Bees sting 76 monks in Thai temple, some slip into coma

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Bees sting 76 monks in Thai temple, some slip into coma

Prophecy Sign:  Death, by the "Beasts of the Field"

We were told by a reader of this story where huge swarms of bees attacked dozens of Buddhist Monks, sending many to hospital in serious conditions.  This most recent news coming off the other recent bizarre insect story which reported of a new species of large spiders literally attacking people in a village in India.  Weird or What?  During the Tribulation, many people will die by way of the beast of the fields.  Who knew that could mean among others things, bees and spiders?

I looked, and there before me was a pale horse! Its rider was named Death, and Hades was following close behind him. They were given power over a fourth of the earth to kill by sword, famine and plague, and by the wild beasts of the earth. Revelation 6:8 NIV

From the article:
More than 70 monks have been hospitalized after they were stung by bees at a temple in northern Thailand, with some slipping into coma, reports said today. Large swarms of bees from several hives attacked the novice monks who were sweeping the grounds of the Luang Worawiham temple in Chiang Mai yesterday. Phra Ratcha Jetiyajarn, the temple abbot, said 76 novice monks were stung and rushed to three hospitals in central Chiang Mai. Nineteen of them were in serious condition, said hospital director Dr Naren Chotirosnimitr. Dr Naren said of those in serious condition, six arrived at the hospital in a coma. Their blood pressure had dropped dangerously low.

Bees sting 76 monks in Thai temple, some slip into coma

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