Fear And The Nuclear Elephant In The Room

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Fear And The Nuclear Elephant In The Room

What is the role of fear around nuclear power plants, plus the invisible man made radiation coming out of them? Is there a healthy and rationale reason to fear nuclear weapons and the invisible radioactive 'leftovers' from 2,400 open air nuclear tests?

Is feeling fearful healthy or unhealthy when it comes to man made radiation?

Is unreasonable fear of man made radiation (all of the artificial elements above uranium in the periodic table of elements) the ONLY cause of diseases such as genetic defects, cancer and heart disease as the pro nuclear apologists claim?

Pro nuclear apologists believe that fear and the stress caused by that fear is the ONLY thing that causes cancer, genetic defects, and illnesses. They believe that man made radiation causes only increased health. For more in depth details around this, click on the following link...

Radiophobia - IAEA  Blames Victims For All Cumulative Radiation Damage And Negative Health Effects, Claims All Man Made Radiation Heals People Via Hormesis

The pro nuclear power apologists believe that fear of nuclear power causes more health problems than all of the radiation released into the world by nuclear power plant accidents, uranium mines, DU weapons and 2,400 open air nuclear bomb tests combined.


When huge disasters strike, there is a well known human tendency to ignore, deny, downplay, minimize or rationalize away that fact that something bad is happening. This dysfunctional response to any kind of accident or major disaster is called the normalcy bias. Everyone wants to believe the best. Everyone wants to believe that everything is still 'normal', despite the ship sinking, or the nuclear plant melting down or a house burning down, or someone dying.

Titantic and Costa Concordia - Example of Normalcy Bias In Fukushima Mega Disaster; via @AGreenRoad

The nuclear industry uses this normalcy bias plus the fact that radiation is invisible and cannot be seen, smelled, felt or touched, to claim that nothing bad is happening and that man made radiation is having zero negative effects on anyone. After all, if you cannot smell smoke, see any fire, nor feel any heat, then that means everything is normal, right? 


Here is an example of how a pro nuclear apologist thinks about Fukushima for example;

Via ManBearPig October 14, 2014 "The house is not on fire. That is the issue. You think it is, I think it is not on fire. The main difference in our opinions, and they are opinions, is perspective. I am not operating on the basis of fear, while many in your camp are in fact, spreading fear. Fukushima is not premeditated murder no more than operating an airplane."

Reply via ChasAha - "TRIPLE MELTDOWNS ongoing. (This IS China Syndrome) You fear the fear."

Fukushima is the equivalent of not just ONE house on fire, it is like three houses with totally out of control fires that cannot be put out because these melted down 100 ton of corium each blobs  are radioactive fires.

There are also children inside those burning homes that need to be rescued, due to three out of control corium lava blobs, that are BURNING OUT OF CONTROL..  But the nuclear industry says there is no fire, there are no kids in danger and no one is dying due to these multiple out of control nuclear fires, emitting invisible radioactive poisons into the ocean and the air. Dilution is not the solution when bio accumulation and bio concentration is what happens on the other end of dumping all of this radioactive waste into the air, soil and water. 

Children And Adults - Negative Effects Of Chronic, Cumulative Man Made Radiation Exposure

Let's say you wake up in the middle of night due to a strange metallic smoke smell? You go outside and see a nuclear plant next door smoking and on fire. Then your neighbor (who works there) says there is NO FIRE. He tells you; "don't call the fire department, there is nothing to fear, your fear is the problem".  But you can clearly see the smoke and flames coming out of the 'house' (nuclear plant melting down) next door.  What would you think about that person who says there is no fire, and nothing bad is happening? 

Do people experience FEAR when a house is on fire, much less multiple nuclear plants on fire and smoking while they are melting down and out? Do people normally take action and call for help in that situation? Would they possibly take action to protect their own home and their own children, or maybe even try to rescue trapped children, or take them down into a nuclear radiation proof shelter? YES! Would normal people be afraid and evacuate from the neighborhood, due to radiation dangers? YES!


Do people normally experience fear when a nuclear reactor melts down and out? Do they take action, if warned about it? YES! If they are not warned and the whole thing is covered up and denied, does the average person feel even more fear? YES!

Either way, no matter if it is covered up or full disclosure is made, fear is the result. But fear grows larger is things are covered up, because reality can be dealt with, but lying about what is happening only INCREASES FEAR, WORRY AND STRESS. The nuclear apologists try to say that they did not warn anyone around Fukushima, for fear of causing a panic.

So they said nothing, warned no one and no Japanese citizen was told to take protective iodine tablets. It took the nuclear industry 2 to 3 MONTHS to admit that 3 nuclear reactors had melted down. They denied anything really bad was happening.

