Radium; The Epic Story That Disproves Hormesis And Medical Radiation Theory First Proposed By Madame Curie

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Radium; The Epic Story That Disproves Hormesis And Medical Radiation Theory First Proposed By Madame Curie


Measurable radioactive radium levels in the global soil, air and water supplies have been greatly increasing since the industrial age began, largely due to uranium mining, processing and 'burning' in nuclear power plants, open air atomic bomb testing, radioactive waste disposal sites, and the burning of fossil fuels, (coal, oil, gas). Each square km of the earth now contains approximately 1 gram of radium, (to a depth of 40 cm) as a result of human 'testing', spills, accidents and use of radioactive elements. 

To extract radium from the ground, over 400 tons of uranium ore has to be processed, just to get 1 gram of radium. All together, only 1.5 kilograms of radium were manufactured, before radium was banned and made illegal to sell.


Radium levels in drinking water may be high when it is extracted from deep wells that are located near radioactive waste disposal sites. Uranium mining results in higher levels of radium in water near uranium mines. Plants absorb this radium from the soil. Animals that eat these plants will bio concentrate radium. Finally, radium may concentrate in fish and other aquatic organisms and bio magnify up the food chain.


Historically, radium used to be added to things like toothpaste, food, drinking water (see picture below) and hair lotions as a 'tonic' using the disproven theory of hormesis. The hormesis promoting industry making radium and other products did it's best to discredit those warning people about the dangers of low dose radiation, just as the nuclear industry is doing the same thing these days to those activists and experts trying to warn people about the dangers of low dose radiation today.


There are even those people who are still trying to be proponents of the hormesis theory today. Let's see what they are trying to peddle... 

Rachel Maddow - Hormesis Promoting Republican Art Robinson Wants To Sprinkle Radioactive Waste From Airplanes Over Cities? via @AGreenRoad

Radon Dangers; Hormesis Explored; via A Green Road

Hormesis; What Does Not Kill You, Is Good For You; via @AGreenRoad 


The death of a famous industrialist (picture above) and of Madame Curie, plus the deaths of the radium factory workers from the toxic effects of low dose radium radiation sealed the fate of radium, and it was banned. Even it's medical use was taken away. But why was radium banned, if it was so good for 'treating' the Big C?

But the interesting questions is this... if radium is so dangerous in even minute quantities due to the danger of low dose radiation effects that cause cancer, leukemia and other diseases, why aren't the other radioactive elements also banned? After all, it is not just radium that emits cancer causing alpha, beta and gamma radiation. So if one beta and gamma radiation emitting element is unhealthy for us and was banned from use due to cancer causing properties, what makes the others 'safe' and beneficial?

Via SadieDog August 4, 2014 Marie Curie's 100 yr old notebook still too radioactive to touch…

October 30, 2014 "...Certainly can't have radiophobia running rampant in America! That tag is reserved for the folks who must not realize how hormesis is good for everyone. Some people may shit their guts out and need IVs, but it's just damn fine long-term beneficial to suck down radiation and even increase their intake. Didn't seem to hurt Madame Curie, not much. Just rotted her fingers off. But her long life was full of wonderful times (except she couldn't play the violin anymore).

Just look at her little daughter Irene pointing at mom's stumpy fingers:

Like her mommy, Irene also benefited from hormesis and lasted until age 58 before dying of radiation-induced leukemia:


Via Bill Duff November 26, 2014 "Marie Sklodowska Curie was a physicist and chemist and a pioneer in the field of radioactivity. In fact, it was Curie that coined the term radioactivity. Madame Curie died on July 4, 1934 due to aplastic anemia, presumably contracted from radiation exposure. She is interred, in a lead-lined casket, at the cemetery in Sceaux, alongside her husband Pierre. Her laboratory is preserved at the Musee Curie. Due to their levels of radioactivity, her papers from the 1890′s are considered too dangerous to handle. They are kept in lead-lined boxes, and those who wish to consult them must wear protective clothing."

Probably she should have smiled more. The pro nuclear apologists will claim that she did not die of radiation, but from Radiophobia. 


To find out more about why radium and other natural radioactive elements are no longer allowed to be used as a health tonic, click on the following link.

