Is Ebola Transmissible Even During Incubation Period, Before Symptoms Are Obvious?

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Is Ebola Transmissible Even During Incubation Period, Before Symptoms Are Obvious?

According to the above video, Ebola is spiraling out of control, at least in the three countries of Liberia, Sierra Leon, and Guinea. Was it ever under control? Did someone miss something?

Not only is Ebola transmitted by air according to monkey study and  other experts, (see other AGRP articles for more details) it can also be transmitted during the incubation period, according to MedTV, as quoted below... This Ebola virus type is potentially the MOST virulent strain of deadly virus ever seen, with the fastest killing power. 

The head of the CDC claims in one interview and with great assurance that the Ebola epidemic can be controlled and contained. That may be true, but why isn't that containment happening in Africa, where it is supposedly very easy?  This is the very beginning of what could become a global pandemic, so why isn't everyone pulling out all of the stops and doing EVERYTHING possible to prevent and stop this deadly plague virus in Liberia? 

After all, these three African countries have open borders with flights, buses, cars and ships going into and out of them on a daily basis. Animals have to be quarantined to come into the US, but not people flying in from epidemic ravaged countries. What are the consequences of a no quarantine policy for 21 days either at point of origin or destination, to make sure that someone coming from these three countries is not an incubation carrier of the Ebola virus?


"Still, witnesses say Sawyer, a 40-year-old Liberian Finance Ministry employee en route to a conference in Nigeria, was vomiting and had diarrhea aboard at least one of his flights with some 50 other passengers aboard. Ebola can be contracted from traces of feces or vomit, experts say.

Sawyer was immediately quarantined upon arrival in Lagos - a city of 21 million people - and Nigerian authorities say his fellow travelers were advised of Ebola's symptoms and then were allowed to leave. The incubation period can be as long as 21 days, meaning anyone infected may not fall ill for several weeks. Health officials rely on 'contact tracing' - locating anyone who may have been exposed, and then anyone who may have come into contact with that person.  That may prove impossible, given that other passengers journeyed on to dozens of other cities.

Would the passengers being exposed to an active Ebola infection as in the case above always do the right thing, if they flew on to other countries like the US, Europe, Asia, etc?  Could the extremely dry air and drying out of mucous membranes on a jet lead to greater infection rate of Ebola?

The CDC head claims that Ebola cannot be spread with 'casual contact'. If that is true, why are health professionals including US doctors and health care workers are getting sick all over in Africa countries? Why have hundreds African doctors, nurses and aide workers been dying and their whole families are dead as well?


Ebola plunges Mano River Union in desolation - Ebola affects 31% of people in Guinea, and five people are infected with the Ebola virus every hour in Sierra Leone
Ebola affects 31% of people in Guinea... In this age group, the number of female deaths is estimated at 55% against 45% of men. Regarding health workers infected or died from Ebola, the total number of cases is 67, with 64 deaths. 38 cases were recorded in Conakry, the capital, with 18 deaths, 9 cases (7 deaths) Macenta, near the border with Liberia city, and 9 cases (6 deaths) in Guekedou prefecture neighboring Liberia and Sierra Leone where the disease was discovered for the first time. since the epidemic began in March, Guinea has recorded 1,169 cases with 714 deaths, while 455 of those infected have survived the disease. This week, 11 new confirmed cases were reported across the country. Currently, 112 patients including 97 confirmed and 15 suspects awaiting lab results are hospitalized in treatment centers in Conakry and Guéckédou and the transit center Macenta.

The Ebola infection rate is out of control in Guinea, with twice the number of cases, compared to bed available, or more. No one really knows the true rate of infection because there are not enough healthcare workers to even go around and count them. 

94 out of 123 doctors and healthcare workers have died in Guinea as of Oct. 2014, for an 78% mortality rate. No wonder the hospitals and clinics are being abandoned and the workers are going home. 

Have you ever heard of a virus or disease where so many doctors and nurses are being killed so quickly, PLUS their families are being taken out as well? AGRP has NEVER heard of any disease outbreak in history with this kind of lethality and mortality rate involving healthcare workers and doctors plus their families; NEVER. But this reality is being denied, suppressed and covered up for some reason.  Even US doctors and healthcare workers are getting infected, and one assumes that they are taking ALL of the precautions and may not even be directly involved with contacting patients. One US healthcare worker got Ebola after doing the job of spraying disinfectant on other workers, with no direct contact with patients.

