Fukushima Daiichi Spider-Webs, Plasma or Artificial Lightning Ionization Events; Are They Real?

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Fukushima Daiichi Spider-Webs, Plasma or Artificial Lightning Ionization Events; Are They Real?

Something strange started happening at Fukushima as things have been getting worse at the plant. Arcing lights and spiderwebs have steadily grown from just one spiderweb in one location, to spiderwebs in many locations, as shown on this video. 


If Krypton-85 continues to increase, changes in such atmospheric processes and properties as atmospheric electric conductivity, ion current, the Earth's magnetic field, formation of cloud condensation nuclei and 57 aerosols, and frequency of lightning may result and thus disturb the Earth's heat balance and precipitation patterns. These Krypton-85 induced consequences call for Krypton-85 monitoring.""

Could Radioactive Krypton 85 Gas And Open Air Fission Be Generating Massive Typhoons, One A Week Basis? via @AGreenRoad

"Ionizing radiation consists of particles or electromagnetic waves energetic enough to detach electrons from atoms or molecules, thus ionizing them. The degree and nature of such ionization depends on the energy of the individual particles or waves, and not on their number. An intense flood of particles or waves will not cause ionization if these particles or waves do not carry enough energy to be ionizing. Roughly speaking, particles or photons with energies above a few electron volts are ionizing. Ionization produces free radicals, which are atoms or molecules containing unpaired electrons, that tend to be especially chemically reactive due to their electronic structure." 

Wikipedia; "Ionizing radiation is invisible and not directly detectable by human senses, so radiation detection instruments such as Geiger counters are required. However, ionizing radiation may lead to secondary emission of visible light upon interaction with matter, such as in Cherenkov radiation and radioluminescence.
Radiation interaction - gamma rays are represented by wavy lines, charged particles and neutrons by straight lines. The small circles show where ionization occurs.

Ionized air glows blue around a beam of particulate ionizing radiation from a cyclotron
High-intensity ionizing radiation in air can produce a visible ionized air glow of telltale bluish-purplish color. The glow can be observed, e.g., during criticality accidents, around mushroom clouds shortly after a nuclear explosion, or inside of a damaged nuclear reactor like during theChernobyl disaster.


Ionization of materials temporarily increases their conductivity, potentially permitting damaging current levels. This is a particular hazard in semiconductor microelectronics employed in electronic equipment, with subsequent currents introducing operation errors or even permanently damaging the devices. Devices intended for high radiation environments such as the nuclear industry and extra atmospheric (space) applications may be made radiation hard to resist such effects through design, material selection, and fabrication methods.

Proton radiation found in space can also cause single-event upsets in digital circuits.
The electrical effects of ionizing radiation are exploited in gas-filled radiation detectors, e.g. the Geiger-Muller counter or the ion chamber."


From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Nitrogen glow

Oxygen glow

Ionized-air glow is the fluorescent emission of characteristic blue–purple–violet light, of color called electric blue, by air subjected to an energy flux.


When energy is deposited to air, the air molecules become excited. As air is composed primarily of nitrogen and oxygen, excited N2 and O2 molecules are produced. These can react with other molecules, forming mainly ozone and nitrogen(II) oxide. Water vapor, when present, may also play a role; its presence is characterized by the hydrogen emission lines. The reactive species present in the plasma can readily react with other chemicals present in the air or on nearby surfaces.

Deexcitation of nitrogen

The excited nitrogen deexcites primarily by emission of a photon, with emission lines in ultraviolet, visible, and infrared band:N2* → N2 + hν

The blue light observed is produced primarily by this process.[1] The spectrum is dominated by lines of single-ionized nitrogen, with presence of neutral nitrogen lines.
Deexcitation of oxygen[edit]

The excited state of oxygen is somewhat more stable than nitrogen. While deexcitation can occur by emission of photons, more probable mechanism at atmospheric pressure is a chemical reaction with other oxygen molecules, forming ozone:[1]O2* + 2 O2 → 2 O3

This reaction is responsible for the production of ozone in the vicinity of strongly radioactive materials and electrical discharges.


Excitation energy can be deposited in air by a number of different mechanisms:

Ionizing radiation is the cause of blue glow surrounding sufficient quantities of stronglyradioactive materials in air, e.g. some radioisotope specimens (e.g. radium or polonium),particle beams (e.g. from particle accelerators) in air, the blue flashes during criticality accidents, and the eerie/low brightness "purple" to "blue" glow enveloping the mushroom cloud during the first several dozen seconds after nuclear explosions near sea level. An effect that has been observed only at night from atmospheric nuclear tests owing to its low brightness, with observers noticing it after the pre-dawn Trinity (test),[2][3][4][5] and Upshot-Knothole Annie,[6]

(notice the strange verticle lines, which may also be light 'glows') 

This night shot of Upshot-Knothole Annie was televised and gives a rare record of both the un-edited sound and appearance(in black and white) of a nuclear explosion. After this picture was taken the blue ionized air glow persisted around the mushroom cloud.[7]The emission of blue light is often incorrectly attributed to Cherenkov radiation. For more on ionized air glow by nuclear explosions see the near local midnight, high altitude test shot,Bluegill Triple Prime.

