Medical Doctors Reveal Multiple Natural Cancer Cures

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Medical Doctors Reveal Multiple Natural Cancer Cures

The orthodox medical community claims that there are no 'cures' for cancer, but they are working on it. Their best try is a very toxic, expensive, immune system destroying, quality of life depleting, cancer causing, negative side effect causing chemotherapy and man made radiation. 

Medical Industrial Complex; How Big And Bad Is The Fraud, Deception And Death Count? via A Green Road

Drugs, Medicine, GMO's, Education


Could it be that a few medical doctors have discovered another way that they claim is actually a Big C cure, which is cheap, non toxic, natural and effective at reversing the Big C?

Via MoonlightEmpire November 9, 2014  "The vast majority of doctors and nurses today, know very little about true healthcare. They think they are wise in their fields, but they are not. They know only what they have been told, and they have only been told what the pharmaceudical industry wants them to know.

Current doctors and nurses don't practice healthcare, they are just the working arm of the pharma industry; a tool to dispense meds and justify the production of harmful machineries, chemicals, radiological materials, and bio-hazardous materials.

Remember, you cannot LEGALLY be an Herbalist in the United States. This was done to eliminate the KNOWLEDGE of healthcare, the competition of the pharma industry.

And it has been successful; doctors and nurses think they are evaluating their patients completely, and recommending care-plans that are best-suited to the patient…but if the practitioner has no knowledge of herbal medicine (or any other methodologies of care), then the options for the care plan are drastically limited. In this case, only pharma and nuclear. Surpise? no.

It is so bad, in fact, that these very doctors and nurses know so little about healthcare…that they will burn fossil fuels in order to destroy the very biological organisms (plants/trees/mushrooms/etc.) that are the basis for the medicines they need."

As a Tyrant…if you get your populace to mow their land, they will never learn anything about the things they destroy. In fact, they will damage and destroy their own land so much that many of the edible and medicinal organisms that are essential to life and wellness will become locally/regionally/globally extinct. Even if they are not extinct yet…those who mow will never learn; their intelligence and human-potential will be capped (and at a very low level, at that).

They will never learn the names of the different organisms, let alone what they can be used for. The most delicate and useful thing the blades of your mower cuts, is your intellect. If you can't go outside and identify to species level every single organism that lives within 50 feet of your home (and there are thousands), then you are mentally-inhibited; you are stunted. It's not your fault, it's been done to you. But that doesn't mean you have to continue this madness.

And if you have very few living things of any sort within 50 feet of your home, then you are living in a dead-zone. These areas are created by the combined actions (and inactions) of human beings that are very far down the hole of NOT-understanding the value of life and living things. Turn it around immediately, or get out fast (some areas are lost, and will not recover for millions of years). The greatest gains will be made in the suburbs, where life still has a chance. But not for long."

Via Sickputer November 7, 2014  "Nursing tenet for documentation of medical treatment and procedures: "If it wasn't documented… It never happened". 2014 Big Brother tenet for cancers caused by nuclear fallout: "If we don't test for it…it wasn't caused by us". SP: The mask slips off the monster.

Time for my favorite quote about lying dictators: "It is given to men, sometimes, to attack the rights of others, to seize their goods, to threaten the life of those who defend their nationality, and to make that the highest virtues seem crimes, and to give their own vices the luster of true virtue. But there is a thing that cannot be reached either by falsification nor perfidy, and that is the tremendous verdict of history. She will judge us."
—Benito Juarez ….the Thomas Jefferson of Mexico"

But there are a few medical doctors and other health experts who have gone beyond what medical schools 'allow' as far as knowledge of natural health modalities and natural remedies for the Big C. So here is the information presented by these medical doctors....


Artemisinin: A Cancer Smart Bomb by Len Saputo, MD


Natural Cancer Cure? (Vitamin B17) Man Cures Himself Then Thrown In Jail

Cure For Cancer Kept Secret - Dr. Richardson MD - Positive Laetrile Studies Covered Up, Denied And Suppressed






Does Chemo And Radiation For Cancer Cause More Harm Than Good? via A Green Road

Chemist talks about downsides of chemotherapy and radiation, plus Cancer Cure | Turmeric | Natural Cancer Cure


Tom Fisher had stage 4 cancer and was given a 40% chance to live more than 5 years. He learned about the raw food diet and 13 years later he is cancer free and doing great.