Radium Girls And Radium Dials; Ottowa Illinois, Death City; via @AGreenRoad 


pure water December 5, 2014 "To clear the picture for myself and others who did not know:
Byers began taking enormous doses of Radithor, which he believed had greatly improved his health, drinking nearly 1,400 bottles.[5] By 1930, when Byers stopped taking the remedy, he had accumulated significant amounts of radium in his bones resulting in the loss of most of his jaw. Byers' brain was also abscessed, and holes were forming in his skull. His death on March 31, 1932, was attributed to "radiation poisoning" using the terminology of the time, but it was due to cancers, not acute radiation syndrome.[3][6] He is buried in Allegheny Cemetery in Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, in a lead-lined coffin.[4]


rogerthat December 5, 2014 "From the New York Times Magazine this week, a terrific piece about Curie lab technician Marguerite Perey and sacrifice in the name of science: My great-great-aunt discovered Francium. And It Killed Her. 

She wrote of a lab assistant, Catherine Chamie, who transported radioactive sources to and from a safe each day on a cart, shielded poorly by lead bricks; Chamie later died from exposure. One day, Curie let Rona watch as she casually burned off radon emitted by a flask of radium. The gas exploded, shattering the flask; neither wore protective gear.
Posted By Jyllian Kemsley on Dec 5, 2014


According to EPA; "Radium (chemical symbol Ra) is a naturally-occurring radioactive metal. Its most common isotopes are radium-226, radium 224, and radium-228. Radium is a radionuclide formed by the decay of uranium and thorium in the environment. It occurs at low levels in virtually all rock, soil, water, plants, and animals.

The Basics

Who discovered radium?

Radium was discovered in 1898 by French physicist and Nobel laureate Marie Curie in pitchblende (a uranium and radium-bearing mineral). There is about 1 gram of radium in 7 tons of pitchblende. Elemental radium was isolated by Mme. Curie in 1911. (She died of cancer.)

Where does radium come from?

Radium forms when isotopes of uranium or thorium decay in the environment. Most radium (radium-226) originates from the decay of the plentiful uranium-238. When uranium (or thorium) occurs in high levels in rock, radium is often also found in high levels.

What are the properties of radium?

Radium is a naturally radioactive, silvery-white metal when freshly cut. It blackens on exposure to air.

Purified radium and some radium compounds glow in the dark (luminesce). The radiation emitted by radium can also cause certain materials, called "phosphors" to emit light. Mixtures of radium salts and appropriate phosphors were widely used for clock dials and gauges before the (cancer and disease) risks of radium exposure were understood.

Metallic radium is highly chemically reactive. It forms compounds that are very similar to barium compounds, making separation of the two elements difficult.

The various isotopes of radium originate from the radioactive decay of uranium or thorium. Radium-226 is found in the uranium-238 decay series, and radium-228 and -224 are found in the thorium-232 decay series.


Radium-226, the most common isotope, is an alpha emitter, with accompanying gamma radiation, and has a half-life of about 1600 years. Radium-228, is principally a beta emitter and has a half-life of 5.76 years. Radium-224, an alpha emitter, has a half life of 3.66 days. Radium decays to form isotopes of the radioactive gas radon, which is not chemically reactive. Stable lead is the final product of this lengthy radioactive decay series.

Radon Dangers; Hormesis Explored; via A Green Road 

What is radium used for?

In the early 1900's, when it was newly discovered, no one understood the dangers of radioactive radium. People were fascinated with its mysterious properties, especially the luminescence produced when it is mixed with a phosphor. Industries sprang up to manufacture hundreds of consumer products containing radium. Advertisements (and proponents of the hormesis theory) proclaimed its special powers and unique effects in such products such as hair tonic, toothpaste, ointments, and elixirs. Glow in the dark watch and clock faces were immensely popular.

Most of its original uses have been halted for health and safety reasons, but its wide use in luminescent paints continued through World War II, because the soft glow of radium's luminescence made aircraft dials, gauges and other instruments visible to their operators at night.


Radium was also an early radiation source for cancer treatment. Small seeds were implanted in tumors to kill cancerous cells. Cobalt-60 has mostly replaced it.

Radium is a radiation source in some industrial radiography devices, a technology similar to x-ray imaging used in industry to inspect for flaws in metal parts. When radium is mixed with beryllium it becomes a good source of neutrons, useful in well logging devices and research. Radium also has been added to the tips of lightening rods, improving their effectiveness by ionizing the air around it.

