Background Radiation Has Increased 600 Percent - 1 mSv In 1950 To over 6 mSv In 2014; Where Is This Coming From?

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Background Radiation Has Increased 600 Percent - 1 mSv In 1950 To over 6 mSv In 2014; Where Is This Coming From?

Dr. Chris Busby and other nuclear professionals discuss how the background radiation is increasing all over the globe due to the huge radiation releases, leaks and nuclear plant accidents year after year of radioactive man made elements.

The 'maximum' radiation no civilian should be exposed to has now been raised by orders of magnitude since 1975, to a whopping 1 m/Sv per year. But even this is not enough, because Fukushima released an estimated 50 times the radiation of Chernobyl, thus massively increasing the background radiation globally, and especially in Japan. But the general allowed maximum background level does not include the above amounts which can be found in contaminated foods and drinks. 

The increase in background radiation documented below is due to DU weapons, nuclear plant accidents, plutonium releases, uranium mining and many other sources, most of which are kept secret, hidden or covered up.

A short movie clip from the movie On The Beach, about background radiation increasing.. This is pretty close to how concerned we all SHOULD be about background radiation levels increasing, but the nuclear industry has done a really good PR job of making everyone very comfortable with a global increase of 60,000% in background radiation, since the beginning of the atomic age. 

Nuke Professional talks about how much of the 'figuring' about 'natural' background radiation is actually a lie.. He provides a very simple, easy to read pie graph and explains how this lie works..

Bottom line, 'natural' background radiation has not increased over time. If anything, due to the decaying radioactive elements, the background radiation should slowly be going down and reducing over time.


Via Bill Duff November 10, 2014  Contaminated air masses from Fukushima, globally enhanced airborne 137Cs levels by 2 to 3 orders of magnitude
Environmental Science & Technology (American Chemical Society), Published Sept. 3, 2013: Size Distributions of Airborne Radionuclides from the Fukushima Nuclear Accident at Several Places in Europe [...] Before the FDNPP accident, average 137Cs levels were typically of 1 μBq m−3 in Central Europe and lower average values

The massive amounts of radiation released from nuclear plants, nuclear bomb tests, mines, DU weapons, and more does not magically disappear. 

Via Dick S November 10, 2014 "Does anyone know what the contents are, by weight, of the actinides within standard fuel rods. This should give us the approximate proportions of what is being released into the Pacific Ocean. We will also have to look at the effect of mox fuel entering the ocean."

Via stock November 10, 2014: the NRC provided the data to me for non MOX. I put it in this spreadsheet, enjoy, repost and use as you will, but credit to Nukepro on each use. I am missing the uranium and the Xenon, so these are conservative. Bottom line; 270 Bq/m3 in the entire Pacific, if it mixed evenly but it doesn't. Most stays in top 200 feet, less than .1% goes below 1,000 feet. So figure 1,000 to 2,000 Bq/m3 in the top 200 foot bio layer of the Pacific."

2014 Update - Total Fukushima Radiation Released Into Ocean, Air, Groundwater, Storage Tanks, etc; via @AGreenRoad

Radiation coming from man made, artificial radioactive elements, such as strontium, plutonium, cesium, uranium and about 1,200 other elements that come out of a nuclear reactor, spills, accidents, open air nuclear bomb tests and mines, plus medical uses of radiation all goes into the air, water and soil, which makes up background radiation. Just the one example above shows how background radiation increases..


Via i know March 26, 2014 


- 1950’s, average background radiation went > 1 mSv (max. public limit for radiation exposure)

- 1960's, Due to 2,400 open air atomic bomb tests radioactive fallout, > 2 mSv 

- 1994, average background radiation, Chernobyl, TMI, other accidents and dumping; > 3 mSv

- 2002, average background radiation, more accidents, spills, ocean/air dumping > 3.6 mSv

- 2014, average background radiation, Fukushima mega disaster and more dumping > 6.2 mSv (max. limit for public has been raised 600%)
…the average annual radiation dose per person in the U.S. is 620 millirem (6.2 milliSieverts)."


What would have made the background radiation jump up like that between 2002 and 2014?  Here is one possibility;

Event                      Peak Ocean Radiation Reading In Bq/m³

2,400 Nuclear weapons testing peak -                 100 Bq/m³
Chernobyl caused a peak reading of -              1,000 Bq/m³
Fukushima caused a peak reading of - 180,000,000 Bq/m³

Chernobyl was around ten times worse than 2,400 nuclear bombs going off.

Fukushima was around 180,000 times worse than 2,400 nuclear bombs going off.

