A recent report revealed that Walmart and the Walton family benefit from $7.8 billion in tax breaks and subsidies every year, plus lower labors costs from shipping all of these manufacturing jobs to Communist China! This is win win win for one of many multinational corporations, just like this one. Walmart is not the exception, but rather a pretty common example.
Of course, your representatives do not like to talk about this, and the mass media almost never talks about it, because, well, they are OWNED by those same corporations, lock, stock and barrel. We all know, you don't bite the hand that feeds you.
Of course, your representatives do not like to talk about this, and the mass media almost never talks about it, because, well, they are OWNED by those same corporations, lock, stock and barrel. We all know, you don't bite the hand that feeds you.
Tell Walmart owner Rob Walton it's time for him to pay his fair share:http://bit.ly/RobWaltonOwes
What is win win win for Walmart, is lose, lose, lose for communities, US workers and the USA overall. How does the USA and all workers in the US lose in at least three ways?
The US economy suffers due to loss of union and other good paying jobs with benefits, being handed over to Communist China.
Communist China Winning War Against USA, Without A Shot Being Fired; via @AGreenRoad
The US economy suffers. Instead of exporting things and making a surplus, companies like Walmart create massive debts that increase each year by importing things from a Communist China, enriching them, while making the US poorer and poorer.
The US economy and communities suffer again because companies like Walmart don't allow unions, they offer mostly part time jobs at minimum wage. Workers now need 2 or 3 jobs just to make it, because one job with ZERO benefits is not enough to live on and make it at the minimum wage level. And if you are married, it takes both parents working to make it. Back 40 years ago, a family could prosper and buy pretty much anything and everything with just one person working ONE job and that job included benefits, retirement, plus paid vacations. Remember those days? Those days are gone forever, because now corporations are greedy beyond belief and the 1% at the top want it ALL, and are not willing to share anything anymore. They less that they can pay, the better they like it.
Of course, all of these multinationals are opposed to a fair living wage and they see unions as Satanists incarnate, because that would 'hurt' profits. Those profits that they enjoy are made by those same people that they employ, who are not making enough to even live on, despite both parents working and leaving the kids at home alone.
The free market system is not just for corporations. The free market system also allows workers to organize, unionize and bargain in good faith for a share of the corporate profits that they helped to generate. After all, what profits would there be, if there were no workers?
These same multinationals and the 1% at the top are also against food stamps or other 'entitlements', while these same corporations collect ten times more in welfare than the workers who they employ are forced to get food stamps just to have something to eat. Have you heard the story about the Grinch who stole Christmas? These multinational corporations are much worse than that.
Of course, all of these multinationals are opposed to a fair living wage and they see unions as Satanists incarnate, because that would 'hurt' profits. Those profits that they enjoy are made by those same people that they employ, who are not making enough to even live on, despite both parents working and leaving the kids at home alone.
The free market system is not just for corporations. The free market system also allows workers to organize, unionize and bargain in good faith for a share of the corporate profits that they helped to generate. After all, what profits would there be, if there were no workers?
AGRP: Walmart is the worlds biggest employer, and is very hostile to unions. They closed one of their huge mega stores, rather than allow it to unionize.
US Uncut VICTORY!! Canada's Supreme Court ruled Friday that Wal-Mart must compensate former workers at a Quebec store that was closed after they voted to become the first Wal-Mart store in North America to unionize. http://yhoo.it/Tr1ROEHUGE CORPORATIONS RAIL AGAINST ENTITLEMENTS AND UNION BENEFITS, BUT ARE THE BIGGEST CORPORATE WELFARE COLLECTSORS THEMSELVES
These same multinationals and the 1% at the top are also against food stamps or other 'entitlements', while these same corporations collect ten times more in welfare than the workers who they employ are forced to get food stamps just to have something to eat. Have you heard the story about the Grinch who stole Christmas? These multinational corporations are much worse than that.
Because these multinational corporations pay so little to their workers, it means that communities have to support all of these workers with things like food stamps, food banks and health services, just to name a few, resulting in a bigger loss/financial drain for the community and the US generally. But the multinationals who control the media do not talk about that side of things.
These multinational greedy and corrupt corporations only air their side of it, which is that anyone collecting food stamps or going to a food bank is evil, degenerate, socialist, communist or slacking somehow.. They are actually pointing at their own employees when they viciously attack these things. And they fail to realize that they are actually making the problems worse, instead of solving the problem.
