How To Access And Open The Akashic Records Or The Book of Life

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How To Access And Open The Akashic Records Or The Book of Life

How To Access And Open The Akashic Records Or The Book of Life

Introduction To The Book Of Life And/Or Akashic Records

It is recommended to anyone wanting to access the Book of Life, that they have a basic understanding of it, and know some elemental things around it. A basic introduction to the Book of Life is available at the following link;

Introduction To The Book Of Life, Akashic Records (AR) For Self Awareness, Spiritual Discernment, Human Destiny, And Increasing Consciousness

Access To The Book Of Life

Access to the book of life is available with a prayer.

The mind is like a parachute
It is best to keep it open
So that the maximum benefit is achieved
Within the given purpose and structure
Of any human endeavor

Come Up With One Or More Questions

The first step is to come up with one or more questions that you will ask after you open the Book Of Life.

To start this, get a sheet of paper or a notebook that you can use for this purpose.

Write down your question(s), and leave room for writing an answer.

In the same way, it is also possible to write down concerns, fears or doubts about this process or about the Book of Life, and then formulate questions around this.


Feel free to return here anytime. Feel free to access the Book Of Life and open it with the following prayer.  You are entering into a sacred, holy, mysterious realm that is within you, not without. 

Before you start, sit in a quiet place, place both feet on the ground, uncross your arms and take a couple of deep breaths. 

Make sure that you are clean; (not under the influence of mind altering substances) before attempting this, in order to get the best possible and most positive results.

After you read this, close your eyes, and as you breathe in visualize that you are breathing in love/light through a stream of love entering through the top of your head. On the in breath, breath in love into your heart and then down into the ground, coming from above you in the Heavens. Imagine a pure white light and love flowing from the Heavens down in through your head and into your heart, then down through the rest of your body, 'washing' it.

It may help to imagine looking up from inside, or it may work better to step outside your body and watch this happening. Do what works best for you. Even if you don't believe this is possible, use your imagination to start with. Eventually, you will start to actually feel this energy moving inside of your body. Eventually, you may feel your heart and experience the feeling of divine or unconditional love. 

On the outbreath, breathe out gratitude, coming up from the Earth, and going up through your heart and then out the top of your head. 

Breathe in love.

Breathe out gratitude. 

Repeat this until you feel 'clear'.

Then read the prayer to open to the Book of Life, and then open the Book Of Life.

Then read your question. Close your eyes, look up and expect the answer to come. Just wait for it. It may take a few minutes to 'connect' or for the answer to come to you. Be patient and stay open.

Write down the answer and then go on to the next question.

You may see a picture, hear something or feel something. You may get all three, or something completely different. Whatever you get in whatever way you get it is ok.

Opening To The Book Of Life Prayer

I do now open my heart to, welcome, respect and cherish the Forces of Light
I ask for healing, guidance and the highest possible truth within the Book Of Life
I ask to experience the deepest love, joy, peace and to see the brightest light possible now
Reveal to me in the present moment my highest good, and the highest good for 7 future generations

Opening The Book Of Life

Holy Spirit, Divine Mother, Divine Father, Protectors And Guardians Of the Book Of Life
Protect me, guide me, teach me and direct my attention to the work or healing at hand
Help me to know what is needed at this moment within the sacred Light of the Book of Life
Open my heart, eyes and ears; help me to feel, see and hear what the Book of Life will reveal
Assist me in sharing this sacred wisdom, love, peace, light, joy and eternal compassion with others present

The sacred Book Of Life is now open and accessible

Closing Prayer

With grateful humbleness, I thank the Holy Spirit for the power, light, love, peace, joy, and sacred mysterious wisdom that has been revealed and shared
I thank the Protectors, Guardians And Teachers for opening and sharing from the Book of Life
I thank the Holy Spirit of Light for it's power, wisdom, knowledge and healing
This reading of the Book Of Life has ended
The Book Of Life is closed

And so it is, Amen


Some people believe that the Book of Life is in a specific place, such as the center of the Earth, in a huge crystal. Some believe that the Book of Life is in Heaven, separate and apart from us, in a hard to get to place. Some people believe that the Book Of Life is in the 8th dimension, which is accessible only by going to a priest of a particular religion, spiritual master, psychic, or medium. Where is the Book Of Life located? Depending on who you ask, the answer will differ. Feel free to ask around. There may be no one 'right' answer, and whatever you believe may also be the 'right' answer, even if it is very different from what others believe. 

What if the Book Of Life and all spiritual laws are written inside of your heart of hearts, deep within you? What if the Book of Life and Heaven is not a place separate and apart? What if the heart within your spiritual soul body is infinite and unlimited in terms of 'size' or capacity? 

Can you imagine having an experience of infinity, eternity, of Agape love, or experiencing something around the Book of Life? What if all of the answers to life are in the Book of Life, and they are also written in your heart, as part of a basic 'programming' that cannot be erased or gotten rid of? What if the secret and mysterious answers to life are available to you at all times, anywhere you go? 

The last place most people look for answers is within. 

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How To Access And Open The Akashic Records Or The Book of Life

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