2014 - Fukushima Ocean Radiation Compared To Chernobyl and 2,400 Open Air Nuclear Bomb Tests; via @AGreenRoad


Experts: Fukushima ‘globally enhanced’ cesium-137 levels in air by 2 to 3 orders of magnitude — Radioactive plume that reached Europe “contaminated the land, and as a consequence the whole food chain” — Concentrations greatly underestimated

It turns out that the radiation amounts estimated in the 'official' expert reports were grossly deficient, but that is how it works with every nuclear accident. The real figures are much higher, as shown by the chart and studies above.


vital1 November 17, 2014 Caloundra (Queensland Australia) 16th November 2014 –

There has been a general increase in background levels here over the last few days. It was 43% above pre-Fukushima average levels on the 16th. No rain, it was a clear fine day, so this was a free air increase.

Background levels so far this November are still less volatile than November 2012

and November 2013

This is the first time since March 2014 that background levels have reached this monitoring stations first Alert Level.


All of the above doses are external ONLY. Now one has to add the internal radiation exposure, which is .28 mSv exposure per year, just from food and water radiation contamination, and this figure can go much higher, depending on if the food is grown in a radiation contaminated area.

Fukushima Farmers Growing Food In Radioactively Contaminated Lands, Then Exporting It, Won't Eat It Themselves; via @AGreenRoad

Remember that 70% of all radiation coming into the body is INTERNAL and it bio accumulates over time, even if the levels of man made radiation coming in is fairly low, such as 10 to 50 Bq/kg. It may take several years to build up to toxic health damaging levels, but if the radiation keeps coming in over time on a constant basis, bioaccumulation is something that can be counted on. 

Chelation methods are possible and work to some extent, but the best solution is to quit eating radiation contaminated foods/drinks and/or move out of the radiation contaminated areas. 


Gov’t officials are withholding Fukushima radiation data — Levels much higher than expected — Releasing numbers would “have a huge impact” — Over 2,000 millisieverts per year where residents are being encouraged to return
"The new results, however, were significantly higher than expected, with the largest gap coming in Kawauchi. There, the Cabinet Office team had predicted radiation doses of 1-2 millisieverts per day, but the data showed doses at between 2.6 and 6.6 millisieverts."

First the Japanese government covered up, lied about and hid the high radiation levels resulting from the Fukushima mega disaster. Now the pro nuclear 'experts' are claiming that radiation is safe and are moving people back into radiation contaminated areas that are more radiation contaminated that the radiation exclusion zones around Chernobyl, while claiming that this is 'safe'. Is it really?

What does a 2,000 mSv per year external exposure mean (no internal radiation included)? For that we have to consult a radiation interpretation chart. This "Radiation Dose Chart" was compiled by Randall Munroe, with assistance from Ellen, Senior Reactor Operator at the REED Research Reactor.

Radiation Dose Chart

2,000 mSv per year = 2 Sieverts per year according to the above chart is FATAL over time, especially for children, who are up to 2,000 times more sensitive to the same dose.

What is very clear from scientific and medical research done all around the world, is that as infant deaths and cancers increase, the background radiation dose also increases.

Low Dose Radiation Dangers/Symptoms For Children And Adults

German study on infants and effects of increasing background radiation

The authorities and news media responsible for this news report, retracted the above radiation figures and said that they made a 'mistake'; Now they are saying that they actually meant that 2.6 to 6.6 was the mSv dose per year. It seems like all of their figures keep changing up and down, and 'mistakes' are just an everyday thing. No one can count on anything the nuclear 'experts' say, especially for radiation figures. 

Economist: “Enormous spread of radiation” — Levels so high in hills of Iitate that locals dare not go near — 150 millisieverts/yr outside official’s home
"Outside Mr Sato's house, however, a reading of the equivalent of 150 millisieverts a year left your correspondent strangely reluctant to inhale."

Assuming the reading in a decontaminated downtown area is 150 mSv per year, what is the radiation reading up in the hills, where "no one dares to go"? Could the radiation in the hills where no decontamination work has been done be ten times as high, or 1,500 to 2,000 mSv per year? The only way to tell is to go there yourself and walk around with a radiation meter. But by all appearances, both the pro nuclear press and the nuclear 'experts' seem to keep getting caught in the web of their own lies. 

From PubMed published study; "Based on the measured density of radionuclides at the highest contamination location during the present survey, an exposure rate of about 200 μGy h (0.2 mSv) at 1 m above the ground was estimated at the time of the radioactive deposition on March 15. At this location, the cumulative exposure would reach 50 mGy (50mSv) in the middle of May 2011" March to May = 3 months = 50 mSv, so 3 months x 4 = 200 mSv per year, correct?

