The US Is STILL The Greatest Nation On Earth, Right? World Bank Whistleblower Karen Hudes Says Battle For Planet And All Life Is What Matters

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The US Is STILL The Greatest Nation On Earth, Right? World Bank Whistleblower Karen Hudes Says Battle For Planet And All Life Is What Matters

Okay, so we exterminated the estimated 60 million natives we found here, down to 600,000

Okay, so we are breaking treaties with these natives and forcing uranium mines, nuclear testing, and stealing what land they have left to give it to the largest gold mining companies
Okay, so we built this country on the backs of black, Chinese and Mexican slave labor
Okay, so we stole much of this country from the Native Americans, Mexicans, the Hawaiians, the Marshall Islanders and more
Okay, so we imprisoned the Japanese for no reason and took away everything they owned
Okay, so we overthrow democracies around the world and install dictators in places like Iran, Iraq, and many other countries globally, while claiming to export 'freedom and democracy'
Okay, so we hijack countries financially via secret takeovers of their financial centers
Okay, so we built Guantanamo, an infamous torture center, in Communist Cuba, our most hated enemy
Okay, so we flew suspected terrorists to other countries to be 'legally' tortured via CIA jets
Okay, so we spy on and monitor communications of everyone around the world, via NSA
Okay, so our mass media is censored via huge global corporations and the CIA, no real issues are talked about anymore
Okay, so we started multiple wars with false flag events, such as the Bay of Tonkin incident
Okay, so we are at war with over 70 nations that we really have no beef with
Okay, so we have 2,000 military bases around the world
Okay, so we use DU weapons that are poisoning the DNA pool globally for a million years
Okay, so we developed globe destroyed nuclear weapons and almost caused WWIII multiple times
Okay, so we built and exported nuclear power plants, which are releasing massive amounts of radiation, destroying the DNA gene pool of all life on the planet via Petkau Effect
Okay, so we produce massive amounts of nuclear garbage but have no place to put it
Okay, so we use and export over 2,000 toxic chemicals that cause cancer and other diseases
Okay, so we illegally gave Israel, Japan and other countries illegal nuclear weapons technology 
Okay, so we are the world's biggest arms exporter and war mongering dealer in death and war
Okay, so we are the only nation refusing to ban land mines, and are the biggest exporter of them
Okay, so we are the biggest exporter of DU weapons, causing a low level global nuclear war
Okay, so we crashed the world's economies through fraudulent real estate investment schemes
Okay, so we are the only nation to have used two nuclear bombs on two civilian cities
Okay, so we have been the biggest user of carbon fuels, caused the most global warming plus pollution
Okay, so we made corporations into super citizen/people that live forever and have unlimited power
Okay, so we have the largest percentage of citizens in jail, ahead of Russia and Communist China
Okay, so the US has the largest % of it's budget going to the military of ALL civilized nations
Okay, so the US got rid of the gold standard and substituted fake, worthless fiat currency instead
Okay, so we are the only nation that refused to sign the Kyoto Accords, limiting global warming
Okay, so corporations have taken over the US government and exported millions of jobs to China
Okay, so the US has the largest disparity of income between the rich and poor of any civilized nation
Okay, so the US is falling behind in many areas such as health, freedom, media, transparency, etc.


Okay, so many US states are passing laws to not allow approximately 29 million US citizens the right to vote, which are added on top of all the convicted felons who also cannot vote
Okay, so less than 1/2 of all US citizens who can vote, do, the rest have become terminally apathetic
Okay, so we have monopolies that control most of what we buy or have access to
Okay, so we have 100 think tanks and foundations financed by a few corporations, misleading people via mass media that global warming does not exist and climate change is not happening

Besides a few minor things like this, that still doesn't prevents the USA from being the greatest nation on Earth, right?


What can balance out this whole laundry list of what some might label ignorance at best and 'evil' at worst?

Is there anything? Maybe it is the hope, despite doing everything possible wrong and dark, that Americans, when they finally have had enough, do the right thing, and that nothing will stop them when that day finally comes. We have done it numerous times already. Historically, the US abolished slavery and people believed in this deeply enough to fight a Civil War to make that happen. 