After Tom's experience with cancer he found the Hippocrates Health Institute to be the pinnacle of living foods lifestyle education and has integrated these principles in his daily life to keep healthy and happy. To learn more about Hippocrates Health Institute visit


Dr. Max Gerson Big C Therapy: Green Juice for beginner. Basics with charts! 


Dark green lettuces -- ¼ to ½ of a head (depending on the size of the lettuce): red and green leaf lettuces, romaine, endives.Iceberg is useless and do not use

Escarole -- 2 or 3 leaves 

Beet tops (young inner leaves) -- 2 to 3 leaves 

Watercress -- 5 or 6 leaves 

Red cabbage -- 2 or 3 leaves 

Green bell pepper -- ¼ 

Swiss chard -- little 

Green apple -- 1 


Greens should be washed taking care to rinse off sand or soil that is often present at the base of the leaves. Shake off water or put in salad spinner to remove excess moisture. Cut off bottom portion of stems of chard or any other fibrous leaves. Chop up because it is quite stringy and hard to pulp. This avoids raising temperature of pulp and killing enzymes. 

Using a two-step (grinder/press) juicer, grind and collect pulp in a bowl. When all produce has been ground stir thoroughly, but not so much as to introduce unnecessary air into the pulp. If you're using an electric press raise the juice part slowly to avoid having pulp squirt out of cloth and onto the juice person. Using multiple juicing cloths you can prepare the second cloth while the first one is pressing. Also, some people will fold over the squashed cloth/pulp package and press it again to get a little more juice out of the pulp. 

Wash juicer after every green juice. After pressing, the remaining pulp, conveniently packaged in the juice cloth, can be discarded. The green juice is much more active than the carrot or carrot/apple juices and should be consumed immediately. Dr. Gerson did not recommend storage of the green juice for any length of time before consumption as it deteriorates rapidly.

Because pain is often part of the Big C issue, the following link addresses one option. What some people discover, is that as they use the natural health modalities, the pain goes away. 


For more information on Essiac Tea visit:

Essiac is rooted in Native American medicine, specifically, from the Ojibwe tribe in Canada. The reason we know about it today is because of a Canadian nurse named Rene Caisse. In the mid 1920′s Rene was working as head nurse at a hospital in Ontario. The story goes that one day she noticed scar tissue on an elderly patient and when she inquired about it, the woman told her it was from breast cancer, but it had been healed by a recipe given to her by an ojibwe medicine man. 

This was amazing to Rene because back then cancer was a virtual death sentence. The woman was almost 80 years old and the cancer never came back. She told Rene the names of the herbs she used. Over a year later, Rene learned that her aunt had cancer in her liver and stomach and had only a few months to live. Rene talked to Dr. R.O. Fisher, her aunt's doctor, about the herbal tea and he agreed to try it since there was nothing else he could do for her. Rene's aunt went on to live another 21 years after being deemed untreatable by the medical community. 

Word spread about her aunts miraculous recovery and soon, doctors were asking to try her tea on other hopeless patients. Many recovered and even among the worst cases, the tea improved their conditions enough to ease their pain and allow them to live several months longer than doctors expected. Rene went on to open a clinic where she treated thousands of people with her tea free of charge.

You would think the people in charge of our health care would be interested in this wonderful gift... And they were, but not interested in researching and administering it but in suppressing it. The Medical establishment has fought essiac since day one. It is a threat to their profits. The herbs literally grow like weeds and the tea can be made by almost anyone with a kitchen. A cheap cure for cancer shuts down a multi billion dollar industry On October 7th, 1926, 8 doctors signed a petition to the Department of Health asking that Rene be given opportunity to officially research and prove the effectiveness of this tea. 

This brought the attention of the Canadian government and started a long drawn out battle over the fate of Rene's tea. In 1938, a bill was introduced to the Ontario congress that would allow Rene Caisse to officially practice medicine and treat patients with essiac. Along with this bill was presented a petition with over 55,000 signatures. The 59 members of parliament voted and the bill was just 3 votes shy of passing!


