Start Your Own Universal, Interfaith, Soulstice, Multi Belief System Celebrations During The Winter Solstice, Christmas Season

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Start Your Own Universal, Interfaith, Soulstice, Multi Belief System Celebrations During The Winter Solstice, Christmas Season

Start Your Own Universal, Interfaith, Soulstice, Multi Belief System Celebrations During The Winter Solstice, Christmas Season

Ideas for celebrating an interfaith manner.

Be creative.. Start your own soulstice celebration, traditions and rituals! 

Celebrating during the Christmas holiday season can be stressful and depressing. There are so many pressures, so many rituals that must be observed, so many rules to be followed, so many gifts to buy. The whole season can be intimidating and hard to understand, because many of the traditions are based on things or reasons that no longer apply in this modern era of individuality and creative expression possibilities. 

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The only thing that can be counted on is change. Change is the only thing that is guaranteed both present day and the future. Embracing and flowing with changes makes this time of year much more pleasant than trying to force everything and everyone into a box that no longer works. 

What is it that can be done in this time of year that is inclusive, kind, honoring, creative and loving for the ones around you, no matter what their belief system? 


Many people no longer attend church. Church is the holder of very hold traditions, dogmas and ceremonies. For some people, this is a good way to celebrate, but for many others, this no longer works for them. Instead of feeling left out, disconnected, depressed and stressed out, look at this time of year as an opportunity for creating something new and different, unique to you and what comes to you intuitively, or creatively. 

Instead of trying to 'fit into' old paradigms, beliefs, dogmas, rituals or ways of doing things, consider the possibility of making up your own tradition, belief system, rules and creative expression within this time of year. There is nothing wrong with the 'old' ways and things, but don't feel limited to this.
Do a brainstorming session and see what you can come up with

Many families do something new anyway, because of the interfaith connections within many families. Other families are not attending any particular church service or faith, and could be considered either pagan or spiritual but not religious. What do all of these different individuals and families do during this holiday season, and still feel included, welcomed and loved? 


The first and most important part of the holiday season is to recognize that this time of year has an ancient and universal root that will always be there, which is that this time of year honors the darkest, shortest and coldest day of the year. Before the light, comes the darkness is the universal theme and meaning that can be applied if you so choose, to this time of year celebration. 

The December Solstice occurs on the coldest, shortest day of the year in the Northern Hemisphere. One potential celebration can be oriented around celebrating that the light, birth and gifts of Nature are coming again, despite everything looking dead, dormant, bare, depressing, snowy, gloomy and cold. 

Celebrating the fact that light, warmth, growth, and abundance of Nature will return, is usually done by sharing the bounty of Nature from the last season of abundance with family, friends, neighbors, and/or community. 

On an individual basis, this may be time to celebrate the 'light or loving' part of ourselves, and of others. Talk about and focus on the things that are from the light or generate more light and love in others and yourself, despite the seeming  appearance of darkness out in the world, the environment, politics, etc. 


Fires, bonfires, candles and lights of all colors of the rainbow symbolize the return of the sun, warmth, growth and light during this holiday. Yule logs were burned originally in honor of the Gods, to give thanks for heat, light and life giving properties of not just the returning sun but also Nature's bounty such as trees.

Yule, Winter Solstice, Festivals and Saturnalia celebrations historically

No matter what happens, the sun will return and Nature's cycles endure, returning year after year, no matter what else happens. This is worth celebrating, even if nothing else is. Life continues in the same way. Death is not necessarily the 'end' of things, and may symbolize only a temporary darkness, with a future 'rebirth' in whatever way one believes this happens. 


Trees also provide that life giving essence through the cold, dark season in the form of heat, light and warmth, plus pleasant sounds and sights. The focus can be on gratitude and giving, in whatever way that a particular individual, family or group chooses to do this. Preparing trees, candles bonfires, or fires can be part of  a ceremony to honor loved ones that have passed because they are still alive in our hearts and minds. Many people grow or buy Christmas trees, which are then adorned with ornaments. 


