Allegory of the Cave
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The Allegory of the Cave (also titled Analogy of the Cave, Plato's Cave or Parable of the Cave) is presented by theGreek philosopher Plato in his work The Republic (514a–520a) to compare "...the effect of education (παιδεία) and the lack of it on our nature". It is written as a dialogue between Plato's brother Glaucon and his mentor Socrates, narrated by the latter. The allegory is presented after the Analogy of the Sun (508b–509c) and the Analogy of the Divided Line (509d–513e). All three are characterized in relation to dialectic at the end of Books VII and VIII (531d–534e).
Plato has Socrates describe a gathering of people who have lived chained to the wall of a cave all of their lives, facing a blank wall. The people watch shadows projected on the wall by things passing in front of a fire behind them, and begin to designate names to these shadows. The shadows are as close as the prisoners get to viewing reality.
He then explains how the philosopher is like a prisoner who is freed from the cave and comes to understand that the shadows on the wall do not make up reality at all, as he can perceive the true form of reality rather than the mere shadows seen by the prisoners.
The allegory may be related to Plato's Theory of Forms, according to which the "Forms" (or "Ideas"), and not the material world of change known to us through sensation, possess the highest and most fundamental kind of reality. Only knowledge of the Forms constitutes real knowledge.[1] Socrates informs Glaucon that the most excellent must learn the greatest of all studies, which is to behold the Good. Those who have ascended to this highest level, however, must not remain there but must return to the cave and dwell with the prisoners, sharing in their labors and honors.
Plato's Phaedo contains similar imagery to that of the allegory of the Cave; a philosopher recognizes that before philosophy, his soul was "a veritable prisoner fast bound within his body... and that instead of investigating reality by itself and in itself it is compelled to peer through the bars of its prison."[2]
Imprisonment in the Cave
Socrates begins by asking Glaucon to imagine a cave inhabited by prisoners who have been imprisoned since childhood. These prisoners are chained in such a way that their legs and necks are fixed, forcing them to gaze at the wall in front of them (514a–b). Behind the prisoners is a fire, and between the fire and the prisoners is a raised walkway.
Along this walkway is a low wall, behind which people walk carrying objects "...including figures of men and animals made of wood, stone and other materials." (514c–515a). In this way, the walking people are compared to puppeteers and the low wall to the screen over which puppeteers display their puppets. The people walking are behind the wall on the walkway, so their bodies do not cast shadows on the wall, but the objects they carry do.
The prisoners cannot see any of this behind them, and are only able to view the shadows cast upon the wall in front of them. The sounds of the people walking echo off the shadowed wall, the prisoners falsely perceive these sounds to be that of the shadows.
Socrates suggests that, for the prisoners, the shadows of artifacts would constitute reality, because they have not seen the light. They would not realize that what they see are shadows of the artifacts, which are inspired by real humans and animals outside of the cave. Furthermore, Socrates suggests that the prisoners would "assign credit and prestige" to whomever among them could quickly remember which shadows came before, predict which shadows would follow and name which shadows were normally found together. Plato is conveying in the imagery of this game that the prestige of winning this game is not in fact an honor at all, because the prisoner is lacking the knowledge of the world outside the cave.
Departure from the Cave
Socrates then supposes that one prisoner is freed, being suddenly compelled to stand, turn, walk and look towards the fire. The light would hurt his eyes, and cause great difficulty for him to see the object's shadows he had seen before. In his pain, Socrates continues, the freed one would turn away and run back to what he can make out; the shadows of the carried objects.
He is then told that what he has formerly seen has no substance, and that what he now sees (the carried objects) constitutes a greater reality. When he sees the world outside the cave he begins to question his previous beliefs.
The freed one is then dragged in pain and irritation up and out of the cave. Upon exiting the cave, this discomfort only intensifies as the radiant light of the sun overwhelms his eyes. The sunlight is representative of the new reality and knowledge the freed one is experiencing.
Slowly, his eyes adjust to the light of the sun. He is first able to see only shadows of things. Next he can see the reflections of things in water and later is able to see things themselves. He is then able to look at the stars and moon by night and finally he is able to look upon the sun.
