Dr. Chris Busby talks about how the lungs are no different than car air filters. He measured very high levels of radiation on car air filters all the way down to Tokyo Japan. What happens when a human air filter pulls in a 'hot DU particle' and that hot DU particle is trapped in the lung(s)? The process is the same as breathing in a hot radioactive particle from a nuclear accident and the effect is described in the article below these links, which go into more details about the dangers of depleted uranium.
NATO's Dark Secret - Depleted Uranium; via @AGreenRoad
Depleted Uranium (DU) Dangers And Effects On The Human Body, via A Green Road Blog
Beyond Treason: The True Story of Depleted Uranium; via @AGreenRoad
Depleted Uranium - Physicians For Social Responsibility; via @AGreenRoad
Dr. Chris Busby On Depleted Uranium and Veterans Suing For Compensation; via @AGreenRoad
Veterans Compensated For Exposure To Depleted Uranium Radiation/Poison; What About Everyone Else? via @AGreenRoad
‘ Texts of Antipas – Tahat Kôl news ‘, special of October 15, 2003 8ème année – 8th year
MAIL mauriceandre@skynet.be URL http://users.skynet.be/mauriceandre/
URANIUM and PLUTONIUM aren’t chocolate
PART 1 : URANIUM (UA / DU) (UA = uranium appauvri) (DU = depleted uranium)
Factsheet by Maurice Eugène ANDRE, author and editor specializing in nuclear protection, Quai du Halage, 54, 4600 Visé, Belgium, with the voluntary collaboration of our French friend Patrick CHAPUS. October 15, 2003. English translation : Patrick CHAPUS. All rights reserved.
Special second edition October 15, 2003. Phone in Belgium : 0032 – (0) 4 374 24 62. Don’t dial (0) from abroad. MAIL mauriceandre@skynet.be URL http://users.skynet.be/mauriceandre/
Registration of copyright a the Royal Library of Belgium in the month of October 2003. Original printed in Belgium in « Texts of Antipas – Tahat Kôl news » special of October 15, 2003.
Electronic diffusion of the complete text authorized, but printed duplication for sale without authorization of the editor, is forbidden. »
“ Texts of Antipas -Tahat Kôl news ” special edition October 15, 2003. Page 1 Pay attention for your lungs ! PART 1 : URANIUM (UA / DU)
Exposed of Maurice Eugene ANDRE Registration of copyright Translated into English by Patrick CHAPUS.
1. For understanding this talk well, it should beforehand be known that the unstable atoms are called ‘atoms radioactives’, and they are atoms "omnidirectional machine gunners " which bombard their entourage of subatomic corpuscular projections, and / or of radiations of the electromagnetic type, continuing for hundreds of thousands of years.
2. The bullets observed and which emanate from the man made radioactive atoms, can be classified in several categories :
- the corpuscular shooting of beta radiation that is like shooting bullets that will hit the electrons atom’s core (of the kernel) at a speed to approximately 200,000 km per second; detectable with a radiation meter or room ionization.
- the neutron corpuscular shooting, shooting neutron radiation bullets that come from the core of an atom with variable high speeds;
- the corpuscular shooting alpha radiation bullets from the particles coming from the core of atom, particles having each one a significant mass of 7,348 electrons. They are ejected to approximately 20,000 km per second, and are made up a group of 2 neutrons joined with 2 protons; is the shooting alpha the heaviest shooting ionizing which exists and which was incorrectly ignored in its harmfulness there is not very a long time still, because shut from exterior of the body it did not cross the barrier of the skin… But enclosed inside the interior of the body by clusters of atoms having passed the cutaneous barrier, it is frightening due to the initiation of cancers that it causes. The machine gun shooting alpha radiation is detectable with a correctly designed radiation meter.
- the electromagnetic shooting gamma radiation bullets which haven’t mass and which is propagated all around an atom, in an omnidirectional way, at the speed of 300,000 km per second which are also the speed of the light. The shooting gamma radiation bullets have a length wave which is specific to the radionuclide which emit it, and this length wave is "a signature" identifying each transmitting radionuclide precisely gamma, in particular detectable by a spectrometer. The shooting gamma is detectable with a radiation meter also, and with a spectrometer, this specifying last with which atom one deals.
3. The damage noted in the alive cells subjected to significant ionizing machine gun shootings, leads sometimes to death and often to serious illnesses like various cancers.