Within minutes after the steam explosion that caused the Chernobyl accident at 01:23 local time, a number of employees at the power station went outside to get a clearer view of the extent of the damage, one such survivor, Alexander Yuvchenkorecounts that once he stopped outside and looked up towards the reactor hall he saw a "very beautiful"LASER-like beam of light bluish light, caused by the ionization of air, that appeared to flood up into infinity.[8][9][10]

Cathode rays in air produce this blue glow.[11]

Electrical discharge in air is the cause of blue light emitted by electric sparks, lightnings, and corona discharges (e.g. St. Elmo's fire).

Auroras, the sometimes observable blue-violet hues emitted by nitrogen at lower altitudes


Emission spectrum of nitrogen
Emission spectrum of oxygen
Emission spectrum of hydrogen (water vapor is similar but dimmer)

In dry air, the color of produced light (e.g. by lightning) is dominated by the emission lines of nitrogen, yielding the spectrum with primarily blue emission lines. The lines of neutral nitrogen (NI), neutral oxygen (OI), singly ionized nitrogen (NII) and singly ionized oxygen (OII) are the most prominent features of a lightning emission spectrum.[12]

Neutral nitrogen radiates primarily at one line in red part of the spectrum. Ionized nitrogen radiates primarily as a set of lines in blue part of the spectrum.[13] The strongest signals are the 443.3, 444.7, and 463.0 nm lines of singly ionized nitrogen.[14]

Violet hue can occur when the spectrum contains emission lines of atomic hydrogen. This may happen when the air contains high amount of water, e.g. with lightnings in low altitudes passing through rain thunderstorms. Water vapor and small water droplets ionize and dissociate easier than large droplets, therefore have higher impact on color.[15]

The hydrogen emission lines at 656.3 nm (the strong H-alpha line) and at 486.1 nm (H-beta) are characteristic for lightnings.[16]

Rydberg atoms, generated by low-frequency lightnings, emit at red to orange color and can give the lightning a yellowish to greenish tint.[15]

Generally, the radiant species present in atmospheric plasma are N2, N2+, O2, NO (in dry air) and OH (in humid air). The temperature, electron density, and electron temperature of the plasma can be inferred from the distribution of rotational lines of these species. At higher temperatures, atomic emission lines of N and O, and (in presence of water) H, are present. Other molecular lines, e.g. CO and CN, mark presence of contaminants in the air.[17]

Ionized air glow vs Cherenkov radiation

Despite the similarity of light color produced, the Cherenkov radiation is generated by a fundamentally different mechanism.

Cherenkov radiation is produced by charged particles which are traveling through a dielectric substance at a speed greater than the speed of light in that medium. The only types of charged particle radiation produced in the process of a criticality accident (fission reactions) are alpha particles, beta particles, positrons (which all come from the radioactive decay of unstable daughter products of the fission reaction) and energetic ions which are the daughter products themselves. 

Of these, only beta particles have sufficient penetrating power to travel more than a few centimeters in air. Since air is a very low density material, its index of refraction (aroundn=1.0002926) differs very little from that of a vacuum (n=1) and consequently the speed of light in air is only about 0.03% slower than its speed in a vacuum. 

Therefore, a beta particle emitted from decaying fission products would need to have a velocity greater than 99.97% c in order to produce Cherenkov radiation. Because the energy of beta particles produced during nuclear decay do not exceed energies of about 20 MeV (20.6 MeV for 14B is likely the most energetic with 17.9 MeV for 23Na being the next highest energy beta emitter[18]) and the energy needed for a beta particle to attain 99.97% c is 20.3 MeV, the possibility of Cherenkov radiation produced in air via a fission criticality or a radioactive decay is virtually eliminated.

Cherenkov radiation can be however readily observed in more optically dense environments, e.g. in water or in transparent solids.

Wouldn't it be possible that under certain conditions of high ionizing radiation, high humidity (better conductivity, and darkness, that a certain kind of ionizing current becomes visible as a light emission, much like the above examples, at a place like Fukushima, where very high radiation levels (gamma, beta, alpha, neutron, plus radioactive gases) are present? Maybe the unique never seen before combination of radioactive elements at Fukushima can explain what is happening there. 


Via Troy Livingston A strange light on the fuku live cam caught by Janet Saxon Pieck
Watch starting at 2:45 to 2:30 in this 20x film speed

Or on the long film version at the 28:30 minute mark
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=BuYQcg29BDM&feature=youtu.be...See More

Fukushima Daiichi Spider-Web Phenomena 'Real'

August 29, 2014  Would you be willing to provide your opinion on the "spiderweb" phenomenon Kat recently captured (please see links below). The phenomenon usually occurs after a rain during very high humidity conditions. I found an image of a deuterium ion beam produced by a cyclotron in a physics article from 1949. I'm wondering if the spiderwebs are some sort of ion beam or plasma?

