Jimmy Wales, Wikipedia And Internet Censorship; How To Create And/Or Edit a Wikipedia Article. Help Create A Sustainable Global Carbon and Nuclear Free Future

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Jimmy Wales, Wikipedia And Internet Censorship; How To Create And/Or Edit a Wikipedia Article. Help Create A Sustainable Global Carbon and Nuclear Free Future

Wikipedia founder Jimmy Wales on internet censorship.

His heart is in the right place. But is censorship really a thing of the past when it comes to Wikipedia? This article will discuss how to edit and create a Wikipedia article, as well as get into specific issues around Wikipedia. Did you know that less than 2% of Wikipedia readers and users are actually responsible for all of the content there? Did you know that a very small group of master editors who work for Wikipedia are responsible for deleting or 'approving' things officially? 


How to edit a Wikipedia page


How to create a Wikipedia article

The same information that applies to creating a Wikipedia article also applies to modifying an article.


There is also information available at this link about how to upload images or graphs that are either creative commons licensed, or that you hold the copyright to, and are willing to allow Wikipedia to publish it, via their license.

Remember that a good picture can speak a thousand words.



Is Abby Martin Being Censored on Wikipedia? Abby seems to think something is going on, but is it censorship, or just some master editor's bias? .. What do you think?



Dr Chris Busby is being attacked (as are all anti nuclear advocates and whistleblowers) because he is exposing nuclear industry deceptions and coverups. Dr. Busby is a truth teller and threatens the profits of the global nuclear military industrial weapons and energy complex. Any whistleblowing activist who tries to bring truth to the forefront around any nuclear industry or other industry deceptions is more often than not attacked personally, both online and in other ways. 

How Whistleblowers Are Punished And Arch Criminals Get Away Scot Free; via @AGreenRoad

Global Corporations And The 1%; Art And Science Of Deception

Any significant player who stands up to the nuclear empire is attacked via ad hominem methods that assassinate them character wise. In the nuclear industry, whistleblowers are fired and never work in the industry again, via a blacklisting process.  Dr. Gofman was the head of a nuclear lab, but when he started exposing the 'secrets', he was gotten rid of too...

Dr. Sternglass And Gofman; Total Numbers Of Infant/Child Deaths From X-Rays, Nuclear Power Plants And Nuclear Bomb Testing

Dr. Busby is being attacked as a fraudster, because he talked about vitamins and minerals blocking the harmful effects of radiation. He said taking calcium would prevent radioactive strontium uptake for example, in the same way that KI tablets prevent thyroid uptake of radioactive iodine, which is established scientific fact. There are no 'worthless' pills, and he is not making any money from selling them. James Ryan, the person who thought about importing these supplements to help people was also attacked and could not even set up the foundation as a result of death threats and attacks by both the government and the nuclear industry. 

Here is an example of what these kind, caring gentlemen were attacked over.. 

Natural Radiation Chelation Methods And Supplies - Air/Water Purification, Vitamins, Minerals, Herbs, Such As Pectin, Zeolite, Kelp, Iodine, Alginate

There was no intent by Dr. Busby to make money from the vitamin project, and any money received would have been going to help people, if the project had gotten off the ground. The fact is that man made radioactive elements are NOT the same thing as organic non radioactive minerals found in Nature. To learn more about this, click on the following link;

How Poisonous And Radioactive Man Made Elements Mimic Natural Minerals Found In Nature; via @AGreenRoad

The pro nuclear apologists say that none of what Dr. Busby says is true and that he is selling worthless pills and making huge amounts of money by fraudulently selling these pills.  Others claim that Dr Busby is not a scientist at all, but just a fake fraudster. His wikipedia entry tends to make him look like an evil person, when all he is doing is telling the truth. 

So if you want to help whistleblowers such as Dr. Busby specifically, feel free to edit his Wikipedia page to reflect what he has REALLY done in a positive way. (Use the above instructional videos to learn how to do this.) Help counter and erase the negativity on his profile by what looks to be pro nuclear apologists trying to make him look like the worst possible person. Use the following resources to tell the truth about Dr. Busby.

If you have the time... try to fix the Wikipedia entry. The pro nuclear apologists have a whole team of operators writing c@(* about Dr. Busby on Wikipedia. Just cut and paste. (It will really piss them off.) You can find the truth at  the following links;

CV Of Dr. Busby

Battling Invisible Snake Bites That Can Eventually Kill Us All

CV Of Dr. Busby

Can you help out?


Christopher Busby profile on Wikipedia

Arnie Gunderson profile on Wikipedia

Dr. Helen Caldicott on Wikipedia

Michio Kaku on Wikipedia


To make a positive difference, you can visit Wiki pages that involve any kind of nuclear information, and make them more 'real' and truthful. Much or most of the nuclear or radiation related information on Wikipedia is biased towards the pro nuclear viewpoint which includes a belief system of no radiation can hurt anyone, low doses of man made radiation and medical radiation actually heals people, (hormesis theory) nothing really bad happened in any nuclear accident, very few nuclear accidents happened, and no one died in any any nuclear accident. According to the pro nuclear apologists, the only people dying are those who worry too much about radiation. In other words, no one dies from man made radiation.

This Wiki entry needs a lot of input to correct the pro nuclear bias and blaming the victim mentality being expressed.. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Radiophobia

Use the following articles as grist for the Wiki mill. 

Art And Science Of Deception; Global Corporations And The 1%

Nuclear Power Plant Threats, Accidents, Recycling Nuclear Fuel, Movie Reviews, Next Generation Nuclear Plants, Terrorists

You have the power to affect history and how people think about nuclear energy. Go out and make a positive difference. Use the nuclear information that you can access by clicking on links below, or by clicking on pages link in the upper left hand corner of this article to become an expert on any subject quickly. Use the search box in the upper right hand corner of this article to search for specific articles or words. 


Jimmy Wales, Wikipedia And Internet Censorship; How To Create And/Or Edit a Wikipedia Article. Help Create A Sustainable Global Carbon and Nuclear Free Future

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