Fukushima Workers 'Allowed' 250 mSv/yr, Compared To 20 mSv/yr For US Nuclear Industry Workers

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Fukushima Workers 'Allowed' 250 mSv/yr, Compared To 20 mSv/yr For US Nuclear Industry Workers

What are Fukushima nuclear workers REALLY exposed to as far as radiation? This article will explore, detail and document the various methods used to cover up, deny, minimize and conceal the real radiation exposure of workers at Fukushima.


Due to problems with workers reaching their limits of annual radiation exposure very quickly, and issues with getting new workers to replace the old, the solution was found. Raise the limits by 500 times.

Telegraph: Tepco raised “safe” radiation exposure limits at Fukushima plant to over 500 times original level — From 180cpm to 100,000cpm — Often reported as 2.5-fold increase

Japanese nuclear workers can be exposed to an exterior dose of 250 mSv per year, (click on link to go to source) which is Orders of Magnitude higher than the maximum 20 mSv/yr allowed for nuclear workers in the USA. 50 mSv/yr is the absolute maximum dose recommended by nuclear authorities, so Japanese nuclear workers at Fukushima are exposed to FIVE times more than this  nuclear industry 'absolute' limit. Then you have to add the interior dose.

NHK 'Emergency radiation exposure limit may be raised'
When the Fukushima Daiichi nuclear power plant was hit by meltdowns in 2011, many workers were exposed to radiation above the legal limit. As an extraordinary measure, the government had to raise the limit to 250 millisieverts, for 9 months, 3 days after the onset of the accident.
Safecast Radiation Readings From Inside Fukushima Daichi Plant Finally Revealed In Dec. 2013 - 192 uSv/Hr; via @AGreenRoad

If the Japanese government and TEPCO can subject their own workers to inhumane radiation contaminated conditions like that, it is just another very small step to civilians also being exposed to the same or even a higher radiation dose. If radiation workers can absorb 250 mSv/yr, surely a civilian child can handle 200, right? (This is sarcasm, to be very clear.)

Another source for this same information comes from CBS News; "The Ministry of Health Labor and Welfare raised the maximum allowable exposure for nuclear workers to 250 millisieverts from 100 millisieverts. It described the move as "unavoidable due to the circumstances."

Al Jazeera also reports on the 250 mSv limit in the video above. 

Other organizations such as TEPCO may have a different radiation limit that is much lower. Why are the news casters mainly talking about much lower radiation limits, when the Ministry of Health has authorized and legalized such a super high radiation limit?

It is rather odd that just about all of the more recent news out of Japan never mentions this radiation limit. Official statements and reports from TEPCO minimize the radiation exposure of workers, but at the same time, we hear stories about radiation badges being covered with lead, and worker conditions getting worse and worse, with all kinds of radiation exposure accidents.

In the US, the maximum yearly radiation exposure for nuclear plant workers is 20 mSv/yr
Fukushima Workers are 'Allowed' 250 mSv/yr

Now add on all of the following things, which can greatly increase the radiation dosage from here... 

Does this sound like a minor accident, that is only 10% of Chernobyl? 


As a first step, let's go into the first technique, which is covering up a dosimeter with a lead shield made for that purpose. Of course, not all workers wear dosimeters, as this article will detail later on.

Video; Workers at the Fukushima Daichi plant were forced to cover their dosimeters with lead shields.. Why would they force their nuclear workers to do this, when the limits on radiation exposure for nuclear workers in Japan are so high as to be ridiculous? And this problem is not just something that happened once, back in 2011, but it seems to be a problem that keeps on happening.


Asahi: Disturbing picture emerging as nuclear employees come out of the woodwork — Fukushima workers report groups clocking in with no dosimeters August 6, 2012

Here is another report from NHK, about a heavy equipment worker saying that not only did he not receive any information about radiation dangers, he also got no dosimeter.

Wouldn't you agree that for workers to illegally and secretly shield their radiation meters, the amounts of radiation where they were working had to be above a legal limit, or they were so desperate for work, that they are willing to hide their true radiation exposure and commit a form of radiation exposure suicide, just to pay a few bills? 

Combine the covering up of dosimeters, plus the under reporting of actual radiation received and not issuing dosimeters to workers in extremely high radiation areas, and what do you get?


