly of attack, threats and violence, but the strength, honor and power of skilled defensive tools and techniques.

Pacifists stopped open air nuclear testing after 2,400 nuclear bombs were exploded in open air.

Pacifists created the United Nations, in order to stop any future world wars through peaceful dialogue, diplomacy, deescalating tensions, and non violent communications. (opposite of isolation, threats, escalating hostility)

Pacifists teach how inner peace, love and forgiveness is much more powerful than nuclear missiles, guns, and weapons of any kind.

Pacifist religious leaders are responsible for meeting the needs of the neglected, feeding the poor, housing the homeless, reducing violence, promoting peace, and much more.

Every Person Has Needs; From Survival To Transcendence; via A Green Road
The power of pacifism is much more powerful than any weapons or violent actions. The more violent the action, the weaker and more fear based it is. The list above is just the tip of the mountain of stories and powerful reasons that pacifism is composed of. Explore the power of pacifism and see where it leads..

Here are a few more dreams/night visions I have had recently. One I was in the backyard of the home I grew up in about an hour outside of Washington D.C. and I encountered a nuclear blast. The other dream I was attending church and everyone was dressed up really nice and socializing in the back area of the sanctuary while the pastor was preaching. In my dream they were more concerned with what they were wearing, how they looked and socializing with others rather than listening to the message and growing their relationship with the Lord Jesus Christ


This is just one example of many religions that make specific predictions about nuclear war coming. After the global nuclear war, everyone else is going to Hell, and only a few loyal followers will be rewarded with Heaven. The problem with this is that MANY religions and sects all make this same claim, so which one will God choose? They cannot all be right..

Pat Robertson Predictions

Many of these true believers are 'literalists', who follow all of the laws in the Old Testament or the equivalent of the Old Testament, just in other religions. Read about what is supposed to happen to a religious leader if he makes a specific date and time prediction for ANYTHING, and then it does not come true.. You may be shocked... 

Possible Grounds For Execution In The Old Testament... How Many Death Penalties Are There?

When Armagedden is part of the belief system and is seen as a 'good' thing for whatever reason, what would prevent someone from pushing the nuclear button to hurry it up and make it happen? What would be the difference between someone who is encouraging/prophecying nuclear war, someone who is pushing the nuclear button to make it happen and a terrorist who is just out for revenge? Is there any difference? What would Jesus say about this? 


The radioactive nuclear 'fire' inside of reactors burns with a fission 'flame' and a very intense heat that generates toxic and radioactive poisons. These radioactive fires have burned inside of millions of children globally and killed or maimed them. Could it be, that the nuclear industry is worshiping the God Moloch, and sacrificing children via the nuclear fire to him?

Nuclear weapons are nothing more than a very hot fire. If a nuclear war ever breaks out, millions of children will be 'burned' or sacrificed in the very real fires of Moloch. Either way, the Old Testament is against offering up children via fire to any God, who in this case is named Moloch. 

Bill D December 16, 2014  "Hanford passed Walla Wall children, born and unborn, through the Nuclear Flames of Mollock. I suppose that it was … a choice; though NOT a choice of the parents.

“And thou shalt not let any of thy seed passe through the fire to Molech”
כא. וּמִזַּרְעֲךָ לֹא תִתֵּן לְהַעֲבִיר לַמֹּלֶךְ וְלֹא תְחַלֵּל אֶת שֵׁם אֱלֹהֶיךָ אֲנִי יְהוָֹה:


(Exodus 20:13) “You shall not kill”

(Matthew 5:39)  “Whosoever smiteth thee on thy right cheek, turn to him the other also.”

(John 18:22, 23). Jesus returned good for evil by healing the servant whose ear had been cut off by Peter’s sword.

(Matthew 15:7;23:33; John 8:44, 45) Jesus never killed anyone, but he did overturn money changers and marketers tables at the temple. He also confronted deception and lies by denouncing them as hypocrites and liars. It is ok to point out and illuminate the nuclear industry, military or carbon industry deceptions.

(Matthew 26:52) Put up again thy sword into his place: for all they that take the sword shall perish with the sword 

(Matthew 5:38–39) “resist not him that is evil”  The lesson is not to take revenge, but if resistance is needed, it needs to be in a non violent manner. As pointed out in other parts of Matthew, confronting evil and even overturning money changers tables is ok. 

Wikipedia; "Throughout history, many have understood Jesus of Nazareth to have been a pacifist,[25] drawing on his Sermon on the Mount (see Christian pacifism). In the sermon Jesus stated that one should "not resist an evildoer" and promoted his turn the other cheek philosophy. "If anyone strikes you on the right cheek, turn the other also; and if anyone wants to sue you and take your coat, give your cloak as well... Love your enemies, do good to those who hate you, bless those who curse you, pray for those who abuse you."[26][27][28] 

The New Testament story is of Jesus, besides preaching these words, surrendering himself freely to an enemy intent on having him killed and proscribing his followers from defending him.