The machine gun shootings are quite definite and as quoted here before, (bullets fired via alpha, beta, gamma and neutron methods) are called "ionizing radiations". They ALL are anti-life when they exceed the capacity of restoration of the cells. The gamma radiation resulting from the ground (natural radioactivity) and from the cosmic rays coming from universe, do not exceed normally 1/10 of a REM per annum (0.001 sievert) and are not dangerous, as opposed to what ancian school tried to make believe, this school confusing between effects of the dangerous artificial radioactivity and effects of the not handled natural radioactivity.
Inside the body, ionization inside the structure of the cells directly produces various acids, bases, and radicals, such HOH, OH, which has the effect of disturbing and destabilizing their ADN directly.
Each one of our 100,000 billion cells have as much as 200,000 billion molecules each, themselves formed by groups of many atoms. Our cells make up an absolutely extraordinary world, and is very complicated, which is managed according to precise and harmonious laws that we should NOT in any way disturb "at the root" in their operation, unless we want the sorrowful distress of bodies subjected to serious illnesses.
Man made radioactive elements can easily have effects on the genetic material inside cells, so that it is destroyed or disorganized dangerously, and it is specifically itemized below;
Note (1): For a man of 70 kg.
“ Texts of Antipas -Tahat Kôl news ” special edition October 15, 2003. Page 2
It is known that ours hundred and thousand billion cells which make our body, have each one ADN (acid desoxyribonucleic), which ADN "directs" via programming the developments - behaviors - and end of lifetime, (apoptose or commits suicide cells) of each one of our cells.
4. To touch natural organization of ADN is an incredibly irresponsible, culpable abyssal ignorance, and lack of total respect for the miracle of life and creation of all life which exists. No man is able to manage ADN, and no one can envisage the consequences of similar criminal incursions due to man made ionizing radiation.
On the following page, we approach the internal calculation of irradiation which a lung undergoes which retains an insoluble particle of DU (depleted uranium which contains only uranium 238, because the ore was impoverished out of Uranium 235) with a diameter of 1 micrometer (either 1 thousandths of millimetre or 10 -6 meter). This irradiation was called "effect of proximity" by the person who discovered it since 1974 and published on this subject in an international review with a scientific focus in 1978.
5. Before show calculations showing that a dust of uranium 238 (or DU) delivers significant doses with the immediate surroundings of the pulmonary site where it’s placed, it is necessary beforehand to know:
¨ that metallic uranium U 238 or DU is a gunner alpha-gamma with 77% of shootings alpha with an kinetic energy of 4.195 MeV and 23% of shootings alpha with an energy of 4.147 MeV;
¨ for calculations we will retain the average value of 4.184 MeV kinetic energy for the particles alpha emitted by uranium 238 or DU ;
¨ that the particles alpha are 7 348 heavier than the electrons, and that they lose all their kinetic energy at a very small distance of 50 micrometers or 1/20ème of mm, which produces an enormous ionization of the cells concerned ;
6. It was a serious error in the past to underestimate the serious harmfulness of the particles alpha acting starting from interior of a body.
(a) We consider that any particle which penetrates into a body is a sphere, that for the facility of calculations. Volume of one sphere is of
4/3 x p x R3 = 8/6 x p x (D/2)3 = 8/6 . p . D3 / 8 = 1/6 . p . D3 This last equation is our starting relation : (Relation 0)
(b) Presumedly spherical volume for the facility of calculation, of one particle with a diameter of 10 - 6 meter or 1 micrometer of diameter : V = 1/6 x p x D 3 = 1/6 x p x (10 - 6 meter) 3 = 1/6 . p . 10-18 m 3 ou 1/6 p . 10 - 15 liter. Underlined answer herebefore is our (relation 1)
(c) Weight of one particle of uranium 238 (or DU) presumedly spherical and with volume given by relation (1) herebefore (diameter of 1 µm) : One liter of DU weighting 18 950 grams, one can write, if L represents one liter of DU : 1/6 p . 10 - 15 L weighs 1/6. p x 10 - 15 x 18 950 grams or 1/6 . p . 18,95 . 10 - 12 gram (relation 2)
The answer herebefore gives our relation (2) which is the weight of the particle of DU.
(d) Calculation of the radioactivity of the particle defined by the relation (2). The number of disintegrations per second which the particle of DU releases considered, with diameter of 1 micron, is in
“ Texts of Antipas -Tahat Kôl news ” special edition October 15, 2003. Page 3
direct connection with the known weight of one curie of U 238 which weighs 3 tons of uranium 238, and which presents 37 billion disintegrations per second or Becquerels (Bq). The number of Bq or disintegrations per second observed, depends primarily on the weight of DU examined. One can for example calculate how much 1 gram of U 238 (or DU) gives Bq. The answer will be that 37 billion Bq coming from 3 tons of U 238, one will have that 1 gram of U 238 will give 3 000 000 less disintegrations, that one will have 12 333 Bq per gram of U 238. Or although : 1 gram of U 238 delivers 12 333 Bq or disintegrations per second, this for information.
