Another Indonesian Death?

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Another Indonesian Death?


# 878


Although tests results haven't been conducted, the Chinese news agency Xinhua is reporting on a 28-year old man who entered the hospital in Riau province Monday, with bird flu symptoms, who died today.


If confirmed, this would make the 80th known death, and the 100th patient recorded in Indonesia.



Indonesian bird flu patient dies


    JAKARTA, June 12 (Xinhua) -- A 28-year-old man died Tuesday after being treated at a hospital in Indonesia's Riau province with bird flu symptoms and the death toll of the disease could hit 80 in the country if his case is confirmed.


    Yatino, a plantation worker and a father of one, died at 13:45 local time (06:45 GMT) at the Arifin Achmad Hospital in the provincial capital of Pekanbaru, reported leading news website Detikcom.


    He has been in the hospital since Monday evening.


    Doctors said he had eaten meat of sick chickens at his home in Indragiri Hulu regency.

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