Bobby Kennedy, 'Evidence of Murder' Movie - CIA Links to John Kennedy Assassination?

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Bobby Kennedy, 'Evidence of Murder' Movie - CIA Links to John Kennedy Assassination?

Wikipedia; "Kennedy had been shot three times. One bullet, fired at a range of about 1 inch (2.54 cm), entered behind his right ear, dispersing fragments throughout his brain.[33] The other two entered at the rear of his right armpit; one exited from his chest and the other lodged in the back of his neck.[34] Despite extensive neurosurgery at the Good Samaritan Hospital to remove the bullet and bone fragments from his brain, Kennedy died at 1:44 A.M. PDT on June 6, nearly 26 hours after the shooting.[30]

Sirhan testified that he had killed Kennedy "with 20 years of malice aforethought", although he has consistently maintained that he has no memory of the crime. The judge did not accept this confession and it was later withdrawn.[44][45] Sirhan was convicted on April 17, 1969 and six days later was sentenced to death.[46] 


In November 2006, the BBC's Newsnight program presented research by filmmaker Shane O'Sullivan alleging that several CIA officers were present on the night of the assassination.[53] Three men who appear in films and photographs from the night of the assassination were positively identified by former colleagues and associates as former senior CIA officers who had worked together in 1963 at JMWAVE, the CIA's main anti-Castro station based in Miami. They were JMWAVE Chief of Operations David Morales, Chief of Maritime Operations Gordon Campbell and Chief of Psychological Warfare Operations George Joannides.[53][54]


Coroner ...Thomas Noguchi.. stated that the fatal shot was behind Kennedy's right ear and had been fired at a distance of approximately one inch.[58] Other witnesses, though, said that as Sirhan approached, Kennedy was turning to his left shaking hands, facing north and so exposing his right side.[59] During a re-examination of the case in 1975, the Los Angeles Superior Court ordered expert examination of the possibility of a second gun having been used, and the conclusion of the experts was that there was little or no evidence to support this theory.[59] As recently as 2008, eyewitness John Pilger asserted his belief that there must have been a second gunman.[60]

(AGRP: Witnesses were pressured into not coming to trial. Any evidence of the 2nd shooter was not allowed into the trial through pressure applied by the prosecutor on the defense attorneys. The 2nd shooter did not have his gun checked after the shooting, his gun disappeared and was not found until 20 years later. See details below or watch movie for the details around this.)


In 2007, analysis of an audio tape recording of the shooting made by freelance reporter Stanislaw Pruszynski appeared to indicate, according to forensic expert Philip Van Praag, that thirteen shots were fired, even though Sirhan's gun held only eight rounds.[57][61] Van Praag states that the recording also reveals at least two cases where the timing between shots was shorter than physically possible. The presence of more than eight shots on the tape was corroborated by forensic audio specialists Wes Dooley and Paul Pegas of Audio Engineering Associates in Pasadena, California, forensic audio and ballistics expert Eddy B. Brixen in Copenhagen, Denmark,[62][63] and audio specialist Phil Spencer Whitehead of the Georgia Institute of Technology in Atlanta, Georgia.[64]"

Compare the above story that has a LOT of pieces missing and many unanswered questions, to what is documented evidence from eye witnesses who are featured for the first time, forty years after the assassination. The following movie interviews many eye witnesses and finds a lot of evidence that was not presented at the court case of Sirhan Sirhan or in the later re-examination. 


Why were more than 8 bullet holes found in the room, when Sirhan's gun only held 8 rounds? 

Why was Kennedy killed by a shot fired 1 inch from his head, when Sirhan never got closer than several feet, and was in FRONT of Kennedy, not behind him and to his right? 

Why were multiple agents from the CIA there, when Kennedy did NOT want any protection from the government or police? 

See if any of these unanswered questions are resolved by the following movie..