"Tokyo Electric Power Co. underestimated internal radiation exposure of 142 workers involved in immediate emergency operations at the damaged Fukushima No. 1 nuclear power plant in March 2011, according to Japan’s Health, Labor and Welfare Ministry."


"The U.N. committee noted that workers were tested for thyroid gland doses from radioactive iodine only after a significant delay. It also said the dose assessment procedures totally ignored iodine-132 and iodine-133, which have short half-lives of 2 hours and 20 hours, respectively."


"So how, exactly, did TEPCO get readings of just 100 mSv per hour until recently when they discovered readings of 1800 mSv per hour? You won’t believe this: They were using a radiation meter that maxed out at 100 mSv."

"Tepco admitted recently that only two workers had initially been assigned to check more than 1,000 storage tanks on the site. Neither of the workers carried dosimeters to measure their exposure to radiation, and some inspections had not been properly recorded. The new radiation spike was measured at 1,800 millisieverts an hour—36 times the annual exposure Japanese regulators says workers can endure."

In the above story, all workers getting around the on site water storage tanks that emit huge amounts of gamma radiation are being exposed to up to 1,800 mSv/hr which can be fatal within 4 hours. But the workers are led to believe that they are safe, because the meter is reading only 100 mSv/hr, and they carry no dosimeters, as of 2013, TWO YEARS after the mega nuclear disaster happened. This all by itself is an indication of massive fraud, cover up and lies around this the worker radiation dosage issue. But, no surprise, this is all too common after every nuclear disaster.


Dosimeters Only Measure 1/7th Of True Radiation Levels On Average; via @AGreenRoad

Dosimeters only measure a small fraction of the actual radiation that is there. And depending on the make and model, it can be much worse.. Cover it with lead, and that makes the recorded radiation dose MUCH lower. It is even possible to 'calibrate' these dosimeters to show MUCH less radiation, in the same way that radiation meters peg out at 100 mSv/hr.

Assuming this is happening with the dosimeters that all workers are supposed to wear, how much radiation are workers REALLY being exposed to, compared to what is being 'reported' or calculated by lead shielded dosimeters or computer models and estimates for workers not wearing any at all? Just with the one 'trick' of meters maxing out at 100 mSv, workers are being exposed to 1,800% more DEADLY gamma radiation than the meters are recording.

The difference between appearance that TEPCO offers via press releases and reality is provided in the following video, which interviewed workers directly, despite their secrecy agreements.

Another issue is that neutron radiation is not picked up by dosimeters or Geiger Counters, and neither are hot particles. Radioactive gases plus hot particles are more hazards. In addition, plutonium, americium and uranium are alpha radiation emitters. One has to measure that radiation within 1 inch of the ground to detect it. Walking around with a meter held chest high, one misses all alpha radiation completely, which is the weakness with all of these 'official' measurements done from the air or chest high. The result of missing these alpha emitting isotopes, added on top of the inefficiency of the detectors, results in the radiation readings for worker exposure always being way too low, by orders of magnitude.

This also happens to civilians who are being moved back into radiation contaminated areas.

2014 - Japanese Government Moving People Into Areas with Up To 10 Times Maximum Nuclear Workers Annual Radiation Exposure Limit; via @AGreenRoad


Now add to the above that the training that at least some of these radiation workers receive consists of a couple hours of indoctrination on the harmlessness of radiation, how Fukushima is safe, and that no radiation can harm them. Then these new recruits are forced to sign a consent form, a secrecy agreement and swear to never talk to anyone about anything around Fukushima. What is it with all of this secrecy? If everything being done in site is so legal and above board and everyone there is a hero, why is TEPCO acting like spies and secret agents, skulking around in the darkness? 

Signing a consent form does not mean much if they are not honestly told about the risks of radiation. Calculating radiation doses means nothing if the workers are given meters that peg out at low radiation levels, that are less than 5% of what they are actually being exposed to.


Fukushima workers “undergoing treatment for radiation exposure” — Tepco: “6 people have been irradiated… big mistakes like this continue to happen again and again… essential that we put something in place to stop this” 

Contamination sprayed on men at Fukushima plant — Alarm sounds over radioactivity levels — Worker: They never told us Reactor 3 building was steaming, “I found out about it on TV”

Tepco “deeply apologizes for mistake” — Admits ‘sprayed’ Fukushima workers actually exposed to 5 times ‘safe’ radiation limit — Radioactive dust to blame, not water spray?