Vereschagin's painting Apotheosis of War (1871) came to be admired as one of the earliest artistic expressions of pacifism

The painting above provides a clear prophecy of the future that humanity is going to experience if it stays on the road of war, WMD's and then ultimately, global nuclear war, or MAD. The crow and trees will probably not be there, by the way. And no one will be left to pile up the bones of the dead, but the stark reminder of this pile should get people talking and thinking about the dangers humanity faces right at this moment. 

7.5 TRILLION Spent So Far In USA On Nuclear Weapons,  Plus 40 - 60 Million Deaths Globally, Consists Of A Theft From 7 Future Generations


Ultra conservative Catholics have called for a nuclear free Middle East. 

Bible in the News - Archbishop Dominique Mamberti, the Vatican's Secretary for Relations with Foreign States (i.e. Foreign minister), has called for a "Middle East zone free of nuclear weapons and all other weapons of mass destruction."


If allowed to continue, this cult will deliberately spread the God RAD into everyone via open air nuclear bomb tests, spray it from planes, cause accidents through 'negligence', or whatever other method to get the Holy God and Goddess; (RAD – iation) to every person on Earth, so they may be saved and live forever in a holy radioactive fire burning within every human body, in order to bring radioactive hormesis theory paradise on Earth. 

Sacrifice Zones, Nuclear Power and the Sacrificial Victims System Is Spreading Globally As Part Of Predatory Capitalism

Nuclear Power Plant Studies Show Child Leukemia, Breast, Thyroid Cancer Rates Increase RADICALLY Closer To Plants; via @AGreenRoad

Kevin Blanch lays it on the line in his video; it is time to fight back against the nuclear death cult. What are you doing to stop this cult? What are you doing to be a part of the solution, instead of the problem? Doing nothing and maybe even purchasing nuclear power is defined as being part of the problem. Can you handle the truth, straight from the heart? Warning; adult language, extremely intense message. Not for children.


A Crime Against God and Humanity, Religious leaders condemn nuclear weapons.
“SPIRITUAL AND religious leaders have long condemned the inhumanness of nuclear weapons. In 1983, the World Council of Churches, a fellowship of 347 denominations from virtually all Christian traditions in more than 120 countries, rejected the doctrine of nuclear deterrence and unequivocally declared: ‘That the production and deployment as well as the use of nuclear weapons are a crime against humanity and that such activities must be condemned on ethical and theological grounds.’…"

Nuclear weapons: a crime against God and humanity

World Council of Churches
Statement on the need for churches' vigilance against nuclear proliferation


Shoshoni spiritual leader at the Fuller Lodge, in Los Alamos, NM, the place where it all began..


Wikipedia; "Maximilian of Tebessa was a Christian conscientious objector. He was killed for refusing to be conscripted.[24]

still active in condemning the war. In Britain, the prominent peace activist Stephen Henry Hobhouse went to prison for refusing military service, citing his convictions as an "International Socialist and a Christian"[45]

There were conscientious objectors and war tax resisters in both World War I and World War II. The United States government allowed sincere objectors to serve in noncombatant military roles. However, those draft resisters who refused any cooperation with the war effort often spent much of each war in federal prisons. 

During World War II, pacifist leaders like Dorothy Day and Ammon Hennacy of the Catholic Worker Movement urged young Americans not to enlist in military service.

Martin Luther King, Jr (1929–68), a Baptist minister, led the American civil rights movement which successfully used Gandhian nonviolent resistance to repeal laws enforcing racial segregation and work for integration of schools, businesses and government. I

n 1957, his wife Coretta Scott King, Albert Schweitzer, Benjamin Spock, and others formed the Committee for a Sane Nuclear Policy (now Peace Action) to resist the nuclear arms race. In 1958 British activists formed the Campaign for Nuclear Disarmament with Bertrand Russell as its president.
See also: Religion and peacebuilding



Ahmadiyya  Further information: Ahmadiyya view on Jihad

According to the Ahmadiyya understanding of Islam, pacifism is a strong current, and jihad is one's personal inner struggle and should not be used violently for political motives. Violence is the last option only to be used to protect religion and one's own life in extreme situations of persecution. Mirza Ghulam Ahmad, the founder of the Ahmadiyya Muslim Community, said that in contrary to the current views, Islam does not allow the use of sword in religion, except in the case of defensive wars, wars waged to punish a tyrant, or those meant to uphold freedom.[70]

