Selfishness Versus Selflessness; Book Review Of Ayn Rand's “Atlas Shrugged”, Galt's Gulch Project And Film Review Of Movies Based On Book

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Selfishness Versus Selflessness; Book Review Of Ayn Rand's “Atlas Shrugged”, Galt's Gulch Project And Film Review Of Movies Based On Book

Is there a difference between being selfish and unselfish? What is the difference between being selfish and selfless, both personally and in organizations? This article will tackle these questions by looking into Ayn Rand's atheistic life and her book Atlas Shrugged as well as Galt's Gulch Project. This article also features numerous book and movie reviews of Atlas Shrugged I, II and III. This article also explores the meaning of the term 'self actualization' and how it applies to the life and writings of Ayn Rand.


All of life is evolving on planet Earth. All of life is taking something; such as air, water, food, and more. Everyone is evolving both personally and in other ways. But in order to evolve, first all of a person's basic needs to be met, such as fresh clean water, air, fertile soil, sufficient food, clothing and housing. Meeting all of these needs means 'taking' it from the environment as well as other people. Luckily, life on Earth has evolved so that the selfish 'taking' of air, water, soil and other basic necessities is matched by a virtuous cycle on the other end. Plants give off oxygen, as we give them CO2. Humans give plants and soil fertilizer, which they use to give back food, fiber and more.

As a baby, child and teen, selfish 'taking' of things is seen as normal. Without those basic needs being met for babies to teens, a person cannot move beyond the selfish survival stage. In other words, the whole focus is on what is good for me, and then taking whatever is needed from the environment, the world or other people in order to 'get' those things needed in order to reach maturity and adulthood.


A selfish person always thinks about themselves, rather than about other people and their needs. They have no consideration for the environment, for community, or for things like the commons, much less spirituality or God, because they are still immature. Everyone expects immaturity and selfishness  in babies, infants, children and teens, possibly even young adults.

Selfish people definitely DON'T think of the effects of their actions on other people, much less seven future generations before taking any actions. They definitely don't care if the action that achieves their selfish need harms other people, the environment or future generations. What does it mean to develop beyond this selfish stage of growth? 

Beyond Maslow's Hierarchy; From Survival To Self Transcendence via @AGreenRoad

To achieve more than basic survival requires self introspection, seeking and study, which is often accomplished by attending college, church, travel, learning from wise elders, and via other methods. Many people get stuck on their way to self actualization and becoming unselfish. One term that could be used to describe someone who manipulates other people and causes harm in order to achieve purely selfish needs is sociopath. It helps to learn how to recognize a sociopath, so you won't become one of their victims. 

How To Spot A Sociopath Or Psychopath - 10 red flags that could save you from being swept under the influence of a charismatic nut job; via A Green Road

Selfish, greedy, self absorbed or narcissistic individuals may be stuck in the infant, child or teen stage, where the focus is always on taking and/or destroying, not giving. Even an atheist can become unselfish and have empathy or compassion for other people, but that takes learning, growing and developing into a mature adult. To understand how selfishness is transformed into selflessness as part of maturing as an adult human being, click on the following links. 

Applying Ancient, Universal Archetypes To Modern Day Civilization And Self Actualization; via @AGreenRoad

The question that rises once a person meets their basic needs is; who am I? Am I my thoughts and definitions? 

Who Are We? Are We Our Thoughts And Definitions? via @AGreenRoad

Movie; I AM, Exploring The Meaning Of Life, Liberty And Happiness; via @AGreenRoad

Ayn Rand explored these and other interesting questions in her books and movies. The public is now the judge of her message and philosophy. Just because Ayn wrote some books does not mean she has all of the answers. Many people read her books as young adults or teens. Now they are much older and hopefully wiser. Do those same people still believe the same things? Would they still have the same reaction now after reading her books? Would they even read her books again?