He is then able to behold the sun and deduces that it is the "...source of the seasons and the years, and is the steward of all things in the visible place, and is in a certain way the cause of all those things he and his companions had been seeing." (See also Plato's Analogy of the Sun, which occurs near the end of The Republic, Book VI.)[3]
Return to the Cave
Socrates next asks Glaucon to consider the condition of this man.
"Wouldn't he remember his first home, what passed for wisdom there, and his fellow prisoners, and consider himself happy and them pitiable? And wouldn't he disdain whatever honors, praises, and prizes were awarded there to the ones who guessed best which shadows followed which?
Moreover, were he to return there, wouldn't he be rather bad at their game, no longer being accustomed to the darkness? Wouldn't it be said of him that he went up and came back with his eyes corrupted, and that it's not even worth trying to go up? And if they were somehow able to get their hands on and kill the man who attempts to release and lead them up, wouldn't they kill him?".
Socrates mentions that returning one's eyes, that have become acclimated to the light of the sun, would be overcome by the darkness of the cave. This is analogous to what happened to his eyes when they were first exposed to the radiant light of the sun (516e-518a). The darkness the freed one experiences in the return to the cave signifies the ignorance of one's thoughts before he is able to see all things through the light of the sun.
The prisoners, according to Socrates, would infer from the returning one's disorientation (on account of the cave's darkness) that the upward journey out of the cave had damaged his eye sight and that they should not undertake a similar journey. Socrates concludes that the prisoners, if they were able, would even reach out and kill any who attempted to drag them out of the cave. (517a)
Socrates insists that the enlightened must return to the cave in order to share their enlightenment with the prisoners, even if it results in death. By analogy, Socrates is implying that the enlightened philosopher must descend from a continuous intelligible contemplation of the good to share in the visible lives of his fellow citizens for the well-being of the whole. (520a-c)
Remarks on the allegory
Socrates remarks that this allegory can be taken with what was said before, namely the Analogy of the Sun, and the Analogy of the Divided Line. In particular, he likens...
"the region revealed through sight"—the ordinary objects we see around us—"to the prison home, and the light of the fire in it to the power of the Sun. And in applying the going up and the seeing of what's above to the soul's journey to the intelligibleplace, you not mistake my expectation, since you desire to hear it. A god doubtless knows if it happens to be true.
At all events, this is the way the phenomena look to me: in the region of the knowable the last thing to be seen, and that with considerable effort, is the idea of good; but once seen, it must be concluded that this is indeed the cause for all things of all that is right and beautiful—in the visible realm it gives birth to light and its sovereign; in the intelligible realm, itself sovereign, it provided truth and intelligence—and that the man who is going to act prudently in private or in public must see you it" (517b–c).
...After "returning from divine contemplations to human evils," a man
"Is graceless and looks quite ridiculous when—with his sight still dim and before he has gotten sufficiently accustomed to the surrounding darkness—he is compelled in courtrooms or elsewhere to contend about the shadows of justice or the representations of which they are the shadows, and to dispute about the way these things are understood by men who have never seen justice itself?".
- Journalist Chris Hedges' book Empire of Illusion: The End of Literacy and the Triumph of Spectacle refers to Plato's analogy in the chapter "The Illusion of Literacy". Source;
What does this story mean to you as you reflect, pray, think or meditate on it?
How does 'the cave' and the people in it, show up in your life, and in the lives of the people around you?
How do the story relate to what is going on inside of you, to your actions and how they affect 7 future generations?
Who will you share this story with? Who would you introduce and talk about it with them?
One way to introduce it is to ask them if they have ever heard of the story written by Plato, about the Cave? If they say no, ask if they want to hear it. If they say yes, now there is an opening to talk about it...
Ask another person what comes up for them, or what it means to them, as they hear the story.
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The Cave is inside of everyone. There is no one that does not have a dark cave inside of them. Anyone who is human has a dark and a light side. The words used to describe the two sides may change and differ, but they are always there. Light/dark, conscious/unconscious, awareness/denial, sleep/wake and many other words can describe the different and opposite 'sides' inside.
This is also a subject worth discussing in greater depth, such as religions as outer representations of these inner states of being.
