Medical Industrial Complex Experimentation On Humans In Africa And Other 3rd Word Nations

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Medical Industrial Complex Experimentation On Humans In Africa And Other 3rd Word Nations

Unethical human medical experimentation has been going on for generations by the medical community working with huge corporations that stand to make huge profits, inside the USA. 

Human Radiation Experiments Performed Without Consent Or Knowledge By US CIA, Military, Medical, Mental Health Professionals; via @AGreenRoad

300,000 Atomic Veterans Forcibly Exposed To Nuclear Radiation, Made Into Radioactive Lab Rats; via @AGreenRoad

This article details just a few of the many human medical experiments done by US drug companies in Africa. 

"DeBar said "what the GSK was doing was experimenting for an effective AIDS treatment or an amplification of the effects of AIDS treatments on African babies who are suffering from Malaria ... Like in the Tuskegee experiment, there is a historical tradition in the United States and its medical industry of experimenting on black people and now they are doing it again, they are doing it on the ground in Africa."

He also referred to the Tuskagee experiment, "where for 40 years between 1932 and 1972 the U.S. Public Health Service experimented on 39 black men in late stages of syphilis. They were told they were being treated but the doctors did not intend to treat them at all. The data for the experiment, and this is documented, was to be collected from their autopsies. So they were left to die and 28 died directly from Syphilis because of the experiment and another 100 more died of Syphilis related complications. So they killed 128 people."

What applies in Africa also applies in other 3rd world countries, as drug companies are performing unethical drug, vaccine and biochemical experiments on people all over the world, not just in Africa. This is a global problem, not just an African issue, and it has been going on for a long time. 

Wikipedia; "African countries have been sites for clinical trials by large pharmaceutical companies, raising human rights concerns.[1] Incidents of unethical experimentation, clinical trials lacking properly informed consent, and forced medical procedures have been claimed and prosecuted.


Meningitis testing in Nigeria - 1990s

The Pfizer drug, Trovan was used in a clinical trial in Kano, Nigeria. The trial compared the new antibiotic (Trovan) against the best treatment available at the time (intravenous ceftriaxone). Eleven children died in the trial: five after taking Trovan and six after taking an older antibiotic used for comparison in the clinical trial. 

Others suffered blindness, deafness and brain damage, the cause of which is difficult to determine because these disabilities are relatively common outcomes of the disease itself. A panel of medical experts later implicated Pfizer in the incident, concluding the drug had been administered as part of an illegal clinical trial without authorization from the Nigerian government or consent from the children's parents. 

This led to a lawsuit from the Nigerian government over informed consent in Kano, Nigeria.[2][3] Pfizer countered that it met all the necessary regulations.[2] Note: the drug was then approved for general use in the US, and then eventually withdrawn due to hepatotoxicity.


HIV/AIDS testing in Zimbabwe - 1990s

AZT trials conducted on HIV-positive African subjects by U.S. physicians and the University of Zimbabwe were not performed with proper informed consent.[4] The United States began testing AZT treatments in Africa in 1994, through projects funded by Centers for Disease Control (CDC), World health organization (WHO) and the National Institutes of Health (NIH). 

It included testing of over 17,000 women for a medication that prevents mother-to-child transmission of HIV/AIDS. The subjects did not fully understand the testing methods, the effectiveness, the possible dangers, or the nature of a placebo in testing situations.[4] They were also told about the trials under duress.[4] Half of these women received a placebo that has no effect, making transmission likely. As a result, an estimated 1000 babies contracted HIV/AIDS although a proven life-saving regimen already existed.[4] 

The CDC ended the short course testing in 1998 after they announced they had enough information from Thailand trials.[4]


Forced sexual reassignment in South Africa - 1970s-1980s

In a project headed by Dr. Aubrey Levin during the 1970s to 1980s, South Africa’s apartheid army forced white lesbian and gay soldiers to undergo ’sex-change’ operations. This was part of a secret program to purge homosexuality in the army.[5] It included psychological methods, chemical castration, electric shock, and other unethical medical experiments. An estimated 900 forced sexual reassignment operations may have been performed between 1971 and 1989 at military hospitals.,[5] including Voortrekkerhoogte. Most of the victims were males, young 16 to 24-year-old white men who were drafted into the apartheid army. Women were also subject to the experimentation.[5][6]


Forced contraception in Zimbabwe - 1970s

Depo-Provera was clinically tested on Zimbabwean women in the 1970s.[1] Once approved, the drug was used as a population control measure. Women on white-run commercial farms were coerced into accepting Depo-Provera.[7] In 1981, the drug was banned in Zimbabwe.[7]

Sterilization experiments in Namibia - Late 1900s-1910s

Dr. Eugen Fischer conducted sterilisation experiments on Herero women in German-occupiedNamibia in South West Africa in the early 1900s.[8] His experimentation was largely done on mixed-race offspring in order to provide justification to ban mixed-race marriages.[9] He joined the Nazi party thereafter where he did similar experiments in the Jewish concentration camps. 