Despite her foundation giving away 400,000 books to public schools each year, her 3 movies have all lost money, even the latest one, released in 2014.  Is it any wonder, when her books condone and encourage a life of rejecting God and all positive attributes of God, in a dystopian future world of atheism, where greed and selfishness is celebrated and adored? Many people have lived life per her example, but there are consequences to living that way, which the world as well as individuals are now experiencing in all kinds of ways.

Globally, the consequences of living in a selfish, immature manner are now coming home to roost, in the form of many negative tipping points. How long will humanity continue to live and manage to survive in a selfish way, oriented towards short term profits and nothing else? 

Planet Earth 911 Emergencies And Global Threats


Wikipedia; "Atlas Shrugged was generally disliked by critics, despite being a popular success. The book was dismissed by some as an "homage to greed", while author Gore Vidal described its philosophy as "nearly perfect in its immorality".[9] Helen Beal Woodward, reviewing Atlas Shrugged for The Saturday Review, opined that the novel was written with "dazzling virtuosity" but that it was "shot through with hatred".[37] 

This was echoed by Granville Hicks, writing for The New York Times Book Review, who also stated that the book was "written out of hate".[38] The reviewer for Time magazine asked: "Is it a novel? Is it a nightmare? Is it Superman – in the comic strip or the Nietzschean version?"[39] 

In the magazine National Review, Whittaker Chambers called Atlas Shrugged "sophomoric" and "remarkably silly", and said it "can be called a novel only by devaluing the term".[40] Chambers argued against the novel's implicit endorsement of atheism, whereby "Randian man, like Marxian man is made the center of a godless world".[40] Chambers also wrote that the implicit message of the novel is akin to "Hitler's National Socialism and Stalin's brand of Communism" ("To a gas chamber — go!").[40]"

"Both conservatives and liberals were unstinting in disparaging the book; the right saw promotion of godlessness, and the left saw a message of greed is good. Rand is said to have cried every day as the reviews came out." – Harriet Rubin (2007) in The New York Times[9]

Former Rand business partner and lover Nathaniel Branden, to whom the book was originally dedicated, has expressed differing views of Atlas Shrugged. ,,,,In 1984, two years after Rand's death, he argued that Atlas Shrugged "encourages emotional repression and self-disowning" and that her works contained contradictory messages. Branden claimed that the characters rarely talk "on a simple, human level without launching into philosophical sermons". He criticized the potential psychological impact of the novel, stating that John Galt's recommendation to respond to wrongdoing with "contempt and moral condemnation" clashes with the view of psychologists who say this only causes the wrongdoing to repeat itself.[50]

Nobel Prize-winning economist and commentator Paul Krugman alluded to a quip[59][60] by John Rogers in his blog: "There are two novels that can change a bookish fourteen-year old's life: The Lord of the Rings and Atlas Shrugged. One is a childish fantasy that often engenders a lifelong obsession with its unbelievable heroes, leading to an emotionally stunted, socially crippled adulthood, unable to deal with the real world. The other, of course, involves orcs."[59][60] In his commentary Krugman has continually mocked those whose purportedly serious economic ideas come from the novel.[59][61]

Besides Paul Krugman, conservatives, such as William Buckley, Jr., strongly disapproved of Rand and her Objectivist message.[62][63] Soon after the book's publication Buckley solicited a number of critical pieces: Russell Kirk called objectivism an “inverted religion”,[62] Frank Meyer accused Rand of “calculated cruelties” and her message, an “arid subhuman image of man”,[62]

Garry Wills regarded Rand a “fanatic”[62] and Whittaker Chambers considered the story of Atlas Shrugged preposterous, its characters crude caricatures, its message dictatorial and overall, "a remarkably silly book".[62][63]


In the late 2000s, the book gained more media attention and conservative commentators suggested the book as a warning against a socialistic reaction to the finance crisis. Conservative commentators Neal Boortz,[64] Glenn Beck, and Rush Limbaugh[65] have offered high praise of the book on their respective radio and television programs. 