Some people use ornaments as a very specific focus that brings this time of year to life. An ornament can be a symbol. Each ornament can symbolize a person who has either passed or is present now. Stories can be told around these ornaments. 

The top of the tree can be topped with something that has the most symbolic meaning for an individual or family. For example, in religious families, the symbol is usually a figure of the most holy person in that religion, or a spiritual equivalent. 

In spiritual families that are not religious, the top of the tree decoration can symbolize the most valued, most treasured, most revered part of whatever belief system there is for that individual or family. A story can be told for all those gathering around the tree, to teach others how that top of the tree ornament is viewed and valued. 

Each ornament can be talked about, because each ornament can symbolize a person, an event, or a family gathering. Each individual or family can create or make ornaments with pictures on them if desired, to symbolize all those past and present family members. 

Of course, since many families are mixtures of different families and adoptees, the definition of 'family' is very open and flexible, and is definitely NOT limited to blood relatives. Ornaments can also symbolize things in Nature, community or the world, which hold great meaning or value. 

In Windsor California, the community offers the public square to groups and businesses, for them to set up a small pine tree, and then decorate it, along with the name of the family, group, or business sponsoring the tree. The funds raised from the rental of each trees space goes into the community fund, which can generate more Stone Soup kinds of celebrations in this season. 


Even those who have nothing can celebrate, be grateful and share. This season is not about gifts, spending money or who has the most money, and the more that is the focus, the less meaning this seasonal celebration has long term. 

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Pieces of the log can be kept to pass on this eternal 'flame' into the next year, or the ashes from burned logs can be used to fertilize the seeds or trees that provide food for coming season, thus symbolizing the full circle of life, where death serves to nurture life in an eternal cycle of birth, death, and rebirth.

Ceremonies and/or rituals around this can include the meaning and value of what Nature as well as what people bring to it at this time of year. In the Indian tradition, tobacco was offered as a sacred offering or gift, to symbolize the giving back of something for what Nature provides at no cost. 

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Many people celebrate the coming together of loved ones after a season of working hard, but separately. Coming together and sharing the bounty as well as the love of family, community or world is also a focus of this time of year, and can be done in many ways, not limited to any particular tradition, religion or belief system. Businesses are a form of 'family' and in some ways, people spend much more time in these organizations and with each other than they do with family. 


In ancient Rome, this time of year was celebrated by reversing the normal order of things. Instead of taking, it is a time for giving. Instead of thinking of self, it is time to think selflessly. Instead of thinking short term, think and talk about how 7 future generations are affected by our actions today. 

Criminals or slaves were chosen to be rulers or kings for 7 days. Courts, businesses, banks, courts and schools were closed. Wars were stopped. Slaves were served by masters. 

Grudges were forgiven, criminals were released from jail. Everything was turned upside down in honor of the effect of Saturn, and the God Saturn, the father of all Gods. 

You or your family can create a ceremony, tradition or symbol around this to honor the fact that life is not always as it seems, and that spiritually, things are often the opposite of physical appearance. This is the time of year to forgive and forget, and get into the spiritual or Nature's law, essence of things.

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Singing, praying, chanting, drumming, music, performance, readings, poetry, processions, marches, and dance are also part of the celebrations or ceremonies during this time of year. Think and create creative ways that can include people of many faiths and beliefs, without excluding anyone, and create a gathering around that. Even in the darkest moments, singing is possible, and symbolic meanings can never be extinguished even under the most repressive brutal conditions. 

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Amy Gass Sings at the Third Annual Hallelujah Interfaith Christmas Concert Dec. 21st and 22nd.

If your community does not have an interfaith singing celebration, maybe it is time to start one.

29th Annual Interfaith Concert of the Interfaith Conference of Metropolitan Washington, Dc USA. Washington National Cathedral


Ritual cleansing, purification, forgiveness and starting over are also part of this holiday season. Cleansing baths may consist of hot pools, cold plunges, steam baths, saunas, combined with smoking and/or burning of certain specific herbs or pine needles for example.

