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The Arts Are Part Of The Peaceful Revolution
Most people don't think about singing or art when they think about revolutions. But song was the weapon of choice when, between 1986 and 1991, Estonians sought to free themselves from decades of Soviet occupation. During those years, hundreds of thousands gathered in public to sing forbidden patriotic songs and to rally for independence.
Learn How Estonia's Non-Violent Singing Revolution defeated a very violent, repressive, and propaganda filled occupation.
Positive Power of Nationalism, When Harnessed Peacefully
Nationalism in many nations has led to many very negative outcomes. Estonia is a living example of the positive power of Nationalism, and the power of music when confronted and taken over by an absolutely totalitarian foreign occupation force.
Music united the Estonian nation against a foreign occupier, without the use of any violence. Music and songs grew the spirit of freedom and seeking of basic human rights within the people who were totally at the mercy of a foreign occupier (one of many). They sang songs that were composed to sound pro Russian, but the composers created the music so that Estonians could 'read between the lines' about their desire and need for freedom and self determination.
There was no freedom of speech in Estonia under foreign rule. There was no free press. There was no way to speak a dissenting viewpoint in public or even in private, without risking being shipped off to a forced labor camp, being thrown in prison or being killed.
In response to a brutal occupation and repression of their freedom, people sang and created folk music to express what they could not express in any other way. They gathered in large numbers so that it would be impossible to stop them from singing a banned song, despite their music conductors being shipped off to Siberia or imprisoned. The foreign occupiers found out that it was impossible to stop thousands of people from singing a song about freedom. Since that time, the Singing Revolution gathering has grown in number from 1,000 to 30,000 singers today.
In response to a brutal occupation and repression of their freedom, people sang and created folk music to express what they could not express in any other way. They gathered in large numbers so that it would be impossible to stop them from singing a banned song, despite their music conductors being shipped off to Siberia or imprisoned. The foreign occupiers found out that it was impossible to stop thousands of people from singing a song about freedom. Since that time, the Singing Revolution gathering has grown in number from 1,000 to 30,000 singers today.
What is the take away? No nation has the right to forcibly occupy or take over any other nation. The evolution of humanity has been that more peoples have demanded and gotten the right of self determination based on common cultural, historical, religious and/or customs and beliefs all around the world. There is no stopping this progress towards more and more freedom. This progress can only be delayed or denied for awhile by foreign occupiers. Those who are being occupied know it, even if that occupation has been going on for hundreds of years.
Recently, the people of Hong Kong held a public referendum. The conclusion of the referendum was that the overwhelming majority of those voting wanted a voice and a right to VOTE for people to represent them. The people's referendum demanded a right to democracy and determining their own leadership via voting instead of having their leaders installed by Bejing, China, which is a Communist led, one party ruled nation with no rights or freedoms.
A Successful, Peaceful Citizens Revolt And Revolution Happened In Iceland, Copy Their Model In Your Country!
People's Referendums
Recently, the people of Hong Kong held a public referendum. The conclusion of the referendum was that the overwhelming majority of those voting wanted a voice and a right to VOTE for people to represent them. The people's referendum demanded a right to democracy and determining their own leadership via voting instead of having their leaders installed by Bejing, China, which is a Communist led, one party ruled nation with no rights or freedoms.
The people in Iraq and Syria are demanding freedom from foreign occupation and borders created artificially by French US, British and other nations. Revolutions happen, sometimes peacefully, but also with violence.
More Peaceful Revolution Examples
Chris Hedges provides a few examples of the mysterious forces behind revolutions, and how they spontaneously ignite and then burn brightly, until the goal of freedom from some despot, dictator or fascist government is won... via peaceful, non violent methods, much like the Occupy movement. The Occupy movement was actually the beginning of a peaceful revolution, but it was aborted and repressed by the 1%, as Chris Hedges explains very well in the video link above.
A Successful, Peaceful Citizens Revolt And Revolution Happened In Iceland, Copy Their Model In Your Country!