Ahmadiyya claims its objective to be the peaceful propagation of Islam with special emphasis on spreading the true message of Islam by the pen. Ahmadis point out that as per prophecy, who they believe was the promised messiah, Mirza Ghulam Ahmad, rendered the concept of violent jihad unnecessary in modern times. They believe that the answer of hate should be given by love.[71]


Bahá'í Faith

Bahá'u'lláh, the founder of the Bahá'í Faith abolished holy war and emphasized its abolition as a central teaching of his faith.[72] However, the Bahá'í Faith does not have an absolute pacifistic position. For example Bahá'ís are advised to do social service instead of active army service, but when this is not possible because of obligations in certain countries, the Bahá'í law of loyalty to one's government is preferred and the individual should perform the army service.[73][74] 

Shoghi Effendi, the head of the Bahá'í Faith in the first half of the 20th century, noted that in the Bahá'í view, absolute pacifists are anti-social and exalt the individual over society which could lead to anarchy; instead he noted that the Bahá'í conception of social life follows a moderate view where the individual is not suppressed or exalted.[75]

On the level of society, Bahá'u'lláh promotes the principle of collective security, which does not abolish the use of force, but prescribes "a system in which Force is made the servant of Justice."[76] The idea of collective security from the Bahá'í teachings states that if a government violates a fundamental norm of international law or provision of a future world constitution which Bahá'ís believe will be established by all nations, then the other governments should step in.[77]


Main article: Buddhism and violence

Buddhist Aung San Suu Kyi is a nonviolent pro-democracy activist and leader of the National League for Democracy in Myanmar (Burma). A devout Buddhist, Suu Kyi won the Rafto Prize and the Sakharov Prize for Freedom of Thought in 1990 and in 1991 was awarded the Nobel Peace Prize for her peaceful and non-violent struggle under a repressive military dictatorship. One of her best known speeches is the "Freedom From Fear" speech, which begins, 

"It is not power that corrupts but fear. Fear of losing power corrupts those who wield it and fear of the scourge of power corrupts those who are subject to it."[78]


Main article: Christian pacifism
Blessed are the Peacemakers(1917) by George Bellows


Peace churches are Christian denominations explicitly advocating pacifism. The term "historic peace churches" refers specifically to three church traditions: the Church of the Brethren, the Mennonites (and some other Anabaptists, such as Amishand Hutterites), and the Quakers (Religious Society of Friends). The historic peace churches have, from their origins as far back as the 16th century, always taken the position that Jesus was himself a pacifist who explicitly taught and practiced pacifism, and that his followers must do likewise. Pacifist churches vary on whether physical force can ever be justified in self-defense or protecting others, as many adhere strictly to nonresistance when confronted by violence. But all agree that violence on behalf of a country or a government is prohibited for Christians.


Jay Beaman's thesis[79] states that 13 of 21, or 62% of American Pentecostal groups formed by 1917 show evidence of being pacifist sometime in their history. Furthermore Jay Beaman has shown in his thesis[79] that there has been a shift away from pacifism in the American Pentecostal churches to more a style of military support and chaplaincy. The major organisation for Pentecostal Christians who believe in pacifism is the PCPF, the Pentecostal Charismatic Peace Fellowship.

The United Pentecostal Church, the largest Apostolic/Oneness denomination, takes an official stand of conscientious objection: its Articles of Faith read, "We are constrained to declare against participating in combatant service in war, armed insurrection... aiding or abetting in or the actual destruction of human life. We believe that we can be consistent in serving our Government in certain noncombatant capacities, but not in the bearing of arms."[80]

Other Christian denominations
The shadow of the cross symbolizes the connection between religion and war in Constantine's Sword (film)


The Peace Pledge Union was a pacifist organisation from which the Anglican Pacifist Fellowship (APF) later emerged within the Anglican Church. The APF succeeded in gaining ratification of the pacifist position at two successive Lambeth Conferences, but many Anglicans would not regard themselves as pacifists. South African Bishop Desmond Tutu is the most prominent Anglican pacifist. Rowan Williams led an almost united Anglican Church in Britain in opposition to the 2003 Iraq War. In Australia Peter Carnley similarly led a front of bishops opposed to the Government of Australia's involvement in the invasion of Iraq.


The Catholic Worker Movement is concerned with both social justice and pacifist issues, and voiced consistent opposition to theSpanish Civil War and World War II. Many of its early members were imprisoned for their opposition to conscription.[81] Within the Roman Catholic Church, the Pax Christi organisation is the premiere pacifist lobby group. It holds positions similar to APF, and the two organisations are known to work together on ecumenical projects. 

