Cain, Abel And Zimmerman Teach Us How To Use The Stand Your Ground Law To Take Out Anyone You Don't Like

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Cain, Abel And Zimmerman Teach Us How To Use The Stand Your Ground Law To Take Out Anyone You Don't Like

There are now 21 states with a 'Stand Your Ground' type of law. What would have happened if this law were in effect back in the days of Cain and Able? The video above provides a scenario of what might have happened. Bottom line, he was not guilty of murder, or even trespassing. He was free to walk away and enjoy his life. 

The Stand Your Ground law now seems to be making it legal to shoot anyone who you feel threatens you in any way, even if they have no weapon on them. If you have a gun, a rock or even a metal bat, it seems to be the case that you can now murder someone legally, and the police cannot even take you in for questioning. Don't believe it?

Here is an actual case.....  a mentally disabled person was killed by a guy with a gun who was sitting in a car at a fast food outlet with his wife next to him. The mentally disabled person had no weapon, no stick, no knife, no nothing. There was no mark on the guy with a gun, and no damage to his car. He could have rolled up his window or driven away, if he really felt that this mental ill guy was a nuisance. Instead, he pulled out his gun and killed him.

The NRA loves this law. They are pushing for passage of this law in all US states. They love people living in fear and owning a gun. This law makes it ok to have itchy trigger fingers and own lots of guns, and then be potentially even be 'allowed to' use those guns on people you disagree with. Even if you are a sociopath, mentally ill or a psychopath, you can now go out and take care of business, based on the above case. Hunting humans is now legal. It is open season on anyone you don't like or agree with, thanks to the NRA. This is better than the Wild West days, where two people drew guns on each other. Now they other guy doesn't even need a gun, a knife or a bat. 

How To Get A Gun If You Are An Insane Serial Murderer Or Psychopath; via @AGreenRoad

Suspected Terrorists on FBI's No-Fly List Can Still Legally Purchase AK-47's and Explosives In USA; via @AGreenRoad

It is easy to buy a gun in the US, easier than any other civilized country. Gun owners (even crazy ones, or terrorists) are allowed to buy guns. Even bat crazy loons are now ready and legally able to kill anyone who even looks at them cross eyed, and be totally justified in killing them for doing little or nothing. The police cannot take anyone in for questioning if the person who had the gun and killed someone say; "I felt threatened". Basically, this law is permission to kill anyone, anywhere, anytime, for no reason at all, even if the other person has no gun or weapon at all.

After all, the only person who can say what happened is the guy with the gun. Witness accounts don't matter, because it is only about what is in the head of the person with the gun that matters, according to this law. If the gun owners head says; "this person looks threatening, or looks like they are going to hit me, get out the gun and shoot them."

No one can accuse the gun owner of murder, because the gun owner is the only person with a gun, and he or she felt threatened. It no longer matters that the other person had no gun, no weapon of any kind, all that matters is that a person with a gun felt fear, so that is justification in using the gun to commit legalized murder. What if someone does that around the President, or Senators, or CEO's of corporations.. Many people feel very passionately that their life is being threatened by these people (even if that is not the case), and this law now seems to make it legal to go shoot them. 

This is worse than the Wild West Days, when anyone could shoot anyone else. Back then, as long as you both had guns and drew them, it was all legal. But even back then, the criteria was that BOTH people had to have guns. Now, the NRA has gotten rid of even this Wild West definition of a 'fair fight'. Now a fair fight consists of a person with a gun, and anyone else, who that gun owner has a beef with.

If you don't like someone because they are different in politics, religion, or color of skin, or the loud music they play, or for any other reason, that is enough reason now to kill them, as long as you own a gun and are willing to use the 'Stand Your Ground' law. Here is another case of 'justified self defense' shooting, despite the unarmed victim running away from the guy with the gun, and the police telling the guy with the gun to NOT follow the teen.

Despite the teen being unarmed, and running away from Zimmerman, and despite Zimmerman chasing him down and shooting him, Zimmerman was innocent of any crime, due to the 'Stand Your Ground' law.

The message seems to be, just say; "I felt threatened", and that is enough. As a gun owner it is now open season on human beings. The 'law' now gives gun owners permission to go out and shoot everyone they don't like and whoever they have an argument with. If they won't argue with you as a gun owner, maybe just pick a fight with them, and then when you feel threatened, shoot them, like Zimmerman did above. It is all ok now, all legal and stuff... The NRA knows that 30,000 people a year murdered each year from guns in the US is not enough. By comparison, Japan has 10 or less people die due to guns each year. The Stand Your Ground law will likely INCREASE this 30,000 per year death toll, wouldn't you agree?

The NRA may be saying; we need a higher body count, to prove that this law 'works' and that gun owners really are not fooling around with all of those unarmed terrorists, criminals and threatening characters standing around neighborhoods, and fast food joints. So how many bodies will be ok? 50,000 a year? 100,000 a year? 250,000 a year?

3 People Killed By Terrorists? Go All Out, Problem Solved! 30,000 Murdered Per Year? Do NOTHING! via @AGreenRoad

Number Killed By Guns In US Exceeds WMD Hiroshima And Nagasaki Death Toll; @AGreenRoad

Good luck out there to all you unarmed peace loving folks... Better start wearing your bullet proof vests, cause it is open season, and you are now the target. Justice is served, NRA style. (Sarcasm)

Note; AGRP does not condone or encourage anyone owning guns, or committing violent acts in any way, shape or form.)


Cain, Abel And Zimmerman Teach Us How To Use The Stand Your Ground Law To Take Out Anyone You Don't Like; via @AGreenRoad

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