Fukushima Workers Suing Tepco, TEPCO Changes Mind On 8,000 Already Approved Legal Settlements, Refuses To Pay Anything

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Fukushima Workers Suing Tepco, TEPCO Changes Mind On 8,000 Already Approved Legal Settlements, Refuses To Pay Anything

9/1/14 Fukushima Daiichi workers to sue TEPCO

Workers at the damaged Fukushima Daiichi nuclear plant are planning to sue Tokyo Electric Power Company, demanding it pay wages suited for the dangerous work. Four male workers at a TEPCO subcontractor will file a lawsuit at the Iwaki branch of the Fukushima district court on Wednesday. The workers are doing plumbing work on tanks that store radioactive water at the plant. They say their wages are too low considering the risk of radiation exposure they face. The workers are demanding TEPCO pay each of them about 96-thousand dollars in compensation. They say their wages haven't changed even after TEPCO announced an increase in labor payments to subcontractors by around 96 dollars last November.

9/2/14 Lawyers call on TEPCO to accept settlements

Lawyers with the Japan Federation of Bar Associations told reporters on Monday that TEPCO is not honoring its promise to respect proposals from the Science Ministry's dispute settlement center. The ministry established the center in 2011 in order to mediate disputes between TEPCO and residents who have serious claims against the utility following the accident at the Fukushima plant. More than 8,000 cases have been settled since the center started accepting applications 3 years ago. But the lawyers said TEPCO have recently rejected a series of the center's settlement proposals. They include a class action suit filed by more than 15,000 residents of the town of Namie.

A JFBA lawyer in charge of compensation for the nuclear accident, Yuichi Kaido, said the center has had a significant meaning for restoring the rights of the victims of the Fukushima accident who cannot directly negotiate with TEPCO. But he said he is increasingly worried about the utility's response. He said TEPCO promised to respect settlement proposals in its business plan earlier this year. He said the firm is instead causing the residents further suffering by rejecting the offers.

According to Reuters and NHK, the nuclear workers provided evidence in court that there are four layers of subcontractors underneath the prime contractor at Fukushima. The workers are at the end of a cash skimming operation that takes a cut of the pay of each worker for each day's work. At the end of this line of contractors all lined up to cash in, the worker receives much less than the original amount promised.

The problems are just starting at Fukushima, and conditions are getting worse by the year.


Fukushima Workers Suing Tepco, TEPCO Changes Mind On 8,000 Already Approved Legal Settlements, Refuses To Pay Anything

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