Within Roman Catholicism there has been a discernible move towards a more pacifist position through the twentieth and early twenty-first centuries. Popes Benedict XV,John XXIII and John Paul II were all vocal in their opposition to specific wars. By taking the name Benedict XVI, some suspected that Joseph Ratzinger would continue the strong emphasis upon nonviolent conflict resolution of his predecessor. However, the Roman Catholic Church officially maintains the legitimacy of Just War, which is rejected by some pacifists.

In the twentieth century there was a notable trend among prominent Roman Catholics towards pacifism. Individuals such as Dorothy Day and Henri Nouwen stand out among them. The monk and mystic Thomas Merton was noted for his commitment to pacifism during the Vietnam War era. Murdered Salvadoran Bishop Oscar Romerowas notable for using non-violent resistance tactics and wrote meditative sermons focusing on the power of prayer and peace. 

School of the Americas Watch was founded by Maryknoll Fr. Roy Bourgeois in 1990 and uses strictly pacifist principles to protest the training of Latin American military officers by United States Army officers at the School of the Americas in the state of Georgia.


The Greek Orthodox Church also tends towards pacifism, though it has accepted defensive warfare through most of its history. However, more recently[when?] it took a strong stance towards the war in Lebanon and its large community there refused to take up arms during its civil wars. It also supports dialogue with Islam. In 1998 the Third Pre-conciliar Pan-Orthodox Conference drew up a text on "the contribution of the Orthodox Church to the achievement of peace" emphasizing respect for the human person and the inseparability of peace from justice. The text states in part: "Orthodoxy condemns war in general, for she regards it as a consequence of the evil and sin in the world."[82]


The Southern Baptist Convention has stated in the Baptist Faith and Message, "It is the duty of Christians to seek peace with all men on principles of righteousness. In accordance with the spirit and teachings of Christ they should do all in their power to put an end to war."[83]


The United Methodist Church explicitly supports conscientious objection by its members "as an ethically valid position" while simultaneously allowing for differences of opinion and belief for those who do not object to military service.[84]


Members of the Rastafari Movement's Mansion Nyabinghi are specifically noted for having a large population of Pacifist Members, though not all of them are.


Main article: Ahimsa

Non violence, or ahimsa, is a central part of Hinduism and is one of the fundamental Yamas - self restraints needed to live a proper life. The concept of ahimsa grew gradually within Hinduism, one of the signs being the discouragement of ritual animal sacrifice. Most Hindus today have a vegetarian diet. There are debates on how far the principle of ahimsa applies and if there is such a thing as a "just war".


Non-violence, Compassion for all life, human and non-human, is central to Jainism. Human life is valued as a unique, rare opportunity to reach enlightenment. Killing any person, no matter what crime he may have committed, is considered unimaginably terrible. It is a religion that requires monks, from all its sects and traditions, to bevegetarian. Some Indian regions, such as Gujarat, Madhya Pradesh have been strongly influenced by Jains and often the majority of the local Hindus of every denomination are also vegetarian.[85]


Some pre-Holocaust Hasidic groups were pacifist. The Jewish Peace Fellowship is a New-York based nonprofit, nondenominational organization set up to provide a Jewish voice in the peace movement. The organization was founded in 1941 in order to support Jewish conscientious objectors who sought exemption from combatant military service.[86] 

It is affiliated to the International Fellowship of Reconciliation.[87] The small Neturei Karta group of anti-Zionist, ultra-orthodox Jews, supposedly take a pacifist line, saying that "Jews are not allowed to dominate, kill, harm or demean another people and are not allowed to have anything to do with the Zionist enterprise, their political meddling and their wars.".[88] 

However, the Neturei Karta group do support groups such as Hezbollah and Hamas that are violent towards Israel in response to Israel's violence.[89] 


Non-violence is an important doctrine within Raelism. The founder of this religion Rael has said "The one holding the weapon is as responsible as the one giving the orders". Other Rael statements include "even if the Elohim asked them to kill someone they should refuse".[90]


Government and political movements
Remarque's anti-war novel All Quiet on the Western Front was banned and burned by war-glorifying Nazis

While many governments have tolerated pacifist views and even accommodated pacifists' refusal to fight in wars, others at times have outlawed pacifist and anti-war activity. In 1918, The United States Congress passed the Sedition Act of 1918

During the periods between World Wars I and World War II, pacifist literature and public advocacy was banned in Italy under Benito Mussolini, Germany after the rise of Adolf Hitler,[91] Spain under Francisco Franco,[92] and the Soviet Union under Joseph Stalin.[93] In these nations, pacifism was denounced as cowardice; indeed, Mussolini referred to pacifist writings as the "propaganda of cowardice".[91]

Today, the United States requires that all young men register for selective service but does not allow them to be classified as conscientious objectors unless they are drafted in some future reinstatement of the draft, allowing them to be discharged or transferred to noncombatant status.[94] Some European governments like Switzerland, Greece, Norway and Germany offercivilian service. However, even during periods of peace, many pacifists still refuse to register for or report for military duty, risking criminal charges.