Women got the right to vote, without even having the ability to vote at all, and without using any violence. How did they accomplish that? Workers passed laws for basic worker rights, safety and health. Environmental laws have been passed to protect the environment. Americans passed laws abolishing discrimination, and gave everyone the 'right' to be educated for free up to 12th grade, along with a meal if someone could not afford to feed their children. We passed laws giving everyone the right to vote. These are just a few of many examples of how we have done things 'right' along the way, but only after doing it the 'wrong' way first.

Hope still exists, along with the religious freedom to think and do as one wishes. Further than that, there is a spiritual freedom that is inside of everyone  that can never be extinguished, no matter what.


"Liberty is too Precious a thing to be buried in books"; In the movie; Mr Smith goes to Washington: naive and idealistic Jefferson Smith, leader of the Boy Rangers, is appointed on a lark by the spineless governor of his state. He is reunited with the state's senior senator--presidential hopeful and childhood hero, Senator Joseph Paine. In Washington, however, Smith discovers many of the shortcomings of the political process as his earnest goal of national boys' camp leads to a conflict with the state political boss, Jim Taylor. Taylor first tries to corrupt Smith and then later attempts to destroy Smith through a scandal.

Smith stands up for what is right, for truth, freedom and democracy, fighting like David against Goliath, but without any weapons. And in the end, Smith won, despite goon squads, intimidation, threats, a bought off press, and more. 

Wouldn't you agree that the pursuit of happiness, freedom, truth and justice is also part of hope? The type of happiness being pointed at is not what the happiness that the mass media offers up, in terms of more money, more power, more possessions, more control of other people, or making short term profits for a corporation, or even saving more souls via a particular religion.


The happiness being pointed at here is the universal happiness that a country can pursue and measure, just like GNP. Bhutan is one country doing that, but certainly not the only one. Denmark is another country doing that.

Gross National Happiness - Bhutan; via @AGreenRoad

Of course, truth, freedom, justice, hope, happiness and spiritual freedom are universal themes, not just the sole property of US citizens, so if the US is to be the greatest, each US citizen must support, work for, hold up, and defend hope, the pursuit of TRUE happiness, religious freedom, justice, plus spiritual freedom first and foremost.


But just having these things is not enough, because just being happy, hopeful and having spiritual freedom will not take humanity where it needs to go. There is one more element that is missing, and that is a focus on seven future generations. Without that focus, humanity will not live up to it's highest and brightest potential. The US adopted much of the government structure from the Iraqoi Confederacy, but neglected to adopt the requirement that before any law is passed, that the representatives must consider the impact of that law on seven future generations, and not pass it if it harms them in any way. 

We are just stewards of what is going to be passed on to seven future generations. If we pass on a more polluted world, a world that is on a downward spiral into DNA destruction via low dose radiation, species loss, and a lower quality of life, that is not something to be proud of. We can and must do MUCH better, and that means making huge paradigm shifts, such as abolishing all nuclear weapons and power plants.


The fact that Americans have made huge things happen in the past, shows that we as a country of very diverse citizens can navigate through these huge paradigm shifts that are required, both inside of ourselves and outside too. That ability to pull it out of the 'wrong' and make it 'right' at the last second, if anything, is what makes America the greatest nation on Earth, despite the long list above.

Have we done all the wrong things long enough now? Isn't it time to start doing the RIGHT things, for seven future generations?

American Indians Have Inhabited The US Continent For 40,000 Years In A Sustainable Fashion, Why Can't Our Modern 'Civilization' Do That?; via @AGreenRoad

Let's get started..  We are the ones we have been waiting for.


World Bank whistleblower Karen Hudes says this is not a fight about money, but survival of the planet. "We're dealing with whether we can continue as humanity and have an earth or whether we blow ourselves up. . . . whether we love each other enough to save the world, or we all go to hell in a hand basket.

It is time to close the circle, heal the wounds and learn from the ones we have been ignoring or putting down, that know how to do this. We need to act from the heart, love each other as we are designed to do, and create the Heaven on Earth that we are destined to create. 


The US Is STILL The Greatest Nation On Earth, Right? World Bank Whistleblower Karen Hudes Says Battle For Planet And All Life Is What Matters

For more articles;

Spiritual, Interfaith, Consciousness; How To Create Heaven On Earth

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What works for seven future generations, without causing harm?

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