Project Gnome - Underground Nuclear Bomb Test In Salt Mine Like WIPP, Built To Contain All Radiation, Leaked Anyway

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Project Gnome - Underground Nuclear Bomb Test In Salt Mine Like WIPP, Built To Contain All Radiation, Leaked Anyway

"This video contains footage different from that shown in video number 0800028, and includes an introduction by Dr. Edward Teller, one of the few times he was captured on film. Several long-range and close-up views of surface effects from the detonation are shown as well as people reentering the detonation cavity approximately 6 months after the test when the underground cavity was opened to both official observers and members of the press. No other Operation Nougat footage is shown in this video."

Project Gnome

From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Project Gnome
Nougat Gnome.jpg
A man (arrowed) standing in the cavity created by the Gnome detonation
CountryUnited States
Test seriesOperation Nougat
Operation Plowshare
Test siteGnome Site
DateDecember 10, 1961
Test typeUnderground
Yield3.1 kt
Gnome Site
CountryUnited States
StateNew Mexico
Nearest cityLoving, New Mexico
Geographic featuresMescalero Sands, Centinela Mound
Location14.5 km east of the Pecos River
 - elevation1,037 m (3,402 ft)
 - coordinates32°15′45″N 103°51′55.1″W
GeologyPermian, Salado Formation
For publicOpen
Easiest accessNew Mexico State Road 128
Project Gnome was the first nuclear test of the Plowshare program and was the first continental nuclear weapon test since Trinity to be conducted outside of the Nevada Test Site. It was tested in southeastern New Mexico, approximately 40 km (25 mi) southeast of Carlsbad, New Mexico.


First announced in 1958, Gnome was delayed by the testing moratorium between the United States and the Soviet Union that lasted from November, 1958, until September, 1961, when the Soviet Union resumed nuclear testing, thus ending the moratorium.

The site selected for Gnome is located roughly 40 km (25 mi) southeast of Carlsbad, New Mexico, in an area of salt and potash mines along with oil and gas wells.[1]
Unlike most nuclear tests which were focused on weapon development, Shot Gnome was designed to focus on scientific experiments:
  • "Study the possibility of converting the heat produced by a nuclear explosion into steam for the production of electric power."[2]
  • "Explore the feasibility of recovering radioisotopes for scientific and industrial applications."[3]
  • "Use the high flux of neutrons produced by the detonation for a variety of measurements that would contribute to the scientific knowledge in general and to the reactor development program in particular."[4]
  • (generate natural gas to be sold to consumers via nuclear fracking - this was done for a period, until the gas was found to be too radioactive for consumption)
It was learned during the 1957 Plumbbob-Rainier tests that an underground nuclear detonation created large quantities of heat as well as radioisotopes but most would quickly become trapped in the molten rock and unusable as the rock resolidifed. For this reason, it was decided that Gnome would be detonated inside a bedded rock salt dome.

The plan was to then pipe water through the molten salt and use the steam generated to produce electricity. The hardened salt could be subsequently dissolved in water in order to extract the radioisotopes. Gnome was considered extremely important to the future of nuclear science because it could show that nuclear weapons might be used in peaceful applications. The Atomic Energy Commission invited representatives from various nations, the U.N., the media, interested scientists and some Carlsbad residents.[5] 
While Gnome is considered the first test of the Plowshare program, it was also part of the Vela program, which was established in order to improve the ability of the United States to detect underground and high altitude nuclear detonations. Vela Uniform was the phase of the program concerned with underground testing. Everything from seismic signals, radiation, ground wave patterns, electromagnetic pulse, and acoustic measurements were studied at Gnome under Vela Uniform.[6]

Gnome shot and after-effects

Geological section at the Gnome site.
Gnome was placed 361 m (1,184 ft) underground at the end of a 340 m (1,115 ft) tunnel that was supposed to be self-sealing upon detonation. Gnome was detonated on 10 December 1961, with a yield of 3.1 kilotons.

Even though the Gnome shot was supposed to seal itself, the plan did NOT work. Two to three minutes after detonation, smoke and steam began to rise from the shaft. Consequently, radiation was released and detected off site..[7] The cavity volume was calculated to be 28,000 ±2,800 cubic meters with an average radius of 17.4m in the lower portion measured.[8]
The Gnome detonation created a cavity 20 m (66 ft) wide and 50 m (164 ft) high with a floor of melted rock and salt which trapped most of the radiation.[9] A new shaft was drilled near the original and on 17 May 1962, mining crews entered the Gnome Cavity. Even though almost six months had passed since the detonation, the temperature inside the cavity was still around 140° Fahrenheit (60° Celsius). Inside, they found stalactites made of melted salt as well as the walls of the cavity covered in salt.[10] The intense radiation of the detonation colored the salt multiple shades of blue, green, and violet.[2]
Today, all that exists to show what occurred at Gnome is a small concrete monument with two weathered and slightly vandalized plaques.

Monument at the Project Gnome site in March 2004

Defense Nuclear Agency, Projects Gnome and Sedan: The Plowshare Program, (Washington D.C.:

It is worth noting that despite the promises made by the military and nuclear experts that the salt mine would not 'leak' any harmful radiation, it did, in more than one way. First, the nuclear blast came out of the ground and radiation was released, contrary to the assurances of both the regulators, military and nuclear experts. There is no way that this site was 'safe' to enter in the time spans indicated in the above pro nuclear propaganda video. More than likely, huge amounts of radiation were vented to the surface via air vents and fans. 