Anti-war and "pacifist" political parties seeking to win elections may moderate their demands, calling for de-escalation or majorarms reduction rather than the outright disarmament which is advocated by many pacifists. Green parties list "non-violence" and "decentralization" towards anarchist co-operatives or minimalist village government as two of their ten key values.

However, in power, Greens often compromise. The German Greens in the cabinet of Social Democrat Gerhard Schröder supported an intervention by German troops in Afghanistan in 2001 if that they hosted the peace conference in Berlin. However, during the 2002 election Greens forced Schröder to swear that no German troops would invade Iraq.

The controversial democratic peace theory holds that liberal democracies have never (or rarely) made war on one another and that lesser conflicts and internal violence are rare between and within democracies. It also argues that the growth in the number of democratic states will, in the not so distant future, end warfare.
March of Peace, which took place in Moscow in March 2014

The Italian Constitution enforces a mild pacifist character on the Italian Republic, as Article 11 states that "Italy repudiates war as an instrument offending the liberty of the peoples and as a means for settling international disputes...." Similarly, Articles 24, 25 and 26 of the German Constitution (1949), Alinea 15 of the French Constitution (1946), Article 20 of the Danish Constitution(1953), Article 9 of the Japanese Constitution (1947) and several other mostly European constitutions correspond to the United Nations Charter by rejecting the institution of war in favour of collective security and peaceful cooperation.[95]


Some pacifists and multilateralists are in favor of international criminal law as means to prevent and control international aggression. The International Criminal Court has jurisdiction over war crimes, but the crime of aggression has yet to be clearly defined in international law.

Pacifism and abstention from political activity

However, some pacifists, such as the Christian anarchist Leo Tolstoy and autarchist Robert LeFevre, consider the state a form of warfare. In addition, for doctrinal reason that a manmade government is inferior to divine governance and law, many pacifist-identified religions/religious sects also refrain from political activity altogether, including the Anabaptists, Jehovah's Witnesses and Mandaeans. This means that such groups refuse to participate in government office or serve under an oath to a government.


Main article: Anarcho-pacifism

Anarcho-pacifism (also pacifist anarchism or anarchist pacifism) is a form of anarchism which completely rejects the use of violence in any form for any purpose. The main precedent was Henry David Thoreau who through his work Civil Disobedience influenced the advocacy of both Leo Tolstoy and Mohandas Gandhi for nonviolent resistance.[96] 

As a global movement, Anarchist pacifism emerged shortly beforeWorld War II in the Netherlands, Great Britain and the United States and was a strong presence in the subsequent campaigns for nuclear disarmament.

Violence has always been controversial in anarchism. While many anarchists during the 19th century embraced propaganda of the deed, Leo Tolstoy and other anarcho-pacifists directly opposed violence as a means for change. He argued that anarchism must by nature be nonviolent since it is, by definition, opposition to coercion and force and since the state is inherently violent, meaningful pacifism must likewise be anarchistic. 

His philosophy was cited as a major inspiration by Mohandas Gandhi, an Indian independence leader and pacifist who self-identified as an anarchist. Ferdinand Domela Nieuwenhuis was also instrumental in establishing the pacifist trend within the anarchist movement.[97] In France anti-militarism appeared strongly in individualist anarchist circles as Émile Armand founded "Ligue Antimilitariste" in 1902 with Albert Libertad and George Mathias Paraf-Javal.

Opposition to military taxation

Many pacifists who would be conscientious objectors to military service are also opposed to paying taxes to fund the military. In the United States, The National Campaign for a Peace Tax Fund works to pass a national law to allow conscientious objectors to redirect their tax money to be used only for non-military purposes.[98]


The acceptance of violence for any reason makes it easier to use in other situations. Learning and committing to pacifism helps to send a message that violence is, in fact, not the most effective way. Pacifism can also help people to think more creatively and find more effective ways to stop violence without more violence.

In light of the common criticism of pacifism as not offering a clear alternative policy, one approach to finding "more effective ways" has been the attempt to develop the idea of "defence by civil resistance", also called "social defence". This idea, which is not necessarily dependent on acceptance of pacifist beliefs, is based on relying onnonviolent resistance against possible threats, whether external (such as invasion) or internal (such as coup d'état).

