Chelation is a very effective way to treat heavy-metal poisoning. The U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) has approved chelation therapy for the treatment of lead poisoning. Injected or rectally delivered EDTA binds with the harmful metal and both are then eliminated from the body through the kidneys.
A Green Road Supplements And Vitamins Store
Natural Radiation Chelation Methods And Supplies - Air/Water Purification, Vitamins, Minerals, Herbs, Such As Pectin, Zeolite, Kelp, Iodine, Alginate
Symptoms Of Low Dose Radiation Exposure; via A Green Road
Radioactive cesium mimics potassium, which goes to the muscles and specifically the heart
Radioactive uranium mimics magnesium
Radioactive iodine mimics iodine, which goes to the thyroid gland
Radioactive plutonium mimics iron, which goes to the bones, liver and blood cells
Radioactive strontium mimics calcium, which goes to the bones and teeth
It is well known medical knowledge that if Nature made minerals are taken before radioactive element exposure, that the body will 'block' the uptake of the artificial radioactive element, and absorb primarily the natural mineral instead.
See articles below for a more detailed explanation of how this works and why. The above is not a complete list, but describes how and why radioactive elements can be toxic and deadly, despite being completely invisible and undetectable.
Taking only KI tablets if a radioactive plume is coming over is not going to help much, but it is better than doing nothing at all.
See articles below for a more detailed explanation of how this works and why. The above is not a complete list, but describes how and why radioactive elements can be toxic and deadly, despite being completely invisible and undetectable.
Taking only KI tablets if a radioactive plume is coming over is not going to help much, but it is better than doing nothing at all.
stock November 3, 2014 "Chemo and medical radiation"... stifles medical professionals from a proper diagnosis. A cancer or disease caused by internal heavy metals and radionuclides indicates chelation in addition to other treatments, that's CHELATION, not chemotherapy. The hobbled doctors will be forced to choose the wrong treatment…..first do no harm. "
Doesn't it make sense to try and figure out what the root cause of a cancer or dis-ease is, before throwing toxic chemicals and deadly radiation doses at the body? If toxic heavy metals or radioactive elements are found as a cause and then removed via chelation, the inner Physician will do the rest of the healing work. Chelation is a well accepted science that medical doctors use all of the time, but first, they have to figure out what kind of poison is inside the body, in order to get it out, via chelating drugs.
There may also be a choice involved here. Drugs can chelate, but so can natural substances, such as food, herbs, vitamins, etc. Drugs often have severe negative side effects, where the natural world solutions by comparison, have very few or none at all.
Acute Radiation Syndrome, Radiation Sickness, Raditis - Cover Up By Medical Industry Of Harm Caused By Radiation; via @AGreenRoad
The following is a list of medical antidote drugs for heavy metal radioactive elements that are for the most part, hidden from the public: Via Argo May 26, 2014
Radioactive Element Antidote Used
"Americium-241 Ca-DTPA or Zn-DTPA
Californium-252 Ca-DTPA or Zn-DTPA
Cesium 137 Radiogardase (Prussian Blue)
Cobalt 60 D-Penicillamin, DMPS
Iodine 131 Potassium Iodine
Plutonium 239 Ca-DTPA or Zn-DTPA
Polonium 210 DMPS, BAL
Strontium 90 Alginate, Aluminumhydroxy Antazid, Bariumsulfate"
Via wikipedia; "CBLB502 a compound being studied for its ability to suppresses apoptotic cell death in hematopoietic and gastrointestinal cells.[5]
amifostine 'WR2721' the first selective-target and broad-spectrum radioprotector, upregulates DNA repair.[6]
Filgrastim ('Neupogen') a hematopoietic countermeasure of acute radiation syndrome (ARS).
Pegfilgrastim ('Neulasta') longer acting than its parent derivative Filgrastim
Sargramostim ('leukine') similar in use to filgrastim
N-acetyl cysteine protects against DNA damage, suggested to be comparable to amifostine.[8][9][10][11]
A Green Road Store - N- acetyl cysteine 5-
Androstenediol ABC294640 an in development compound being studied for its potential as a gastrointestinal countermeasure to ARS.[5]
Rx100 an analog of lysophosphatidic acid being studied as a gastrointestinal countermeasure to ARS.[5]
BIO 300 a low cost Genistein derivative being studied for its ability to temporarily lock cells in their most radioresistant mitosis phase.[5]
AEOL-10150 a manganoporphyrin catalytic antioxidant.[5]
Chelation therapy a countermeasure for treating internal radio-isotope contamination.