This is the equivalent of your neighbor standing there watching your house catch on fire and smoking, while saying nothing to anyone, while your family is inside sleeping. After the house burned down, when the press asks that neighbor about it, he says; "Nothing bad happened, nothing is wrong here, and if you are in fear of house fires, you are to blame."

Anyone who does not experience some fear around a house burning down with children inside or nearby, or a nuclear plant melting down and hundreds of thousands or millions of children downwind, would be considered to be suffering from doublethink, or cognitive dissonance or sociopathy at worst.

Cognitive Dissonance And The Nuclear Industry; How Reality Refuses To Intrude; via @AGreenRoad

Worst case, a person without any feelings around a major disaster could be diagnosed by a mental health professional as either a sociopath or psycopath, especially if they are responsible for setting the fire, and then denying any part in it, while denying and/or not caring that children are dying inside the burning house, or denying that children are being harmed downwind of a melting down nuclear plant.

Doublethink In History And Present Day


Is it normal to experience fear when uncontrolled amounts of invisible radioactive gases and hot particles come out of multiple melted down nuclear reactors and then travel all around the world? YES!

Anyone who does not experience ANY fear, dread, grief or sadness around a major mega nuclear disaster such as Fukushima is so disconnected from reality, that they may very well need professional psychological help. 

The Five Stages Of Grief In Response To Trauma, Abuse, Disasters Such as Fukushima, or Loss; via @AGreenRoad


What do normal people experience when a major disaster hits that causes huge losses and/or diseases, plus deaths of human beings? Fear. Grief. Sadness. Depression. Feeling all kinds of 'negative' emotions after a major disaster is NORMAL.

Feeling emotions proves that a person is vulnerable, operating from their heart and feeling compassion or empathy, which is normal.  People who don't feel anything have no compassion or empathy, and that is a huge problem, because that is how a sociopath operates. Sociopaths feel no feelings as normal people do. Sociopaths have no empathy or compassion.

Not feeling anything is a problem all by itself. How long can these feelings of fear, grief, sadness or depression last? It is normal for these negative feelings to last for years, just like the after effects resulting from the death of a loved one..

Every person is different around grieving or feeling fear. Feeling grief and sadness over a loss is normal. Feeling fear due to an invisible heavy metal poison in the air, food and drinks after a major mega nuclear accident is normal.

For someone to accuse that person of somehow having something wrong with them for experiencing emotions indicates something severely not normal with the person who is NOT experiencing emotions.

How To Spot A Sociopath Or Psychopath - 10 red flags that could save you from being swept under the influence of a charismatic nut job; via A Green Road

Sociopaths love to blame the victims, whether it is an abusive husband, a serial murderer or a sociopathic dictator. All sociopaths operate the same way, by justifying what they do. They always end up blaming the victims, who are feeling fear and dread.


Those people who do not experience fear when the house or nuclear plant next door is burning… well, there is something really wrong with them, especially when everyone knows that there are children inside the burning house and they are dying. The link below leads to an article by two nuclear experts who talk about fear, children dying and nuclear power.  Is fear of nuclear power justified when it is killing massive numbers of children through an internal 'burning' via an internal radioactive fire from absorbed radioactive poisons? What do you think?

How many burning to death children from an invisible nuclear fire burning within them, is the nuclear industry responsible for, while claiming there is no fire, and no one got harmed or killed? 

Dr. Sternglass And Gofman; Total Numbers Of Infant/Child Deaths From X-Rays, Nuclear Power Plants And Nuclear Bomb Testing

Who are you going to believe? The nuclear apologists who have a job to protect and profits to make, or medical doctors and outside of the nuclear industry experts, with no axe to grind, no bias, and no profit motive?


The nuclear elephant in the room consists of nuclear accidents, spills and emissions from nuclear facilities and plants. The mass media will not cover the basic issues involved with the nuclear industry, nor will they talk about or debate with experts about the harm caused by cumulative low dose radiation. Thus, the nuclear elephant is in the room, but no one talks about it. Even if nothing goes wrong for the next 1,000 years, as the nuclear industry keeps promising, does it make sense to 'foul our own nest'? 

Crickets October 14, 2014 "I don't dump my used motor oil in the storm drain, and I don't expect other people to dump nuclear waste into the ocean. But that's exactly what's happening, in some cases intentionally and in others by accident. In either case, it's a crime against humanity. Our instincts should tell us that we shouldn't foul our own nest."

A related story about an elephant in the room is the ancient fable about the Kings New Clothes; click on the link below to read and watch it.

The King's New Clothes; An Ancient Story With A Modern Twist, For Children And Adults

Why is the mass media and the nuclear industry refusing to talk about fear, grief, sadness and children dying from cumulative doses of radiation that come from nuclear facilities and 2,400 open air nuclear bomb tests? 

