How Nuclear Reactors Act Like Tesla Death Ray Ion Guns, Shooting Ionizing Gases And 'Death' Rays Into Upper Atmosphere, Destroying Ion Balance

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How Nuclear Reactors Act Like Tesla Death Ray Ion Guns, Shooting Ionizing Gases And 'Death' Rays Into Upper Atmosphere, Destroying Ion Balance

How Nuclear Reactors Act Like Tesla Death Ray Ion Guns, Shooting Ionizing Gases And 'Death' Rays Into Upper Atmosphere, Destroying Ion Balance

Via ChasAha December 15, 2014 "IMO – If they 'say' they want to dump or are going to dump then most likely they already have dumped and/or were unable to contain leakages. However this information will not be disclosed... Volcanic looking rainbow-like eruption/emissions over Fukushima. Screenshot taken 12/11/2015 16:15 jst

Gasser December 6, 2014 "The Parable of Plutonium....
And then the wise teacher placed a bottle of detergent and asked me to come up and pour out all the liquid on to the table. Being a young wanna be cocky nuclear scientist I thought cool shit man, I get to make a big mess on someones else's time and place. 

After pouring the liquid detergent out on her desk she said "now try putting it all back in." 

Of course my challenged ego tried squeezing the plastic bottle to suck it all back in, but that was messy and not sucking it all up. 

When I gave up she said, "in the moment, you were so egotistically consumed with what you were doing you didn't realize the mess you were making. Then, after it was so quickly poured out, you now realize it is impossible to put it all back into it's containment vessel. Remember this for the rest of your life when it comes to works that come out of your mind and hands."
~Gasser Classic~

Arto Lauri does a pretty good job of explaining how all nuclear reactors release massive amounts of neutrons, ions, ionizing gases and hot particles up through very tall smoke stacks, which act much like the barrels of death ray guns. Tesla invented a death ray gun but never created it or shared it with the military.

Since that time, the nuclear industry has created a kind of death ray gun. Every nuclear reactor has a death ray device, pointed at the sky. This death ray gun on every nuclear facility is slowly but surely destroying the atmosphere and the living web of life on Earth. This article explores how and why every nuclear reactor acts like a death ray gun,  in more than one way. A huge mess is being made, and no one knows how to clean it up, or how to 'put it all back in'. 


All nuclear reactors release invisible but poisonous and ionizing heavy metal radioactive gases up their smoke stacks on a regular, daily basis. the largest amounts are released by reprocessing facilities and medical isotope creating facilities. All nuclear reactors are 'legally' allowed to release massive amounts of radiation each year into the air, drinking water, rivers, ocean and ground. 

Krypton 85 - 1,800,000 Bq Radioactive Gases Released From Each Nuclear Reactor Vent Stack Each Second; via @AGreenRoad

All Nuclear Reactors Release Massive Quantities Of Invisible And Undetectable Tritium Radiation, Creating 'HOT' Rain Or Snow

75% US Nuclear Plants Leaking Toxic Tritium Radiation Into Drinking Water Supply; via @AGreenRoad

The nuclear industry claims that because these heavy metal poisons and radioactive elements are 'diluted', that they somehow have no effect. What they ignore is the bio concentration and bio accumulation effect. Every human and all living things on the planet have higher measurable levels of radioactive elements, when compared to before the atomic age. The closer one lives to a nuclear facility, the more deaths and diseases there are. This is the first proof that nuclear plants are a type of death machine. 

Nuclear Power Plant Studies Show Child Leukemia, Breast, Thyroid Cancer Rates Increase RADICALLY Closer To Plants; via @AGreenRoad


The old fashioned tube type TV's contained a high voltage 'gun' that shot ionizing particles against a screen, to produce an image and light. Arto Lauri is holding up one of these ray 'guns' in the picture above. He is showing how a nuclear reactor acts much like this TV part, only it is aimed at the sky, instead of horizontally. 

Nuclear reactors act much like ray guns that shoot radioactive gases, hot particles and ionizing materials into the upper atmosphere, creating huge holes in the atmosphere and sometimes even creating plasma balls, which he shows in the following video.

Nuclear bombs are known to create huge EMP pulses, plus neutron, gamma, beta and alpha radiation pulses. This effect is described in more detail in the following linked article. 

History Of Nuclear EMP Pulse Weapons; via @AGreenRoad

The point being made is that nuclear bombs have a very negative effect which has been well studied.

First Strike Policy, Nuclear Bombs, Down Winders, Acute Radiation Sickness, Nuclear War, Dirty Bombs, Bomb Shelters


Nuclear reactors are like 'slow motion' nuclear bombs. They do the same thing that nuclear bombs do, and create the same kinds of radiation that a nuclear bomb does, but just in a slower, stretched out time scale.

Every nuclear reactor has to release hot gases and hot particles into the air through huge smoke stacks. The combination of these reactor vessels, pipes and smoke stack create the conditions required for a kind of death ray gun. The nuclear reactor death ray gun kills in several ways. 

Even if the radiation coming out of a nuclear reactor did not have any negative impact on the atmosphere, it still has negative impacts on all living things on Earth, as the radiation bio concentrates and bio accumulates up the food chain into children, pregnant women, embryos, eggs, sperm and fetuses. 