(e) Nombre of Bq (disintegration per second) delivered by the particle of UA considered. This number is worth : p . 18,95 . 10 -12 g . 1/6 . 37 Bq . 10 9 . 1/3 000 000 = p . 10 – 3 . 37 . 18,95 . Bq . 1/6 . 1/3 000 000 (relation 3)
(f) Calculation of the erg number released per second by the particle, knowing that 5 MeV = 8 . 10– 6 erg (1 erg being worth 10– 7 joule) and 4.184 MeV (average value of the particle alpha of DU) being worth 6,7 . 10– erg. The required number is worth : 1 p . 10 - 3 . 37 . 18,95 . 6,7 . 10 - 6. 1/6 . 1/3000000 . erg / sec (relation 4)
(g) Calculation of the volume of the sphere of irradiated flesh of 50 µm of ray : Vsph = 4/3 . p . (50 . 10 – 6 m)3 = 4/3 . p . 125 . 10 - 12 liter. (relation 5)
(h) Calculation of the weight one sphere of flesh of 50 µm of ray : One can estimate that the weight of one cm3 of flesh = the weight of one cm3 of water or 1 gram and it results that the weight of the sphere of flesh considered (irradiated) is of : 4/3 . p . 125 . 10 – 9 g. (relation 6)
(i) Irradiation, in erg per gram and per second, of the sphere of flesh ionized by the shootings alpha emitted by the particle of DU with one µmeter of diameter, captive particle in a lung :
The required result is given by the following report/ratio : relation (4) divided by the relation (6). (p . 10 - 3 . 37 . 18,95 . 6,7 . 10 - 6. 1/6 . 1/3000000 . erg / sec) divided by (4/3 . p . 125 . 10 – 9 g) = 1, 569017 . 10 – 6 . erg . sec -1 . g -1 (relation 7)
(j) As one year dose contains 3,1536 X 10 7 seconds, one notes a pulmonary and specific internal-source irradiation of 3,1536 X 10 7 X 1,569017 X 10 - 6 erg per gram per year = 49, 382275 erg per gram per annum.
Like the definition of the RAD (roentgen absorbed dose) is of 100 erg absorbed per 1gramme of living matter, we have the irradiated and very small pulmonary zone surronding the radioactive DU dust maybe in RAD = (49,382 / 100) RAD per annum; and as EBR value (*) of alpha rays is 10, one has the following final result : (49,382 : 100) x 10 = 4, 938 REM per annum in the alive sphere irradiated by DU, or 5 REM (0,05 sievert) per annum.
(relation 8)
By taking account of the rounded figure we thus have a proven irradiation, specific and permanent which adds up 5 REM (0,05 sievert) inflicted per year into a lung by ONE dust particle of DU with diameter of 1 micrometer or 1 thousandth of 1 millimeter (thus invisible to the eye) in a small sphere called the ‘hot zone’...
Evaluate with the 1/5ème irradiations alpha, we have a specific total annual irradiation of :
5 REM (alpha) + 1 REM (gamma) = 6 REM (total) per annum (relation 9) in the place surrounding one dust DU with 1 µmeter of diameter blocked in a lung.
Note * : the letters RBE = factor of Relative Biological Efficacity, which give the biological damage in REM, since
(k) 1 RAD x RBE = X REM. (relation 10)The RBE changes with the type of received radiation : it is worth 1 for gamma and x-rays, like for beta ; it is worth from 10 to 20 for alpha, and 20 for the neutron shootings.
(L) VERY SIGNIFICANT CONCLUSION : The radioactive dusts immobilized in a lung have tendancy to gather in CLUSTER in this lung. However so only one cluster of dust UA/DU reaches 5 micrometers diameter and remains prisoner in the lung, the contaminated person will undergo an irradiation of 6 rem/an X 53 = 750 rem/an, (relation 11) in a "hot pulmonary zone" where will leave cancer to be disseminated in body via metastases.
(m) Col. U.S. Asaf Durakovic was right thus from the beginning to denounce, the serious dangers of DU (or UA, of the words Uranium Appauvri in French) in the DU projectiles.
(n) And if PLUTONIUM is present in traces in uranium (DU) used, the consequences will be MUCH WORSE.
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