DPTA a chelation agent used to eliminate actinides that have been ingested, one of three U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) radioprotectants stockpiled.[5]
Prussian blue/radiogardase a chelation agent to treat radio-Cesium and thallium consumption, one of three the FDA radioprotectants stockpiled.[5]
Potassium Iodide a prophylactic drug recommended before entering radioiodine environments, one of three FDA radioprotectants stockpiled.[5]
Ex-Rad- Via Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Molecular formula C16H12ClNaO4S
Molar mass 358.77 g mol−1
Except where noted otherwise, data are given for materials in their standard state (at 25 °C (77 °F), 100 kPa)
Ex-Rad (or Ex-RAD), also known by the code name ON 01210.Na, is a drug developed by Onconova Therapeutics and the U.S. Department of Defense.[1][2] This newly developed compound is said to be a potent radiation protection agent. Chemically, it is the sodium salt of 4-carboxystyryl-4-chlorobenzylsulfone.[3]
Clinical trials
The results of two Phase I clinical studies in healthy human volunteers indicate that subcutaneously injected Ex-Rad is safe and well tolerated, with "no evidence of systemic side effects".[4] A study in mice demonstrated the efficacy of Ex-Rad by increasing the survival rate of mice exposed to typically lethal whole-body irradiation. The study tested oral and parenteraladministration of Ex-Rad for both pre- and post-exposure radiomitigation.[1]
Research on Ex-Rad has involved collaboration with the Armed Forces Radiobiology Research Institute (AFRRI), the Department of Biochemistry and Molecular & Cellular Biology atGeorgetown University, Long Island University's Arnold & Marie Schwartz College of Pharmacy, and the Department of Oncological Sciences at the Mt. Sinai School of Medicine.[1]
Mechanism of action
Onconova suggests that Ex-Rad protects cells exposed to radiation against DNA damage, and that the drug's mechanism of action does not involve scavenging free radicals or arresting thecell cycle. Instead, they claim it employs a "novel mechanism" involving "intracellular signaling, damage sensing, and DNA repair pathways".[4] Ex-RAD is a chlorobenzylsulfone derivative that works after free radicals have damaged DNA. Onconova CEO Ramesh Kumar believes this is a better approach than trying to scavenge free radicals. “Free radicals are very short-lived, and so the window of opportunity to give a drug is very narrow,” he says. In cell and animal models, Ex-RAD protects hematopoietic and gastrointestinal tissues from radiation injury when given either before or after exposure.[5]
Pharmaceuticals that are generally administered orally or injected as an intravenous (IV) or intramuscular (IM) drug are:
Dimercaprol - arsenic, mercury, lead
DMSA - arsenic, mercury, lead
DMPS - mercury, arsenic and lead
Desferal - aluminum and excess iron
Na-EDTA or EDTA - calcium, aluminum, other heavy metals, but not mercury
Ca-EDTA - not effective for calcium, but more effective against heavy metals
Intravenous Vitamin C - used by dentists for removal of mercury during amalgam removal.
Some people get easy access to these drugs and are tested for radioactive contamination. Is your family getting these? Have you heard of anyone being tested for radioactive contamination INTERNALLY via a whole body radiation scanner, like they did with 300,000 children in Russia? What is the internal radioactive 'load' that your children are carrying?
Radiation Detectors And Nuclear Disaster Supplies
A Green Road Store
A Green Road Supplements And Vitamins StoreA Green Road Supplements And Vitamins Store - Alginate
A Green Road Supplements And Vitamins Store - Sulfur - MSM
(Sulfur binds with many heavy metals and takes them out of the body. It also works with chelation agents such as DMSA and helps them work better.)
A Green Road Supplements And Vitamins Store - Apple Pectin
(In the Soviet Union, apple pectin was used to bind with cesium and take it out of the body)
A Green Road Supplements And Vitamins Store - Kelp
A Green Road Supplements And Vitamins Store - Zeolite liquid (internal use)
A Green Road Supplements And Vitamins Store - Zeolite powder (external use)
A Green Road Supplements And Vitamins Store - Bentonite Clay Bath (external use)
A Green Road Supplements And Vitamins Store - EDTA
A Green Road Supplements And Vitamins StoreA Green Road Supplements And Vitamins Store - Potassium Iodide
A Green Road Supplements And Vitamins Store - Magnesium chloride
A Green Road Supplements And Vitamins Store - Iron
A Green Road Supplements And Vitamins Store - Calcium, Magnesium, Zinc
Plant or herb based mineral supplements and colloidal minerals are the best sources as they displace or block heavy metals and radioactive elements and then discharge them from the body. Radioactive and heavy metals cause natural minerals to become depleted in the human body.