Reason #1 - They are AFRAID of what might happen if parents and other family members discover that their children's health problems come from an invisible radiation and the source is a nuclear facility or open air nuclear bomb test.

Reason #2 - They are AFRAID to feel the emotions around the genocide that is resulting from their industry, and are entirely disconnected from that reality. What all of these nuclear experts share in common is the inability to feel emotions around the deaths of children from nuclear radiation, which is a known FACT. 

Reason #3 - They are VERY AFRAID of the lawsuits that would come out of talking about and disclosing the truth, especially via the mass media. This is why they work so hard to keep anything like this off the news or other mass media. 

Reason #4 - They are AFRAID of facing the truth of the matter, so they deny, cover up, minimize, practice cognitive dissonance, double think, and become sociopathic, just so they can stay sane, because that is much easier than acknowledging all of the deaths that they are responsible for. 

Reason #5 - They are AFRAID of having to admit that they are wrong about nuclear energy and radiation being good for everyone, via the hormesis theory. 

Ann Coulter Says More Radiation Is Good For You Via Fox News, As Part Of Mass Media Promoting Nuclear Industry Hormesis Theory



Nuclear Hotseat #164: Indian "Anti-Nuclear Gandhi" Kumar Sundaram in Japan https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=uMSRu...

FEATURED INTERVIEW: Kumar Sundaram, India’s “Anti-Nuclear Gandhi,” as he concludes a successful two week trip to Japan to warn the country about dangers inherent in a planned nuclear pact between Japan and India. While in Japan, Kumar spoke with the media, networked with activists, addressed the weekly protest in front of Prime Minister Shinzo Abe-baby’s home… and went into the Fukushima exclusion zone. He provides a chilling first-hand account of what it’s like within six miles of the still deadly Fukushima Daiichi meltdown.


What is it like, living with a radioactive elephant in the room, but no one is allowed to talk about it? If you do try and talk about the nuclear elephant in the room and all of the problems it is causing, (like the millions of tons of highly toxic nuclear waste) you will most likely get blank stares, the other person changing the subject, or angry denials and assurances that it is being 'taken care of' by the government or nuclear industry.

Whistleblowers who point at the nuclear elephant and the many negative unresolved issues around it are attacked and called fear mongers. Sometimes, when the elephant is pointed at or mentioned, people walk away and call the whistleblower crazy or loonie tunes.

The nuclear elephant in the room exists.  The nuclear wastes coming out of the atomic powered elephant that no one wants to talk about are accumulating, and there are now millions of tons of highly radioactive waste all around the world, that no one knows what to do with. The cumulative effects of 400 plus nuclear and recycling plant radiation emissions are another issue. Nuclear accidents, spills and mishaps are common place but not talked about.

The easiest solution is to not talk about the nuclear elephant  in the room. and avoid all mention of the highly toxic, radioactive waste products (that stay toxic for millions of years) it generates. So far, most people have chosen to stay in denial. Meanwhile, the elephant keeps on living in the home. The toxic, heavy metal and radioactive waste products that come out of the radioactive elephants are swept literally, into the same spaces where people are also living, eating and sleeping, or under the rug, so to speak.

Via Wikipedia; Elephant in the room
The Elephant in the Room, Banksy exhibition, 2006 Barely Legal show, Los Angeles[1]

"Elephant in the room" is an English metaphorical idiom for an obvious truth that is either being ignored or going unaddressed. The idiomatic expression also applies to an obvious problem or risk no one wants to discuss.[2]

It is based on the idea that an elephant in a room would be impossible to overlook; thus, people in the room who pretend the elephant is not there have chosen to avoid dealing with the looming big issue.


The Oxford English Dictionary gives the first recorded use of the phrase, as a simile, as The New York Times on June 20, 1959: "Financing schools has become a problem about equal to having an elephant in the living room. It's so big you just can't ignore it."[3]

This idiomatic expression may have been in general use much earlier than 1959. For example, the phrase appears 44 years earlier in the pages of a British journal in 1915. The sentence was presented as a trivial illustration of a question British schoolboys would be able to answer, e.g., "Is there an elephant in the class-room?"[4]


The first widely disseminated conceptual reference was a story written by Mark Twain in 1882, "The Stolen White Elephant", which slyly dissects the inept, far-ranging activities of detectives trying to find an elephant that was right on the spot after all. This may have been the reference in the legal opinion of United States v. Leviton, 193 F. 2d 848 (2nd Circuit, 1951), makes reference in its opinion, "As I have elsewhere observed, it is like the Mark Twain story of the little boy who was told to stand in a corner and not to think of a white elephant."

A slightly different version of the phrase was used before this, with George Berkeley talking of whether or not there is "an invisible elephant in the room" in his debates with scientists.[5]


In 1935, comedian Jimmy Durante starred on Broadway in the Billy Rose Broadway musical Jumbo, in which a police officer stops him while leading a live elephant and asks, "What are you doing with that elephant?" Durante's reply, "What elephant?" was a regular show-stopper. Durante reprises the piece in the 1962 film version of the play, Billy Rose's Jumbo.