Fukushima - (PanOrient News) Greenpeace radiation experts said they have confirmed radiation levels of up to ten micro Sieverts per hour (10.000 µSv) in Iitate village, 40 km northwest of the crisis-stricken Fukushima/Daiichi nuclear plant, and 20 km beyond the official evacuation zone, and these levels are high enough to require evacuation, the group said in a statement.


So what is the real radiation reading in Iitate - Mura? The widely varying hourly or daily radiation readings itemized above were converted to annual radiation totals and put in a chart form below; 

Source                           Annual Amount

Cabinet Office Team             2.2 - 6.6 mSv/yr
GreenPeace 10 µSv/hr =     87.66 mSv/yr
Economist article -             150 mSv/yr radiation reading in town, MUCH higher out of town
PubMed Study -                 200 mSv/yr documented in scientific study
Cabinet Office Team        2,000 mSv/yr (later said it was a 'mistake')

Limit for nuclear workers     20 mSv/year

Avg. Yr. max dose for civilians 
(0.71 uSv/hr)    1 mSv/year (depends on country)

Rec. maximum yr. dose         50 mSv/year (5.7 uSv/hour)
 (last 3 figures per American Nuclear Society)

In the documented evidence and reports above, you can see radiation readings or reports all the way from 2.2 mSv to 2,000 mSv per year, so take your pick.. who knows what the real radiation reading really is in Iitate - Mura? This one small example of differing radiation figures shows how confusion and chaos reigns during and after a nuclear disaster, even up to 3 years later.

The truth of radiation levels in town is probably between 87 to 200 mSv/yr, which is way above the industry maximum for nuclear workers at nuclear facilities of 20 mSv/yr, and four times higher than the 50 mSv/yr absolute maximum dose ANYONE should get per year, according to the American Nuclear Society. Bottom line, this town should be evacuated, not have people invited to come back and live in it, as the Japanese government and nuclear industry are doing.

This example also illustrates why every family should buy a high quality pancake style Geiger Counter. That way, you never have to trust anyone, and you can just take your own radiation reading. The truth is really very simple. Trust your own Geiger Counter. If calibrated correctly, it will not lie to you, but many other people will, because Billions to Trillions of dollars are at stake. Human lives are cheap by comparison. Would it be possible to sacrifice 30 million people just to keep the nuclear industry alive? Find out....

Tokyo; Is It Safe To Visit or Live In? via @AGreenRoad

But if one had to figure out what was going on in Japan, it sure looks like the current pro nuclear government and nuclear industry are both downplaying/denying/minimizing just about all official radiation figures, because everyone but the government and nuclear experts are coming in at many orders of magnitude higher radiation readings than the 'officials' are, unless of course, they are really getting a 2,000 mSv/yr reading up there in the forests above town, that is. 


We have explored and explained the external dose and what effect it has. Now let's explore internal radiation doses and the government action levels..

The above seafood radiation statistics were considered to be 'normal' back in 1975, after many years of open air nuclear testing. The total amount per person eating seafood was measured in millirem per year. As you can see the total maximum of .1 millirem per year, which equals 0.001 m/Sv/yr. Of course, this amount was raised exponentially higher as the nuclear industry continued to pour nuclear garbage into the global air, oceans, rivers, water and soil, year after year. In Japan the maximum allowed level in solid seafood is now 100 Bq/kg, and in the US it has been raised to 1,200 Bq/kg.


According to Wikispaces; the "EPA has established a maximum contaminant level of 4 millirem per year for beta particle and photon radioactivity from man-made radionuclide's in drinking water (and other liquids as shown below)


Iodine-131 =                                                                  3piC/L                                        0.11 Bq/L
Cesium-137 =                                                           200 picocuries/L                             7.41 Bq/L
Stronium-90 =                                                              8 picocuries/L                             0.30 Bq/L
Technetium-99 =                                                       900 picocuries/L                           33.3 Bq/L
Tritium =                                                               20,000 picocuries/L                      741 Bq/L 
Uranium-238 =                                                     30 µg/L (micrograms/liter)
Iodine-129 =                                                               3 picocuries/L                                0.11 Bq/L
Milk =                                                                                            170 Bq/kg of iodine-131

The problem with all of these supposedly 'legal' amounts of different kinds of radiation (which must all be added together by the way), is that children start having health problems at much lower radiation amounts, as shown by these medical and scientific studies.

Now add together the 1,200 Bq/kg in solid food, and the above radiation amounts in liquids and you can see how kids especially will start having all kinds of health problems, just from 'legal' and allowed 'background' radiation in foods and drinks. 