VITAMINS - read article by Dr. Blaylock MD
A Green Road Supplements And Vitamins StoreA Green Road Supplements And Vitamins Store - Vitamin C
A Green Road Supplements And Vitamins Store - Hesperiden
A Green Road Supplements And Vitamins Store - Reseveratrol
A Green Road Supplements And Vitamins Store - Vitamin D
HERBS - read article by Dr. Blaylock MD
A Green Road Herb Store - Curcumin
A Green Road Herb Store - Rosemary
Herbs are mineral rich foods that help quench free radicals, which are made up of radioactive and heavy metals. They attach to these heavy metal free radicals and then discharge them from the body. Make sure the herbs are grown in areas not contaminated with radiation, or they may be concentrators of radiation just as mushrooms are.
A Green Road Supplements And Vitamins Store - Vitamin C
A Green Road Supplements And Vitamins Store - Vitamin A
A Green Road Supplements And Vitamins Store - Vitamin E D alpha
A Green Road Supplements And Vitamins Store - Selenium
A Green Road Supplements And Vitamins Store - Zinc
A Green Road Supplements And Vitamins Store - CoEnzyme Q-10
Anti oxidants help quench free radicals, which are made up of radioactive and heavy metals. They attach to these heavy metal free radicals and then discharge them from the body.
Govt. Had 1 Million Potassium Iodide - KI Pills Available, But Refused To Hand Them Out After 3/11 Fukushima Mega Nuclear Disaster; via @AGreenRoad
Mercury Poisoning; Linked To Disease, Paralysis And Death; via A Green Road
Radioactive Isotopes Antidotes - Anti Radiation Drugs, Chelation Medicines For Heavy Metal Poisoning; via @AGreenRoad
Herbs are mineral rich foods that help quench free radicals, which are made up of radioactive and heavy metals. They attach to these heavy metal free radicals and then discharge them from the body. Make sure the herbs are grown in areas not contaminated with radiation, or they may be concentrators of radiation just as mushrooms are.
A Green Road Supplements And Vitamins Store - Alpha Lipoic AcidA Green Road Supplements And Vitamins Store - Vitamin C
A Green Road Supplements And Vitamins Store - Vitamin A
A Green Road Supplements And Vitamins Store - Vitamin E D alpha
A Green Road Supplements And Vitamins Store - Selenium
A Green Road Supplements And Vitamins Store - Zinc
A Green Road Supplements And Vitamins Store - CoEnzyme Q-10
A Green Road Supplements And Vitamins Store - L-glutathione (amino acid)
FOODS - read article by Dr. Blaylock MD
A Green Road Supplements And Vitamins Store - Chlorella
A Green Road Supplements And Vitamins Store - Spirulina
A Green Road Supplements And Vitamins Store - Probiotics
A Green Road Store - Miso
(Miso soup was used to save radiation exposed people in hospital after Hiroshima/Nagasaki)
A Green Road Store - Essential fatty acids
A Green Road Supplements And Vitamins Store - Whey protein
(make sure source of milk is coming from non radiation contaminated area. Whey is full of protein, which is a powerful chelator of radioactive and other heavy metals.)
(Miso soup was used to save radiation exposed people in hospital after Hiroshima/Nagasaki)
A Green Road Store - Essential fatty acids
A Green Road Supplements And Vitamins Store - Whey protein
(make sure source of milk is coming from non radiation contaminated area. Whey is full of protein, which is a powerful chelator of radioactive and other heavy metals.)
Many vitamins are natural chelators. Organic foods are higher in vitamins than non organic foods.
Minerals are natural chelators. Organic foods are higher in minerals than non organic foods.