There have been some works on this topic, including by Adam Roberts[99] and Gene Sharp.[100] However, no country has adopted this approach as the sole basis of its defence.[101] (For further information and sources see social defence.)


Hermann Göring described, during an interview at the Nuremberg Trials, how denouncing and outlawing pacifism was an important part of the Nazis' seizure of power: "The people can always be brought to the bidding of the leaders. That is easy. All you have to do is tell them they are being attacked and denounce the pacifists for lack of patriotism and exposing the country to danger. It works the same way in any country."[103]

Some commentators on the most nonviolent forms of pacifism, including Jan Narveson, argue that such pacifism is a self-contradictory doctrine. Narveson claims that everyone has rights and corresponding responsibilities not to violate others' rights. Since pacifists give up their ability to protect themselves from violation of their right not to be harmed, then other people thus have no corresponding responsibility, thus creating a paradox of rights. 

Narveson said that "the prevention of infractions of that right is precisely what one has a right to when one has a right at all". Narveson then discusses how rational persuasion is a good but often inadequate method of discouraging an aggressor. He considers that everyone has the right to use any means necessary to prevent deprivation of their civil liberties and force could be necessary.[104]

Many pacifists would argue that not only are there other ways to protect oneself but that some of those ways are far more effective than violence, and that physical harm is not the only variety that can be done. Often pacifists would much rather take the physical harm inflicted by another rather than cause themselves emotional or psychological harm, not to mention harming the other.

One powerful pacifist reply to Churchill was from American activist George Lakey, a founder of Movement for a New Society, in a detailed response to Pacifism as Pathology. Lakey quotes Martin Luther King in entitling his 2001 article Nonviolent Action as the Sword that Heals.[107] However, he takes on Churchill's assumptions and reading of history from a pragmatic viewpoint, arguing the superiority of nonviolent action by describing "some movements that learned, from their own pragmatic experience, that they could wage struggle more successfully through nonviolent direct action than through violence."

See also



Free; Quaker Pacifism E Books

Free; General Pacifism EBooks

Christian Ethics and Nuclear Power

Christian ethics has as its frame of reference Jesus’ idea of God. God is creator of heaven and earth, a loving God concerned about human beings — the children of God who are of infinite worth in his sight. We must reverence all of his creation: humanity as well as the earth. The psalmist sang: ‘The earth is the Lord’s and the fullness thereof.’ Nearly 500 years ago Martin Luther questioned the distinction between the sacred and the secular: all life is sacred. And long before Luther, the creeds of Christendom spoke of God as ‘maker of all things visible and invisible.’

“From this perspective, Christian ethics has a great deal to say about nuclear power — its potential to destroy life and to poison the earth. Christians often use the word ‘stewardship,’ but most often in a narrow sense, in connection with the practice of tithing one’s worldly goods. True Christian stewardship embraces the larger meaning found in the ancient creeds: all of life, ‘the world and they that dwell therein.’


Leaders from all around the world, including religious and spiritual leaders, have called for an end to the nuclear industry madness. 

Medical Doctors, Scientists, Spiritual Leaders And Nuclear Experts Quotes About Low Dose Cumulative Radiation Dangers; via @AGreenRoad


The National Right to Life PAC is pretty well funded and has a LOT of clout. What is their position on nuclear bombs and nuclear power plants?
Email; kcross (at symbol)

Isn't it time to email, write or call these right to life organizations and ask them about their official position on nuclear weapons, nuclear power plants, and war.

Do they condone or support the sacrifice of millions of infants and children, or not? Ask them to issue official written statements on this subject, as it affects not only the present generation, but also 7 future generations of babies and children. These groups should be leading the charge to ban WMD weapons and nuclear plants specifically.

Nuclear Power Plant Studies Show Child Leukemia, Breast, Thyroid Cancer Rates Increase RADICALLY Closer To Plants; via @AGreenRoad

Feel free to take this on as a project through your church, organization or just personally. Feel free to use links from AGRP articles to send along, because they may not understand the issues involved yet.

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A Green Road Project; Teaching the Science of Sustainable Health. Keep asking - what works for 7 future generations without causing harm?


Admiral Rickover testified;

"I do not believe that nuclear power is worth it if it creates radiation. Then you might ask me why do I have nuclear powered ships. That is a necessary evil. I would sink them all. I am not proud of the part I played in it. I did it because it was necessary for the safety of this country. 

That's why I am such a great exponent of stopping this whole nonsense of war. Unfortunately limits — attempts to limit war have always failed. The lesson of history is when a war starts every nation will ultimately use whatever weapon it has available." 

