Israel Wary of Egypt's New Islamist President

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Israel Wary of Egypt's New Islamist President

Prophecy Sign:  The coming middle-east wars - Egypt

In Islam, Muslims are commanded to participate in a deception known as "Taqiyya", (lying for the sake of Allah).  Under this deception method, an Islamic leader would tell a boldfaced lie to Western nations, while secretly meaning to do something entirely different.

A prime example of this is exposed in the following articles.  In the first article, it has been reported to the western press that the new Egyptian Islamic President, Mohammed Morsi, will endeavour to represent all Egyptians, including Christians, as well as preserving all Egyptian international agreements, (presumably that would include the Israel/Egypt peace treaty).

In the second and third articles we see what a boldfaced lie this was, as Morsi in an interview with an Iranian new agency made known his true intentions;  That of building stronger relations with the other major Islamic state in the middle-east, Iran, and reconsidering the peace deal with Israel.  Soon after the interview was conducted, a Morsi aid denied that it ever took place.  Gee, I wonder why??

Consider carefully your options Egypt, for your immediate destiny does not look promising according to bible prophecy.  God will judge you harshly for your conduct concerning Israel.

Therefore this is what the Sovereign Lord says: I will bring a sword against you and kill both man and beast.  Egypt will become a desolate wasteland. Then they will know that I am the Lord. Because you said, “The Nile is mine; I made it,”  therefore I am against you and against your streams, and I will make the land of Egypt a ruin and a desolate waste from Migdol to Aswan, as far as the border of Cush. The foot of neither man nor beast will pass through it; no one will live there for forty years. Ezekiel 29:8-11 NIV

From the articles:
In Mohammed Morsi's first speech as Egypt's new president, he promised to represent all Egyptians. After Morsi's defeat of former Prime Minister Ahmed Shafiq, the Muslim Brotherhood member has become the first Islamist president in Egypt's modern history. Morsi, 60, said he carried a message of peace to the world, tried to reassure Egypt's Christian minority, and pledged to preserve Egypt's international agreements. On Sunday, Morsi's supporters celebrated his victory in Cairo's Tahrir Squareand throughout Egypt. In Gaza, next door, the Palestinian terror group Hamas -- an offshoot of the Muslim Brotherhood -- also celebrated his victory.
Newly-elected Egyptian President Mohammed Morsi will rekindle dormant ties between Egyptand Iran and re-consider his country’s peace accord with Israel, according to a controversial interview with an Iranian news agency. Tehran’s Fars news agency distributed a set of quotes from an interview taken hours before Morsi was proclaimed victor in the presidential poll after a prolonged vote count. The views expressed by Morsi contradict his official stance that he will adhere to Egypt’s international obligations. Instead, he reportedly promises to radically adjust the country’s international role. A day after the interview was published, Morsi’s spokesman denied that it ever took place.
Egypt’s Islamist president-elect, Mohammed Morsi, wants to “reconsider” the peace deal with Israel and build ties with Iran to “create a strategic balance” in the Middle East, according to an interview published by Iran’s Fars news agency on Monday. The stated goals are certain to alarm Israel and its ally the United States as they adapt to the new direction Egyptwill chart with Morsi at the helm. They could also boost Iran’s influence in the Middle East at a time of heightened tensions between Tehranand the West. “We will reconsider the Camp David Accord” that, in 1979, forged a peace between Egypt and Israel that has held for more than three decades, Morsi was quoted as telling a Fars reporter in Cairo on Sunday, just before his election triumph was announced.

Israel Wary of Egypt's New Islamist President

'Islamic Awakening': Morsi’s Egyptturns to Iran- report

Egypt’s new Islamist leader Mohammed Morsi to ‘reconsider’ Israel peace deal, strengthen Iran ties

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