In 2006 Associate Justice of the Supreme Court Clarence Thomas cited Atlas Shrugged as among his favorite novels.[66] Republican Congressman John Campbell said for example: "People are starting to feel like we're living through the scenario that happened in [the novel] ... We're living in Atlas Shrugged", echoing Stephen Moore in an article published in The Wall Street Journal on January 9, 2009, titled "Atlas Shrugged From Fiction to Fact in 52 Years".[67] 

In 2005 Congressman Paul Ryan said that Rand was "the reason I got into public service" and later required his staff members to read Atlas Shrugged.[68][69] In April 2012 he disavowed such beliefs however, calling them "an urban legend", and rejected Rand's philosophy.[70]


A film adaptation of Atlas Shrugged was in "development hell" for nearly 40 years.[77]
The film was met with a generally negative reception from professional critics, getting an 11% (rotten) rating on movie review aggregator Rotten Tomatoes,[86] and had less than $5 million in total box office receipts.[87] The film earned an additional $5M in DVD and Blu-ray sales, for a total of about half of its $20M budget. [88] The producer and screenwriter John Aglialoro blamed critics for the film's paltry box office take and said he might go on strike, but ultimately went on to make the second two installments.[89]
On February 2, 2012, Kaslow and Aglialoro announced Atlas Shrugged: Part II was fully funded and that principal photography was tentatively scheduled to commence in early April 2012.[90]The film was released on October 12, 2012,[91] without a special screening for critics.[92]

It suffered one of the worst openings ever, 98th worst according to Box Office Mojo, among films in wide release.[93] Final box office take was $3.3 million, well under that of Part I despite the doubling of the budget to $20 million according to the Daily Caller. Those figures should be treated as tentative as the Internet Movie Database estimates Part 1 budget at $20 million and the Part II budget at $10 million, while Box Office Mojo says Part 1 cost $20 million and Part 2 data is "NA".[94][95] Critics gave the film a 5% rating on Rotten Tomatoes based on 21 reviews.[96]
The third part in the series, Atlas Shrugged: Part III, was released on September 12, 2014.[97]The movie opened on 242 screens and grossed $461,197 its opening weekend.[98] It was widely panned by critics, holding a 0% at Rotten Tomatoes, based on nine reviews.[99]


Ayn Rand explored who she was, but never got beyond the stage of selfish self interest. Being selfish was the pinnacle of all accomplishments for her.  Being selfish and taking from others was the best any person could hope for as far as she was concerned. 

This belief system was expressed through all of her books, a project called Galt's Gulch and three movies. Hear what RT News has to say about how Ayn's belief system worked when it was applied to a real world project.
From 1:50 To 12:38


In the book 'Atlas Shrugged', Ayn explains what happens in a world when the billionaires go on strike. In the book, the US becomes a socialist country where workers start unionizing and demanding things like worker safety laws, a share of the profits in the form of a living wage,  a say in how the company is run, etc. In other words, workers create all of the wealth that a corporation makes, but if they ask for a share, the CEO says no way and goes on strike.. Does this make any sense at all? To Ayn Rand, it does, because to the 1%, they are the only 'creators' of wealth, and the workers are the worthless 'takers' and looters, for demanding a share of the profits generated by their labor.

The 1%, made up of rich businessmen, get fed up with the workers demands and go on strike against the workers. They 'retire' to a paradise of Libertarianism, to a place called Galt's Gulch. John Galt is the leader of this group. The small, pure group of 1%'ers seem to need absolutely no workers to maintain their fantasy world where everything is always perfect and lots of sex is happening. In other words, it is Libertarian Heaven on Earth, where only the richest 1% exist in a land of selfish pleasure and self indulgence. In this Heaven, there are no pesky demanding workers around to bother them, there are no homeless, no starving people, no poor and no slaves. Best of all, there are no rules and no government. 