These multinational greedy and corrupt corporations only air their side of it, which is that anyone collecting food stamps or going to a food bank is evil, degenerate, socialist, communist or slacking somehow.. They are actually pointing at their own employees when they viciously attack these things. And they fail to realize that they are actually making the problems worse, instead of solving the problem.
On top of these huge corporations getting tax breaks and corporate welfare, they also come into a town and eliminates a lot of mom and pop stores that cannot compete with cheap, shoddy, toxic Chinese made products.
On a local level, the community is devastated by the loss of many small businesses. So the community suffers there too, losing many small businesses that employ teens, and working moms for example.
On top of all this, the money that is made from a local branch of a huge corporation is transferred out of the community. A store like Walmart exports jobs, money and power to Washington, where they control the levers of power. The loss of local jobs, small businesses, local money circulating 10 times before it leaves, and loss of local control of jobs/money only hurts the community and the workers as well as self employed small business owners. Communities lose a lot of influence to Washington, where the multinationals are the rulers and despotic kings.
On a local level, the community is devastated by the loss of many small businesses. So the community suffers there too, losing many small businesses that employ teens, and working moms for example.
On top of all this, the money that is made from a local branch of a huge corporation is transferred out of the community. A store like Walmart exports jobs, money and power to Washington, where they control the levers of power. The loss of local jobs, small businesses, local money circulating 10 times before it leaves, and loss of local control of jobs/money only hurts the community and the workers as well as self employed small business owners. Communities lose a lot of influence to Washington, where the multinationals are the rulers and despotic kings.
The corporate tax rate is 35%, which is less than the tax rate for medium and high income individuals, yet corporations make billions of dollars a year, compared to individuals making $50,000 a year. With the capital gains rate at 15%, the rich actually pay less taxes than a maid working for them.
A large percentage of these huge corporations don't pay taxes at all. Then they collect taxpayer funded subsidies on top of that. Wouldn't you agree that they shift the burden of paying for public and community expenses to the 'small people', who cannot hire lobbyists, corporate tax attorneys, ALEC, and expensive CPA's, who find or create more loopholes and lobby for getting paid taxpayer money on top of that? Does that sound fair?
According to this Rep. in the video above, "corporations don't pay taxes, corporations just 'collect' taxes". What he is saying is true in a way; corporations are takers. If that is true, why are small businesses paying taxes then? With this logic, anyone with a business, small or large, should NOT be paying any taxes, just to be fair, of course.
But the profits made by that corporation are not made in a vacuum; the employees are the ones actually producing and working very hard to create those profits. It is fair to tax the ones making the actual profit and then let the corporations who do none of the work off scot free, when they did not really do anything to actually produce anything of value?
Corporations are only takers, not givers. If anything, the situation should be reversed. The employees should be the ones not paying taxes and the corporations should be taxed at a rate of 95% or more. The more money they make, the more they corrupt the system they are in.
If these corporations made less money, and employees got to keep all of their wages, it would put power and money back in the hands of workers and take it away from these huge multinational corporations that are driven by pure greed and need for more power/control, and little else.
But the profits made by that corporation are not made in a vacuum; the employees are the ones actually producing and working very hard to create those profits. It is fair to tax the ones making the actual profit and then let the corporations who do none of the work off scot free, when they did not really do anything to actually produce anything of value?
Corporations are only takers, not givers. If anything, the situation should be reversed. The employees should be the ones not paying taxes and the corporations should be taxed at a rate of 95% or more. The more money they make, the more they corrupt the system they are in.
If these corporations made less money, and employees got to keep all of their wages, it would put power and money back in the hands of workers and take it away from these huge multinational corporations that are driven by pure greed and need for more power/control, and little else.
"Despite widespread groans about the recent disclosure that Apple is finding ways to cut its federal tax bill, an analysis shows the computer giant is one of scores of corporations largely dodging the taxman. A surprising number of companies in the Standard and Poor's 500, 57, have found ways to pay effective tax rates of zero, according to a USA TODAY analysis of data from S and P Capital IQ. The effective tax rate is a popular measure used by investors to compare how much companies pay in tax relative to profit."* The Young Turks hosts Cenk Uygur breaks it down in the video above.
More information about the 'Double Dutch' tax avoidance loophole used by Apple
http://tech.fortune.cnn.com/2012/04/29/apples-tax-strategies-double-irish-with-a-dutch-sandwich/The problem with this 'theory' of why corporations should not have to pay taxes and then collect corporate welfare checks on top of that, is that it does not work. Take ExxonMobil for example; which pays no taxes and then also collects taxpayer funded subsidies on top of that..
