Prophecy Sign: The collapse of world markets, and the global economy
What an economic mess this world is in, and most people haven't a clue. The debt levels that governments around the world have run up over the last generation are both mind-boggling and completely unsustainable. This mess, (which we believe has been deliberately designed), will collapse, with some experts predicting it to happen within the next 12 months, or sometime in 2012, (there's that year again).
Just what would happen if this collapse came at about the same time that the Middle-East exploded into war? It would mean chaos around the globe. Wars, skyrocketing oil prices, famines and food shortages, massive unemployment and social unrest that makes the recent Arab spring and Greek protests pail in comparison. And what do you think the world would do if while all these events were happening, suddenly millions of people mysteriously disappeared from the face of the earth, while at the same time Alien visitors made their presence know to the peoples of the earth? (Hollywood has been predicting this alien event for years).
We will tell you what would happen, the people remaining on this planet would cry out with a loud voice for the return of some semblance of sanity, even if that meant the establishment of global governance with a global leader to take charge. This is when a messianic figure will step into the limelight, and those who have be waiting for the coming of the Muslim Mahdi, the Buddhist Maitreya, the Jewish Messiah, the Mayan Quetzalcoatl or even Christianity’s Jesus Christ, will announce that the world’s Messiah has finally arrived, and would solve all their problems. However the short period of peace and safety this false Christ would usher in would soon be followed by destruction unparallel in human history, (1 Thessalonians 5:3).
We believe that as Christians we are the Bride of Christ, and that our groom, Jesus Christ will come for his bride to take her to the place he has spent the last 2,000 years preparing. This event called the Rapture or the great catching away was what Paul spoke of in his letter to the Church at Corinth , (1 Corinthians 15:51-52).
Please, if you haven't made a decision for Christ yet, please do so. A simply prayer asking for forgiveness of sins, and an acceptance of Jesus Christ's free gift of salvation will put you on that catching away flight that is soon to depart. You don't want to be around here when God pronounces his judgments on this planet.
From the article:
Europe needs to step up efforts to control its debt crisis before it pulls the United States and the rest of world into a renewed downturn, Treasury Secretary Timothy Geithner urged on Wednesday. Speaking at the Washington Ideas Forum in the downtown Newseum, Geithner mixed praise and criticism of Europe as he continued an ongoing effort to push its policymakers toward a more forceful approach toward dealing with debt woes. "Europe matters a lot to us. We don't want to see Europe weakened by a protracted crisis. Europe understands that," he said but left no doubt at his impatience with progress so far. "They are moving too slowly," Geithner said. "Europe is a large part of the global economy, and a severe crisis in Europe would be damaging" around the world.
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