Plutonium And Cesium Bioaccumulation Up To 26,000 Times In Ocean Algae, Up To 5,570,000 Bq/Kg in Land Algae, Biomagnification From There; via @AGreenRoad

2014 - Fukushima Hot Particle (Fuel Flea) Found 300 Miles Away in Tokyo, Measured At 40 Quintillion Bq/kg

Children And Adults - Negative Effects Of Chronic, Cumulative Man Made Radiation Exposure


Arto points out how at this one nuclear facility, huge plasma balls were created in the upper atmosphere, right on top of the reactor, due to 'pulses' of radiation coming from the smoke stack. due to it shooting huge amounts of ionizing gases and hot particles high up into the air. This is a close up of one of these plasma balls, which looks exactly like ball lightning. 

A long range video shot shows how these plasma balls were generated at about 30 second intervals, always starting right on top of the nuclear reactor, above the smoke stack, and then traveling in one direction, probably downwind. You can see a couple of these small light plasma balls one right behind the other, in the purplish cloud section of the photo below. 

The smoke stack can be seen to punch a hole in the clouds, right before the plasma ball is created. 

At Fukushima, various air ionizing events have also quite possibly been captured on video, as shown in the following link. 

Fukushima Daiichi Spider-Webs, Plasma or Artificial Lightning Ionization Events; Are They Real?


Scientists are talking about and publishing studies around how the ionization of the various man made and artificial radioactive elements released by all nuclear facilities can affect the weather, the water balance of the air and much more. In the following video segment, Arto shows how some ion lightning comes from the nuclear power plant ion 'ball' above the plant. The ion lightning then hits power lines, thus unbalancing them and causing voltage spikes.

Could Radioactive Krypton 85 Gas And Open Air Fission Be Generating Massive Typhoons, One A Week Basis? via @AGreenRoad

Krypton 85 Argon, Krypton, Xenon, Flourine Gas Dangers, Cancer Causing Health Effects, Risks, And Hazards; via @AGreenRoad
In the video above, Arto is showing a hot plutonium particle or ion traveling through the air. He is located about 2 km away from an active nuclear power plant.


In the video below, Arto explains how there is a huge ionic vortex created around each nuclear power plant, consisting of a large number of super high speed ions circling and spinning above and around the nuclear reactor.

Arto goes on to explain that the ions are thrown out into space via this vortex, forming an ion channel. This open channel forms a direct and short circuited connection between the millions of volts in the upper ionosphere or space and the ground where the nuclear plant is. 

Space radiation consist of 90% protons. Hydrogen becomes ionized in this space radiation channel above a nuclear plant. 10% of this space radiation is ionized iron like substances, like a vaporized solid metal gas. As the hadron very high speed particles cascade down the channel or cavity formed by the death ray above the nuclear plant. 

The nuclear bomb at Hiroshima was actually a failure, because it only consumed about 3% of the uranium. In effect, Hiroshima was more like a dirty bomb, spreading radioactive uranium all over a huge area. It did not go up very far into the atmosphere, when talking about ionization as we are here.

Nagasaki used plutonium, and it was much more lethal in terms of where it went far up into the atmosphere, and it created an ion channel from space to the ground. This energy came down and vaporized a large number of people on the ground, leaving only impressions in the concrete behind them, but no trace of matter. This was not heat that did this, but the ion channel and the high energy particles coming down the channel created by the Nagasaki explosion. In effect, the hydrogen bomb opened up a channel for 'Heavens Fire' to come raining down. The Etna volcano caused this same thing to happen, and the ark of the covenant is said to have caused this same thing. 

In a nuclear plant, 3% of the matter fissioning inside of it turns into antimatter, which then turns into pure energy. Nagasaki was 10 to 20 times larger than Hiroshima, due to opening up and channeling of this Heavens Fire. In effect, every nuclear plant is a 'free energy' or zero point' energy production facility. More energy is coming out of it than is put into it, so it violates the standard laws of this universe in a way. 

The transformers on the site of each nuclear plant are generating huge magnetic fields. and the roofs of these transformers are open. The combination of the fission process, the transformers, the huge electric lines coming out of the plant and the chimney above the plant all work together to create a huge ion vortex about the nuclear reactor. The chimney acts as the 'gun' to shoot the high speed particles up into space.

Another way that these ionic 'channels' can be seen streaming back to Earth is via this picture of a nuclear bomb explosion. Whether the channels are vertical or at an angle, under certain circumstances, they are visible.

Why do submarines have highly enriched 25 to 30% uranium, while nuclear reactors only have 3% uranium? Arto says is because they do not have this ion channel that helps 'burn' the low density uranium, so they need a much higher purity uranium to make the fission reaction happen in the same way as it happens in a uranium reactor. He said that it is possible to get a reaction down to a .7% fuel density in certain kinds of reactors, using this same principle. 


Nuclear facilities affect the weather in other ways as well. Because every nuclear facility releases radioactive elements such as radioactive acidic carbon which plants and algae absorb, they also have a negative global warming effect, by killing algae, coral, and trees. For more on this, click on the following links.

Low Dose Radiation, CO2 Causing Oxygen Depletion Globally, Killing Trees, Corals, Fish, Algae; Hyperbaric Oxygen As A Solution; via @AGreenRoad

Nuclear Energy As A Direct Cause Of Global Warming, Acid Rain, Acid Oceans And Super Storms; via @AGreenRoad


It is bad enough to have one death ray gun machine operating. Currently the world has more than 1,400 of these death ray machines operating in various forms; nuclear ships, subs, labs, power stations, recycling facilities, storage facilities and much more. Every step of the nuclear industry process is toxic and deadly, as proven by the links that follow this article. If humanity wants to survive, it has to shut down all nuclear reactors and dismantle everything nuclear, including nuclear weapons. 

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How Nuclear Reactors Act Like Tesla Death Ray Ion Guns, Shooting Plasma Ionizing Gases And Rays Into Upper Atmosphere, Destroying Ion Balance

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