Occupy As A Mainstream Peaceful Revolution
Chris also makes the very good point that Occupy is a mainstream movement, and that all of the points that Occupy listed are mainstream issues, which people across all party lines, religions and belief systems endorse and support in a majority point of view. That is exactly what scared the 1% represented via the Dualopoly so badly, that President Obama was ordered to dismantle the movement, and he did. Instead of listening to the voice of the people and their demands, the people's movement was repressed, savagely attacked and repressed.
What Happens When A Peaceful Revolution Is Repressed By Threat, Intimidation, Propaganda, And Fear?
In the end, a people will only be held down and repressed so long. The masses of people in a nation will only put up with so much, until they have had enough. There comes a time when the suffering and humiliations, threats, fear and repression are no longer going to work.
When the people are 'ripe', they are willing to do almost anything to overthrow the whole system if necessary and start over again, fresh and new. Of course, anyone supporting the 1% fascist corporate controlled forces in government has to go.. In Fascist Italy during WWII, the leader there was killed before he even got to prison. He never got a trial, but that is the uncontrollable rage part of revolutions that comes out and sometimes expresses itself. Leaders who resist the popular will of the people risk that kind of end, and as Chris Hedges, points out, it is better that leaders have a lot of fear of revolution or consequences if they do the wrong thing.
The Contrast Between Freedom And Occupation/Domination
Once a nation has won it's freedom and right to determine it's own destiny, it is much often more aware of the difference between a dictator, despot, an occupation and the opposite, which is freedom and self determination. A nation always has a unique culture, traditions, language and more. Any nation that has been occupied knows the difference between it's own culture, heritage and history and the occupier's. The original inhabitants are acutely aware of the difference between an illegal invasion and occupation, and the freedom to determine their own future in their own country.
Sometimes the question of occupation, democracy and freedom is not so easy to figure out, as is the case of Israel, which was given the land formerly occupied by Palestinians by the UN, or the case of the US, which took that land away from the American Indians. It is realistically not possible to give land back to the original inhabitants in many cases, but there are always things that can be done to heal the deep wounds that were caused by the original 'occupation', as seen from the viewpoint of the original inhabitants. It would be very easy for example, for the Congress to issue a formal apology to the American Indians on behalf of the public, but this has never been done, because so far, the denial is much deeper than the awareness and willingness to be humble and ask for forgiveness and reconciliation on a national basis. In the end, reconciliation, forgiveness and humbleness is the key to healing a nation of the divisions created by an artificial non democratic form of government.
Sometimes the question of occupation, democracy and freedom is not so easy to figure out, as is the case of Israel, which was given the land formerly occupied by Palestinians by the UN, or the case of the US, which took that land away from the American Indians. It is realistically not possible to give land back to the original inhabitants in many cases, but there are always things that can be done to heal the deep wounds that were caused by the original 'occupation', as seen from the viewpoint of the original inhabitants. It would be very easy for example, for the Congress to issue a formal apology to the American Indians on behalf of the public, but this has never been done, because so far, the denial is much deeper than the awareness and willingness to be humble and ask for forgiveness and reconciliation on a national basis. In the end, reconciliation, forgiveness and humbleness is the key to healing a nation of the divisions created by an artificial non democratic form of government.
The Invisible Occupation Inside the USA And Other Countries
Is it easy to see a cruel despot or dictator who rules with an iron fist. What is much harder to see and understand is the invisible occupation by those who control the mass media and shape people's opinion inside of their own nation, using sophisticated propaganda techniques.
What is even harder to understand is the invisible occupation and control of the reigns of power behind the scenes by the 1%, who have a disproportionate amount of money and influence that comes with monopolistic absolute power. There are many struggles for freedom going on all around the world, on all levels. How does a person become truly free? And is a nation truly free, even if it is not occupied by a foreign power?