Originally part of the 2010 series "Evidence of Murder" by Mark Howitt, RFK: Bloodline Assassins investigates the assassination of Robert Kennedy who was well on his way to becoming President of the United States. His life was cut short however. This film investigates the details of the crime in great detail discussing the suspected killer Sirhan Sirhan and proving without a doubt that there was CIA involvement and the government has yet again done everything it can to cover their tracks including destroying and tampering with evidence.

For DVD versions of some of Mark Howitt's documentaries please visit the Webstore at

What motive could there be for taking Bobby Kennedy out? 

Robert Kennedy was against the war machine. His goal was to stop the war in Vietnam and dismantle the war machine, just like this brother John Kennedy, and for the same reasons. He was against crime, corruption and deception. He proved this by breaking the back of the mob in the US, and taking on corruption by the mob within the union structure, casinos and more as a representative of the people. When was the last time you heard of anyone in government at any level doing this since his time in office? 

Robert Kennedy was against racism and xenophobia, and his goal was uniting religions, beliefs and healing the wounds of the country that separated blacks and whites, just like Martin King Jr. Of course, King had been assassinated for this, and nothing more. Kennedy was for this same thing, but more than that.  As you will see from this movie, there are MANY links between John Kennedy's assassination and Robert Kennedy's assassination. As you will discover, there are too many 'coincidences' for them to be just random chance, especially when they both revolve around murder. To find out more about the John Kennedy assassination, click on the following link.

Dark Legacy; How And Why The Coverup Of John F. Kennedy Assassination Was Accomplished Via Skull And Bones Member; via @AGreenRoad

Robert Kennedy's political positions did not suit the 1% of that time, who wanted to keep the Vietnam war going. They wanted to keep race, hate and fear amped up. The 1% profit in a huge way from war and strife. Eisenhower, Bobby and John Kennedy all warned US citizens about this small group of people who would do almost anything to keep violence, hate, fear and killing as a normal way of business in the US. 

President Eisenhower - Farewell Warning About Military Industrial Complex; via @AGreenRoad

Art And Science Of Deception; Global Corporations And The 1%; via @AGreenRoad

Bill Moyers; How To Buy Your Own Election And Politicians With Dark Money; via @AGreenRoad

The 1% profit from division, secrecy, deceptions and corruption. If they can keep people hating, fighting and fearing each other, the attention is not on them, but on the perceived 'enemy'.  

Finally, if Bobby Kennedy were to be elected as the President of the United States, he could also uncover the [people behind the assassination of his brother, and that would not work either, as this coverup had to continue, and those people could not be found out. 

JFK's Speech About The Danger Of Secret Societies And Huge Monopolies; via @AGreenRoad

Kennedy had to go, for many reasons that you will discover in the movie..

What follows is a very rough transcript of the movie;

As Kennedy exited the stage and went through the pantry, he was shot 8 times by Sirhan Sirhan, who was using a .22. The shots were so quick that it sounded like a machine gun.

A teenager was taking pictures of this while it was happening, and after Kennedy fell. This teen kept on taking pictures from the top of a table. The teen was immediately arrested and his camera was taken away. He had taken all of the shots on the film, but got back only 26 pictures, with the rest missing. He was released the next morning. 

He got back all of the pictures except for the ones he took in the pantry, covering the time when Kennedy was shot. He was told the pictures were being held for 'evidence' and that he could get them back in 20 years. When the now grown adult followed up and asked for his pictures back 20 plus years later, he was told all of the pictures along with 2,000 other items of evidence had been destroyed by the LA police, before the trial even took place. 

NO pictures came out at trial or anywhere else of the shooting despite plenty of pictures being available to show what had actually happened in the pantry. Only a couple pictures came out that showed what was 'safe' to see via the mass media, which was Kennedy on the ground in the pantry, shot and bleeding, after the deed had been done. These pictures provided no evidence of 'who done it'. Isn't it strange that despite 2,000 pieces of evidence available around what happened in the pantry, that none of them made it to trial? 