Exposure to Radium

As a decay product of uranium and thorium, radium is common in virtually all rock, soil, and water. Usually concentrations are very low. However, geologic processes can form concentrations of naturally radioactive elements, especially uranium and radium. Radium and its salts are soluble in water. As a result, groundwater in areas where concentrations of radium are high in surrounding bedrock typically has relatively high radium content.

How does radium change in the environment?

All isotopes of radium are radioactive. As they decay, they emit radiation and form new radioactive elements, until they reach stable lead. Isotopes of radium decay to form different isotopes of radon. For example, radium-226 decays to radon-222, and radium-228 goes through several decays to radium-224 before forming radon-220.

How do people come in contact with radium?

Since radium is present at low levels in the natural environment, everyone has some minor exposure to it (due to nuclear industry emissions, and carbon fuel burning). However, individuals may be exposed to higher levels of radium if they live in an area where there is an elevated level of radium in the surrounding rock and soil. Private well water in such areas can also be an added source of radium.

The concentration of radium in drinking water is generally low, but there are specific geographic regions in the United States where higher concentrations of radium occur in water due to geologic sources. Limited information is available about the amounts of radium that are typically present in food and air, but they are very low.

People can also be exposed to radium if it is released into the air from the burning of coal or other fuels. Certain occupations can also lead to high exposures to radium, such as working in a uranium mine or in a plant that processes uranium ores. Phosphate rocks typically contain relatively high levels of both uranium and radium and can be a potential source of exposure in areas where phosphate is mined.

In some parts of the country, former radium processing plants exist that were highly contaminated with radium. However, most of these have been cleaned up and do not pose a serious health threat any longer.


Radium emits several different kinds of radiation, in particular, alpha and gamma radiation. Alpha radiation is only a concern if radium is taken into the body through inhalation or ingestion. Gamma radiation, or rays, can expose individual even at a distance. As a result, radium on the ground, for example, can expose individuals externally to gamma rays or be inhaled or ingested with contaminated food or water. The greatest health risk from radium in the environment, however, is actually its decay product radon, which can collect in buildings.

How does radium get into the body?

People may swallow radium with food and water, or may inhale it as part of dust in the air. Radium can also be produced in the body from "parent" radionuclides (uranium and thorium) that have been inhaled or swallowed, but this is not a significant source.

What does radium do once it gets into the body?

Most radium that is swallowed (about 80%) promptly leaves the body through the feces. The other 20% enters the bloodstream and accumulates preferentially in the bones. Some of this radium is excreted through the feces and urine over a long time. However, a portion will remain in the bones throughout the person's lifetime.

Health Effects of Radium

Radium emits several different kinds of radiation, in particular, alpha particles and gamma rays. Alpha particles are harmful if emitted inside the body. However, both internal and external exposure to gamma radiation is harmful. Gamma rays can penetrate the body, so gamma emitters like radium can result in exposures even when the source is a distance away.


Long-term exposure to radium increases the risk of developing several diseases. Inhaled or ingested radium increases the risk of developing such diseases as lymphoma, bone cancer, and diseases that affect the formation of blood, such as leukemia and aplastic anemia. These effects usually take years to develop. External exposure to radium's gamma radiation increases the risk of cancer to varying degrees in all tissues and organs.

However, the greatest health risk from radium is from exposure to its radioactive decay product radon. It is common in many soils and can collect in homes and other buildings.

Is there a medical test to determine exposure to radium?

There are tests that can determine exposure to radium or other radioactive substances. For example, a whole body count can measure the total amount of radioactivity in the body, and urine and feces can be tested for the presence of radionuclides.

These tests are not routinely performed in a doctor's office because it requires special laboratory equipment. There is no test that can detect external exposure to radium's gamma radiation, unless the doses were very high, and cellular damage is detectable.

Protecting People from Radium

You need special equipment to detect the presence of radium. However, you can buy radon detection kits at most hardware stores.

What can I do to protect myself and my family from radium?

The most effective way to protect yourself and your family is to test your home for radium's decay product, radon.

What is EPA doing about radium?

The U.S. Congress passes laws that authorize EPA and other federal agencies, to protect public health and the environment from radium and other radioactive materials. EPA has issued a variety of regulations that limit the release of radium and other radionuclides to the environment. For example, Congress passed the Uranium Mill Tailings Radiation Control Act (UMTRCA). EPA has established standards for cleaning up and managing leftover uranium ore at inactive ore-processing plants under the authority of UMTRCA. The U.S. Department of Energy is responsible for conducting the cleanups, and the U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission oversees and manages them.