Meditation can also serve as a practice to 'cleanse' the mind/heart of worry, stress, fear, doubt and monkey mindedness. Doing an extended meditation may be part of the 'new' way of celebrating this time of year, which includes going 'inside'.

Focusing on peace and harmony is also a way of celebrating this time of year.

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Although this time of year is primarily claimed by certain specific religions, there is no reason why an interfaith focus cannot be started and created as a yearly celebration. Why not invite in different faiths leaders and/or followers for a community celebration that includes rather than excludes? 

Every group can come together and celebrate in song, dance or performance in their own way, while enjoying what the other members of the community bring to the table. Different foods and ways of dressing for the holidays is also a potential. Different ceremonies can also be included and honored. There is no reason to exclude any particular belief, religion or tradition. The end result of this celebration will be more peace, more understanding, more unity, and more love. Reading the story; For Lack Of A Nail, can be part of this celebration. 

Benjamin Franklin; For Want Of A Nail, The War Was Lost Story

Tables should be arranged to mix people of different faiths and beliefs together. Questions and discussion times can be arranged, so that a positive and sustainable interfaith view of the future can be attained. One suggested focus is to explore the concept of one universal law that is contained in any religion or belief system. Another focus could be on what all religions and belief systems have in common. 

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There is nothing wrong with sharing and being part of someone else's belief, culture, religion or food system. Ideally, they will share yours in an equal measure. This is done without friction if agreed on before hand, rather than in the middle of a ceremony.
Winter Solstice; Full Album

Agree what will be celebrated and how, where, time, place, in a way that includes everyone, sharing equally. See this sharing ceremony as a time to get to know the other person, and giving them the gift of walking with them for a mile in their shoes, rather than trying to 'convert' or force them to accept something that is different from what they believe now. It is better to change and adapt ceremonies and traditional time together, rather than not having that person or group show up due to feeling excluded. 


Rather than lecturing or threatening, ask questions of the person with a different belief system or religion. Try to understand why this person believes as they do. Ask them what they have in common with your belief system or religion. Explore this concept and dive into the rich roots that will only add meaning and value to both of your lives. 

If the time commitment is too large or burdensome, explore ways to get a taste of it, say at the beginning and the end, rather than trying and failing to get the whole experience which may last for many hours, days or even weeks. One suggestion is to start a celebration with one person's ritual and then end the day with another person's ritual.

Soaring violin and guitar weaving around delicately passionate female vocals, underpinned by driving rhythmic complexity -- Solstice were an unlikely band to succeed in 1980s Britain. Yet because of their unique vision, audiences in search of an alternative to the shiny 'product' of the music industry reveled in the band's performances at all the major festivals and sell-out tours, on which they made the legendary Marquee club their home.


One of the things that most people are very afraid of is emotions. Most people have no idea what do with them, especially the dark ones, like fear, guilt, anger, etc. In this season of gifting, try sharing and exploring the emotional world, emotional history and where those roots go. 

How is everyone feeling and why? 

What is attached to those feelings?

Where in the body is the feeling located? 

What memories come up that may be attached to those feelings? 

Without shaming, blaming or attacking self or others, explore each others feelings around this holiday and time of year. This going deep process can be a gift both for self and for others. This 'gift' may become a tradition or ritual that can be repeated at least once a year with at least one other person in your circle. Widen the circle as you feel comfortable. Pass on the 'gift' that you get from doing this and tell other people about it, so they can share this gift in their lives and spread it out into their sacred circles.  

Watch as the energy flows and releases, as you dive into these new or old emotions that come to the surface. Only go as far as you feel comfortable. Repeat as often as you like but do this at least once a year. A daily dive into the emotional world and expressing them is the healthiest, but it takes practice and repetition to get good at doing this, just like anything else. 

This holiday season may be a good time to start doing this, if it has never been done before in your sacred circle. 


The holiday season is not just about you or your group, if you want anyone else to be a part of it, other than the church you belong to. Do not assume people will just go along with you if they don't go to the same church or belong to the same cultural/racial background. Ask questions and explore ways to celebrate inclusively, even if only one person out of 10 or 100 is from a different group, church or background. 