This radioactive plume of hot particles and radioactive gases such as iodine, xenon and more, all went downwind and exposed countless millions of people to hazardous radiation as it circled the globe, despite the claims that it was 'safe' and 'harmless'. Now these same 'experts' are assuring and promising that the WIPP salt mine nuclear waste storage facility near this location, will never leak radiation for 10,000 years, despite high level radioactive wastes being dumped down there in an ad hoc, haphazard, non planned and illegal manner by the DOE.

Radioactive Plutonium Plume Coming Out of New Mexico's WIPP – Geological Nuclear Radioactive Waste Isolation Pilot Plant; via @AGreenRoad

WIPP is a pilot project nuclear waste storage facility designed, permitted and approved for ONLY low level waste.. So how did large amounts of high level waste get into it? And how did it have an uncontrolled release of radiation (possible explosion) happen inside of it, before it was even done being filled up? And why did the DOE and WIPP managers cover this up for six days before announcing it?

WIPP Ventilation System 'Unstable', Possibly Due To Underground Explosion, Another Explosion Possible AT ANY TIME via @AGreenRoad

Individual accounts share that miners went into that huge nuclear blast cave and were exposed to large amounts of radiation. Those miners were not warned, nor were any radiation readings taken afterwards to see how much radiation they had breathed in, absorbed or had on their clothing. Miners were not monitored after they entered this nuclear blast cave for health effects. None of the miners were compensated for radiation damage or deaths.

One important thing to understand is that this nuclear blast hole filled up with water after the explosion and that 'steam' came up out of this supposedly 'dry' salt cave. Salt is not 'dry', and the area is full of underground streams, brine lakes and water flows. Despite an initial 'appearance' of dry salt mines, they are not dry, and the WIPP facility is no exception.

Numerous, Severe Geological Problems Identified At WIPP Site, DOE Went Ahead Anyway With Illegal High Level Waste; via @AGreenRoad

The water inside this huge nuclear blast cavern does not just sit there; it 'travels'. Where it ends up as radiation contaminated water is anyone's guess, but that also seems to be the plan for WIPP as well, since it has already had more than one water leak, and it sits on top of a brine lake that is 200 feet below it. Does it seem odd that the water wells drilled all around this test site never reported any results? Could it be that radiation was detected in one or more of them after the explosion, so they did not report that?

Long Term Storage Of Nuclear Fuel, Nuclear Waste Problems/Issues

In addition, oil and gas deposits are also below WIPP, and over 100 drilling rigs are located within 1 mile of WIPP. Does this sound like WIPP is taking all possible precautions to prevent an accidental puncture, water leak or hole? WIPP is also located near enough to the Pecos River, that radioactive water from WIPP could eventually reach it. 

"The relevance of this video, and the record of underground nuclear testing at Carlsbad is made much clearer when you consider the amount of other activity taking place in the Carlsbad area, in close proximity to the WIPP facility. As well as the legacy of underground blast caverns, there are numerous active and abandoned mines for various minerals, a vast number of abandoned drill sites the dimensions of which may or may not be recorded in detail, a host of high pressure water injection points for increasing the availability of oil, and hundreds of oil and gas wells, many of which are within a stone’s throw of WIPP. Some of the facilities are detailed in the Google Earth images. (click on pictures to enlarge them).

The neutron emissions measured at Project Gnome were in part used for the later manufacturing and testing of neutron bombs, an even more deadly and insane device than the atomic bombs.

Plutonium - Several Compounds Of This Toxic, Radioactive Heavy Metal Are Pyrophoric And Burn When Exposed To Air; via @AGreenRoad

Natural gas from around this blast site was generated and sold to consumers until it was discovered that it was too radioactive. 

The peaceful use of the atom was considered a 'noble' cause back during the Cold War. But could it be that the nuclear scientists back then were suffering from a guilt complex, after having caused the deaths of tens of thousands of civilians in Japan via Nagasaki and Hiroshima? Purely military targets without civilians present were available. Why were civilian cities chosen instead? What is the best way to feel better and try to get rid of guilt, than to figure out ways that nuclear power can 'benefit' humanity?

Teller's plans were huge, just the same as nuclear expert's plans are today.. space travel, cars and homes powered by nuclear power, drilling for oil/gas, digging canals, excavating lakes, implanting nuclear pace makers, and much more. Even radioactive drinks were encouraged, such as radium water. Everything radioactive was seen as something positive, bright and hopeful back then. Since then, things have changed, slowly, but surely. A lie can and does travel far, before truth even gets out of the door. 

Radium; The Epic Story; via @AGreenRoad

Rachel Maddow - Hormesis Promoting Republican Art Robinson Wants To Sprinkle Radioactive Waste From Airplanes Over Cities? via @AGreenRoad

Since the Cold War false promises of the cheap, free, clean and green era, nuclear power has turned into a nightmare of low dose radiation caused cancers, birth defects and diseases including but not limited to heart disease, heart attacks, diabetes, leukemia, ALS, and many more. But that is another story that can be pursued via the links below.

For more local information and how to make a positive difference around WIPP and get more involved: 

Southwest Research and Information Center. (505) 262-1862. 

Citizens for Alternatives to Radioactive Dumping. (505) 266-2663. 

Concerned Citizen for Nuclear Safety. (505) 986-1973. 

Nuclear Watch New Mexico. (505) 989-7342.


Project Gnome - Underground Nuclear Bomb Test In Salt Mine Like WIPP, Built To Contain All Radiation, Leaked Anyway; via @AGreenRoad

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