As Little As 10-30 Bq/kg of Cesium Radiation In Kids Causes Health Problems; via @AGreenRoad 

A massive amount of radiation was dumped into the Pacific after 3/11, by the Fukushima mega nuclear disaster. What effect will this have on kids' health?

Fukushima; Pacific Ocean Catastrophe Confirmed; via @AGreenRoad


As you can see, the 'action levels' of internal radiation for infants and children are close to 2,000 Bq/liter and over 1,200 Bq/kg in foods (US action level), so these radiation sources must all added to the external dose. Man made radioactive elements build up in the body and bio accumulate and are not excreted. For children, permanent damage occurs at between 10-50 Bq/kg internal radiation dose. Click on the link below to find out how and why this happens.

As Little As 10-30 Bq/kg of Cesium Radiation In Kids Causes Health Problems; via @AGreenRoad

If one starts with a 84-200 mSv per year external dose, and then one adds on the above internal radiation that keeps bio concentrating up the food chain and then accumulating in children over time at legal radiation levels of 1,000 Bq/kg inside the food, what do you think the effect will be? It is impossible to have just external radiation exposure at the levels seen in Iwate, without also getting internal radiation contamination via many routes.

Low Level Nuclear Radiation In Food And Water, Geiger Counters

Effects Of Internal Low Level Nuclear Radiation

This level of 84-200 mSv per year external radiation, plus an unknown internal radiation dose on top of that is what the Japanese government is sending their kids and families back into. The pro nuclear industry apologists and Japanese government are claiming that this is all 'safe'. Much of Japan is just like this example.


But this one nuclear industry sponsored insanity and Catch 22 example is not an isolated incident at just one location. This same type of thing is happening GLOBALLY, all over the world, in many heavily radiation contaminated places, many of which the US military or government is responsible for creating. What follows is just another example, which is the very tip of the iceberg, if you care to dive into this further. 

In the video above, man made heavy metal poisons plus radiation from things such as depleted uranium have caused 80 percent of all babies in Fallujah Iraq to look like horrible Dr. Frankenstein genetic science experiments gone wrong.  The nuclear industry and US military response is that the DU dust is safe enough to eat for breakfast and has no measurable health effects. DU dust is present in many US cities and towns, because DU weapons are 'tested' and used everywhere.

Dr. Rokke Former Military Reveals Dangers Of DU Dust; via @AGreenRoad


The Canadian nuclear safety commission held a live broadcast, (video above). John Barrett was one of the many pro nuclear apologists who claimed radiation coming out of nuclear power plants is no different than background radiation, which is patently false and absurd. If you care to find out more about this global coverup around the dangers of low dose radiation, click on this link...

Global Corporations And The 1%; Art And Science Of Deception

John Barrett stabbed all Canadians, all children specifically and even his own family in the back. The Canadian Nuclear Safety Commission during the live broadcast also stabbed children in the back, because they never reminded or corrected John Barrett misrepresentation/diluting of the facts by comparing inappropriate natural background radiation to man made plutonium and 1,200 other isotopes/elements such as radioactive Iodine.

The Canadian Nuclear Safety Commission acted as a moderator, and they never corrected any of these fabrications and lies. Globally, the nuclear regulators and agencies responsible for keeping communities safe have been compromised or taken over by the nuclear industry that they are supposed to regulate and control.

Because the regulators are not doing their jobs, it's now left up to mothers and people who care about kids to remind the world that man made radiation is POISON. But background radiation from the sun, background radiation from bananas, background radiations from potatoes, plus water or rocks are indigenous to earth. No one is concerned about those natural background kinds of radiations.

To summarize this section, what we have learned is that children are highly sensitive to radiation, 2,000 times more sensitive than adults. The problem with the pro nuclear lies is global, and we have detailed instances of the nuclear radiation danger coverup in Japan, the US and Canada, all pro nuclear industry, pro DU using, pro uranium mining, pro nuclear power plant building and exporting nations.


The pro nuclear apologists around the world all use the same playbook of lies. They love to TRY and compare man made radioactive elements with 'natural' background radiation. This deceptive practice is shown in action in the above video, and debunked in this material that follows below. 

What is natural background radiation? Is there a difference between that and man made radioactive isotopes/elements/actinides?  What is the difference between internal and external radiation? What is the difference between banana radiation and man made radiation?

