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Indonesia: More Suspected Human Cases In Garut

# 1524

The past couple of days there have been persistent stories coming out of Garut, Indonesia of suspected human infections from the bird flu virus.

Thus far, I've seen no positive test results announced, and so these are all in the `suspect' category for now.

At least a dozen people in the area are being treated with Tamiflu according to media reports, and likely many more. There are reports that 10 people were sent home from a local clinic last night with Tamiflu.

Most of the press, however, has revolved around 3 children ages 13, 5, and 6 months who have been put in isolation.

It should be noted that there are other diseases, including seasonal influenza, Dengue, and Chikungunya that could be causing their symptoms. These viral fevers, along with others, are common to the region.

The newshounds have been busy over night. A hatip to dbg on the Wiki for this translation.

22/01/2008 14:00 WIB

One Thousand Chickens Died, 3 Garut Children Suspect Bird Flu
Mansur Hidayat - detikcom

Garut - Three children were run off with to RSUD Slamet Garut, West Java, because of being suspected of being affected by the infection of the bird flu virus. Already two weeks, one thousand chickens died suddenly in the village that was occupied by three children.

The three children were S (13), I (5), and SN (6 months). S and I were the brother's older brother. [Other sources said S and SN are siblings.] The three of them were the resident of the Village of Cireundeu [Kampung], Village Toblong [Desa], Peundeuy Subdistrict, Garut Regency, West Java. Before being brought to RSUD Slamet, the three of them could be treated in the Community Health Centre in his area.

According to the Head of the Medik Service RSUD Slamet Yanto Widiantoro, the three of them came to strike 02,30 WIB, on Tuesday (22/1/2008) with the condition for the high and breathless fever. "The three of them indeed had the sign suspect bird flu, moreover I could the report on many chickens that died suddenly in their village," said he when being met in RSUD Slamet, Street Rumah Sakit, Garut, West Java.

And from Cottontop on the Wiki, we get this translation of another report on these children.

Three children Suspect Bird Flu

On Wednesday, January 23 2008

Results rapid test to the poultry died, showed positive H5N1.

Garut -- three children from the Peundeuy Subdistrict, Kabupaten Garut, to suspect (was expected suffered) bird flu.

This condition followed the number of cases of the death to the chicken in the area in two last weeks.

On Tuesday (22/1) dawns around struck 02,30 WIB, the three of them were run off with and treated in RSUD isolation space Dr Slamet Garut for the further handling.

According to the Head of the Pengelola Body RSU Garut, Dr Widjayanti Utoyo SPM, the Toblong villagers were their respective noodles (5 years), SF (13) and So (six months).

SF and SO were known by the sibling older brother.

Although generally his condition improved, said he, but results of his serology inspection have been sent on Tuesday morning to Departemen Research And Development of the Health.

Widjayanti said, noodles began suffered was sick on Monday (21/1) with the hot story high was accompanied by the cough, breathless, and was sick the heart upstream as well as ronkhi the negative.

Noodles also claimed once to be contact with the chicken that died suddenly.

Whereas SF and SO the resident of the Cireundeu RW Village 02 Toblong Peundeuy entered IGD space/the isolation 15 minutes pascakehadiran MI. Dari results of the research with rapid test to the poultry died, showed positive H5N1.

According to the Head of the Pelayanan Medik Field the Pengelola Body (BP) RSUD Dr Slamet, Yanto Widiantoro, the sign that was experienced by the three patients indeed had the similarity with the sign pasian that was affected by the virus of AI. Namun did not yet have the clarity.

At this time we were still being waiting for results of the sample inspection of blood of the three patients.

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