BELRAD Institute For Radiation Safety, Testing Lab, Testing Equipment, Internal Radiation Measurement, Food Testing, Chelation And Education

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BELRAD Institute For Radiation Safety, Testing Lab, Testing Equipment, Internal Radiation Measurement, Food Testing, Chelation And Education


BELRAD Institute For Radiation Safety has measured more than 300,000 children for internal radiation / Radionuclides - released by Chernobyl. Most of the radiation is bi accumulated via food.


BELRAD was founded by Nesterenko. BELRAD Children radiation maps: Chernobyl grows in time and space. Independent Information and CLEAN Food is the REAL protection and Help. Video by 


The institute of radiating safety “BELRAD” (Institute “BELRAD”) was created in 1990 and acts as independent not state organization. The goal of activity of the Institute “BELRAD” is radiation monitoring of the inhabitants of Chernobyl zone and their foodstuffs, development of measures on maintenance of radiation safety and protection of the population on territories, contaminated by radionuclides by realization of necessary scientific researches, development and organization of implementation of their results in practice.

Main directions of scientific activity of Institute are:

Radiation monitoring on WBC of accumulation of Cs-137 in organism of children and their radiation protection by pectin preparations;

Creation of network of local centers of the radiation control of food stuffs at the population and informing of the population on radiation danger;

Development and manufacturing of dosimeter and radiometric devices of the control of food stuffs for radiological services of Belarus;

Organization of production of pectin food additive “Vitapect”;

Organization of educational centre on radio ecological education of the teachers and parents in Chernobyl regions on radiation protection of children.

Since 1990, the institute “Belrad” carries out radiation monitoring of the contents of Cs-137 in foodstuffs at local centers of the radiation control (LCRC), created at local councils (schools, ambulance stations) with financial support of the State Committee on overcoming of Chernobyl consequences. 

These LCRC were created in the largest villages, affected by Chernobyl accident in Gomel, Brest, Mogilyov and Minsk region. Now in Belarus works 83 LCRC, including 23, which are financed at expense of the humanitarian aid from Germany. Computer databank of the Institute “Belrad” contains more than 320 thousand results of the radiation control of foodstuffs.

The establishment of excess of the contents of Cs-137 in food stuffs above republican allowable levels (RDU) is the basis for the prime control of children on WBC for definition of the contents of radionuclides in their organism.

The Institute created and accredited on independence and technical competence (by the System of accreditation and test laboratories of the Republic of Belarus (certificate of accreditation № BY/112 the Whole Body Counter laboratory (WBC). All 7 complexes “SCRINNER-3М” and the microbuses of laboratory are bought at financial support of Chernobyl charitable organizations of Germany, Ireland, USA, Norway. The institute will organize expeditions for measuring on WBC of children at schools and children's gardens in Chernobyl zone of Belarus.

In 1996-2001, the Institute “Belrad” measured on WBC more than 125 thousand children in Gomel, Brest, Mogilyov, Minsk, Grodno and Vitebsk region and in Minsk. The results of measurement of children on WBC are directed to the Ministry of Public Health, local government bodies for realization of protective measures.

The lists of children with the large accumulation of radionuclides in their organism are represented to charitable organizations in Belarus, Ireland, Germany, France, USA, Austria for inclusion those children in groups for improving.

Since April 2000, the Institute “Belrad” after reception of the sanction of the Ministry of Public Health began to produce food additive “Vitapect” on the basis of apple pectin with addition of seven vitamins and four microelements. Its cost in 2-3 times cheaper, than similar preparations, produced in France and Ukraine. “Vitapect” effectively binds and removes radionuclides and ions of heavy metals from the organism.

In June 2001 together with the French doctors was conducted the research of efficiency of “Vitapect” on a double “blind” method under the European standards. It has shown, that during 21 day reception of this preparation, the accumulation of Cs-137 in organism of 32 children decreased on 66 % (average value), whereas during reception of placebo in parallel group, the reduction has made 14%.