PDF of screenshots


Here are the links for Kat's recent capture. THESE ARE REMARKABLE

start watching this one at 45 seconds

start watching this from the beginning

start watching this one at 1:40 seconds

Via majia August 29, 2014  "The arcing and plasma like phenomenon are in near constant motion and seem to vibrate when they are still. They last seconds. Sometimes only one second or less. Still, they exist long enough to capture relatively easily with screenshots. The beam of light in Kat's first video (found at around 50 seconds) is unusually steady and the light more focused than ordinary. Its duration in one place is also greater than ordinary. It is but a few seconds in duration."

Via majia November 26, 2014 Not everything we've seen can be explained by lens flare. Here is the link again to my pdf of 'scary fukushima images.' The red lightning in slide 21 is particularly interesting. That is the screenshot that was taken down from the web after being posted by Kat. I hope she is doing well and we miss her here.

Elibi November 26, 2014  Hi all,it's great to read you all and watch your videos, nuckelchen's are precious as always. Nice to see you here. I was thinking about this web issue. If it were water on the lense, then this one wouldn't be partially hidden by a building. IMHO


Here is just one more example of a strange type of light/radiation event that was only recently discovered by accident. There are many more things in this world waiting to be discovered and researched.

Dark lightning is associated with high altitude lightning that goes up into the stratosphere from clouds, instead of down to the ground, like normal lightning. Dark lightning emits gamma radiation pulses. Research on the webs or ionization effects could easily tell if there is a radiation associated with these things or not, but so far, no one is researching anything around Fukushima at the site itself.


Spectacular video of lightning inside Chile Puyehue volcano ash/smoke


No one knows what ball lightning is, but thousands of people have seen it. A description of it is provided by this short video

Many scientists still don't believe ball lightning can exist.  Some reports of Ball Lightning located by Robert K. Golka. A Scientist in aircraft sees one, A study team in Los Alamos films one for 150 frames, several are described through history.

Describing all of these different ionizing light events makes the point that humans do not understand everything that is going on, and strange light events are not any exception. 


majia November 25, 2014  It doesn't seem to be raining in this clip. I was convinced by Aftershock and Ontological who demonstrated through a video that the spiderwebs were simply raindrops on lens. I cannot recall the name of the lens phenomenon.

Weather report shows high humidity but no precipitation, although it could have rained briefly in some areas of the prefecture:

So, is the nature of the spiderwebs again open for debate?

Via PlowboyGrownUp November 25, 2014 "Artificial lightning – 
At about 23min he describe 'ion cloud forming a channel, and discharge from high elevations following the channel' or similar words."

majia November 25, 2014  "I know… I've seen those plasma chamber effects and I did suspect they were being produced at Fukushima until I saw that video of the same looking web phenomenon on car windshield during rain. I wish I remember where that video link was posted. It was on a different thread than the webcam one.

Via CodeShutdown November 25, 2014 "I contest the "plasma web" theory. Those are clearly water drop caustics. Are there plasmas, visible plasma arcs? Yes, Ive seen one, like a lightning discharge….but phenomena theorized to be plasma arcs and webs are caused by water drops/condensation and sometimes debris on the lens."

What are your thoughts, now that at least some of the evidence is in on both sides?


FORUM: Fukushima Webcam Discussion Thread


What are these arcs, webs and strange lights at Fukushima? Radiation definitely changes the ionization of the air. As the ground becomes super saturated with radiation of all kinds, the air above the ground would naturally become more and more ionized. This has never happened before anywhere on the planet, so we may be witnessing the first ever man made radiation lightning plasma or ionization events. What could be causing what might be strange and scary light shows at Fukushima?

As far as real world causes; consider that perhaps underground coriums may also be associated with these events, or the blown out MOX fuel fragments from unit #3 may play a role. Underground high level liquid waste from contaminated groundwater and the emissions from any one or all of these things may create the condition(s) needed for these light emissions. Of course, the nuclear industry and TEPCO denies all of these things exist, but they are not known for being transparent and honest. Their credibility at this point is close to zero. 

It would be nice if Fukushima got more attention and was researched for things like this, but the nuclear industry and so called regulators seem content to just ignore Fukushima and deny anything bad happened there. The mass media largely ignores it too. The nuclear industry claims Fukushima is just 5 to 10% of Chernobyl, no one died, and no one will ever die. What has and is still happening at Fukushima is largely being ignored, denied and covered up, but that is the rule with nuclear accidents. 

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Fukushima Daiichi Spider-Webs, Plasma or Artificial Lightning Ionization Events; Are They Real?

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