This page provides a summary and link to the full statute.

Complementing these efforts, EPA's Superfund program identifies abandoned industrial sites contaminated with radium and other radionuclides and chemicals. It then assesses the health and environmental risks the sites pose, and assigns priorities for cleaning them up based on those risks. Superfund regulations require sites to be cleaned up to the point that people living on the sites after cleanup would have no more than a 1-in-10,000 to a 1-in-1,000,000 increased risk of developing cancer from exposure to contaminants.

This page provides a summary and a link to the complete statute.

This site contains information about individual Superfund sites.

Other laws passed by Congress address specific environmental media. The Clean Air Act authorizes EPA to establish annual limits, known as National Emission Standards for Hazardous Air Pollutants, for the maximum amount of radium and other radionuclides that may be released to the air. For radium the "NESHAP" is 10 millirem. 

The Safe Drinking Water Act authorizes EPA to limit the Maximum Contaminant Levels of radium and other radionuclides in publicly supplied drinking water. For 226 and 228 radium, the MCL is 5 picocuries per liter and for 224 radium it is 15pCi/l. Both the air and water standards limit the increased lifetime cancer risk to about 2 in 10,000."
Source: http://www.epa.gov/radiation/radionuclides/radium.html


Wikipedia; "The Radium Water Worked Fine Until His Jaw Came Off". 
"Radithor was a patent medicine that is a well-known example of radioactive quackery. It consisted of triple distilled water containing at a minimum 1 microcurie (37 kBq) each of the radium 226 and 228 isotopes."

"Radithor was manufactured from 1918 to 1928 by the Bailey Radium Laboratories, Inc., of East Orange, New Jersey. The owner of the company and head of the laboratories was listed as Dr. William J. A. Bailey, a dropout from Harvard College,[1] who was not a medical doctor.[2] It was advertised as "A Cure for the Living Dead"[3] as well as "Perpetual Sunshine".

"The Wall Street Journal article describing the Byers incident was called "The Radium Water Worked Fine Until His Jaw Came Off".[5] Byers's death led to the strengthening of the Food and Drug Administration's powers and the demise of most radiation-based patent medicines."


The same hucksters that sold radium as a miracle cure are now touting thorium as the savior of humankind, and as a new energy source to boot. But are the claims matching reality? Thorium turns out to have the exact same dangers and health hazards that radium, radon and uranium do. 

Dr. Caldicott MD; Radioactive Thorium Dangers, Half Life, Health Hazards; via A Green Road

Thorium Rich Sand; Monazite - Studies Show It Increases Congenital Mutuation, Downs Syndrome, And Changes Sex Ratios; via @AGreenRoad

Thorium And Uranium Proven Highly Effective At Breaking DNA Strands - Cause Cancer, Birth Defects, Still Births, Etc; via @AGreenRoad

10,000 CPM Radiation From Camera Lens; Thorium Negative Human Health Effects, Peer Reviewed Studies via Toxnet; via @AGreenRoad

Radioactive Thorium And Uranium Found In Camera Lenses, Single Vision Spectacle Lenses And Drinking Water In US States; via @AGreenRoad


Wikipedia; "Szilárd stepped off the curb. As he crossed the street time cracked open before him and he saw a way to the future, death came into the world and all our woes, the shape of things to come.[14]

"We turned the switch and saw the flashes. We watched them for a little while and then we switched everything off and went home". He understood the implications and consequences of this discovery, though. "That night, there was very little doubt in my mind that the world was headed for grief".[14] U.S. President Harry Truman agreed with advisers and chose to use atomic bombs against Hiroshima and Nagasaki over the protestations of Szilárd and other scientists.

He is widely credited with opposition to atomic weapons and feeling horror of using atomic weapons.... He was dismissed from the Manhattan Project by its military head, Gen Leslie Groves... He was subsequently prevented... from getting any work on nuclear-related projects.[20]

Szilard Got Bladder Cancer

Szilárd invented the use of medical radiation therapy via the CIA led Atoms For Peace project. There is a difference in accounts around how it worked for him, as he used himself as his own test subject. In one account, he had to try twice, because the first attempt did not work and the bladder cancer came back. In another account, he only used one attempt. Both accounts cannot be right. Which one was it? Here are the two versions of history being told, and they are both suspicious for the lack of any negative side effects, despite using a dose that normally kills a person. 