If you get interested by the indicated information, if you want to check up food stuffs, to be measured on WBC or to acquire pectin food additive “Vitapect”, call and come to the Institute of radiation safety “Belrad”.


Whole Body Counter Laboratory

Offers to the employees of your enterprise and members of their families to pass examination on spectrometer of internal human radiation for definition of internal accumulation of radionuclides of cesium - 137 in an organism.

The measurement is carried out by laboratory of spectrometry of human radiation of the Institute of radiation safety “Belrad”, accredited on independence and technical competence by the system of accreditation and test laboratories of the Republic of Belarus (certificate of accreditation № BY/112

The laboratory is equipped by seven complexes “SCRINNER-3М” (designed and produced by the Institute of human ecology, Kiev, Ukraine, software is modified by the experts of the Institute of radiation safety “Belrad”).

Each complex “SCRINNER-3М” passes annual mandatory metrology certification with issue of the certificate.

The rules of jobs on measurement is determined by “the Methodical recommendations for realization of measurement of activity of incorporated gamma - radiation radionuclides in human body with the help of spectrometers of human radiation “SCRINNER” and “SCRINNER-3М” (МВИ.МН 1467-2000), approved by the State committee on standards of the Republic of Belarus, by «Norms of radiation safety NRB-2000» and by «the Basic sanitary regulations of job with radioactive materials and other sources of ionizing radiations of OSP - 72/87».

To fulfillment of measurement is undertaken by the persons, studied methodical recommendations, passed course of training, passed the exams in the training center of the firm - manufacturer and received conforming certificates.

The automated complex of spectrometry of internal human radiation “SCRINNER-3М” is intended for definition of activity of incorporated gamma-radiation radionuclides in the human body and for identification of dose burden.

The complex determines activity of the following incorporated radionuclides: cesium - 137, cesium - 134, potassium - 40, radium - 226, thorium - 232, manganese - 54, cobalt - 60, iodine - 131 etc.
Nowadays, the basic element, forming dose of internal irradiation, is the cesium – 137.

Unit of measure - Becquerel per kilogram (Bq/kg).

Except for the contents of radionuclides, the complex “SCRINNER -3М” allows to determine the contents of potassium in an organism of the person, which is extremely important for habitability of the person.


Pectine Preparation "VITAPECT-2"

“VITAPECT-2” is a Vitamin-enriched dry apple food additive.
“VITAPECT-2” effectively binds and removes radionuclides and ions of heavy metals from the organism.
“VITAPECT-2” consist of natural product, enriched by vitamins and mineral substances.
Properties and operation

the natural apple components which are included into the structure of “VITAPECT-2”, promote operation of all known mechanisms of binding and abjection with pectin of ions of heavy metals, radionuclides.
There is binding or complex formation of ions of heavy metals and radionuclides;
The viscosity of intestine contents increased;
The re-sorption of bound ions of heavy metals and radionuclides decreases;
There are optimal conditions for breeding of intestine microflora;
Normalizes the level of cholesterol in blood;
Increases the parameter of lipo-proteins of low and high density (LLD and LHD), that reduces hazard of myocardial infarction.

“VITAPECT-2” applies
In districts with unsatisfactory environmental conditions and in territories, contaminated after accident on Chernobyl NPP, in regions of NPP operation, production and processing of uranic ores;
For preventive maintenance of professional diseases and intoxications at the enterprises with the hazardous production conditions;
For maintenance of normal operation of alimentary system, at colitis, coloenteritis, coprostasia, dysbacteriosis of intestine;
For preventive maintenance of atherosclerosis and sugar Diabetum;
At chronic intoxications;
For stimulation of metabolism.

