In the video above, narrator goes to official government website, where it talks about Ebola spreading from monkey to monkey via the air. Another study showed that it spread from pigs to humans.
Humans had no contact with pig blood or fluids, but showed antibodies to Ebola viruses. That would mean it can be transmitted through the air, from potentially two different types of animals, and then to humans. Some health authorities say this Ebola outbreak came from fruit bats, or contact with their infected droppings.
The video also goes into the risks that these supposedly professional medical types took when importing a case of Ebola.. They could very well have spread the Ebola virus via airborne transmission. Why aren't all protective measures being taken around this super deadly disease?
The Spanish flu, which killed approximately 2% of all of those infected with it, is chump change when compared to Ebola, which kills between 50 to 90% of all those infected, depending on many factors.
If this epidemic in Africa gets out, it will have the potential to wreak havoc on modern civilized society, just as a natural consequence of no one wanting to be in a place where they might become infected, such as a public place, plane, etc. Yes, modern medicine might have a good handle on it, but there are HUGE consequences to a virus like this getting loose anywhere in the world.
In one country, where Ebola is out of control, the virus has already shut down schools, changed how people do funerals and much more. People no longer shake hands or gather in close proximity to each other. Clinics and hospitals closed because so many doctors and nurses got infected and died.
In the one US city that had ONE Ebola case, parents pulled their kids out of school, and volunteers quit showing up for work that involved the public or close contact with other people. There was basically no risk to them, but just the perception that it might be risky, changed people's behavior in large ways.
If all of these things happen with just ONE Ebola case, what happens if there are many more, or it gets loose and infects other people besides the nurse that got infected from treating the one Ebola patient from Africa?
In the video above, narrator goes to official government website, where it talks about Ebola spreading from monkey to monkey via the air. Another study showed that it spread from pigs to humans.
Humans had no contact with pig blood or fluids, but showed antibodies to Ebola viruses. That would mean it can be transmitted through the air, from potentially two different types of animals, and then to humans. Some health authorities say this Ebola outbreak came from fruit bats, or contact with their infected droppings.
The video also goes into the risks that these supposedly professional medical types took when importing a case of Ebola.. They could very well have spread the Ebola virus via airborne transmission. Why aren't all protective measures being taken around this super deadly disease?
The Spanish flu, which killed approximately 2% of all of those infected with it, is chump change when compared to Ebola, which kills between 50 to 90% of all those infected, depending on many factors.
If this epidemic in Africa gets out, it will have the potential to wreak havoc on modern civilized society, just as a natural consequence of no one wanting to be in a place where they might become infected, such as a public place, plane, etc. Yes, modern medicine might have a good handle on it, but there are HUGE consequences to a virus like this getting loose anywhere in the world.
In one country, where Ebola is out of control, the virus has already shut down schools, changed how people do funerals and much more. People no longer shake hands or gather in close proximity to each other. Clinics and hospitals closed because so many doctors and nurses got infected and died.
In the one US city that had ONE Ebola case, parents pulled their kids out of school, and volunteers quit showing up for work that involved the public or close contact with other people. There was basically no risk to them, but just the perception that it might be risky, changed people's behavior in large ways.
If all of these things happen with just ONE Ebola case, what happens if there are many more, or it gets loose and infects other people besides the nurse that got infected from treating the one Ebola patient from Africa?
Last month a warning issued by the CDC claimed that infectious Ebola materials could be spread through the air. The advisory urges airline staff to provide surgical masks to potential Ebola victims in order “to reduce the number of droplets expelled into the air by talking, sneezing, or coughing.” The CDC is also directing airline cleaning personnel to, “not use compressed air, which might spread infectious material through the air.” (emphasis mine). The CDC’s concern about the Ebola virus being spread via the air is understandable in light of a 2012 experiment conducted by Canadian scientists which proved that, “the ebola virus could be transmitted by air between species.”
PhilipUpNorth October 30, 2014 Ebola Update:
CDC now admits airborne Ebola transmission, even from a person not showing symptoms nor testing positive. Very big news. Many thanks to Potrblog for the timely and through work. New Ebola guidelines based on Dr. Spencer case in NYC. Told ya so.