The truth is not getting out about how bad things really are at Fukushima Daichi. Despite this huge coverup and swearing everyone involved to secrecy, plus passing a secrets act that makes it a crime to talk about anything nuclear, bottom line, TEPCO is having more and more difficulty recruiting workers. They are so desperate, they are now getting the homeless to work there. Of course, the news is slowly leaking out that just visiting Fukushima may be very hazardous. 5,000 nuclear workers who visited the site are suffering from internal radiation exposure. 

Could it be that many more workers are dying than the authorities are admitting to? Officially, the authorities are trying to claim that not one person has died, despite these extremely high radiation levels and constant radiation accidents, spills and super high exposure levels, documented internal radiation exposure, plus incidents such as a worker getting exposed to 20 Sieverts gamma radiation and then dying from leukemia. 

August 30th, 2011

Of course, this case of leukemia has nothing to do with high radiation exposure and all those workers dropping dead of heart attacks and cancers also have nothing to do with Fukushima. (sarcasm)

200 To 4,000 Missing TEPCO Nuclear Plant Workers - Where Did They Disappear To? via @AGreenRoad

One Million + Fukushima Worker And Civilian Radiation Contamination Deaths Totally Covered Up?

Before December of 2012, TEPCO would not admit that ANY workers had been exposed to radiation above 100 millisieverts. However, "TEPCO reported to the World Health Organization in December that (only) 178 workers at the plant were believed to have received radiation doses to their thyroid glands above 100 millisieverts." Out of the tens of thousands of workers who went through this plant and who all were exposed to 'hot particles', gases as well as intense radiation on a daily basis, only 178 had a radiation exposure that equaled 100 chest X rays. 

This was so laughably ridiculous, that someone up higher in the food chain told TEPCO that they had to redo this and come up with a 'better number'. So TEPCO came back and corrected their analysis. Now they report that 2,000 workers may have been exposed to radiation, sufficient to increase their chances of thyroid cancer. Still, they are NOT admitting that a single employee got cancer due to Fukushima, and not a single employee has died due to working there in that intense radiation disaster. 


Given the dropping pay, worse working conditions and extremely high radiation, plus extreme health risks, is it any surprise that the numbers of workers on site has been dropping over the years, since 3/11?

In November, 2012; "A TEPCO spokesman said while they need 11,700 workers this year, 24,300 are registered to work at the Fukushima Daiichi plant. The spokesman said there is no shortage of workers"

Reuters asks an official about the sub human working conditions, pay skimming, and lower than minimum wages being paid at Fukushima in video above.

But by March 18th, 2014 NYTimes: Crisis underway at Fukushima plant, worker shortage — “Alcoholism is rampant” — Tepco base is selling the whiskey — Help wanted ad seeks employees “able to carry out a conversation” — Workers spray hose full of radioactive waste on themselves and others (VIDEO)

In summary, things seem to be going from bad to worse in all ways at the Fukushima plant. It is no surprise that things keep breaking and that the water treatment plant is no longer 'cleaning' the water, and there are no plans to even fix it, as of 3/29/2004. The Yakuza mob still seems to be in control despite Japanese government assurances that this will be 'cleaned up'.

Documentary Movie; "Nuclear Ginza" - Japanese Nuclear Industry Horrors; via @AGreenRoad

We are asking for donations of more duct tape, baling wire and plastic sheeting, (sarcasm) since that is what seems to be symbolic of the level of concern for workers, for the environment, for their Japanese citizens, and for everyone around the world in general by the Japanese government, TEPCO and everyone involved with Fukushima. How much worse can it get than a totally out of control emergency? 


Fukushima Workers 'Allowed' 250 mSv/yr, Compared To 20 mSv/yr For US Nuclear Industry Workers; via @AGreenRoad

For more articles on nuclear worker conditions at Fukushima; 

Fukushima Decommissioning Worker Conditions Deteriorating; via @AGreenRoad

Fukushima Lies Movie Part I and II; via @AGreenRoad

2014 - Japanese Government Moving People Into Areas with Up To 10 Times Maximum Nuclear Workers Annual Radiation Exposure Limit; via @AGreenRoad

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