Up to 60 Billion Planets With Life In Galaxy, Huge, Mysterious 'Interstellar' Objects That Appear To Be Machines Or Spacecraft

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Up to 60 Billion Planets With Life In Galaxy, Huge, Mysterious 'Interstellar' Objects That Appear To Be Machines Or Spacecraft

Deep Interstellar Spacecraft Mystery by Jose Escamilla
Channel rprocyon presents 'Interstellar' a short film by Jose Escamilla. Full recognition goes out to John Lenard Walson for discovering these objects, machines or entities, for developing the means to capture them and for having the integrity to get this important information out to the people. 

What appears to be very huge interstellar objects, machines or entities that also transform themselves, have been caught on camera far out in deep space. See for yourselves. Why are these not being reported on by the corporate media? 

Of course, it could all be faked, created by software and an enterprising mind bent on deceiving people. But that still leaves the question; is there other life out there, besides us? How many planets could there be out there like ours, that could potentially support life of some kind? It turns out that very recent astronomical observations have raised some very amazing and mind boggling results.


It turns out that one in five stars or suns that we see out there, just in our galaxy, have planets revolving around them that have a set of conditions that are supportive for life. According to people who do nothing but study space, this means that we may have 2 BILLION to 60 BILLION planets just in our galaxy that may support or actually have life of some kind on them. 

Two billion planets in our galaxy may be suitable for life

Billions Of Planets Could Support Life

60 Billion Alien Planets Could Support Life, Study Suggests

Remember, the studies above are focusing just on the possibility of life in our one galaxy. Our galaxy is just one of many. How many galaxies are there besides ours? Would you believe that there are 500 BILLION galaxies out there, visible to a space telescope?

"The Hubble Space Telescope site estimates there are hundreds of billions of galaxies in the universe. A recent German super-computer simulation estimates that the number may be as high as 500 billion, with many older than the Milky Way. Common obervational wisdom among astronomers is that there are 17 billion Earth-sized planets in our galaxy. They don't yet know how many of these worlds are in habitable zones, but the implications of this discovery are astounding. Simply put: If there are 17 billion Earth-sized worlds in our galaxy alone, it's clear that the Universe has the potential to be teeming with life."

What is the take away from this video and these space studies? The odds that other life forms exist (other than human) out there are HUGE. What does that life look like? Would be able to recognize those life forms if they appeared?

Since some of these planets and suns are much older than ours, life could be much further along than what has evolved or happened so far on planet Earth. If there are other more advanced 'races', beings or forms of life, what would they look like? Could they be much bigger, much smaller, have entirely different make ups, such as being based on silicone, or sulfur? Could they be nano sized, making them impossible to see without scientific equipment, but have entire civilizations on the head of a pin for example? Could they be so huge, that we would not see them, because we would mistake them for something else?

Could life have evolved in completely different directions and taken them into different dimensions, not visible to the naked eye, such as flying interdimensional beings, rods, cones, pyramids, or beings based on things we cannot even wrap our minds around, such as those in this video? Life indeed may be much more mysterious, abundant and vibrant than we have been led to believe. 

And if life is indeed much more mysterious, abundant and diverse than we have believed historically, how will that change us, our religions, our belief systems? Remember that at one point in history, scientists, philosophers and religious scholars all were in agreement that the sun revolved around the Earth, that the Earth was flat and that you would fall off the edge if you went 'too far out in the ocean'.

Stay open to the mystery, because we may not know as much as we think we do. Maybe it would pay to work in harmony with the forces of Nature and the universe. Maybe it would benefit us, our planet and our civilization to work on preserving and enhancing life for seven future generations.

Instead of trying to destroy it all due to greed and short sighted power motives, as we are now, maybe we can look to the stars and plan on a future that will support life not only on this planet for millions of years into the future, but also traveling to those other planets, carrying with us a message of sustainability and agape love. 


Up to 60 Billion Planets With Life In Galaxy, Huge, Mysterious 'Interstellar' Objects That Appear To Be Machines Or Spacecraft

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