Fukushima Caused An Additional 50,000 USA Newborn Deaths 3/11 to 12/11

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Fukushima Caused An Additional 50,000 USA Newborn Deaths 3/11 to 12/11

In the US, there have been a total of 50,000 additional deaths due to Fukushima, starting 3/11 and counting up to 12/11. (Any further deaths beyond that have not been counted, YET.)


Authorities however, are stumped as to why so many additional babies, seniors and others are dying in the US, immediately following the Fukushima mega disaster. It seems that if medical researchers cannot see a bacteria bug, there is nothing there. Invisible radiation cannot be a cause, because it is invisible. Or so goes the logic. Plus, medical doctors are trained that radiation is healing and good for you, as that is how they use it.  But is it really?

They also cannot seem to figure out why the birth defect rate in the US has gone up 800% since 3/11.. No one can seem to figure out why this is happening either. 

Since the Fukushima mega disaster that released 600-6000 pounds of plutonium from the #3 reactor explosion, which then went around the world, the Washington State brain birth defect rate has increased 800%.

How Dangerous Is 400-6000 Pounds Of Plutonium Nano Particle Dust Liberated By Fukushima? Via @AGreenRoad

Is there any proof that something happened in the US after 3/11, which could have caused all of these deaths, and the deaths yet to come? It turns out that there is plenty of evidence, but only if a person is willing to look at it. 

California nuke plant detected 4,000% more iodine-131 than UC Berkeley during Fukushima peak
Nov 7 2011

University Researcher: Portland-area topsoil with up to 8,000 pCi/kg of cesium from Fukushima — Over 10,000% higher than highest levels found by UC Berkeley
Nov 1 2011

If we depend on the pro nuclear labs and the EPA, they keep saying nothing is happening, you are safe. No one died, and no one will ever die. Radiation is good for you and only minute levels that cannot cause any health problems were detected. Well you can believe that the Titanic sunk and no one died, or you can dive into the Hormesis theory and find out why they are both minimizing radiation levels and lying about the effects of low dose radiation. 

Hormesis; What Does Not Kill You, Is Good For You

Rachel Maddow - Hormesis Promoting Republican Art Robinson Wants To Sprinkle Radioactive Waste From Airplanes Over Cities? via @AGreenRoad

Radioactive Thorium Beach In Guarapari, Brazil; Hormesis Theory Debunked; via @AGreenRoad

Because the pro nuclear experts are the only ones on TV and they have a huge influence, no one is looking at Fukushima as a cause. This issue is being blamed on 'natural' causes, such as the mothers being too worried, too stressed out, or not eating right. Women are always to blame, for everything, right? This same dynamic exists around Chernobyl, Fukushima and Three Mile Island, as well as around downwind radiation bomb test areas. 

The nuclear industry is a radiation worshiping cult. This cult can never be the cause of any deaths or health problems, because in their view, the more radiation we all get the healthier we will all be, via their ridiculous hormesis theory, which is all that anyone hears about via the nuclear and medical monopolies. Is it any wonder that they both profit off of opposite ends of man made radiation and that they feed each other customers, who suffer and die in large numbers as a result of it?

40 - 60 MILLION Deaths Due To Global Open Air Nuclear Weapons Testing 1945 to 2003; via @AGreenRoad

Chernobyl Coverup And Denial Of 1.5 Million Casualties - Russian Academy Of Sciences; via @AGreenRoad

IPPNW - Global Health Effects And Number Of Deaths Caused By Chernobyl Nuclear Planet Meltdown - 69 Million Victims; via @AGreenRoad

D'un Renard's photo.
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Let the radioactive, plutonium filled world rejoice in the powers of the God RAD and his consort Iation being expressed all around the world. Everyone is bathing in the holy particles and holy radioactive gases given off by the radiation God, called RAD. 

VanneV September 17, 2014  EXCESS DEATHS IN U.S. SUMMARY FOR 2011
By Bobby1 January 16, 2012 “The week 52 mortality statistics for 2011 (through December 31) issued by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention now indicate that the number of excess deaths in the U.S. since the Fukushima nuclear power plant disaster now stands at 53,682….”


All must bow and worship as more and more people are sacrificed on the alter of nuclear power. Remember that this excess Fukushima death statistic is only counting what happened in the US. Add in India, Russia, Europe, Japan, and all of the other countries around the world and you start to realize how really deadly these 1,000+ invisible, poisonous and radioactive heavy metals being 'exhaled' out of Fukushima really are. The death toll from Fukushima will rise greatly in the future, as the incubation period for other cancers times out, just as it has for Chernobyl, TMI and other radiation disasters. 


Fukushima Caused An Additional 50,000 USA Newborn Deaths 3/11 to 12/11; via @AGreenRoad

For more articles;

Low Dose Radiation Dangers/Symptoms For Children And Adults 

Nuclear Power Plant Threats, Accidents, Recycling Nuclear Fuel, Movie Reviews, Next Generation Nuclear Plants, Terrorists 

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