Most of the hospitals and clinics are closing and being abandoned in Liberia, due to lack of doctors and nurses, many of whom died from Ebola. There was less than 1 doctor for 100,000 people in Liberia before this Ebola infection started, and now that has dropped drastically due to the hundreds of doctors and nurses getting infected and dying from Ebola. This type of impact on hospitals and clinics has never happened before..

African health care workers and doctors are documented to have spread the Ebola virus to their patients in Africa. How and why did this happen? Has this reverse infection process been stopped because the cause was identified? If not, why not?


Ebola spreads slower, kills more than other diseases


According to MedTV: "When a person becomes infected with the Ebola virus, it enters the body and begins to multiply. The virus can travel in the blood to almost any part of the body, including the:

Thyroid gland

After four to six days on average, symptoms of Ebola can begin. The period between the transmission of the virus and the start of symptoms is called the incubation period. For Ebola, the incubation period can be as short as 2 days or as long as 21 days.

Is a Person Contagious During the Ebola Incubation Period?

Even if a person exhibits no signs or symptoms of Ebola, he or she can still spread the virus during the incubation period. Once symptoms begin, the person can remain contagious for about three more weeks."

If a virus is inside of a person, why can't it go 'outside' of a person, during the incubation period? Isn't it just a simple matter of the NUMBER of viruses being shared 'outside'? Why would a virus choose to just sit and not go anywhere at one time and then decide, ok, it's time to pick up and move on to the skin?

A nurse provides more insight into how Ebola replicates and gives more information about  the incubation of viruses.

Unless Ebola has a dormant latency period where nothing is happening because the virus is in 'hiding' and is not replicating inside of cells, and it is NOT being released into the bloodstream, the number of viruses being 'shed' are possibly much lower during the incubation period, just like the number of viruses after the peak of virus shedding also means the risk of infection is reduced. But that does not mean all danger is removed and it is impossible to be infected by someone during their incubation period. 

Even one virus being shared via bodily fluids is theoretically is enough to spread the infection from a cold, a flu or the Ebola virus, but odds are much lower of getting infected the lower the number of viruses being spread around. Remember bodily fluids include what comes out during coughing or sneezing.  The mechanism of infection for any infectious pathogen usually involves massive numbers of germ cells (virus or bacteria) being shared and spread around all at once, but that rule may have to be thrown out of the window with this strain of super virulent Ebola. Time will tell. Maybe none of these sick Ebola people are coughing or sneezing. Maybe the Ebola virus cannot float in the air and be breathed in like the flu virus.

The question is really; how many Ebola viruses does it take to infect someone? No one knows the answer yet. 

One Virus Particle Is Enough To Cause Infectious Disease

Let's hope that the EMed source is wrong. Hopefully the Science Daily article is also wrong about it taking just one virus particle to infect someone else via Ebola for example.  AGRP hopes both of these sources are wrong, because if both of these things are true, then the Ebola virus will surely get 'loosed' on the world and will cause many more deaths than the current 1.5 million that are predicted at this point by the CDC, just because totally inadequate infection control and spread measures will allow the Ebola virus to side step and run around the precautions being taken, such as not requiring 21 days of isolation.

Time will tell, because the medical authorities are so sure that Ebola cannot be spread by air. They are so sure that it cannot be spread during the incubation period. They are so very sure it cannot be spread by casual contact either. Let's all hope and pray that they are right. But prayer and hoping will not change these basic health industry 'messages' or false assumptions, if they are wrong about them. 


"Thomas Eric Duncan left Monrovia, Liberia, on Sept. 19 aboard a Brussels Airlines jet to the Belgian capital, according to a Belgian official. After layover of nearly seven hours, he boarded United Airlines Flight 951 to Dulles International Airport in northern Virginia. After another layover of nearly three hours, he then flew Flight 822 from Dulles to Dallas-Fort Worth International Airport, the airline confirmed."

Thomas sat in several airports for HOURS, as thousands of people walked by. He touched multiple surfaces and went to the bathroom multiple times both on the planes and in the terminals. How many people were exposed to Ebola during all of this time both in flight and in between flights? Did he cough or sneeze potentially virus laden droplets into the air at any point during these flights or layovers? This aspect of Ebola transmission points at how silly and ludicrous it is to believe that somehow, Ebola will be stopped inside of Africa, and that it will never reach the US, much less any other country.