Ask them what it would take to make them feel welcome, included and share something about their belief, culture, background or religion.

If a particular holiday is celebrated in one specific way that is a tradition in just one religion, make sure to include other religions or cultures by attending their celebrations on a different date, in an equal and respectful manner. 

The point is not about what has been done in the past for any reason, but making sure to include and respect everyone in the present and future. It is possible to be inclusive in many ways, but this takes having an open mind, heart and a sense of empathy. It is easy to be intolerant, bigoted and self centered, even if one is very religious. Assumptions are very dangerous when it comes to religion and cultures.
Winter Solstice Winter Music for Yoga Meditation and Relaxation Music Chill Out Relaxing Music


Have a chat before any family or group gathering where a religious or cultural focus will be the theme, and ask the participants before hand; 

What are your expectations?

What are your traditions?

What are your must haves?


With an open mind and heart, there is a way to include all of the rituals or ceremonies that are important to everyone. Remember that change is hard and difficult for most people. Start small and build on the success, rather than trying to do drastic huge changes that mean upsetting the more conservative, tradition focused members of the group. 

Tolerance for diversity may mean having more than one gathering in more than one place. Grandma may not participate unless it is done just so, which then forces two celebrations; one at her house and a more inclusive one somewhere else, which may not include conservative grandmother. Explore ways that grandmother gets what she wants, but other beliefs and religions are also included, maybe in another room, different time, etc. Sometimes people get overwhelmed and cannot handle the changes, so they leave or have reactions. Flow with the resistance as the resistance and friction is normal. Keep it light and focus on the humorous side of things, if possible. 

We are learning how to live together or we die..Joe Cocker sings it...
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"Spiritual potluck: Have each person bring a funny or tongue-in-cheek dish or item representing his or her beliefs. If a loved one is Buddhist, he can bring lotus-shaped cookies to represent the meditative flower, and so on. It can be a tasty way to get to know another person’s beliefs—and could trigger some good conversations. Do caroling: Carols are often tied to Christmas today, but celebrations from non-Christian religious or spiritualties also incorporate singing. You can gather your musically-inclined loved ones and create a fun carol that blends the different ideas from your varied beliefs. No matter what the faiths you will be celebrating, keep the main focus—love—in mind and it will be much easier to keep the peace. Enjoy the holidays!"


Other ideas may combine the use of technology and celebration.. For example, think about how to use things like email, phone and/or Skype to celebrate. 

Things that can potentially be planned ahead of time are reading poetry, reading small passages from holy books of the different religions or belief systems. Email can be used to generate ideas about what to focus on, who will do what, and/or joint project ideas. A slide show, song or presentation can be created about the family, which can be shared during this skype or phone call. A free conference call service is available at; 


It may be of benefit to ask the question; "what gift can I give myself this holiday season"? Ask daily and see what answers appear on a social, emotional, physical, emotional, environmental and other levels..

When seen in a larger global overview, humanity is gradually learning how to get along in a world where there is diversity, yet connection via the Internet. It is no longer possible to completely 'exclude' other beliefs and traditions, or make them 'evil'.  Historically, religions are a mixture of different beliefs, cultures, and traditions. Why don't we all celebrate this historical fact instead of resisting it?

So many forces are acting on religions, cultures and traditions, that an explosion of creative mixtures of all religions, cultures, traditions and rituals are creatively forming. Every person is unique and different, so have fun with exploring and celebrate the very diverse differences, rather than the opposite. Instead of staying on the surface shallow layer of things, dive into the deeper meanings, values and beliefs. Go explore these things with someone who has a different viewpoint, religion or belief system, and compare back and forth. See what is common, see what the differences are. Have no fear, and stay in love.

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A Green Road Project; Teaching the Science of Sustainable Health and Success. Keep asking - what works for 7 future generations without causing harm?


Start Your Own Universal, Interfaith, Soulstice, Multi Belief System Celebrations During The Winter Solstice, Christmas Season

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