10 Companies and Their Corporate Loopholes; Why And How Huge Corporations Pay Zero Taxes
Remember that oil companies, nuclear companies and coal companies all manage to create these loopholes and collect these 'entitlements', just because they can sweet talk the politicians that they helped elect with avalanches of money during elections, and then twist their arms with a literal army of lobbyists, and then threaten them with not giving them any more money, unless that politician does their bidding. Bottom line, the politician you thought you elected to serve you, is serving corporations.
In other words, politicians are BRIBED into favoring large corporations, while ignoring or acting AGAINST smaller corporations, small local community based businesses and ordinary citizens like you, which are actually the backbone and foundation of this country.
This bribery and strong arming tactic then corrupts the whole democratic system in ANY country, including the US. If you want to lose the rights and freedoms you have, keep voting in political candidates who take corporate money, because the end result of doing that, either in the Republican or Democrat parties, is more corporate domination and control, plus the loss of your rights, freedom and financial strength, as well as any kind of a future worth having for your kids.
These multinationals love to divide and conquer, and then watch the fights between groups, while they are busy raping and pillaging in the secret dark rooms behind the scenes where no one notices them, because the people are too busy fighting amonst each other and blaming all of these problems on everyone except the real culprit; the 1% who are pulling the levers of power behind the scenes and controlling the mass media messages, or should we say propaganda?
This bribery and strong arming tactic then corrupts the whole democratic system in ANY country, including the US. If you want to lose the rights and freedoms you have, keep voting in political candidates who take corporate money, because the end result of doing that, either in the Republican or Democrat parties, is more corporate domination and control, plus the loss of your rights, freedom and financial strength, as well as any kind of a future worth having for your kids.
These multinationals love to divide and conquer, and then watch the fights between groups, while they are busy raping and pillaging in the secret dark rooms behind the scenes where no one notices them, because the people are too busy fighting amonst each other and blaming all of these problems on everyone except the real culprit; the 1% who are pulling the levers of power behind the scenes and controlling the mass media messages, or should we say propaganda?
Almost all politicians in both parties are now owned by these huge multinational corporations, just because of the corrupting influence of absolute power and a Niagara Falls of money. The problem with this is that this multinationals have no loyalty to the country, the community, the environment or to the workers or to the people electing them. These companies care ONLY about short term profits, nothing else. They will do anything to protect or get access to more short term profits. Is that the kind of community or country you want?
Competing small companies have none of these advantages that the huge multinationals do. Small companies and competitors like the whole renewable energy market get muscled out of the way, and have no place at the table. Renewable companies get $1 for every $10 to $100 that the polluting, toxic and dirty carbon fuel companies do. But the mass media makes it seem like the opposite situation is happening.
Smaller corporations and mom and pop stores cannot avoid taxes, get taxpayer corporate welfare payments or have lobbyists write sweetheart deal laws written for them. Individuals cannot hide their profits overseas, or shelter their income via fancy tax double dutch strategies. Small businesses cannot compete against the overwhelming avalanche of money and power in Washington that comes from the 1%. In this way, the largest companies monopolize the political process and twist it to serve them, and no one else.
Smaller corporations and mom and pop stores cannot avoid taxes, get taxpayer corporate welfare payments or have lobbyists write sweetheart deal laws written for them. Individuals cannot hide their profits overseas, or shelter their income via fancy tax double dutch strategies. Small businesses cannot compete against the overwhelming avalanche of money and power in Washington that comes from the 1%. In this way, the largest companies monopolize the political process and twist it to serve them, and no one else.
"H.R. 4429 would re-enact the currently expired "active financing" provision, and make it permanent. This provision is known as the "GE" loophole, because General Electric not only prodigiously benefits from it, but also because the company has sent an army of lobbyists to ensure the provision, which expired last year, was re-enacted.
Making the GE loophole permanent would cost nearly $60 billion over ten years, according to the Joint Committee on Taxation. Another bill that cleared committee Tuesday was H.R. 4464, which would re-enact the "CFC look through" rule and make it permanent.
This provision is known as the Apple loophole, because Apple innovated it and uses it to protect billions it would owe U.S. tax on, if the tax code looked at where the money was earned – where the value was actually generated – rather than where companies can assign the profits. Making the Apple loophole permanent would cost $20.3 billion over ten years, according to the Joint Committee on Taxation.
"While Wall Street banks, tech giants, and pharmaceutical companies would get a windfall from these loopholes," Smith added, "average taxpayers and small business owners would get stuck footing the bill through cuts to public programs, higher taxes, or a larger deficit."