The following New York Times article goes into the specific details around what happens when a community learns that an Ebola victim has been isolated. Fear and uncertainty, imperfect cleanup efforts, and trying to keep people at home and out of public are very difficult propositions, as this article gives evidence of, even with just ONE Ebola victim. What happens if this virus takes off and there are thousands of these cases in just one US or other city, as there are in Africa? 

Delay in Dallas Ebola Cleanup as Workers Balk at Task

In Liberia, no one goes to funerals or school anymore. Many hospitals and clinics there have closed due to fear or deaths of medical professionals. People do not touch each other. People do not shake hands, share drinks or food, or go to church. The Liberian society is being dramatically and negatively affected by the Ebola virus, and it has not even really taken off yet, in terms of where it is heading. Yes, this is a worst case country where a perfect storm of circumstances came together, and it may not happen anywhere else, but then again, this type and lethality of virus has never been seen before.


Does this person from Liberia even have Ebola? One story, published by Time, says this patient never had Ebola.. What? If he doesn't have Ebola, then why put him into isolation and his close contacts into quarantine?

Howard University Patient Does Not Have Ebola


U.S. Ebola Patient Now in Critical Condition

Issues came up with just ONE possible Ebola infection that were not anticipated. Who goes in and cleans up the house and disinfects it after an Ebola case is identified and isolated in a hospital? Who disposes of the infected bedsheets, towels, dishes, etc? Who controls where these close contacts go? In the case of these close contacts, the health authorities put police on 24 hour watch around their home. They ordered these close contacts to stay indoors and not leave the apartment or they would be arrested. They were not allowed to go to work, buy food, refill prescriptions or go to a movie. 

Finally, after days of back and forth plus attempts by the close contacts to leave the apartment and just live life, a government official moved them to a different location. What happens there? 

Yes, previous less lethal Ebola infections were 'contained' before this one multiple times, but they never got this big or out of control like this one is in Liberia today. The number of Ebola deaths in Liberia is doubling each month, in a totally out of control manner. 

The experience around just one case of Ebola arriving in the US shows how confusing and chaotic the situation can get, and that is just ONE person with Ebola. What happens if Ebola spreads beyond the initial first or second contact ring somewhere in the US, before it is caught? 


RT interviews an expert who says Ebola will come to America, and it is just a question of when. He says only a few people will die from 'imported' Ebola, because the health authorities will get on top of it quickly. The World Health Organization on Friday declared an “international public health emergency” over the spreading Ebola outbreak. The rash of infections has killed 961 since March, making it the largest outbreak in history for the virus, and officials warn that its spread to more corners of the world is “inevitable.”

Ken Isaacs of aid group Samaritan’s Purse is one of the experts working to combat the spread of the disease, and he sat down with RT’s Manila Chan to explain the perils of the deadly virus.

Let's hope that this very positive prediction will turn out to be the case.. time will tell. 


As of Sept. 2014, "An estimated 765 new cases were reported in Sierra Leone last week alone, but there are only 327 beds for Ebola patients in the country.

Every person that is sent home to die from Ebola creates an avalanche of potential new cases with everyone they come in contact with. The US Ebola case resulted from a Liberian who brought a family member to the hospital there, and was turned away, so he carried the dying Ebola patient home.

And this scenario of number of deaths and infections is not counting the bigger number of people who are afraid to go to the hospital because they have heard correctly, that doctors and nurses are also infected with Ebola and are spreading it around themselves. Combine both of these elements with the airborne spread and potentially spreading during the incubation period as well. 

What conclusion would you draw? What prediction would you make, given the above scenario and at least some basic facts?  Wouldn't you agree that this unique combination of facts and circumstances is a perfect setup to create a growing, raging firestorm of new Ebola infections, being spread through the community, and ultimately to other nations as well?


Ebola Patients Nephew Had To Call CDC

This one example as presented by NBC News around just one Ebola infection shows how even a perfect Ebola prevention and containment 'plan' on the medical or hospital side can fall apart. An Ebola patient showed up at a hospital, but he was then sent home.

It turns out that the family had to call the CDC, in order to get the hospital to do what was required when dealing with Ebola. If the family had NOT done this, this Ebola infection could have more than likely infected other people and spread from there, with no one the wiser for it.

This is just ONE Ebola case. What if there are others just like this, in other US cities, with the same scenario; people with Ebola being sent home, for whatever reason, mistake, etc.. If the family does not reach out to the CDC and demand treatment, the whole spiraling downward into chaos starts right there, and it will be much harder to deal with down the road, after potentially many other people are infected.

