CNN Questions Climate Change, Promotes Marc Morano, Who Encourages Sending Nasty Emails To Scientists

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CNN Questions Climate Change, Promotes Marc Morano, Who Encourages Sending Nasty Emails To Scientists

Every SECOND - 2.4 million pounds of carbon pollution are being pumped into the atmosphere - warming the planet - and having disastrous effects on the environment. Is this startling statistic enough to make climate change deniers wise up to the perils of global warming? Marc Moreno makes the case, that CO2 is 'good' and we actually need more of it, and that people should ignore the 97% of scientists who agree humans are causing global warming, and thus causing climate change. 

And more via UCS: "This isn't some politician supported by the oil industry. This isn't even Fox News. This is a host on CNN questioning if climate change is real:1
CNN host asks if climate change is real. You know it is real. Help UCS do something about it.

The tweet above promoted a program with climate science mis-informer Marc Morano, who's worked for Rush Limbaugh and Sen. Jim Inhofe, and encourages people to send nasty emails to harass climate scientists.2 (He says scientists "deserve to be publicly flogged."3) And CNN gave him a platform.

Despite the fact that most of its coverage of climate science is accurate, CNN programs still feature misleading "debates" about scientific realities. UCS is crunching the numbers to show just how often cable news programs get the science wrong—whether it's questioning the reality of climate change or overstating the relationship between climate change and extreme weather events. 

There's no other group like the Union of Concerned Scientists. We have a winning track record, using a mix of solid science, policy analysis, media outreach, and grassroots mobilization.
Kathleen RestSincerely,
Kathleen Rest
Kathleen Rest, PhD, MPA
Executive Director

So if Marc Moreno is the 'Godfather' gangster type leader of the denialist movement, who is the leader of the reality movement? Kerry may be one of those leaders, who actually tells it like it is. 

Compare Kerry to Marc Moreno, who encourages people to send vicious emails to scientists, and who says those same scientists should be flogged in public, thereby trying to intimidate them into silence, with Kerry, who just lays out the facts, with no urges to send vicious emails to denialists. 

Who are you going to listen to and believe? 


CNN Questions Climate Change, Promotes Marc Morano, Who Encourages Sending Nasty Emails To Scientists; via @AGreenRoad 

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