Part I. This video explains how to make your own Essiac tea.

Part II. 

There are various Essiac formulas. Individual adjustments can be made with an herbalist or other natural health expert. 


What is the take away? As you can see from the videos above and below, there are many different and complementary approaches to the Big C. The Big C is a huge problem, but also a huge opportunity to learn about a more sustainable, green lifestyle. 

Environment, Holistic Living, Health, Self-Healing, Zero Point And Renewable Energy

Once a lifestyle is changed to deal with this problem and reverse the course of the dis-ease, the lifestyle hopefully will stay with you. Because this lifestyle is more in harmony with the Earth and how Nature works, you will be living in a more green and sustainable way. 

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Whether or not you choose one or more of these modalities is up to you. Whether or not you choose to use them as your PRIMARY modality and use the chemo and rads as a back up is also up to you. Pray, meditate and use your intuition about the best way to go, not fear. There are many more modalities with a self healing effect, including such things as laughter therapy, mega vitamins, mega minerals, yoga, acupuncture, ayurveda, and many more. Because time is of the essence, you will have to choose, because you cannot do them all. You also cannot learn them all, because it normally takes many years to learn about all of these modalities. 

Do what you can, build up energy to do more, and make your choices. It is your life to live as you choose, so choose wisely. 


Medical Doctors Reveal Multiple Natural Cancer Cures; via @AGreenRoad

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Environment, Holistic Living, Health, Self-Healing, Zero Point And Renewable Energy

Cancer - The Forbidden Cures; via @AGreenRoad

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Baking Soda Molasses Cancer Protocol; via A Green Road

A Former Model Beats Breast Cancer With Food and Nutrition; via @AGreenRoad

Real Cures By Dr. Joel Wallach; via @AGreenRoad

Dr. Joel Wallach - Dead Doctor's Don't Lie; via @AGreenRoad

Anita Moorjani's Near Death Experience And Healing Terminal Cancer; via @AGreenRoad

What if Cannabis Cured Cancer? - A Film by Len Richmond; via @AGreenRoad

Oprah, Dr. Oz, Google Report On Benefits Of Meditation; via @AGreenRoad

Dr. Mercola; The Benefits Of Coconut Oil; It Works Better Than Alzheimer's Drugs; via @AGreenRoad

Benefits Of Oil Of Oregano; via @AGreenRoad

Dr. Blaylock MD - How To Protect Yourself From Nuclear Radiation; via @AGreenRoad 

How To Protect Yourself From Radiation With Vitamin C; via @AGreenRoad

Dr. Emoto On Vibrations, Water, Energy, Consciousness And Healing; via @AGreenRoad

7 medicinal herbs and spices that help lower blood pressure; via @AGreenRoad


Content and comments expressed here are the opinions of authors and not necessarily that of A Green Road or its affiliates.


The information published here is not intended as a substitute for personal medical advice. Before making any decision regarding your health, please consult a physician or other qualified health-care practitioner.


Government Required Disclaimer: AGRP statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. The products and information contained herein are not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any diseases or, medical problems. It is not intended to replace your doctor's recommendations. The information is provided for educational purposes only. Nutritional benefits may vary from one person to another.


"Let food be your medicine and your medicine be your food" ~ Hippocrates 400 B.C.


The most beautiful thing we can experience is the mysterious. It is the source of all true art and all science. He to whom this emotion is a stranger, who can no longer pause to wonder and stand rapt in awe, is as good as dead: his eyes are closed. -Albert Einstein


"If people let the government decide what foods they eat and what medicines they take, their bodies will soon be in as sorry a state as the souls who live under tyranny." - Thomas Jefferson (1778)



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A Green Road is posting information on this website plus associated links  and may be providing 'unlicensed' (non-medical) healing arts and/or pastoral consulting services. Unless licensed by an individual state, A Green Road is acting as a 'traditional' natural health expert in those states that allow this. This information is available worldwide. Posters are not licensed by the State of California, Nevada or any other state or country that prohibits practice by traditional health consultants as a medical ND; 'Naturopathic Doctor' or as a Medical Doctor - MD.

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