As a result of application “VITAPECT-2” in Chernobyl districts of Belarus, the contents of radionuclides in organism of children reduced on 40-90% within 24-30 days.
Method of application

“VITAPECT-2”recommended dosis:
for adults: one tea spoon 3 times a day during 25 days
for children: one tea spoon 2 rimes a day during 25 days

Te treatment must be repeated quarterly.
“VITAPECT-2” is produced in powder form of hazel color of mass from 150 g up to 500 g in suitable container, allowed by the Ministry of Public Health of the Republic of Belarus.
Contraindication: children less than three years old.
Storage conditions: keep well closed in cool dry place.
Working life: one year.

One tea spoon of powder contains:
Aple pectine
vitamins B2, B6, B12, C, E
Beta carotene
Folic Acid
Mineral substances K, Zn, Se


In the WBC lab your staff and their families could be measured on the Whole Body Counter for evaluation of inner accumulation of radionuclides of Cs-137 in organism in our office:
220053 Minsk, 2nd Marusinsky pereulok 27.
Telephone: 289-03-86.
If more then 50 people wish to be measured, our experts can come to your office and to conduct measurement.
image005.jpgAs a measure of radioprotection countermeasures for excretion of radionuclides of Cs-137 and ions of heavy metals the Institute of Radiation Safety “Belrad” suggests the dry apple drink with vitamins “Vitapect-2”. It consists of phytogenic natural product, enriched by vitamins and mineral substances (Telephone: 289-03-83).
One pack of «Vitapect-2» - 3,6 € 
For the control of radiation contamination of environment, indoor of houses and offices, using radioactive substances and other sources of ionizing irradiation “Belrad” designed and produces dosimetry combined equipment “BELRAD-04-01” (Telephone: 289-03-83)
«BELRAD-04-01» - 142 € 
image009.jpgFor the control of levels of contamination of food stuffs, agricultural products, forages, building materials by radionuclides of Cs-137, Cs-134 taking into consideration K-40, experts of “Belrad” designed and produce automated gamma-radiometer RUG-92M. (Telephone: 289-03-83)


BELRAD Institute For Radiation Safety
Telephone: +375 17 289 03 83
Fax: +375 17 289 03 84
Post address: 2 Marusinsky pereulok 27
Minsk, 220053, Belarus


There are government, commercial, university and nuclear industry labs that can and do test for radiation. The following are examples of labs that may have a more friendly community safety oriented philosophy and program focus. As you can tell, there are very few of them in the world.

The Negative Health Effects Of Low Dose Radiation On Residents Of Belarus, Dr. Vasily Hectepenko

Food Radiation Testing Machine Choices, Reasons Why, And How To Set Up A Community Or Store Based Testing Center; via @AGreenRoad

France - CRIIRAD - Radiation Testing Independent of State, Industry and Political Parties

Austrialia - The Food Lab, testing food samples from all over the world, radiation testing results

EPA Mobile Environmental Radiation Laboratories (MERLs) Can Detect Radiation In Air, On Beaches, Animals, In Food; via @AGreenRoad


To find out more about why and how  community based radiation testing and education labs such as the ones above are needed, click on the following links..

Art And Science Of Deception; Global Corporations And The 1%, Whistleblowers, And Solutions

Children And Adults - Negative Effects Of Chronic, Cumulative Man Made Radiation Exposure

Negative Effects Of Internal Radiation Exposure, Radiation Monitoring Networks

Radiation In Food/Water, Geiger Counters, Dosimeters, Radiation Readings

Individual Radioactive Elements/Isotopes, USA Radiation, Radiation Exposure Prevention, Reversal, Chelation


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If it had not been for this one lab and the dedicated individuals that started and now staff it, there would be no radiation measurements of kids, no proof that natural chelation of radiation methods work, no proof that living in radiation contaminated areas causes life threatening bio accumulation and much more. The nuclear industry and government does not want you to know this information. 


BELRAD Institute For Radiation Safety, Testing Lab, Testing Equipment, Internal Radiation Measurement, Food Testing, Chelation And Education

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