As if paying zero taxes, getting slave workers, and then collecting corporate welfare is not enough, these corporations also get 'tax holidays'. After accumulating 100 BILLION dollars, GE is now ready to push for a 'tax holiday'. These multinational companies collect all of these profits for a few years, and then get the politicians to pass a law that allows them to bring this untaxed money into the US for almost nothing; they may pay 5% tax to bring it all in. They do this over and over and over again, so they end up paying less than the poorest person, making the least amount of money in the country. Is this fair or even reasonable? These multinational companies are raping everyone financially, in every country they touch or do business in.

If you want to stop this destruction, looting and raping of countries all around the world, vote. But vote only for politicians that take no corporate money. If you fall for the excuse that you are wasting your vote if you do anything other than vote for the corporate 'owned' candidate, then the battle is lost and you might as well quit voting, because your vote does not really count. Corporations own both sides of the aisle.
Here is an example of how ordinary citizens can help the workers of Walmart get a fair shake and living wages.
Co-sponsored by
North Bay Jobs with Justice
Sonoma County National Organization of Women
North Bay Labor Council
The demands of our action are:
1) No Walmart Super Center in Rohnert Park
2) $15 an hour minimum wage for all Walmart workers
3) Full-time work for all Walmart employees who want more hours and regular/predictable schedules for all Walmart workers
4) Wal-Mart must respect the right of workers to organize
There will be Black Friday actions at more than 2150 Walmart stores nationwide.
For more information about the nationwide actions (sign the petition) and how you can become involved please go to:
Please forward and post this message as appropriate.
M. Bennett
North Bay Jobs with Justice Super Center Coalition
Contact: Luis Santoyo-Mejía
(707) 346-1187, luis.santoyo at gmail.com
North Bay Coalition to Join Nationwide Black Friday Protests at Rohnert Park Walmart
Close on the heels of an unprecedented sit-down strike at Walmart in Los Angeles, a North Bay coalition of labor and community organizations will join the growing nationwide movement for a living wage and full-time work at America’s largest private employer--and will participate in a demonstration outside the Rohnert Park store on Black Friday November 28th.
Coalition members will be among tens of thousands of people demonstrating at more than 2,200 Walmart locations across the country and calling for a minimum wage of $15 an hour for Walmart workers; access to consistent, full-time work; and an end to gender discrimination in regard to pay and promotions.
In addition, the local organizations—among them the North Bay Jobs with Justice alliance, Unite Here Local 2850, the North Bay Labor Council and the Sonoma County chapter of the National Organization for Women—will advocate for the right of Walmart workers to organize and will oppose the proposed expansion of the Rohnert Park store to become a super center selling both groceries and general merchandise.
On November 14th, the day after Walmart workers participated in an unheard-of sit-down strike at two Los Angeles store locations, the Organization United for Respect at Walmart, a group of Walmart employees backed by the United Food and Commercial Workers union, called for a nationwide strike against the retailer on November 28. Black Friday 2014 will mark the third year in a row Walmart employees around the country have walked off the job during the biggest shopping day of the year.
OUR Walmart has pointed to the company’s implementation of a new scheduling system to pick up open shifts and its public commitment to raise the wages of its lowest paid employees as signs that its mobilizations are already having on impact on the country’s largest retailer.
WHAT: Support for a living wage and full-time work for Walmart workers; oppose the expansion of the Rohnert Park store to become a super center.
WHEN: Friday, Nov. 28, 2014 from 1 p.m to 2:30 p.m.
WHERE: 4625 Redwood Dr., Rohnert Park, CA (in Walmart parking lot)
WHO: North Bay Jobs with Justice, the North Bay Labor Council, Unite Here Local 2850, the Sonoma County chapter of the National Organization for Women, and others.
For more information on the nationwide protests and OUR Walmart, please visit http://blackfridayprotests.org/ and http://forrespect.org/ .
Please be advised that on Tuesday, January 13 at 4:30 p.m. the Rohnert Park City Council (130 Avram Ave.) will consider the revised Environmental Impact Report for expansion of the Rohnert Park Walmart into a Supercenter. Please hold the date. More details forthcoming.
Unless and until workers and the general public wake up and stand up for worker/union organizing rights, fair wages, benefits and worker safety, plus other rights, huge corporations will continue to beat down and get rid of workers, freedoms, rights and democracy all around the world, just because they can, and there is more profit in it for the 1%. Even if you are retired and/or you don't need a job at Walmart, stand and fight for your children, and their children, because they will have to live in this corporate world.
Why And How Huge Multinational Corporations Pay Zero Taxes; GE, Apple, And Others; via @AGreenRoad
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