9/13/2014 - NOAA; Solar Geomagnetic Storm Warning Up To G5, Complete Collapse Of Electrical Grid Possible

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9/13/2014 - NOAA; Solar Geomagnetic Storm Warning Up To G5, Complete Collapse Of Electrical Grid Possible

Solar storm forecast for 9/11 through 9/13/2014

Just In: US gov’t issues highest level warning for geomagnetic storm currently impacting Earth — Potential to reach ‘Extreme’ category on NOAA scale; “Complete collapse” of grid systems possible

Source; http://enenews.com/govt-issues-highest-level-warning-geomagnetic-storm-could-reach-extreme-noaa-scale-grid-systems-experience-complete-collapse-blackouts

Another reporter talks about today's solar storm, which makes it sound a lot smaller and having much less effect, which is a good thing...

An older Fox news reports that a solar storm could knock out the electrical grid in the US. This is a potential Katrina from outer space according to Michio Kaku. We need to harden the grid in order to prepare. In 1859 a huge storm hit that sent sparks out of telegraph lines. Without hardening the grid, a huge 1859 type of solar storm would paralyze potentially whole countries or potentially the entire world with months or years of power outages, and it would also result in nuclear plant meltdowns in areas affected, due to the chaos and lack of reliable long term power needed for nuclear plants.


Solar Proton Bombardment Of High Atomic Weight Atomic Fallout At High Altitudes

Via potrblog The Aurora Borealis' New Nuclear Sheen

Discovery Channel; What Is A Solar Storm And What Does A Big One Cause?


Super Solar Storm To Hit Earth - 'Carrington Effect'; 400 Nuke Plants Will Melt Down/Explode, Lawsuits Needed; via @AGreenRoad

When X Class Solar Flare Hits Earth; Communication Disruption, Power Failures Possible, Multiple Near Misses, 2011 to 2014


What If the Biggest Solar Storm on Record Happened Today?
Repeat of 1859 Carrington Event would devastate modern world, experts say.

In the comments section below the article above, Steven Starr, the head scientist with the Physicians for Social Responsibility group, explains what the above article and many others like it fail to even address or mention:

Steven Starr Jan 16, 2013 "Another disaster-in-waiting would be the permanent loss of off-site power to nuclear power plants, which are not designed to function on a long-term basis using electricity produced by back-up on-site generators. Reactors *must* keep their cooling systems (for both the reactor core and spent fuel ponds) in operation, even when the reactor is shut down. Take a look at Fukushima to see what happens when you fail to do so.

Imagine dozens of nuclear power plants all frantically attempting to provide on-site electric power to keep their cooling systems going for months on end. Most reactors store only about 6 days worth of diesel fuel required to run the massive diesel generators that would provide such back-up power. IF the diesel generators were capable of running continuously for months on end (they are not designed or expected to do so), there would still be the matter of trucking fuel to the plants to keep them running.

One step we could immediately take to reduce this danger is to remove older spent fuel rods from cooling ponds and put them into Hardened On-Site Storage (HOSS). Two-thirds of the spent fuel rods sitting in US reactor cooling ponds could now be removed and put into HOSS; doing this would greatly reduce the possible impact of a loss of coolant/cooling accident at a spent fuel pool. See http://www.psr.org/resources/principles-for-safeguarding-1.html

Another scenario similar to the Carrington Event, also not currently addressed or considered, is the destruction of unprotected integrated circuits in the control systems of nuclear power plants by Electromagnetic Pulse (EMP) produced by a high altitude nuclear detonation. Such a detonation over the East Coast of the US would hammer dozens of nuclear power plants. Imagine 20 or 30 Fukushimas occurring simultaneously in the US. Another little problem we haven't gotten around to dealing with."

Steven Starr - Senior Scientist, Physicians for Social Responsibility

Bottom line, if humanity wants to make it into any kind of future worth living in, all electrical grids need to be hardened globally, to resist solar storms, and/or all nuclear plants need to be shut down and that fuel needs to be put into dry cask storage with no power needed to keep it cool.


9/13/2014 - NOAA; Solar Geomagnetic Storm Warning Up To G5, Complete Collapse Of Electrical Grid Possible

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