Ebola Update:
"After a more detail reading, the CDC has greatly increased the at risk Ebola category to include the following:
1) Direct contact (hand shake) with Ebola victim 21 days PRIOR to symptom onset
2) Airborne contact, ie even "brief proximity" (such as being in the same room for a brief period of time) with an Ebola victim AFTER their symptom onset
Any person who meets those two above definitions and in the subject eyes of an examiner has any "signs" of concern such as elevated body temperature (98.7 deg F) is now defined as a "Person Under Investigation" for Ebola. And as such, that person is subject to forceful quarantine "
Potrblog Site Update 10/31/2014
It's a new world out there."

Let's assume that Ebola in it's present mutated form is not strictly transmissible by air. Odds are that this may be the case, because if a US nurse flew all around the country and then went into the hospital the very next day with an active Ebola infection, and no major breakout of Ebola happened, then the chances are that Ebola is NOT strictly speaking highly transmissible by air.
But that does not negate the potential of it spreading via bodily fluids, which include droplets spread by coughing, talking or sneezing. Yes, people do 'spit' while talking, but most people do not notice the droplets coming out while talking. Sneezing and coughing just increases the distances and volumes of droplets being thrown about.
For more in depth information about transmission of viruses via various methods, click on this link;
In 1995, a USAMRIID study proved that uninfected monkeys who were close to infected monkeys got infected. They did not have to touch each other.
In an Ebola Disease Fact Sheet, but out by the government of Nigeria, it states that Ebola can be spread by 'contaminated air' inside hospitals.
Is 'contaminated air' more than just sneezing or coughing? Hopefully not.. but time will tell. So far at least, the infections seem to be limited to direct contact with bodily fluids, and that is a good thing.
In an Ebola Disease Fact Sheet, but out by the government of Nigeria, it states that Ebola can be spread by 'contaminated air' inside hospitals.
Is 'contaminated air' more than just sneezing or coughing? Hopefully not.. but time will tell. So far at least, the infections seem to be limited to direct contact with bodily fluids, and that is a good thing.
Risky October 23, 2014 "Study finds that "Lake Victoria marburgvirus (MARV) and Zaire ebolavirus (ZEBOV) can survive for long periods in different liquid media and can also be recovered from plastic and glass surfaces at low temperatures for over 3 weeks."
Via Jay Dillon 4/8/2014 "Also, Zaire ebolavirus is designated as a Biosafety Level 4 Containment virus. The reason for this designation is that Zaire ebolavirus is extremely deadly and extremely contagious. It is not because "it is not airborne," or because "it is quite difficult to contract Ebola," as recent news stories have stated erroneously. Such statements are a deadly form of disinformation and should be discredited immediately. If Zaire ebolavirus is not readily transmissible, then ask yourself why most research labs in the world are not allowed to work with it at all. It is because most labs do not have adequate technology and security measures in place to handle it safely."
Now that Ebola has mutated and spread to humans, whether accidentally or on purpose, it could possibly be able to be spread the same way as was the case with the two animal studies above. If this this virus can spread via air, it makes it much more difficult to keep it from spreading.
And having health authorities keep claiming it cannot be spread by air or by casual contact, if indeed it does spread both of those ways, makes things much, much worse, and greatly heightens the risk that this outbreak will get totally out of control. Time will tell which way it spreads, because if the Ebola virus can be spread by air, it will be.
So far, the new is full of reports about how it cannot be spread by air or casual contact. Maybe they are right, and time will tell.
And having health authorities keep claiming it cannot be spread by air or by casual contact, if indeed it does spread both of those ways, makes things much, much worse, and greatly heightens the risk that this outbreak will get totally out of control. Time will tell which way it spreads, because if the Ebola virus can be spread by air, it will be.
So far, the new is full of reports about how it cannot be spread by air or casual contact. Maybe they are right, and time will tell.
Ebola can infect any cell in the respiratory tract. It can also be transmitted through the skin according to Potrblog. "Unlike flu, a person need not inhale the virus or get it in the eyes. Just touching a surface where the virus is, is sufficient to infect a person. The rate of infectious rate of spread in cold weather is explosive compared to tropical Africa." the above is true, then the cold weather will make the virus that much more infectious and able to spread quickly, if an Ebola patient gets out of Africa and into a cold climate environment where indoor air is contaminated with the virus. Again, time will tell.
