Dr. Barry Goodman; How To Clear Yourself Of Other Peoples Negative Energy

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Dr. Barry Goodman; How To Clear Yourself Of Other Peoples Negative Energy

This article provides a few ways to clear negative emotional energy from your awareness. Negative emotions can drain a person and slow down or stop daily activities needed for life, or even lead into very dark places such as mental illness. 

These valuable exercises are simple, powerful and effective.  Most people have no idea what to do with negative emotions, so here are a few simple, powerful exercises that can be used daily to stay more clean and clear emotionally, while raising energy levels and vitality. 


Dr. Barry Goodman provides a simple and fast negative emotion clearing exercise. "A short and sweet exercise with mantra and movement to clear yourself of other persons negative energy. For physicians, healers, therapists and contact with anyone who is carrying negative energy. Preparing yourself for a next client patient or person. Great lymphatic and nervous system cleanser and stimulator. Gaze is tip of nose. Mantra is the numbers 1-2-3-4 or Har Har Har Haree. From Kundalini Yoga teachings of Yogi Bhaja. "


Schumann Earth Frequency Clearing Negative Energy Meditation
Just watch the video and breathe deeply down into your belly. 


Interfaith; Removing Negative Energy From Your Aura Part I: Energy Healing: Energy Clearing: Energy cleansing prayer and very short meditation.


"How to Protect and Clear Your Energy Field - for Highly Sensitive People. Feeling bombarded by the world? Practice these two daily techniques for clearing and protecting your body, mind and spirit from unwanted energies!"

Don't carry and hold negative energy, because it drains you, reduces your energy, lowers your vibration and creates physical or mental problems long term. 

You can choose to not take in any negative energy, despite being surrounded by it, listening to it or watching it. 


Take in light into the top of your head. Ask it to release anything that happened that day, that troubled you, things that are bothering you. Ask this light to clear and remove all negative things and people. Name these things that bother your or upset you in a normal and loving way. Ask the light to go down through all your cells and down into your DNA to clear up anything that is not in the highest and best interest for you. Everything negative is turned back into light with this process. 

You can also visualize a huge egg beater whirling around your body with you safely inside of these blades, cutting all energy cords that may be sucking energy out of you. 


Protect yourself by surrounding yourself with a golden light ball. It cannot be penetrated by negative energy. Repeat this when you are walking into an environment that may be negative. 

Supercharge this energy protecting shield by also adding a violet flame to this light shield, which burns off negativity. It also burns off anything that is accumulated and unwanted. 


How To Not Become A Victim Of Negative Emotions; Become A Master Of Your Emotions, Using The Science Of Sustainable Health And Success

Introduction To Non Denominational Interfaith Prayer Partnering; How It Works And Why It Is Necessary

A Green Road Less Traveled Poems, Quotes And Sayings

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It is not necessary to suffer from negative emotions and live life stuck in a swamp of negativity. It is possible to live in joy, peace and happiness. These exercises are one step on the way there. Set a goal, ask/pray for help to achieve your goal. Stay open to the ways or doors that open.  By all means, if you are thinking of hurting yourself or others, call 911 and ask for help.


Dr. Barry Goodman; How To Clear Yourself Of Other Peoples Negative Energy

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