Life has mostly acclimated to earths low level background radiation over millions or billions of years of evolution. But life and humans have NOT acclimated nor have any defense against man made plutonium for example, which was not present for millions of years on Earth. We have no defense against plutonium, in ANY amount, just as ONE example out of the 1,300 poisons that spew from nuclear reactor accidents and spent fuel processing plants.

For more details, click on the following links to find out more...

Radioactive Potassium In Bananas Compared To Cesium, Plutonium, Uranium And Iodine via @AGreenRoad

Radiation dangers in food and water

Bananas, rocks and sunlight are natural background radiation that has nothing to do with nuclear radiation and those things do not as a rule make 80% of babies look like Fallujah babies, or Chernobyl babies, or Fukushima babies. Sunlight does not create this problem...

Comparing Sunlight To Man Made Radioactive Elements; via @AGreenRoad

Farmers do not wear those expensive specialized nuclear radiation particle outfits and fancy microfilter radiation masks that cover the whole face to harvest potatoes, or bananas, or to make rock gardens. Natural rock radiation does not cause 80% of the kids to have birth defects and health problems at birth, but man made radioactive elements do.

Is There 'Natural' Plutonium And Are There 'Natural' Fission Reactions? via @AGreenRoad


The only people that wear radiation protection outfits and dosimeters plus full face masks are nuclear plant workers and radiation accident cleanup workers. Man made nuclear radioactive elements are supposed to be locked away for a billion years, and be kept away from all living beings. Otherwise, children are born who look like jellyfish, or they are horribly disfigured, or have other internal birth defects, mental deficiencies, etc. If man made radiation is so safe, why are they taking all of these extreme precautions and building redundant defenses into nuclear power plants?

According to Helen Caldicott MD, one POUND of plutonium (if spread around in the form of nano particle dust and inhaled equally by every person on Earth, is enough to kill all babies and all children on Earth, (and adults too). Fukushima released 600-6000 pounds of this genocidal material, and much of it traveled all around the world. One pound of bananas made into dust and inhaled will not result in anything happening.

How Dangerous Is 400-6000 Pounds Of Plutonium Nano Particle Dust Liberated By Fukushima? Via @AGreenRoad

What makes this worse is that all nuclear plants are switching to plutonium fuel and away from uranium, but it is 1,000,000 times more dangerous, toxic and unstable.


PROTECT YOUR CHILDREN. Stop this insanity. Do it for them, if not for yourself or your community. SAVE THE CHILDREN!

Dr Chris Busby is interviewed in video above by Theo Chalmers on Sky TV's "One Step Beyond" about Fallujah, Fukushima and the cover-ups over the health effects of exposure to low dose radiation that has been or is still being released from places like Chernobyl, TMI, and Fukushima, just to name a few of the hundreds of accidents and releases that happen on a regular basis.  He talks about winning lawsuits against the nuclear industry on behalf of victims. It is possible to fight back and win.


Bottom line, the 600% increase in background radiation since the beginning of the atomic age is not due to sunlight, cosmic rays, bananas, air plane flights, dental x-rays or even natural uranium rocks, which have been laying around for millions to billions of years. Most of this increase in health hazard and radiation risk is coming is from the nuclear/military and/or medical industry.

These pro nuclear apologists are supporting the mines, processes, uses, burning and then disposing of highly radioactive nuclear waste in the public commons which consists of air, water, ground, plants, animals and humans.

Nuclear Accidents, Recycling Nuclear Weapons/Fuel

Uranium Mining and Enrichment - Nuclear Bomb -Nuclear Fuel Manufacturing

Nuclear Reactor Recertification

Long Term Storage Of Nuclear Fuel, Nuclear Waste

The trend of background radiation is going up. The number of nuclear accidents is going up, not down. The radiation related accidents that are happening are getting worse by orders of magnitude, but so are the cover ups, such as Fukushima.


The trend in terms of diseases and cancer rates (caused by radiation) is going up, not down. The trend in all kinds of diseases that are caused by low dose radiation are going up, not down. It is not difficult to predict the future. Either this negative trend keeps growing, or it all ends suddenly, via something that happens about every 200 years, but which the nuclear industry is not prepared for.

Super Solar Storm To Hit Earth - 'Carrington Effect'; 400 Nuke Plants Will Melt Down/Explode; via @AGreenRoad

It is our choice. It is either time to put away all nuclear reactors and devices, or the nuclear industry/military will doom humanity to extinction, one way or another.

An amateur musician and artist put together this little dittie about background radiation.. You might enjoy it, and it ends on a positive hopeful note.


Background Radiation Has Increased 600 Percent - 1 mSv In 1950 To over 6 mSv In 2014; Where Is This Coming From?

Background Radiation Youtube Video's Playlist


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