And surgical masks are not adequate enough to stop the virus. The highly respected Center for Infectious Disease Research and Policy (CIDRAP) at the University of Minnesota just advised the U.S. Centers for Disease Control (CDC) and World Health Organization (WHO) that “there is scientific and epidemiologic evidence that Ebola virus has the potential to be transmitted via infectious aerosol particles,” including exhaled breath. Also masks are not adequate to stop the tiny Ebola virus. Health workers need full-hooded protective gear and powered air-purifying respirators.
Local health-care infrastructure in Africa, which barely existed in the first place, is overwhelmed. People have lost faith in the large clinics, where 50 percent to 60 percent of patients who enter do not leave alive. And those in need of emergency care for other conditions — such as heart attacks or complicated births — are often frightened of clinics and hospitals, and are dying without treatment. from Ebola are going unreported, according to aid worker who trains local caretakers of Ebola victims. The only question is, how many? Reports keep coming out of health care workers trying to find people who had contact with Ebola patients, but the people all run away before the health care workers get to the village, so there is no way to check on them, or communicate with them.
Other reports have said whole clinics and hospitals have closed in the worst hit countries. In those countries, Ebola victims are dying at home. How many people infected with Ebola are even trying to get to a clinic or hospital?
Why are many people in Africa not going to the rare hospital that may still be open? Their fear, which is based on reality, is that doctors and nurses are infecting patients and visitors with Ebola. This outbreak is killing nurses, healthcare workers and doctors, as well as upper management staff and their whole families.
When people hear this, they are afraid they will be infected by healthcare workers, nurses or doctors, so they avoid them, and this makes the spread of Ebola worse and accelerates it even more. They have also been subjected to medical experimentation, so the combination of these two things makes many people hesitant to seek help from medical doctors or clinics.
Gire and Sabeti’s group also found that the virus had started in one person. It could have been the little boy in Meliandou, but there is no way to tell for sure right now. After that, the swarm mutated steadily, its code shifting as it palpated the human population. As the virus jumped from person to person, about half the time it had a mutation in it, which caused one of the proteins in the virus to be slightly different. By the time the virus reached Sierra Leone, travelling in the bodies of the women who had attended the funeral of the faith healer, it had become two genetically distinct swarms. Both lineages of the virus moved from the funeral into Sierra Leone. Already, some of the mutations were making Ebola less visible to the tests for it.
Bottom line, mutations are part of the world of viruses. They mutate very quickly, which is exactly why a flu shot may do absolutely no good. A vaccine against a virus is only good against one particular genetic mutation of that virus, but not another one. A virus can mutate from one host to another, or once a month or once a year.
Bottom line, mutations are part of the world of viruses. They mutate very quickly, which is exactly why a flu shot may do absolutely no good. A vaccine against a virus is only good against one particular genetic mutation of that virus, but not another one. A virus can mutate from one host to another, or once a month or once a year.
The international response is inadequate and disorganized. The World Health Organization and the United Nations provide “road maps.” But, according to one infectious disease expert, “there is no one to implement command, control and communications. No one.” Multiple, uncoordinated organizations are attempting to confront a disease that is out of control. “They are quibbling over 25 to 30 bed units,” the expert vents. Meanwhile, WHO has revised its prediction of new Ebola infections upward to 20,000 by year-end. Other models indicate more like 100,000.
Report: Dogs Eating Dead Bodies of Ebola Victims
There are differences between US and Spain response to Ebola victims transported back to their respective countries. So far, most health 'experts' deny that Ebola can be transmitted by air, so medical experts are treating it that way, which may very well guarantee eventual exposure and transmission outside of Africa. Hopefully the health authorities are correct and this strain of Ebola cannot be transmitted by air or by casual contact, as that will make it much easier to contain.
Combine a tepid response, an overwhelmed health system, nurses and doctors running away, US doctors, priests and others getting infected despite the best protection possible, an airborne transmission of a deadly virus that acts much like a cold or flu in the initial stages, and what do you forecast will happen?
There are things that can be done to prevent an infection by a virus.
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Everyone has the right to use and has access to natural anti viral and anti bacterial modalities, but for some strange reason, the mass media and medical industrial complex won't talk about any of these options. They will not inform anyone about options other than what is inside of the medical industrial for profit system. They don't use natural health remedies or protocols in clinics or hospitals. They refuse to test anything involving natural remedies on Ebola infected patients. To find out more about why this could be considered criminal behavior, click on the following link.