The One Universal Law Contained In All Religions And Belief Systems And Four Powers You Can Harness To Perform Miracles
As a person travels down A Green Road, there is often a seeming battle, between good and 'dark or evil' thoughts and emotions inside. The choice is; does a person fight these thoughts and emotions and thereby become more and more consumed by them? In other words, how much is a person feeding the dark side or cave inside? The following story illustrates how and why this battle plays out inside of people, and why most people are caught in this battle between two sides, (dark and light). In the world, one way that this battle shows up in people is called doublethink.
Another aspect of this story about the Cave, is that most people want to fit into the group, and seem 'normal'. So those inside the cave want to seem just like everyone else. If the group thinks or believes a certain way, then that is 'normal' and everyone else is in the dark cave, needing to be saved, or shown the light.
But taken to extremes, feeding the 'normalcy' dark side can also result in something potentially very terrible happening, such as getting stuck in denial or ending up isolated and alone, in a dark cave.
Dark Night Of Soul; What Is It? via A Green Road
Another way that the Cave shows up is in a way that is called the normalcy bias or cognitive dissonance.
A person ideally responds in the present moment, and does not get stuck in the past or the future.
Wanting to be 'normal' can also mean getting stuck in denial and not seeing reality as it really is, which means that a person cannot respond in a healthy, light illuminated way.
Titantic and Costa Concordia - Example of Normalcy Bias In Fukushima Mega Disaster; via @AGreenRoad
Wanting to be 'normal' can also mean getting stuck in denial and not seeing reality as it really is, which means that a person cannot respond in a healthy, light illuminated way.
Titantic and Costa Concordia - Example of Normalcy Bias In Fukushima Mega Disaster; via @AGreenRoad
Seek out the company of other people who are in the 'light', seeking greater awareness, a more expanded consciousness, and that share your interests and values. Or, create a venue where people like you can gather together and advertise it via Craigslist, etc.
Everyone has a light side of themselves that they can feed and nurture.. Here are some ideas and concepts or values that may work as you feed your light side, who is also called Dr. Goodheart.
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Holistic Living, Health, Self-Healing, Environment And Renewable Energy
Anyone who focuses on the light side of themselves are curious, so that inner light will lead you into more and more mysteries as you unfold into greater states of awareness and consciousness.
Inner and Outer Mysteries of Life
Spiritual, Interfaith, Consciousness; How To Create Heaven On Earth
Can we spot others who are feeding their dark side and learn to stay away from them before those people harm your family?
How To Spot A Sociopath Or Psychopath - 10 red flags that could save you from being swept under the influence of a charismatic nut job; via A Green Road
Online Disinformation Guidebook, And 12 Step Pro Nuclear Troll And Shill Recovery Program via @AGreenRoad
There is also the battle between people feeding their light side and people who are feeding their dark side outside, in the world. It helps to recognize what it looks like, when someone is feeding their dark side inside of themselves, and how that shows up in the outer world.
Greenwashing; Fake 'Green' Products, Services And Industries; Misleading Half Truths And Public Manipulations
For a deeper view and analysis into the world of the dark side and how that darkness works to control your thoughts, actions and where you spend your money, click on the following links;
Drugs, Medicine, Medical Radiation and GMO's
Art And Science Of Deception; Global Corporations And The 1%, Whistleblowers, And Solutions
Low Dose Radiation Dangers, Symptoms For Children And Adults
There is a seemingly endless battle between the darkness and the light in our minds and emotions. These battles waged in mind and via the thoughts plus emotions are endlessly restless, like the waves in the ocean. But the deeper one goes down into the ocean, the more still and quiet it becomes. And the same is true of the air. Close to the ground, the air is restless and constantly moving. But the higher up one goes, the more still and quiet the air becomes.
Can we go to this same place, where everything is quiet and still and the dark and light sides within quit fighting? The answer is yes.
Mind often thinks it is in control, when actually, it is all just a grand illusion, created by the same mind that creates this black and white duality and all of the inner and outer friction/strife that results from this. Bottom line, there is only A Green Road, nothing else... Travelers on A Green Road learn to let go and surrender, totally and completely, thus eliminating all friction and duality. Learning to travel the middle way, down a paradoxical and mysterious Green Road, is a noble effort and worth doing.
To build or follow A Green Road, step out of mind, step out of thoughts. How is this done? It is easy...just stop. Realize and stay in the awareness that pure consciousness is actually who we are. Who we are is not about thinking, ego or mind at all. We are NOT our thoughts. Stop the battle. Give it up, give it all up. Surrender to your true Self, which is beyond all duality and mind thoughts.