The only surviving tape was of a polygraph test, done by a detective who tried to talk a witness to multiple shooters out of giving any further testimony about that. He had come back from an extended period spent overseas, just in time for this case. Can anyone smell CIA? 

40:00 in 
This woman said she overheard that additional people had shot Kennedy. She said she heard a woman in a polka dot dress and she overheard her saying; 'We got him". This witness was eventually 'persuaded' to recant her story. 

42: Another older couple said the same thing; they saw AND heard a young couple; one of them a woman in a polka dot dress saying; "We shot him. We Shot Kennedy, we KILLED him." A police offers filed a report on this and put out an APB. The police report was 'lost', and the APB was cancelled. 

43: During the time of the shooting, the LA Police lost all radio communications for 45 minutes, which had NEVER happened before. The officer says that L. Penya  and another officer retired and went to work for the CIA, and then by magic, showed up at the emergency control center, right after the assassination. 

45: After the shooting, Dr. Niguchi, the official coroner, gave testimony that there were powder burns and marks behind the right ear of Kennedy, and that the 'kill' shot came from within 1 inch of his head, and from the back, not the front. He was approached before he gave his testimony by a district attorney Martin Weeks and asked to change his testimony from inches to feet. He refused, and was fired after that as the coroner, after being viciously smeared by the mass media press. 

46: Defense attorneys for Sirhan did not allow the coroner's testimony to be introduced or given to the jury, based on threats made to the attorney by Martin Weeks, saying that if he allowed this into the trial, it would cause a serious international incident. 

47: How could the coroner be fired for doing something wrong, when that same evidence was used to convict Sirhan Sirhan? 

48: After the trial, Dr. Noguchi was 'cleared of all charges' and reinstated as coroner. He also said that a woman came forward and told him that she saw a security guard firing at Kennedy. Another witness describes how he saw a security guard shooting Kennedy and three other people. 

49: A third witness describes seeing Sirhan shooting Senator Kennedy from the front, but he also saw a security guard shooting him from the back, at the same time, 3 times. He reported what he saw to the police. He was then told by the FBI and the police that Kennedy was only shot twice. 

50: Thane Eugene Cesar was the security guard standing to the right of Kennedy at the time of the shooting. He had been hired 7 days prior to the assassination by ACE Security. How did a new hire get a job that entailed guarding the Senator in a VERY high profile election? He hated the Kennedy's, was NOT a Democrat, and owned a gun that was exactly the same caliber and make as the one Sirhan used. Of course, he said he sold it before the assassination. His OTHER job was working for Hughes Aircraft, and he had a top secret security clearance there; where CIA operatives were known to have worked.  His gun was found in a pond many years later and the serial numbers matched. He voted for George Wallace in the election. 

53: One of these days, the way things are going, there is going to be a civil war in this country.. white against the black.. they have gotten too much, Kennedy swung the pendulum way too far over. What I say, is that the black will never win. 

One of the Kennedy staffers complained that most guards hired by the hotel and put in charge of different areas were good at checking ID's and keeping people out of areas where they did not belong, but in the kitchen/pantry area, with Thane Cesar on duty was the opposite situation. He let everyone in and checked no one, and the staffer had to keep shooing people out of there. The only way Sirhan could have gotten into the kitchen was if Thane let him in there, because that was his only job; to guard the door to the kitchen. But of course, if Sirhan had not been let in, then the whole assassination would not have happened and the patsy could not be charged with the crime and hung for it. 

54: There were more bullets fired than the 8 total that Sirhan's gun could hold. Thane's gun was never checked at any time after the shooting, but there were more than 8 bullet holes in the walls of the room. Cesar now lives in the Phillipines. 

58: Sirhan was possibly the first brainwashing victim used by the CIA, in Operation Artichoke, which used mind control techniques to program people to do things that they were not even aware of doing, much like hypnosis, when people do things that are considered impossible, and they later do not remember even doing it, much less being aware of their actions while they are doing them. 