The term refers to a question, problem, solution, or controversial issue which is obvious to everyone who knows about the situation, but which is deliberately ignored because to do otherwise would cause great embarrassment, or trigger arguments or is simply taboo. The idiom can imply a value judgment that the issue ought to be discussed openly, or it can simply be an acknowledgment that the issue is there and not going to go away by itself.


The term is often used to describe an issue that involves a social taboo, such as race, religion, or even suicide. This idiomatic phrase is applicable when a subject is emotionally charged; and the people who might have spoken up decide that it is probably best avoided.[6]


The idiom is commonly used in addiction recovery terminology to describe the reluctance of friends and family of an addicted person to discuss the person's problem, thus aiding the person's denial. Especially in reference to alcohol abuse, the idiom is sometimes coupled with that of the pink elephant, q.v. "the pink elephant in the room."

For some, their first encounter with this phrase comes through the poem of the same name by Terry Kettering.[7] In one edition of Time Magazine in 2013, Chris Christie was labeled as the "Elephant in the Room" on the cover page.


A variation is the phrase "elephant in the corner" which is infrequently used to the same effect.[8]

Logician and philosopher Ludwig Wittgenstein used an example of a rhinoceros in the room to show the impossibility of proving negative existential statements.


Mokita is a word in the Kilivila language,[9] which is spoken on Kiriwina, the largest of the Trobriand Islands (near Papua New Guinea). It means "truth we all know but agree not to talk about."


Quotations related to Elephant in the room at Wikiquote

Source; http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Elephant_in_the_room


The radioactive elephant in the room consists of all of the issues and accidents in the nuclear industry, most of which are covered up, denied or minimized. Fukushima is no exception to the rule, as it was covered up, denied, and minimized.

Fukushima; Reactors And/Or SFP's In #5 And #6 Melted Down - Total of 7 Melt Down's, Melt Outs, Nuclear Explosions

Nuclear Power Plant Threats, Accidents, Recycling Nuclear Fuel, Movie Reviews, Next Generation Nuclear Plants, Terrorists

Planet Earth 911 Emergencies And Global Threats


Denial is sweet, but it is not a river in Egypt. When children are dying, it is time to face the truth and deal with it. Who in their right mind would allow children to burn to death in a burning house and deny that the house is burning?

Psychic Numbing Definition, PTSD, Neuroscience, Religion, War, Nuclear Denial Disorder, And A Call To Awareness, Return To The Vortex

It is time to face facts, and look at the nuclear elephant in the room, and discuss what to do with this radioactive elephant and the millions of tons of radioactive toxic waste that have accumulated in the house, with no plan on what to do with it. There are positive solutions and ways to move forward, but they all start inside of each person, not outside.

Ancient Stories, Success, Motivation, Activism, Spiritual, Mental, Emotional, Interfaith, Consciousness, Near Death, Miracles, Healing, Auras, Reincarnation


Or, everyone can stay asleep and in denial, which means attacking the messenger and blaming him or her.. The choice is up to each person. Wake up and deal with a difficult reality that brings up negative hard to deal with feelings.... or stay asleep and blame/get rid of the messenger.

Whistleblowers and messengers are typically punished and the criminals get away scott free. Click on the links to find out more..

82 Year Old Nun - Megan Gillespie Rice - Nuclear Mafia Whistleblower Thrown In Jail via @AGreenRoad

Whistleblower Karen Silkwood Killed, First Anti-Nuclear Industry Martyr; via @AGreenRoad

How Whistleblowers Are Punished And Arch Criminals Get Away Scot Free; via @AGreenRoad


The nuclear elephant is in the room. The poisonous heavy metal and radioactive DNA mutating toxins keep on pouring into the environment. The high level nuclear waste keeps on piling up, with no solution in sight.

Is that really a healthy way to live? Is owning but ignoring a radioactive elephant what works for seven future generations of children, especially when the radioactive waste lasts for a million years? Isn't this something worth discussing and debating IN PUBLIC and on the MASS MEDIA, at the very least? Why is ignoring the elephant in the room the best solution solution so far?

VanneV December 13, 2014..."All the nuclear nations are going bankrupt. No nation can afford nuclear technology. No nation can survive meltdowns and nuclear waste. No nation can keep paying for the destruction of all their natural resources by nuclear radiation and the wide spread long-lived actinides. No nation can survive the genetic degradation of the human genome. No nation can survive the declining populations. Lead pots (and pipes) were the end of the Roman civilization. Nuclear radiation is the end of the nuclear nations which are a decline away from civilization to mass brutality and child sacrifice."

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