Then the 1%'er group returns to America and overthrows the government. (Greed, absolute power, violence, killing and taking over of democratic elected governments is good! ) They establish an 'objectivist' country, ruled by corporations. Workers and ordinary citizens are squashed and suppressed completely, as worthless and useless 'eaters' and 'takers' who do nothing but collect 'entitlements' and 'welfare'.  

(Where have we heard that mantra before? Oh yea, from the Tea Party and the extreme right and the corporate controlled mass media, which is pushing this corporate friendly Fascist agenda.)

People Collecting 'Entitlements' - Who Are They? Links To 1%, National Debt And The Federal Reserve via @AGreenRoad

Wikipedia; "The theme of Atlas Shrugged, as Rand described it, is "the role of man's mind in existence". The book explores a number of philosophical themes from which Rand would subsequently develop Objectivism.[6][7] In doing so, it expresses the advocacy of reason, individualism, capitalism, and the failures of government.....

Having demonstrated the reliability of Rearden Metal in a railroad line named after 'John Galt', Hank Rearden and Dagny Taggart become paramours; and later discover, amongst the ruins of an abandoned factory, an incomplete motor that transforms atmospheric static electricity into kinetic energy, of which they seek the inventor.

Just looking at the above section of the book brings up two observations. A fiction book can create any kind of world, which has nothing to do with reality. The railroads in the US were built not just by entrepreneurs, but by the US government. The government sponsored the building of the railroads by giving the companies who built them large swaths of land, which was formerly owned by the government. Before that, this land belonged to American Indians, who had it taken away by force, after living there for an estimated 40,000 years, in a sustainable fashion. 

19 To 100 Million Native American' Indians Exterminated By Illegal Immigrant 'Settlers'; via @AGreenRoad


Large corporations survive not because of the personal efforts of the 1%, but because of the largesse of government, which gives them corporate welfare, subsidies, grants, tax breaks and no bid contracts, especially so in medicine, military and energy.

The CEO of any huge corporation is nothing without the labor and support of an army of workers, who build up the organization and create profits. Without the generous hardworking taxpayers, plus workers, there is no company, no profits and no money for the 1%.

The fantasy expressed by Ayn that government is somehow evil and anti business is not reality in any way. Corporations actually use government to expand their absolute power and control these days, while feeding at the taxpayer trough of money, and using workers in a way that rivals the slave era. 

ALEC Exposed; How Corporations Buy, Corrupt, And Control The Federal And State Governments; via @AGreenRoad

Drugs, Medicine, GMO's, Education

In the section of Atlas Shrugged where a motor is discovered that converts static electricity into power, that discovery is not followed up on for a reason. The corporate monopoly structure built on top of selling energy is based on absolute control of that carbon or nuclear energy and then selling it for a price per kilowatt hour. Developing a bottoms up empowering 'free' energy device does not fit into the top down, 1% monopoly controlled global economy.

If anyone can go around and create power with nothing more than a motor connected to air, the whole monopolistic energy carbon and nuclear cartel would collapse overnight, as they could not compete with free energy produced from the air. Again, fantasy in Ayn's world of fiction does not match reality. Read about how real world renewable energy is a valid option, but it is being suppressed by the nuclear and carbon cartels. 

Environment, Holistic Living, Health, Self-Healing, Zero Point And Renewable Energy

In the real world, monopolistic energy and other corporations will do just about anything to suppress any invention or alternative that threatens their monopolistic control. As evidence, they do just about anything that they can to suppress renewable energy, and that only makes up about 1% of the energy supply in the US, when it comes to solar power. To understand the full scope and extent of the global corporate control of the energy and other markets, click on this link and follow the rabbit holes. 

Art And Science Of Deception; Global Corporations And The 1%


Three movies have been made around the book Atlas Shrugged. One movie takes up near the end of the book, when the leader John Galt falls in love with another 1% club member from the 'outside' and he pursues her while taking over the government at the same time. 