“In 1960, Szilárd was diagnosed with bladder cancer. He underwent cobalt therapy at New York's Memorial Sloan-Kettering Hospital using a cobalt 60 treatment regimen that he designed himself. He was familiar with the properties of this isotope from his work on the cobalt bomb. A second round of treatment with an increased dose followed in 1962. The doctors tried to tell him that the increased radiation dose would kill him...”

In 1960, when his bladder cancer was diagnosed, he took his treatment in own hands treated himself with irradiation of extra large dose, with complete success.

Gamma radiation is deadly and causes cancer as well as many other genetic diseases which show up down the road. 

List Of Radiation Induced Diseases Caused by Low Dose And High Dose Radiation; via @AGreenRoad

But these cannot be discussed when talking about an inventor of a process that generates huge profits that saved the medical industry from financial ruin. The link above talks about how the medical industry was on the ropes and dying until he came up with this very highly profitable procedure. 

Medical Industrial Complex; How Big And Bad Is The Fraud, Deception And Death Count? via A Green Road

Why Does America Spend So Much More On Healthcare Than The Rest Of The World? via @AGreenRoad

Human Radiation Experiments Performed Without Consent Or Knowledge By CIA, Military, Medical, Mental Health Professionals; via @AGreenRoad

Project 4.1 - Human Radiation Experiments With Bikini Atoll Residents Exposed To Nuclear Bomb Fallout; via @AGreenRoad


Radium has an interesting history of being hailed as the savior of mankind via the 'peaceful' use of the atom. Radium was seen as a potent high tech 'miracle' cure all and a 100% guaranteed cure for Cancer, promoted to a gullible public via hucksters wanting to make huge profits. 

This miracle cure worked and was sold until scientific research proved that radium actually caused cancer, diseases, deformities and deaths in the longer term, even in low doses of exposure, just like any other radioactive element, natural or man made.

Nothing has changed. All of the 1,900 man made radioactive heavy metal poisonous elements that come out of nuclear reactors and/or cyclotrons are exactly the same as Radium. 

They are absorbed by different parts of the body, but they all cause the same genetic breaks, genetic diseases, physical dis-ease and cancer, period. As medical science rotates through 'experimenting' with all of the different man made radioactive elements, long term studies will confirm that they are all the same as radium.

Human Radiation Experiments Performed Without Consent Or Knowledge By CIA, Military, Medical, Mental Health Professionals; via @AGreenRoad

They should all be banned, not be 'licensed' for medical use, just like radium was. But it may take another 200 years for the profit minded and obsessed medical industrial complex to figure that out, and another 200 for the public to see it, but by then, it may be way too late, because there is no way to undo the genetic damage that goes on and on, generation after generation. 

Radium was banned from use in public and was no longer used in medicine due to public fears of radiation dangers of it. Other radioactive elements were substituted for radium, but they are no less dangerous, toxic or radioactive, so what is the difference? 


There is no difference between radium and all other radioactive elements, or even neutron ray therapy. But there is a huge profit in all of these things, so the sales pressure and hype that surrounds dangerous for health radioactive elements and radiations continues, and will continue to be sold to a gullible public.

Nothing will change until enough people are educated to the point where they see that all radiation is dangerous and the more radiation one is exposed to, the higher the risk and danger is in a cumulative fashion, which never wears off. 

See if you can find a single radioactive element that does not cause harm or death eventually, via the link below... 

Individual Radioactive Elements/Isotopes, USA Radiation Exposure Prevention and Reversal, Music


Symptoms Of Low Dose Radiation Exposure; via A Green Road

List Of Radiation Induced Diseases Caused by Low Dose And High Dose Radiation; via @AGreenRoad

All man made radioactive elements cause cancer, leukemia, genetic damage and other dis-eases, whether they are man made, like plutonium or tritium, or 'natural', like radon, thorium uranium, or radium. These substances have no place around humans and they should ALL be banned from both public and medical use, because safer, less costly, less toxic alternatives have always existed and still exist today. 


Radium; The Epic Story That Disproves Hormesis And Medical Radiation Theory First Proposed By Madame Curie; via @AGreenRoad

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