The process of traveling down A Green Road is much like walking on the sharp end of a sword. A Green Road is narrow, and only a few find A Green Road. Although many are invited, few choose to accept the invitation and travel down this road. This is not a religion, but it can work within any religion or belief system, to gain even deeper insights and to draw out the deeper meanings and truths.
Traveling down A Green Road consists in part, the art of pure BEING, with no thought, while also learning and growing in awareness, often through exploring and learning truth or becoming more aware of the many mysteries of life, while also learning how Nature's laws work on many levels. There is no end to this Green Road.
Travelers on a Green Road stay open, curious and ask questions such as; Who am I, and Who am I NOT? What are Nature's laws, and how do they work? What are the spiritual laws, and how do they work?
See how long you can stay in a non thought, non duality awareness. See if you can deepen it by meditating, or by focusing on what your heart is feeling at any given moment, as one example. Build and explore your inner Green Road by just 'watching' your thoughts as if they are clouds in the sky, either from above or below, by looking up. At the same time, learn the science of sustainable health, so that your actions do not harm seven future generations of your children.
As you travel down A Green Road, watch for the empty spaces in between thoughts, and ask the question; 'Who am I", and; "Who am I NOT"? Keep bringing the awareness to the spaces between thoughts, and see how those spaces grow, become larger and the clouds of 'thoughts' slowly dissipate. One definition of enlightenment is to have no thoughts for 30 minutes. Of course, this state of awareness is not something that is easy to accomplish.
Like any worthwhile goal, it takes inner practice, discipline, and daily repetition to work towards this, but it can be accomplished. So what if it takes one lifetime to accomplish? What if it takes even more than one? Isn't it worth it to be able to leave the cave of duality and suffering, in order to live out in the sunlight of pure consciousness and bliss?
By contrasting who we are NOT, with who we ARE, while also paying attention to what our heart is feeling, we may very well gain clarity, wisdom and grow in consciousness. Is there a limit to consciousness? Is there a limit to love? We may choose to travel down A Green Road together with others who are also traveling this way, or creating their own Green Road and potentially explore the infinite expanse of our inner and outer world. There is no limit in the inner worlds or dimensions where anyone can build an infinite number of Green Roads through consciousness.
In the outer world, travelers and builders of A Green Road often support or make a difference for endangered species, affordable housing, human rights, global warming, protecting forests, children's welfare, or saving the planetary blanket of life from dangers such as nuclear energy.
A Green Road travelers often choose to make a difference for endangered species, affordable housing, human rights, global warming, protecting forests, children's welfare, saving the environment, corporate responsibility, women's rights, and green living.
A Green Road builders and travelers often have an interest in learning, teaching, networking or debating ecology, alternative energy, zero carbon emissions, recycling, composting, green business or organic food
How does the Cave story apply to a person individually? How does it apply to life? How does it apply to seven future generations? Let each person speak to one of these questions. There is no wrong or right answer. They may also choose their own focus, outside of these questions.
Either speak or write out the meaning of this story to you, as one individual, in a diary, much like a dream diary. Come back to this story in a year and see if the meaning has changed for you, and it probably will, in a very mysterious way.. If you feel led to, you may decide to form a sacred circle study group, and this story may be the focus at some point in the process.
How To Form A Sacred Circle Study Group
Use the article above to learn how to form a local or virtual global group that discusses this and other stories that make up the Science Of Sustainable Health And Success.
Use the article above to learn how to form a local or virtual global group that discusses this and other stories that make up the Science Of Sustainable Health And Success.
Here is an example of what one person in the sacred circle may share about this story;
The MATRIX cave is where the 1% loves to keep the 99%.. in the dark and feeding them bull(#hit, while watching shadows on the wall, such as dancing shows, minutia news, and repetitive drama designed to keep people divided, depressed, angry at each other. Most people are afraid to do anything or go anywhere, much less learn anything new, just like these people in the cave.
Most people assume that if the mass media news does not talk about it, it is not worth knowing about, so they keep watching the shadows on the wall. This state of awareness is a form of low consciousness and awareness, which is a starting point, but it is definitely NOT the point of life. There is a whole world outside of the cave that can be explored, which is the infinite expanse of consciousness.