"Every time you produce radiation, you produce something that has a certain half-life, in some cases for billions of years. I think the human race is going to wreck itself, and it is important that we get control of this horrible force and try to eliminate it." (Economics of Defense Policy: Hearing before the Joint Economic Committee, Congress of the United States, 97th Cong., 2nd sess., Pt. 1 (1982))

War is a Racket, by Major General Smedley Butler - Warned That Military Industrial Complex Taking Over Levers Of Power; via @AGreenRoad

Wikipedia; "Eliminating nuclear weapons has long been an aim of the pacifist left. But now many mainstream politicians, academic analysts, and retired military leaders also advocate nuclear disarmament. Sam NunnWilliam PerryHenry Kissinger, and George Shultz have called upon governments to embrace the vision of a world free of nuclear weapons, and in three Wall Street Journal opeds proposed an ambitious program of urgent steps to that end.... In 2010, the four were featured in a documentary film entitled Nuclear Tipping Point. The film is a visual and historical depiction of the ideas laid forth in the Wall Street Journal op-eds and reinforces their commitment to a world without nuclear weapons and the steps that can be taken to reach that goal.[57]"


Wikipedia; "In recent years, some U.S. elder statesmen have also advocated nuclear disarmament. Sam Nunn, William Perry, Henry Kissinger, and George Shultz have called upon governments to embrace the vision of a world free of nuclear weapons, and in various oped columns have proposed an ambitious program of urgent steps to that end. The four have created the Nuclear Security Project to advance this agenda. Organisations such as Global Zero, an international non-partisan group of 300 world leaders dedicated to achieving nuclear disarmament, have also been established.

In 1958, Linus Pauling and his wife presented the United Nations with the petition signed by more than 11,000 scientists calling for an end to nuclear-weapon testing. The "Baby Tooth Survey," headed by Dr Louise Reiss, demonstrated conclusively in 1961 that above-ground nuclear testing posed significant public health risks in the form of radioactive fallout spread primarily via milk from cows that had ingested contaminated grass.[15][16][17] 

Public pressure and the research results subsequently led to a moratorium on above-ground nuclear weapons testing, followed by the Partial Test Ban Treaty, signed in 1963 by John F. Kennedy and Nikita Khrushchev.[18] On the day that the treaty went into force, the Nobel Prize Committee awarded Pauling theNobel Peace Prize, describing him as "Linus Carl Pauling, who ever since 1946 has campaigned ceaselessly, not only against nuclear weapons tests, not only against the spread of these armaments, not only against their very use, but against all warfare as a means of solving international conflicts."[5][19] Pauling started the International League of Humanists in 1974. He was president of the scientific advisory board of the World Union for Protection of Life and also one of the signatories of the Dubrovnik-Philadelphia Statement.


Wikipedia; "In 1950, the WPC launched its Stockholm Appeal[44] calling for the absolute prohibition of nuclear weapons. The campaign won popular support, collecting, it is said, 560 million signatures in Europe, most from socialist countries, including 10 million in France (including that of the young Jacques Chirac), and 155 million signatures in the Soviet Union.[45]


Wikipedia; "In its landmark resolution 1653 of 1961, “Declaration on the prohibition of the use of nuclear and thermo-nuclear weapons,” the UN General Assembly stated that use of nuclear weaponry “would exceed even the scope of war and cause indiscriminate suffering and destruction to mankind and civilization and, as such, is contrary to the rules of international law and to the laws of humanity”.[48]

The UN Office for Disarmament Affairs (UNODA) is a department of the United Nations Secretariat established in January 1998 as part of the United Nations Secretary-General Kofi Annan's plan to reform the UN as presented in his report to the General Assembly in July 1997.[49]

Its goal is to promote nuclear disarmament and non-proliferation and the strengthening of the disarmament regimes in respect to other weapons of mass destruction, chemical and biological weapons. It also promotes disarmament efforts in the area ofconventional weapons, especially land mines and small arms, which are often the weapons of choice in contemporary conflicts.

Following the retirement of Sergio Duarte in February 2012, Angela Kane was appointed as the new High Representative for Disarmament Affairs."


Wikipedia; "Global Zero is an international non-partisan group of 300 world leaders dedicated to achieving nuclear disarmament.[58] The initiative, launched in December 2008, promotes a phased withdrawal and verification for the destruction of all devices held by official and unofficial members of the nuclear club. The Global Zero campaign works toward building an international consensus and a sustained global movement of leaders and citizens for the elimination of nuclear weapons. Goals include the initiation of United States-Russia bilateral negotiations for reductions to 1,000 total warheads each and commitments from the other key nuclear weapons countries to participate in multilateral negotiations for phased reductions of nuclear arsenals. Global Zero works to expand the diplomatic dialogue with key governments and continue to develop policy proposals on the critical issues related to the elimination of nuclear weapons."