CIA Operation Artichoke later become MKULTRA program

Watch the movie, The Manchurian Candidate, to understand how and why this works. 

Doctors discuss how and why hypnosis can make people do something against their will, morals and ethics, with no memory of it afterwards.

1:07 Dr. Brian bragged to two prostitutes that he had hypnotized Sirhan to shoot Kennedy. 

The entire defense of Sirhan rested on showing that Sirhan was insane. 

1:10 Dr. Diamond showed and proved that Sirhan was HIGHLY suggestible and demonstrated this by having Sirhan act like a monkey and climb up the bars of his cell. Sirhan did it without hesitation. He also remembered what he did, but only under hypnosis. He could not remember if he was not hypnotized. He led Sirhan under hypnosis through the events of that day, and he recalled being with a woman in a dark place with lots of lights and being chocked, before he went and shot Kennedy. He only remembers being very tired and following this woman down a long dark hallway with many rooms.  Under hypnosis, Sirhan repeated the same phrases that were found written down in his notebook at home. Sirhan said these were writings of an insane person, but he did not recall writing them, and he would not say those things. 

Both the defense and the prosecution admitted that Sirhan had amnesia about what he did during the shooting. 

1:21 By 1954, the CIA knew that they could program people to assassinate anyone they liked. They also did research with subjects that would terminate themselves, and found a researcher who would conduct the experiment for free. 

1:22 Dr Cameron did experiments with Canadians without their consent that would deprogram patients using drugs or electro shock treatments, and then program these patients using tape recordings that repeated a certain message hundreds of thousands of times, while they were kept immobile with drugs, but their subconscious would absorb the message. Then they were 'wiped clean' again, using more electro shocks, so that they would not remember what was done to them, but they would have this new behaviour. None of it was done with consent. None of this was done with awareness of the people involved, and it went on for many months at a time, for hours per day, for each person involved in this secret CIA brainwashing experiment. 

1:24 There were about 80, ordinary average people involved in this mind control experiment. Linda received about five months of torture and over 100 electro shock treatments with what the nurses there described as something out of Dantes Inferno. None of the guinea pigs remembers anything, because they were wiped clean. 

1:26 After she came out of the Allen Memorial Institute, she had many days of being completely comatose and out of it, during a five week period. She did not know who she was, she was a baby. She had to be toilet trained, taught to walk and talk, and feed her self. She has zero memory of her life before age 25. She thought the doctor had 'fixed' her and was her saviour. 

Then she read a newspaper story about how the CIA was doing secret experiments in this facility and Dr. Cameron was the guy doing these mind control things on patients without consent. 

The court case documented how Dr. Cameron turned people into 'vegetables' with no memory, by giving them forced treatments and electroshocks multiple times per day. The public got to know these secrets as they came out in the media and through the court case. 

Kennedy exposed these CIA secrets in Subcommittee hearings. The CIA admitted to doing 30 years of 'aggressive' experiments, but Dr. Gottlieb, who had all of the records of these experiments, either lost or destroyed them, so nothing came out during the hearings. 

1:33 This is not the first time people have been hypnotized to kill. In Jonestown, people did the unthinkable. Senator Ryan flew out to investigate and was met there with cheering crowds of people who said that they were all VERY happy there, and had absolutely no complaints. 

1:35 Jim Jones the Christian minister was also a CIA agent/operative, who was involved in the mind control experiments. Suddenly, Jones went to Mexico, Gyana, and Brazil, for no apparent reason. He left Brazil as soon as a newspaper article identified him as a CIA agent. He started his church in the 1950s, moved it to San Francisco and used mind control techniques to get people to sign everything over to him. He moved everything to Gyana in 1977, with about 1,000 people going with him. He got them to go by saying the government was bad and was a threat to them (much like the mass media is programming people today). 

1:37 Jim Jones established a government free zone of harmony and bliss in Jonestown. What most people don't know is that Jim Jones was working for the CIA and all of those people who died were part of a massive mind control experiment that resulted in the largest loss of life from a non natural disaster since 9/11. 