Thom then talks with Richard Eskow of the Campaign for America’s Future about Ayn Rand’s “Atlas Shrugged” and the real-life Ayn Rand experiment gone wrong in Chile. They look at a real life attempt at Galt's Gulch....

Libertarians praise Ayn Rand and her fraud promoting philosophy. In the book, a fellow is celebrated as he defrauds the Mexican government and built substandard worker housing that collapsed on the people living there, killing thousands of people at the first earthquake or mudslide. Housing fraud is celebrated in the book as something noble and as a virtue to be looked up to. In real life the Mafia, huge corporations and terrorist gangs operate that way, but not the average family, church goers, small business owners and workers.


Galt's Gulch was created in real life in the country of Chile by fans of Ayn Rand. They valiantly tried to copy and follow her philosophy and vision to the letter. People were encouraged to spend hundreds of thousands of dollars to be a 'founder', and we promise, we'll give the money back. You can also buy property here.

A Canadian couple fell in love with a tree on the property. They put their life savings into it. It turned out that no one involved in this fantasy land project ever had the right to sell the property, and they never got any permissions to build it, from the worthless and useless government. So now the whole project is surrounded by lawsuits and fraud charges. The local small business people and families have also been defrauded and ripped off by this Galts Gulch enterprise. But all of this should come as no surprise.


After all, the book celebrates free market capitalism on the one hand, but also fraud, brutality, cheating, stealing and taking what you can get no matter what, at any price on the other hand. Is it any surprise that the outcome turns into exactly this kind of situation, where only the few people getting all of the money are happy?  Who cares about the rest of the worthless 'takers' that make up the 99%, as long as the 1% are happy?

The One Percent Movie; via @AGreenRoad

Paul Ryan required all of his employees to read Ayn Rand. Ayn wrote glowingly about Wayne Edward Hickman.  Ayn praised a sociopathic psychopath who kidnapped a 12 year old girl. He killed her and cut her up into little pieces. Then he stitched all of the pieces back together. He then returned her body to her father. After collecting the ransom, Wayne opens the door to the car and the body of the young girl falls out in pieces onto the pavement. Ayn celebrated and adored Wayne. She said that Wayne was a 'superman', living above the rules of society. Wayne is featured extensively in many of her novels, such as Fountainhead.

Is this the kind of thing that people want to teach their kids in schools and make required reading? Are these the 'virtues' adults, teachers and politicians as well as corporate leaders want to hold up as models? Is this the vision of the future humanity wants to create? 


Wikipedia; "The concept "sanction of the victim" is defined by Leonard Peikoff as "the willingness of the good to suffer at the hands of the evil, to accept the role of sacrificial victim for the 'sin' of creating values".[26]....Rand's heroes continually oppose "parasites", "looters", and "moochers" who demand the benefits of the heroes' labor. Edward Younkins describes Atlas Shrugged as "an apocalyptic vision of the last stages of conflict between two classes of humanity — the looters and the non-looters. The looters are proponents of high taxation, big labor, government ownership, government spending, government planning, regulation, and redistribution".[33]

Rand's impact on contemporary libertarian thought has been considerable; the title of the libertarian magazine, Reason: Free Minds, Free Markets, is taken directly from John Galt, the hero of Atlas Shrugged, who argues that "a free mind and a free market are corollaries".


What does it mean in real life, to have a 'free market'? The lesson about how the 'free market' is not really workable is taught in the Triangle Shirtwaist Fire story and the example of the recent global financial meltdown of the 'free market' capitalistic system, via the lesson of Iceland. 

PBS; New York Triangle Shirtwaist Factory Fire - The Reason For Worker Rights, Unions, Voting Women, Safety Laws, And More; via @AGreenRoad

Iceland Bailed Out Workers And Unions, Not Too Big To Fail Banksters; via @AGreenRoad

Iceland is doing fine and serves as just ONE living model for how the US COULD BE, if only the mass media, politicians and regulators were not totally taken over, coopted and corrupted by a few huge multinational corporations and the 1% who promote the propaganda that they should be allowed to do whatever they want in a 'free market' that is only free for them, but not for the 99%.  Isn't it time that US citizens take their country and reigns of government back and kick these sociopathic 1% out? When are the 99% going to rise up and not take it anymore?