Wikipedia; "Mayors for Peace was started in Japan and since then Mayors throughout the World have signed on. When Mayors sign on it means they support the commencement of negotiations towards the elimination of nuclear weapons by the year 2020.

In Hiroshima in 1945 an estimated 140.000 human beings died because of the nuclear explosion. According to the Federation of American Scientists today there are around 26.000 nuclear warheads that together have a total yield of almost half a million times the 15 kiloton Hiroshima bomb.

On March 1, 2013, Mayors for Peace counted 5,551 city mayor members in 156 countries and territories around the world.

The 2020 Vision Campaign is the main vehicle for advancing the agenda of Mayors for Peace - a nuclear-weapon-free world by the year 2020. It was initiated on a provisional basis by the Executive Cities of Mayors for Peace at their meeting in Manchester, UK, in October 2003. It was launched under the name 'Emergency Campaign to Ban Nuclear Weapons' in November of that year at the 2nd Citizens Assembly for the Elimination of Nuclear Weapons held in Nagasaki, Japan. In August 2005, the World Conference endorsed continuation of the Campaign under the title of the '2020 Vision Campaign'.

From May 2008 till May 2009, the main focus of the work of the 2020 Vision Campaign has been the signature drive for the Cities Appeal in support of the Hiroshima-Nagasaki Protocol. The Protocol embeds the objective of the 2020 Vision Campaign in a realistic framework. As a protocol to the Treaty on the Non-Proliferation of Nuclear Weapons (NPT), it seeks to challenge national governments to follow through on the commitments they made in Article VI the Treaty.

By signing the Cities Appeal, Mayors and elected local officials around the world are given the chance to get behind the Hiroshima-Nagasaki Protocol ahead of the formal and final presentation of the results of the international signature drive at the 2010 NPT Review Conference at the United Nations Headquarters in New York.


Wikipedia; "The International Conference on Nuclear Disarmament took place in Oslo in February, 2008, and was organized by The Government of Norway, the Nuclear Threat Initiative and the Hoover Institute. The Conference was entitled Achieving the Vision of a World Free of Nuclear Weapons and had the purpose of building consensus between nuclear weapon states and non-nuclear weapon states in relation to the Nuclear Non-proliferation Treaty.[59]

The Tehran International Conference on Disarmament and Non-Proliferation took place in Tehran in April 2010. The conference was held shortly after the signing of theNew START, and resulted in a call of action toward eliminating all nuclear weapons. Representatives from 60 countries were invited to the conference. Non-governmental organizations were also present.

Among the prominent figures who have called for the abolition of nuclear weapons are "the philosopher Bertrand Russell, the entertainer Steve Allen, CNN’s Ted Turner, former Senator Claiborne Pell, Notre Dame president Theodore Hesburg, South African Bishop Desmond Tutu and the Dalai Lama".[60]


Via Nick December 17, 2014 "Peace demands the most heroic labor and the most difficult sacrifice. It demands greater heroism than war. It demands greater fidelity to the truth and a much more perfect purity of conscience."
Thomas Merton

Maybe it is time to start awarding more people medals for the sacrifices they are making fighting in the trenches to win over people's hearts and minds for the cause of peace and nuclear weapons dismantling. In a way, standing up to the military industrial complex and those who are pro violence, pro military and pro nuclear or WMD, is harder than facing a machine gun nest and then taking it out, using no weapons at all. Who are the REAL heroes? It is very easy to destroy things and blow up the world by pushing a button. It is easy to kill and die or commit suicide because life is too hard or too dark and depressing. 

Living life, waging peace, and finding non violent solutions to conflicts both personally and globally on a daily basis is REALLY hard work, much harder than hand to hand combat using knives in a trench. With hand to hand combat and lethal weapons, it is all over in a few seconds. Starting a global nuclear war can happen in the next 1 minute; that is easy. 

Keeping the peace and dismantling them all, now that is HARDER than hand to hand combat in a trench more often than not, especially when facing off with someone else across the table with whom you disagree.

Sacrifice, heroism, fidelity to truth and purity of conscience are called for on all sides when waging peace, much more so than in times of war. Religions should be leading the charge up the hill of peace, with a Billion points of light in the peace loving hearts of true believers illuminating the way into a future that works peacefully for 7 future generations, without causing harm.


Christian Ethics, Churches, Religious Leaders And Pacifist Faith Organizations Working For Abolishing Nuclear Weapons And Nuclear Power Plants

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