Dr. Singer MD reports that the average US citizen believes that they have a mind that could never be manipulated or altered in any way, shape or form. Yet watching TV is a trance like experience with alters our mind and how we think. Advertising is designed to do nothing other than alter our thoughts and desires. TV is an experience of suspending reality, which is another way to describe hypnosis. TV is all about implanting messages in your mind, without you even being aware of it. 

1:39 The movie the Matrix described it as an experience that makes you think you are in control, but you are really a slave. "Like everyone else, you were born into bondage, born into a prison you cannot smell, taste, or touch; a prison for your mind."

1:40 The government claims that 900 people willfully drank Kool Aid with poison in it, committing suicide with Jim Jones, just because he told them to. What people reported that were part of the cult, is that he had loudspeakers going 24 hours a day, talking constantly. If he wasn't talking, tapes of him talking were playing via the loudspeaker. He used classic mind control techniques. Jonestown was being run by the CIA. Prior to Jonestown, that site was under control of the CIA Shalom project, which was a training camp for blacks who were going to fight in Angola. Then Jones moved in. 

1:41 Senator Ryan was involved in curtailing the activities of the CIA, and he took away some of their authority for foreign operations. He also went to the Jonestown camp, along with Richard Dwyer, who was working for the State Dept, but what he did not know, is that Dwyer was working undercover, for the CIA. He was head of operations for Guyana, according to a Guyana government official. 

1:43 Jackie Speer was a legal aide who went with Congressman Ryan. She said that those people there were not under control of their own minds. They had been brainwashed. When Ryan arrived, someone passed him a note, saying he wanted to leave. Ryan gave it Jones, who said it was a lie, and that he did not want publicity. He said that 22 people who wanted to leave, could go and that anyone who wanted to leave, could go at any time. When Ryan reached the airport, a man with a knife tried to stab Ryan. Then when they got to the plane, another 30 people who also wanted to leave showed up. Then a tractor and trailer with a couple men opened fire with guns on the whole party. 

1:45 Congressman Ryan, two reporters and a camera man were killed, along with many others who were shot and injured. Strangely, Dwyer, the state department CIA agent, was not injured, but where he went is not known, and where he ended up going after that is one of those mysteries that has not been revealed. 

1:46  Many of the people at Jonestown were actually murdered, through a lethal injection of cyanide. Armed guards with guns and cross bows guarded everyone. The choice was between drinking the Koolaid, or being injected. If you tried to escape, you were shot. Jim Jones was shot in the head, after everyone else was dead. His killer is not known. At 3:30 AM, after everyone was dead, and using a CIA channel, someone called and reported that a mass suicide had taken place. The only radio in the area, belonged to Richard Dwyer, the US CIA agent. He denied afterwards that he ever went to Jonestown, despite him being on the video tape. Several embassy personnel including Dwyer received medals and promotions after the Jonestown massacre. 

1:48 A lawsuit was filed and it claimed that Jonestown was run by the CIA, and was under it's control. The lawsuit was dismissed on a technicality. 

1:50 This was a very modern place. They had an excellent hospital there at Jonestown, where EVERYONE got a medical check up, every day. Everyone was given 'vitamins' at the hospital, on a daily basis. There is no need to do medical check ups every day, unless there is a control group, where some are getting a placebo and others are getting drugs. This was an isolated experiment, to see what they could do with a large group of people under those circumstances. They could study how the mind control drugs worked on different groups of people. 

1:50 According to John Judge, 70 to 80% of the bodies had a needle mark on the back of the left shoulder blade, in a place where they could not reach themselves, with evidence that they were forced to take the injections, not willingly. The official Guyanese coroner and court judgement was that everyone there had been murdered, and that not one person had committed suicide. There was evidence of gun shot wounds and strangulation on many of the other bodies, the ones without injection marks.  The whole site was surrounded at the time this happened with 300 Guyanese troops along with US troops, who were there for a week. The initial reports were that there were only 400 bodies, but that more than doubled over the week. John reports that the armed forces actually committed the murders, and rounded up people from the jungle and brought them back to the compound to make sure no one got away. 