A Green Road Water Purification Supplies And Equipment
A Green Road Air Purification Equipment And Supplies
A Green Road Bookstore - Chelation

A Green Road Store - Hair Analysis Kits And Books
A Green Road Store - Electronic Acupuncture Devices
A Green Road Bookstore - Chelation
A Green Road Store - Home Health Self Test Kits And SuppliesA Green Road Store - Hair Analysis Kits And Books
A Green Road Store - Electronic Acupuncture Devices
How Poisonous And Radioactive Man Made Elements Mimic Natural Minerals Found In Nature; via @AGreenRoad
Up To 99% Of Population Magnesium Deficient; Role Of Mag With Virus, Bacteria, Alkaline Acid Balance, Energy, Depression, And More
Up To 99% Of Population Magnesium Deficient; Role Of Mag With Virus, Bacteria, Alkaline Acid Balance, Energy, Depression, And More
How To Protect Yourself From Radiation With Vitamin C; via @AGreenRoad
Plutonium Mimics Iron In Body - 2 Million Times More Dangerous Than Uranium, MOX Planned For Use In All Future Nuclear Power Plants; via @AGreenRoad
Plutonium Is The Most Toxic, Radioactive Man Made Element WIth No Natural Biological Role In The Human Body; via @AGreenRoad
How To Take Potassium Iodide As A Preventative Against Damage Or Cancer Caused by Radiation From Radioactive Iodine; via @AGreenRoad
Prussian Blue, Potassium Iodide, KI, And DTPA As Antidotes To Radiation Contamination Or Poisoning - Dr. Carl Oller MD; via @AGreenRoad
Plutonium Mimics Iron In Body - 2 Million Times More Dangerous Than Uranium, MOX Planned For Use In All Future Nuclear Power Plants; via @AGreenRoad
Plutonium Is The Most Toxic, Radioactive Man Made Element WIth No Natural Biological Role In The Human Body; via @AGreenRoad
How To Take Potassium Iodide As A Preventative Against Damage Or Cancer Caused by Radiation From Radioactive Iodine; via @AGreenRoad
Prussian Blue, Potassium Iodide, KI, And DTPA As Antidotes To Radiation Contamination Or Poisoning - Dr. Carl Oller MD; via @AGreenRoad
Govt. Had 1 Million Potassium Iodide - KI Pills Available, But Refused To Hand Them Out After 3/11 Fukushima Mega Nuclear Disaster; via @AGreenRoad
Mercury Poisoning; Linked To Disease, Paralysis And Death; via A Green Road
Radioactive Isotopes Antidotes - Anti Radiation Drugs, Chelation Medicines For Heavy Metal Poisoning; via @AGreenRoad
For more articles like this;
Dr. Blaylock MD - How To Protect Yourself From Nuclear Radiation; via A Green Road
MD Reveals How To Prevent Radiation Sickness, Cancer And Death, Using A Macrobiotic Diet; via @AGreenRoad
Medical Doctors Talk About Natural Cancer Cures; via @AGreenRoad
Cancer - The Forbidden Cures; via @AGreenRoad
Cancer is Fungus and Curable with Baking Soda - Dr. Tullio Simoncini MD; via A Green Road
Baking Soda Molasses Cancer Protocol; via A Green Road
A Former Model Beats Breast Cancer With Food and Nutrition; via @AGreenRoad
Real Cures By Dr. Joel Wallach; via @AGreenRoad
Dr. Joel Wallach - Dead Doctor's Don't Lie; via @AGreenRoad
Anita Moorjani's Near Death Experience And Healing Terminal Cancer; via @AGreenRoad
What if Cannabis Cured Cancer? - A Film by Len Richmond; via @AGreenRoad
Oprah, Dr. Oz, Google Report On Benefits Of Meditation; via @AGreenRoad
Dr. Mercola; The Benefits Of Coconut Oil; It Works Better Than Alzheimer's Drugs; via @AGreenRoad
Benefits Of Oil Of Oregano; via @AGreenRoad
Dr. Blaylock MD - How To Protect Yourself From Nuclear Radiation; via @AGreenRoad
How To Protect Yourself From Radiation With Vitamin C; via @AGreenRoad
Dr. Emoto On Vibrations, Water, Energy, Consciousness And Healing; via @AGreenRoad
Holistic Living, Health, Self-Healing, Environment And Renewable Energy
Teaching the Science Of Sustainable Health And Success
For more articles like this;
Dr. Blaylock MD - How To Protect Yourself From Nuclear Radiation; via A Green Road
MD Reveals How To Prevent Radiation Sickness, Cancer And Death, Using A Macrobiotic Diet; via @AGreenRoad
Medical Doctors Talk About Natural Cancer Cures; via @AGreenRoad
Cancer - The Forbidden Cures; via @AGreenRoad
Cancer is Fungus and Curable with Baking Soda - Dr. Tullio Simoncini MD; via A Green Road
Baking Soda Molasses Cancer Protocol; via A Green Road
A Former Model Beats Breast Cancer With Food and Nutrition; via @AGreenRoad
Real Cures By Dr. Joel Wallach; via @AGreenRoad
Dr. Joel Wallach - Dead Doctor's Don't Lie; via @AGreenRoad
Anita Moorjani's Near Death Experience And Healing Terminal Cancer; via @AGreenRoad
What if Cannabis Cured Cancer? - A Film by Len Richmond; via @AGreenRoad
Oprah, Dr. Oz, Google Report On Benefits Of Meditation; via @AGreenRoad
Dr. Mercola; The Benefits Of Coconut Oil; It Works Better Than Alzheimer's Drugs; via @AGreenRoad
Benefits Of Oil Of Oregano; via @AGreenRoad
Dr. Blaylock MD - How To Protect Yourself From Nuclear Radiation; via @AGreenRoad
How To Protect Yourself From Radiation With Vitamin C; via @AGreenRoad
Dr. Emoto On Vibrations, Water, Energy, Consciousness And Healing; via @AGreenRoad
Holistic Living, Health, Self-Healing, Environment And Renewable Energy
Teaching the Science Of Sustainable Health And Success
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