On an individual level, this is a very deep question. Even on a national level, it is a very deep question, sometimes with no absolutely clear answer given a very muddy past and many stakeholders with differing religions, beliefs and political views and the power plus influence of money in the present day.
If one goes back in history far enough, one may discover that all the peoples of the Earth are one global family. Everyone comes from one common original family. Even genetic analysis has agreed on this theory, saying that at one point in our history, the sum total of humanity consisted of no more than 200 people. So if we are all one family, why are we all divided and fighting each other?
There is only one planet and one future. If we do not take care of what we have been given and pass it on in as good or better condition, then there is no real future for seven future generations. All nations, all people, have to learn how to think about acting in the interests of seven future generations, if there is to be a future human race on the planet Earth.
We now have the power to destroy not only ourselves, but all life on the planet. The choice is ours to make. If we allow corporations to keep ruling, the end result is global destruction, guaranteed. But on the other hand, at any time, a peaceful national or global revolution is possible by the 99%.
There is no stopping the 99% when it is intent on reaching the true goal of freedom. There is no stopping anyone who is willing to throw off the reigns of tyranny in any shape or form, inside or outside, no matter what the cost. Sacrifice, honor, conscience, humility, focus, bravery and more is demanded on the road of peaceful revolution. What are you willing to sacrifice?
Can you sing a song of revolution?
What is even harder to understand is the invisible occupation and control of the reigns of power behind the scenes by the 1%, who have a disproportionate amount of money and influence that comes with monopolistic absolute power. There are many struggles for freedom going on all around the world, on all levels. How does a person become truly free? And is a nation truly free, even if it is not occupied by a foreign power?
On an individual level, this is a very deep question. Even on a national level, it is a very deep question, sometimes with no absolutely clear answer given a very muddy past and many stakeholders with differing religions, beliefs and political views and the power plus influence of money in the present day.
If one goes back in history far enough, one may discover that all the peoples of the Earth are one global family. Everyone comes from one common original family. Even genetic analysis has agreed on this theory, saying that at one point in our history, the sum total of humanity consisted of no more than 200 people. So if we are all one family, why are we all divided and fighting each other?
Only One Planet, One Future, And 7 Future Generations Worth Fighting For
There is only one planet and one future. If we do not take care of what we have been given and pass it on in as good or better condition, then there is no real future for seven future generations. All nations, all people, have to learn how to think about acting in the interests of seven future generations, if there is to be a future human race on the planet Earth.
We now have the power to destroy not only ourselves, but all life on the planet. The choice is ours to make. If we allow corporations to keep ruling, the end result is global destruction, guaranteed. But on the other hand, at any time, a peaceful national or global revolution is possible by the 99%.
There is no stopping the 99% when it is intent on reaching the true goal of freedom. There is no stopping anyone who is willing to throw off the reigns of tyranny in any shape or form, inside or outside, no matter what the cost. Sacrifice, honor, conscience, humility, focus, bravery and more is demanded on the road of peaceful revolution. What are you willing to sacrifice?
Can you sing a song of revolution?
The Declaration of Independence
"Governments are instituted among Men, deriving their just powers from the consent of the governed, — That whenever any Form of Government becomes destructive of these ends, it is the Right of the People to alter or to abolish it, and to institute new Government, laying its foundation on such principles and organizing its powers in such form, as to them shall seem most likely to effect their Safety and Happiness"
There is nothing in the Declaration about killing people. It does not talk about violent overthrow.
A peaceful revolution is possible and has been done numerous times in history.
Iceland citizens did a peaceful revolution and tossed out the banksters and corrupt politicians owned by them a few years ago.
Gandhi won peacefully against a brutal English occupation of India.
Nelson Mandela won peacefully protesting against a brutal Apartheid rulership.
Martin Luther King Jr won civil rights battles using non violence.
The point?
Peaceful Revolution? Good… 

Violent revolution, involving killing people? Bad… 

The Singing Revolution Film; How Estonia Gained It's Freedom By Singing A Revolution
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