1:53. The CIA was definitely involved in the assassination of Kennedy. CIA agents were at every part of the whole chain of people involved in the investigation, trial and more. At the time, the CIA was known to be running a program called Operation Chaos, which had infiltrated and/or was spying on anti war protestors and the Black Panthers, using the LA police. It is known that the LA police has ties with the CIA. Seargent Pena and Hank Hernandez were the key CIA agents involved in this case. Hernandez, on tape admits that he was being flown all over the world to administer polygraph tests, such as to a dictator in Caracas Venezuela. What would an LA police officer be doing in these countries, other than working for the CIA? He was appointed as one of the LEAD OFFICERS investigating the Kennedy assassination, but he was also working for the CIA. What result would you expect, if the CIA was involved in the murder? 

1:55 Hernandez was also directly involved in getting the US government to approve a plan to privatize the US military, so that it would hire private armed security guards for embassies and the US military, all around the world. This led to a doubling of the effective troop levels in places like Afghanistan and Iraq. These private guns for hire operated without any oversight or control.  This was not your average LA cop. This guy was the father of privatized US armies, mercenaries for hire, but paid for by the US government with taxpayer money and with no accountability. Hernandez was also the founder of Intercon Systems Inc., a private security firm. It's first client was NASA, and he provided them with private security persons, for a top secret, classified program. Hernandez was very good at keeping secrets, secret, using guns and force when needed and lying to withhold the truth. 

A former CIA agent testifies that he worked for the military and then was recruited by the CIA to work at a US CIA base, and with a person by the name of David Morales, who was the chief of operations. This CIA operation was to do infiltrations and commando raids in an effort to destabilize Cuba. Another goal was to assassinate Fidel Castro. 

1:56 Bobby Kennedy, as a member of this special committee, had to approve each and every mission involving this CIA program. Morales was throwing screaming fits of rage where he threw chairs after Kennedy told him that the operation would have to be changed or cancelled, because the risk of unintended consequences was too great. 

1:57  David Morales is also thought to be the CIA handler of Oswald, who shot John F. Kennedy. Morales was directly involved in assassinations of people in many places and was thought to be the guy who drove away with Oswald after he shot Kennedy. Morales was known to be in Vietnam, and the Bay of Pigs invasion. The failure of that invasion was a major blow to the CIA, and Morales held the Kennedy's personally responsible for that failure. 

1:58 Morales was present at the Bobby Kennedy event that night. Why would the guy who was responsible for assassinations be at the hotel that night? It would seem that he was conducting the operation, to make sure that all of the people involved were at the right places doing the 'right' things. Morales was there, hanging around after the shooting, hearing the testimonies given by all of the witnesses.  This would be valuable information, in order to be able to influence or block what information was given to the public. 

1:59 According to best friend Rueben, Morales hated all Communists, and he is now buried in the desert of Arizona, with a gravestone marked with his army affiliation. If you saw him in a country, you knew a coup was about to happen. Morales was present when a coup happened in 1972, in Uraguay and terrorists took over, killing many people.  In 1973, he was there in Chile, with Allende. A friend of his said Morales got paid 2 million for his part, and this friend helped him buy as much land as possible without anyone discovering what was going on. David was a friend of Morales, and said Morales was in a rage one night about the Kennedy's and said to both him and Reuben, that he, Morales, was in Dallas when "we got that motherfucker, and I was in Los Angeles, when we got that little bastard." 

2:00 Reuben said the same thing as David, that Morales at a drinking party, claimed he was in Dallas when "we got that motherfucker, and I was in Los Angeles, when we got that little bastard." Morales was really pissed at the Kennedy's for botching the Cuban invasion and pulling the air support at the last minute. David Morales was going to be called as a witness in front of the Senate which was investigating all of this, but the CIA knocked him off before he got to that hearing. Morales only had two bosses, the President and the head of the CIA. He knew too much and the risk was too great that he might let something slip during that hearing. Morales had plans to teach political science as a professor. 