Bottom line, anyone with anything that looks like the flu from here on in has to be dealt with as if they have Ebola, in order to prevent it from spreading out of control.


Everyone has access to natural drug and vaccine free anti viral and anti bacterial modalities, but for some strange reason, the medical industrial complex won't talk about any of these, and they refuse to test them on Ebola.. Why?

Ebola Natural Health Remedies And Protocols For Other Virus Based Dis-eases


A study conducted in 2012 showed that Ebola was able to travel between pigs and monkeys that were in separate cages and were never placed in direct contact.
Sources and full transcript:

WHO says Ebola cannot be transmitted by air, but says that sneezing and coughing is not considered 'airborne' transmission.


There are three countries in Africa with out of control Ebola epidemics.

Liberia with 124 deaths as of July 20, 2014
Sierra Leone 219 deaths as of July 20, 2014
Guinea with  314 deaths as of July 20, 2014

765 new cases in Sierra Leone in 1 WEEK Sept. 2014

The CDC estimates that best case, this epidemic will result in 20,000 deaths. Worst case, it will result in 1.4 million by Jan of 2015, if the epidemic is not controlled and contained almost immediately.

Don't let fear take control. Stay calm, focus on the positives and be grateful for all of the blessings that most people globally are enjoying, compared to the poor suffering souls in Liberia and other epidemic and war ravaged countries, like Liberia.

Remember that your immune system protects you from exposure to viruses and bacteria, so keep it strong and healthy through basic, healthy living, plenty of minerals, vitamins and herbs.  Use basic precautions such as frequent hand washing, and hand sanitizing if in public.

If going into an area where Ebola may be present, don't touch other people. Don't touch things that others have touched, (including money, doors, clothing, bedding, shopping carts, etc. Try not to be around sick flu-like people (especially those who are sneezing/coughing and who have a temperature). Wear a mask if you are forced to be around sick people, and do not touch them or anything that they touched. Try to stay at least six feet away from anyone who looks or acts sick. These are basic, fundamental prevention steps that anyone can take and they will greatly reduce the risk of 'catching' any virus or bacterial infection, including Ebola, even if traveling or visiting a country like Liberia for example.

There is no reason to live in fear.

There is no reason to panic. 


This new and super deadly, super virulent strain of Ebola has the capacity and potential to wreak havoc all over the world, disrupting all activities that involve crowds or people getting together such as schools, churches, sports, work, pilgrimages, tourism, food shopping, and all other activities. Ebola can cause massive chaos and panic in even civilized countries if it gets loose anywhere other than Africa.

It will not take many cases of Ebola to start the panic and disruption of the major civilized activities such as global transport, vacationing, business air travel and sporting activities, just to name a few of the negative global impacts.

How many businesses have disaster management plans that include a super deadly virus getting into their company operations via employees or officers? A guess would be that close to 0 percent are even thinking about this, much less have a written plan in place to deal with something like this.

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AGR's take away advice? Get ready by getting more informed and start boning up on how to deal this Ebola threat at home and with no help from anyone, if this situation in Liberia goes worst case scenario and spreads to other countries, so that fear and panic will not be part of your response. Having extensive Ebola information and tools at hand means that you will be empowered, and much less likely to be negatively affected, so the fear level should be greatly reduced.

Best case, the CDC and their almighty power of vaccines, drugs, radiation and isolation may keep the Ebola out of the US. They may be able to easily handle anything Ebola throws at them in the US, due to a superior healthcare system, compared to Africa.. Best case, Ebola will never get a toe hold in the US or any other civilized country with advanced healthcare systems. 

So far, it is basic fact and has been well documented that this super Ebola virus epidemic is not contained or controlled in Liberia, despite the 'best' efforts of the international health community and many nations who have everything to lose if this epidemic in Africa is not controlled and managed quickly. Hopefully, someone will come up with an anti Ebola plan and implement it, but so far, things are not looking good.

Neighboring countries around Liberia are doing much better at containing this epidemic when compared to Liberia, at least so far. This fact also points to a positive outcome in the long term, if everything goes right. If those countries with borders to Liberia can keep Ebola out, that is a very positive sign for the US and other countries doing the same.

Will the epidemic and out of control Ebola infection be contained and extinguished in Liberia, or will a negative tipping point be reached where this virus goes out of control across Africa, and then  potentially goes into other countries? Time will tell, but time is growing very short... 


Is Ebola Transmissible Even During Incubation Period, Before Symptoms Are Obvious?

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