Remember, whatever your interpretation of this story is, is the absolute best interpretation, because it is YOURS, and YOU came up with it. Each person who comes up with their own meaning only adds value, and never takes away anything from anyone else. A sacred circle will probably be filled with as many different interpretations as there are people, and that is how life is supposed to be. In a paradoxical way, the more and different interpretations there are, the richer life is. Each different view of the world as it is, only adds value and meaning to our own view of life, and should not detract from it. Thus, there is no need to judge, kill or imprison anyone for thinking differently about the world and how they view it.
Join AGRP. We are stronger together as we journey together in a network of intersecting Green Roads.
Most people assume that if the mass media news does not talk about it, it is not worth knowing about, so they keep watching the shadows on the wall. This state of awareness is a form of low consciousness and awareness, which is a starting point, but it is definitely NOT the point of life. There is a whole world outside of the cave that can be explored, which is the infinite expanse of consciousness.
Remember, whatever your interpretation of this story is, is the absolute best interpretation, because it is YOURS, and YOU came up with it. Each person who comes up with their own meaning only adds value, and never takes away anything from anyone else. A sacred circle will probably be filled with as many different interpretations as there are people, and that is how life is supposed to be. In a paradoxical way, the more and different interpretations there are, the richer life is. Each different view of the world as it is, only adds value and meaning to our own view of life, and should not detract from it. Thus, there is no need to judge, kill or imprison anyone for thinking differently about the world and how they view it.
A Green Road Less Traveled Poems, Quotes And Sayings
Join AGRP. We are stronger together as we journey together in a network of intersecting Green Roads.
Let's take action, communicate, learn, teach, debate, work together and give examples of how to turn sustainable ideas into and actual Green Road that others can travel on by following us.
What is a sustainable Green Road? It is anything that works for this and seven future generations and does not do harm.
A Green Road builders and travelers network and share skills, ideas, and even inventions in order to help people, animals, and the environment. We know that whatever we focus our energy, time and money on grows. So why not focus on the positive?
A Green Road travelers want a better future world, and focus on that with their time, energy and money, in a positive way.
There is a way through the challenges that humankind has created up to this point. Any problem is just a huge opportunity in disguise. A Green Road travelers seek solutions and offer sustainable answers.
A Green Road builders and travelers share, debate or forward green viewpoints, opinions, and experiences. We are much stronger on A Green Road together than apart and alone.
A Green Road builders and travelers work together and offer green or sustainable solutions, thus everyone wins. You as an individual wins, your family wins, your children win, your great grandchildren win, 7 future generations win, your local community wins and in the end all of humanity wins, by traveling down A Green Road.
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Negative thoughts and emotions do not have to be suffered from long term. There is an easy, fast answer to negative emotions that are holding you back from your heart's passion and a very positive potential future. With this material and tools above, you get to face your fears, rather than resisting them. You get to let go of negative emotions to create a better future, not just for yourself but for all of humanity.
Fear and other negative emotions will only hold you back and prevent a positive, green, sustainable future as long you allow it. Moving past these negative emotions, and letting them go via some of the techniques above is the key to success, not only for yourself, your family, your relationships but also the key to a bright and sustainable future for all of humanity.
Humanity Has A Bright Future And Destiny; Here Is How You Can Help Make It Happen
The Science of Sustainable Health and Success is powerful. The tools and information provided work to shift paradigms in many dimensions. If you actually use the above techniques you will shift iinto more positive and higher energy emotional paradigms. Learn these techniques and use them both for personal success and to help humanity manifest a bright, hope filled green and sustainable future. What is sustainable? Learn what the ingredients of a sustainable future are by diving into the articles here on this site, using the links below this article.
Dr. Goodheart Teaches How To Make Stone Soup That Will Feed Seven Future Generations
Share the story of two wolves with those around you. Kids of all ages, from 2 to 92 will enjoy watching the video about the two wolves, and who knows where that story will lead them? Always remember that wolves only act in ways that benefits seven future generations without causing harm to them, so the wolves example should guide and teach all of us how to live in the same way.
Allegory Of The Cave, Analogy of the Cave, Plato's Cave, Parable of the Cave Story
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