2:04 almost an hour after the shooting, unwanted public had been cleared from the hotel where witnesses were being interviewed. Morales and another man are still there. They look as though they are looking for someone. 

2:05 Wayne Smith worked with Morales in Havana at the US embassy in 1959 up to 1961, when relations where broken. He identified Morales as the guy in the video tapes at the hotel the night Kennedy was killed. Wayne said Morales worked in the CIA station in Havana and he knew him quite well. 

2:06 Gordon Campbell is identified as being at the hotel also. Another witness who knows these CIA folks ID's David ID's Morales and Gordon Campbell as well, at the hotel, and says that there is no way that Kennedy was taken out by Sirhan. He called Sirhan a 'throwaway' shooter, but the REAL shooter is someone you will never know and will just disappear. 

Movie maker gets some great feedback from interested parties, and shock that it has taken 40 years for these facts to come to the light. 

2:16 Robert Kennedy speech;
"This is a time of shame and sorrow. It is not a day for politics. I have saved this one opportunity to speak briefly to you about this mindless menace of violence in America which again stains our land and every one of our lives.

It is not the concern of any one race. The victims of the violence are black and white, rich and poor, young and old, famous and unknown. They are, most important of all, human beings whom other human beings loved and needed. No one - no matter where he lives or what he does - can be certain who will suffer from some senseless act of bloodshed. And yet it goes on and on.

Why? What has violence ever accomplished? What has it ever created? No martyr's cause has ever been stilled by his assassin's bullet.

No wrongs have ever been righted by riots and civil disorders. A sniper is only a coward, not a hero; and an uncontrolled, uncontrollable mob is only the voice of madness, not the voice of the people.

Whenever any American's life is taken by another American unnecessarily - whether it is done in the name of the law or in the defiance of law, by one man or a gang, in cold blood or in passion, in an attack of violence or in response to violence - whenever we tear at the fabric of life which another man has painfully and clumsily woven for himself and his children, the whole nation is degraded.

"Among free men," said Abraham Lincoln, “there can be no successful appeal from the ballot to the bullet; and those who take such appeal are sure to lose their cause and pay the costs."

Rest of speech at; 


The take away is that multiple expert witnesses heard more than eight shots, and more than 8 bullet holes were found in the walls. 

The coroner stated emphatically that the kill shot was done from 1 inch distance and came from the rear, despite Sirhan never getting closer than several feet away and being in front of Kennedy. 

Multiple witnesses saw more than one shooter.  The other shooter was the security guard, hired 7 days prior and with links to the CIA as well. That man is now 'retired' in a foreign country. 

Tape recordings prove the CIA agent pressured at least one witness to not testify, and that ended up working. 

 Two LAPD police officers came back from 'overseas' operations, to head the investigation. 

Multiple witnesses were sure that they saw several CIA agents at the hotel. One of those CIA agents (Morales) was known to be in the area whenever there was a coup of a political leader, and that agent was also deleted before he could testify under oath. He also hated the Kennedy's, had the means to do it, the motive and had the history of doing this. He was also present on the scene of John Kennedy's assassination and bragged to several people that he pulled off two assassinations. 

Multiple witnesses reported other suspects saying 'we got him'. 

Evidence was covered up and never presented at the trial of Sirhan. 

Sirhan has no memory of the shooting, and wishes Kennedy were still alive. 

Knowing all of these facts, what are your thoughts on what happened? Who was involved? Who ordered this to happen? Could Morales have pulled this off without his boss ordering him to? Who ordered the head of the CIA to do this? Or, could the head of the CIA have pulled this off all by himself? It would be nice in this country of freedom, democracy and justice, if the truth could actually come out and the real killers were brought to justice. 

