Wall St. action part of global "Arab Spring?"

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Wall St. action part of global "Arab Spring?"

Prophecy Sign:  Civil and social unrest on a global scale in the last days

If it seems like we've had a never ending stream of uprisings and social/civil unrest since the start of the year, the answer would be an emphatic, yes!  From the Arab nations with their various Arab Springs, to the various European riots, (Greece, England, etc), to the so called "Occupy Wall Street" demonstrations.  It would seem the world is doing its collective best to fulfill the words of Jesus Christ.
When you hear of wars and uprisings, do not be frightened. These things must happen first, but the end will not come right away.”  Then he said to them: “Nation will rise against nation, and kingdom against kingdom. Luke 21:9-10 NIV
From the article:
After the "Arab Spring" and unrest in Europe, New York's "Occupy Wall Street" movement may be the latest sign of a global, popular backlash against elites with increasingly shared rhetoric and tactics. On almost every continent, 2011 has seen an almost unprecedented rise in both peaceful and sometimes violent unrest and dissent. Protesters in a lengthening list of countries including Israel, India, Chile, China, Britain, Spain and now the United States all increasingly link their actions explicitly to the popular revolutions that have shaken up the Middle East.
The slogans on the streets of Manhattan and other U.S. cities also show a host of other intermingling influences, from the British student protests last year to the "indignados" (indignant) anti-austerity demonstrations in Greece and Spain. What they all share in common is a feeling that the youth and middle class are paying a high price for mismanagement and malfeasance by an out-of-touch corporate, financial and political elite.
In cities from coast to coast, "Occupy Wall Street" demonstrators took to the streets again over the weekend -- marking more than three weeks of protests against big corporations. The movement started in New York City last month and has now spread to at least 25 cities, attracting a broad spectrum of people frustrated with government, gas prices, corporate greed, and a lack of jobs. A new ORC International Caravan Poll released Monday also revealed that 51 percent of Americans have heard of the Occupy Wall Street protests. "Who are we? We are the 99 percent!" demonstrators chanted at one recent event. Their biggest gripe is with the rich -- blaming them for profiting at the expense of the middle class and those less fortunate. 

Wall St. action part of global "Arab Spring?"

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