Drugs, Medicine, GMO's, Super Bugs, Cloning, Vaccines, Education
There are things that can be done to prevent an infection by a virus.
A Green Road Store - Ebola Epidemic Supplies And Information
There are also natural health modalities that work against viruses, even Ebola. Check out the natural health protocol and remedies available. It may be a good idea to stock up ahead of time, because if this gets out of control then odds are great that the shelves will empty out of the anti viral types of remedies. Better to be safe than sorry.
Ebola Natural Health Remedies And Protocols For Other Virus Based Dis-eases
There are also natural health modalities that work against viruses, even Ebola. Check out the natural health protocol and remedies available. It may be a good idea to stock up ahead of time, because if this gets out of control then odds are great that the shelves will empty out of the anti viral types of remedies. Better to be safe than sorry.
Another risk that means Ebola will more than likely arrive and spread like wildfire in the US is that the CDC is working with the FDC to actively squelch any natural prevention modalities. The FDA is also cracking down on anyone claiming to sell a natural remedy for Ebola.
These monopolistic, vaccine, drug and doctor protecting mechanisms will further accelerate the risks and spread of Ebola, practically guaranteeing that Ebola will arrive and spread like an out of control fire in the US at some point in the near future, just like Aids did.
If they could not stop the spread of AIDS, which was much less lethal, was spread only via dirty needles and unprotected sex, and AIDS took much longer to kill people, what chance do they have with this virus, which is orders of magnitude worse, more lethal, kills faster and is much more easily spread by AIR?
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AGR's take away advice? Get ready, and start boning up on how to deal this Ebola threat at home and with no help from anyone. Of course, best case, the CDC and their almighty power of vaccines, drugs, radiation and isolation may keep the Ebola out of the US.. What do you think will happen?
The World's Most Dangerous Virus (full documentary movie) Marburg And Ebola
Low Dose Radiation And Antibiotics Cause Mutated, Strengthened Bacteria And Virus; via @AGreenRoad
Ebola Virus Is Rapidly Spreading, ABC Calls It Out Of Control, 12 Million Deaths Possible By Feb. 2015
Is 2014 Ebola Pandemic The Result Of Secret Bio Weapons Research Or Accidental Release?
Ebola, Bio Weapons Lab, And How Nuclear Industry Radiation Plus Antibiotics Creating Mutated, Strengthened SUPER DEADLY Bacteria And Viruses; via @AGreenRoad
More Ebola Articles/Videos:
--TODAY article "Ebola Spiraling Out of Control":
--NPR Article - A Few Cases in U.S.:
--Dr. Sircus Article:
--MayoClinic: (Symptoms and Treatments):
--PBS Ebola Documentary:
--CDC Ebola Hemorrhagic Fever:
AirSepTech October 14, 2014 "Serological evidence of immunity markers to ebolavirus in serum collected from domesticated dogs suggests asymptomatic infection is plausible, likely following exposure to infected humans or animal carrion" Dogs may have a hard time getting through this if stupid people continue to run this clown show.
Report: Dogs Eating Dead Bodies of Ebola Victims
Dogs in one community in Liberia have been reported eating the remains of dead Ebola victims lying on the streets and seen pulling the bodies out of the graves and eating the remains. “Dogs can be infected with the Ebola virus but that infections appear to be ASYMPTOMATIC.” “This means that dogs won’t get sick, but they still could carry AND SPREAD EBOLA through licking or biting…”
If dogs can act as carriers without showing any signs of the disease, and then transmit Ebola virus to humans, just like pigs or monkeys can, then what about mosquitos, ticks, mice, rats, or other critters? Even if the CDC quarantines a whole town and won't let anyone in or out, what about the insects, birds, fruit bats, monkeys, dogs, or infected food partially eaten by infected animals and flies or coming in contact with bodily fluids such as blood or diarrhea? Can they quarantine them too? The plague of the Middle Ages was transmitted by fleas, which were carried around by animals into different towns.
Ebola Spreads Via Airborne Methods, Such As Sneezing or Coughing, But Much Higher Death Rate, Compared To Pandemic Flu Viruses
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