What Is Tritium? - H3 - Tritium Health Hazards Detailed - Dr. John Gofman M.D, Ph.D

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What Is Tritium? - H3 - Tritium Health Hazards Detailed - Dr. John Gofman M.D, Ph.D

Wikipedia; "Tritium (/ˈtrɪtiəm/ or /ˈtrɪʃiəm/; symbol T or 3H, also known as hydrogen-3) is a radioactiveisotope of hydrogen.


Helium-3 and tritium

Tritium's decay product, helium-3, has a very large cross section for reacting with thermal neutrons, expelling a proton, hence it is rapidly converted back to tritium in nuclear reactors.[12]
 + n → 1
 + 3


Tritium is produced in nuclear reactors by neutron activation of lithium-6. This is possible with neutrons of any energy, and is an exothermic reaction yielding 4.8 MeV. In comparison, thefusion of deuterium with tritium releases about 17.6 MeV of energy.


High-energy neutrons can also produce tritium from lithium-7 in an endothermic reaction, consuming 2.466 MeV. This was discovered when the 1954 Castle Bravo nuclear test produced an unexpectedly high yield.[3]


Tritium is an uncommon product of the nuclear fission of uranium-235, plutonium-239, anduranium-233, with a production of about one atom per each 10,000 fissions.[7][8] The release or recovery of tritium needs to be considered in the operation of nuclear reactors, especially in thereprocessing of nuclear fuels and in the storage of spent nuclear fuel. The production of tritium is not a goal, but rather a side-effect."

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(Youtube deleted this and all other Dr. Goffman videos on AGRP Youtube channel. They also deleted all 1,300 videos in AGRP channel three different times,, despite them being public creative commons licensed videos, with no notice, warning or reason given at all, so AGRP will now feature videos like this from other channels instead.)

Tritium Negative Health Effects

The public policy video "Radioactive Berkeley: No Safe Dose" premiered at the Berkeley City Council in December of 1996. Featured speaker Dr. John Gofman M.D, Ph.D. addresses the medical impacts of low-level radiation exposure. He estimates that 50% of all cancers and 75% of all women's breast cancers specifically, are caused by low dose radiation exposure, such as that emitted from normally operating nuclear facilities and medical radiation procedures.. He also says, there is NO SAFE DOSE for radiation. Any amount of radiation, no matter how small, can lead to cancer. 

The video also goes into the dangers of Tritium specifically. 

The video also expressed a public concern over children visiting the Lawrence Hall of Science to exposure to tritium emissions from the Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory's (LBNL) National Tritium Labeling Facility.

"No Safe Dose" was also viewed by numerous regulatory agencies including USEPA and was instrumental in establishing the stakeholders group dubbed the Tritium Issue Workgroup or TIWG in 1997. TIWG met at the Federal Building in Oakland for nearly two years. From the very beginning, Berkeley community members of the workgroup experienced many problems with the LBNL workgroup. This eventually forced community participants to walk out on the corrupted process. Four years later the facility was finally closed. Source: www,BerkeleyCitizen.org

Nuclear power plants must regularly contend with the disposal and storage of tritiated water. Traditionally the triated water is either stored in drums for 10 times its half life (120 years) or it is dispersed into the local streams and environment, hopefully in small enough quantities to create a minimum of havoc on the local ecology, including the humans living in the area. However, it is believed by many that any amount of tritiated water is detrimental to living beings and that it is the primary source of cancer in today's society. 

via Mack March 29, 2014; Most studies indicate that tritium can produce typical radiogenic impacts including cancer, genetic effects, developmental abnormalities and reproductive effects. Tritium can cause mutations, tumors and cell death.

Tritium presents a serious hazard through ingestion and subsequent exposure of vital body tissue to internal radiation
[Kirk-Othmer Encyclopedia of Chemical Technology. 3rd ed., Volumes 1-26. New York, NY: John Wiley and Sons, 1978-1984., p. 7(79) 561] **PEER REVIEWED**

Leukemia, cancer of the lung and mammary glands, skin cancer, and osteosarcomas correlated positively with (tritium) dose.

192 and 370 kBq/g-day, HTO-treated groups had decreased life spans compared to controls by 18 and 33%, respectively

Overall, the incidence of lymphocytic leukemia was significantly increased in both sexes 

Offspring showed a significantly decreased weight of brain and genital tract organs
Torok P et al; IAEA/Biological Implications of Radionuclides Released from Nuclear Industries 1: 241 (1979)] **PEER REVIEWED**

The incidence of neoplasia, especially of uncommon tumors, including those of the lung and liver and leukemias, increased with increasing tritium burden
http://monographs.iarc.fr/index.php p. V78 318 (2001)] **PEER REVIEWED**

"Tritium combines within the DNA molecule inducing mutations. In numerous animal experiments tritium causes birth defects, cancers of various organs including brain and ovaries, and it induces testicular atrophy and mental retardation at surprisingly low doses. Tritium is organically taken up in food and is concentrated in fish, vegetables, and other food groups, and it remains radioactive for over 120 years. Ingestion of contaminated food causes 10 percent to combine in the human body where it can remain for many years continuously irradiating cells."

via MaidenHeaven March 29, 2014  Radiological research has found a correlation between tritium and cumulative genetic injury. (21) There was found in successive generations a reduction in relative brain weight, reduction in litter size, and increased reabsorption of embryos. (animal study) Correlations have been found in epidemiological research between tritium and Down’s' Syndrome. Associations have also been found between low-level radiation and Down's Syndrome." http://www.ipsecinfo.org/Tritium.htm

There are studies which indicate associations between Canadian nuclear reactors and increased rates of fatal birth defects, childhood leukemia, and Down’s Syndrome in nearby populations (4). http://tapcanada.org/?page_id=403

75% US Nuclear Plants Leaking Toxic Tritium Radiation Into Drinking Water Supply; via @AGreenRoad

CNSC report, “Health Effects, Dosimetry and Radiological Protection of Tritium”, draws the following conclusions10: Tritium beta radiation is about 1.4 times more effective in causing biological effects than x-rays and 2.2 times more effective than gamma rays. This means that the health risk of tritium is respectively 1.4 and 2.2 times higher than for these other types of radiation. 

Tritium is a dangerous radioactive substance produced in very large quantities during normal operations by Canadian (CANDU) nuclear reactors. Canada’s nuclear regulator (the Canadian Nuclear Safety Commission or CNSC) takes a cavalier attitude toward tritium that is out of step with guidance from the International Atomic Energy Agency and the approach of regulators in other countries. As a result, millions of Canadians are exposed to tritium at higher concentrations than would be permitted elsewhere.

H3 (tritium) is also acid, and makes water more acid, the more tritium is there. Acid rain anyone?

Physical Properties

The method involved is the simplest of methods and relies on the fact that tritiated water freezes at a different temperature than that of light water, i.e. the melting point of the tritiated water is higher than light water by 4.49 degrees Celsius.....A mixture of tritiated water and common water is deposited into open top end (30) and the tritiated water, because it freezes at atemperature of 4.49 degrees Celsius, adheres to the walls (20) as gravity pulls the tritiated water down through collection chamber (10). The common water, however, because it freezes at 0 degrees Celsius, does not adhere to the walls (20)

According to the above, does that not mean that tritium water freezes BEFORE and faster than regular water does? Doesn't it mean that tritium ice melts LAST, AFTER regular ice melts?


What Is Tritium? - H3 - Tritium Health Hazards Detailed - Dr. John Gofman M.D, Ph.D  ; via @AGreenRoad

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