Late stage studies were later continued by Doctor Hams Harmsen, founder of the German branch of International Planned Parenthood Federation (IPPF) whose name is also associated with the compulsory sterilisation in Nazi Germany.


Effects on legitimate medicine

Unethical medical experimentation that has occurred for over a century may be the cause of the documented fear and mistrust of doctors and medicine in Africa.[10] For example, polio has been on the rise in Nigeria, Chad, and Burkina Faso because many people there avoid vaccinations because they believe that the vaccines are contaminated with HIV or sterilization agents.[10] 

Due to the meningitis testing incident in Kano, many Nigerians now refuse to participate in clinical trials.[2]


Many African nations cannot afford to offer medicine for their citizens without subsidies from multinational pharmaceutical corporations.[4] To court these pharmaceutical corporations, some African nations minimize legal regulations on the conduct of medical research, which prevents potential legal battles from arising.[4] This forces some Africans to make a Hobson's choice: "experimental medicine or no medicine at all".[11] People living in the rural or slum area are also more vulnerable to experimentation because they are more likely to be illiterate and to misunderstand the effects of the experimentation.[12]


Several national and international bodies have devised codes of ethics for conducting experiments and clinical trials. These include the Nuremberg Code and Helsinki Declaration[4]and the Protocol to the African Charter on Human and Peoples' Rights on the Rights of Women in Africa, which seeks to prohibit all medical and scientific experiments on women without their prior informed consent.[13]


The book and movie The Constant Gardener highlighted the dynamics of conduct in clinical trials in Africa in the slum areas. This was based on the real-life meningitis incident in Kano, Nigeria.New York Times best seller book Medical Apartheid by Harriet A. Washington, provides a historical account of experimentation on African Americans, but also includes the links to African experimentation.[2]


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Nazi human experimentation (redirect from Nazi medical experimentation)
Nazi human experimentations were a series of medical experiments on large numbers of prisoners, mainly Jews (including Jewish children) ...

Medical Apartheid Medical Experimentation on Black Americans from Colonial Times to the Present

Deprovera Drug and Ebola Vaccine Experiments In Third World Countries

Unit 731  (Japanese human experimentation)
Army that undertook lethal human experimentation during the Second Sino-Japanese war in China for the sake of bioweapons and chemical weapons development. The US government and military was involved.

US POW's were experimented on with biological weapons agents, but were told that the shots were just 'vaccines'.

Unethical human experimentation in the United States
Research and medical experimentation on detainees and mentally disabled individuals, often under the guise of "medical treatment". 

Human experimentation in North Korea
North Korean human experimentation 
Human subject research (redirect from Human medical experimentation)
epidemiological and behavioral studies and medical chart review studies. ...undergoing or learning of highly controversial medical experimentation. ...

Experimentation on prisoners
Prisoners have been frequent participants in scientific, medical and social human subject research ....

Medical Apartheid
Medical Apartheid: The Dark History of Medical Experimentation on Black Americans from Colonial Times to the Present 

Animal testing (redirect from Animal experimentation)
Animal testing, also known as animal experimentation, animal research, and in vivo... medical schools, pharmaceutical companies, farms, ...

Clinical trial
organization or a pharmaceutical , biotechnology or medical device company. 

Declaration of Helsinki
The Declaration of Helsinki is a set of ethical principles regarding human medical experimentation developed for the medical community.

Plutonium (section Medical experimentation)
Medical experimentation: Human radiation experiments 

Night Doctors
Realities of grave robbing, medical experimentation

Stateville Penitentiary Malaria Study
The study is notable for its impacts on the Nuremberg Medical Trial and subsequent medical experimentation on prisoners. 

End-of-life care (redirect from End-of-life (medical treatment))
(of treatment, life), medical experimentation, the ethics and efficacy of extraordinary or hazardous medical interventions, and the ethics.

Medical ethics
Medical ethics is a system of moral principles that apply values and judgments


The problem of unethical human medical experimentation in Africa and other nations continues on even today. An even worse problem is that no experiments are performed or allowed around natural health modalities, due to no profits and lack of patent ability around such things as herbs or homeopathy, much less vitamins, minerals or specific foods. 


Medical Industrial Complex Experimentation On Humans In Africa And Other 3rd Word Nations

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