Conclusions regarding the Martin Luther King assassination

Wikipedia; On the Martin Luther King assassination, the Committee concluded in its report that while King was killed by one rifle shot from James Earl Ray, "there is a likelihood" that it was the result of a conspiracy... The Chief Counsel of the Committee later changed his views that the CIA was being cooperative and forthcoming with the investigation when he learned that the CIA's special liaison to the Committee researchers, George Joannides, was actually involved with some of the organizations that Lee Harvey Oswald was involved with in the months leading up to the assassination, including an anti-Castro group, the DRE, which was linked to the CIA, where the liaison, Joannides, worked in 1963. Chief Counsel Blakey later stated that Joannides, instead, should have been interviewed by the Committee, rather than serving as a gatekeeper to the CIA's evidence and files regarding the assassination. He further disregarded and suspected all the CIA's statements and representations to the Committee, accusing it of obstruction of justice. [4]

The HSCA made several accusations of deficiency against the FBI and CIA.[7] The accusations encompassed organizational failures, miscommunication, and a desire to keep certain parts of their operations secret. Furthermore, the Warren Commission expected these agencies to be forthcoming with any information that would aid their investigation. But the FBI and CIA only saw it as their duty to respond to specific requests for information from the commission. However, the HSCA found the FBI and CIA were deficient in performing even that limited role.


What is the common thread with this death and the other two Kennedy assassinations? Would it be that these deaths force us to ask the question; what kind of country is this, where people who are representing the common man and are running for office or who are in office can be assassinated? 

Why was there such a feeling of loss on a VERY deep level when John F Kennedy was lost, no matter how it happened, whether it was one magic bullet, 3 bullets or a dozen assassins? Could it be that when John Kennedy was lost, everyone felt the death of a piece of the soul of America? The argument over details is important, but what is more important is actually in a completely different direction, which is glossed over by all of the different arguments about what happened and who was responsible. 

The Kennedy's represent the truly selfless service, common man, bottoms up, democratic values that reside in the hearts, minds and souls of most people, not just in America, but all around the world. When a person is lost who represents the common man, such as the three Kennedy's did, what is the consequence? The Kennedy's represented the symbolic and brightest REAL hope for a sustainable future of humanity. Their goal was a cessation of all war, the destruction of all nuclear weapons and the bringing back of the gold standard, plus elimination of fiat currency. None of those things happened.


The opposite of what the Kennedy's stood for came into force and took power right after their lives were snuffed out. The loss of the Kennedy's is not just a symbolic loss. This loss of peace, of goodness, of representing all people is something that still affects all Americans, and indeed people all around the world. The loss of one Kennedy after another is symbolic of evil triumphing over good, darkness winning against light, deception and secrecy asserting itself over freedom, openness and transparency, war winning over peace, violence succeeding over kindness, bullets snuffing out life, hate plus fear winning over love, absolute power winning over justice, and the 1% controlling the 99%. 

Why is it that the public polls consistently say that America is going in the wrong direction? Could it be that when multiple good, kind hearted leaders and noble princes are killed, and despotic ones take over who are all about the money, and not about the people's business, then that has a huge impact, on everyone's lives, not just in the US, but also globally? The US is supposed to be the beacon on the hill.. Does the statue of Liberty saying still stand for what the Kennedy's represented? 

Give me your tired, your poor,
Your huddled masses yearning to breathe free;
The wretched refuse of your teeming shore,
Send these, the homeless,
Tempest-tossed to me
I lift my lamp beside the golden door!

Assassinations cannot kill the spirit. The truth cannot be covered up forever. Killing cannot put out out the flame of love in the hearts of humanity. Violence will not bring in peace and harmony. Bullets are not the answer for disagreements or differences of opinion and religion. Money cannot be substituted for happiness. Power corrupts, but absolute power corrupts absolutely; physically, emotionally, mentally and spiritually. These may be some of the many lessons that the sacrifices offered by the lives of the Kennedy's present to us. 


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