Are Unions Evil Socialist Plots That Must Be Made Extinct, Or The Best Thing Going? via @AGreenRoad

How Corporate America Is Killing Unions And The Middle Class Workers; via A Green Road


Is being free to do whatever one wants, no matter what it is, a good thing? Would you allow your child to do whatever it wants, with no limits or boundaries? What if it wanted to use your gun to shoot the neighbors? What if your child wanted to burn down a house? What if your child wanted to use a nuclear bomb and blow up a city or country?

Freedom sounds good until it meets the rubber on the road of consequences. Freedom has to have healthy boundaries around it, such as not doing harm to others, or to 7 future generations. Within this definition, a person or corporation can be 'free' to choose whatever it wants. A free market as defined by huge corporations is just like giving a gun or an atom bomb ready to fire to a 2 year old. No one would do that who is in their right mind. 

The term 'free market' is a meaningless term that sounds good, until it is interpreted by corporations to mean what is good for them; no worker rights, no unions, no environmental protection, no government oversight, and they get to do whatever they want, harmful, illegal, immoral or whatever, including selling out the USA to godless Communists for money. If the market were really 'free', then drugs would not be illegal, because that law is what gives the drug companies monopoly control of the market.

The Illusion Of The 'Free Market' - Paradox Of State Punishing People For Drug Use; via @AGreenRoad

The books and movies by Ayn Rand set the foundation stone for people to work and vote against their own interests, and in favor of corporations ruling the world with absolute power and control. By using her philosophy of greed, violence and doing whatever you want is ok, in whatever way that they want to, without any pesky laws, profit sharing, or environmental protection, corporate leaders justify their actions by pointing to Ayn Rand's philosophy. Her books make it all 'good', just like the some people can use the old testament in the Bible to justify genocide, murder, slavery, setting off nuclear weapons to hurry up Armagedon and taking over the whole world.

Would you be in favor of corporations trumping all countries sovereignty and Constitutions? If corporations are allowed to do whatever they want to do, via TPP, that is what will happen. Of course, Ayn Rand would be proud to see what her 'free market' philosophy has wrought; the complete domination and takeover of government by corporations. 

TPP - Trans Pacific Partnership; How It Will Trump The Constitution, Bill Of Rights And Freedoms If Allowed To Pass


In a world where absolute freedom includes the 'free market right' to take by force another person, a city, a country or a world, rape becomes a 'virtue', just like the TPP agreement becomes a virtue by making it a 'right' for corporations to rape countries and communities. The only problem with Ayn's belief system, is that absolute freedom does not work in the real world, especially not if the person involved lacks any morals or ethics, much less compassion due to various reasons. In other words, they can rape and kill at will, without even getting stressed.

Rape is featured as a good thing in Rand's world. Women are brutalized and violated against their will, but then they realize that they love their rapist after all that the rapist has done to them.  There is an exaltation of brutality and violence in all forms in her universe of books and bizarre fantasies. Even the relatively mild Atlas Shrugged, a woman has sex with a man and then finds clotted blood on her arm. In another scene, the woman realizes she is going to be 'taken' no matter if she wants to be or not, and that is supposed to be some kind of a 'turn on'.


In her private life, she regarded a killer as a superman, as someone who can disregard all of the rules of society and take whatever one wants.  This is sociopathic or psychopathic stuff, wouldn't you agree? People who are Ayn Rand followers call everyone who has not read her stuff 'virgins', until that person has read this juvenile, mysogenist, brutal stupidity.

Possible Grounds For Execution In The Old Testament... How Many Death Penalties Are There?

Alan Greenspan was an acolite of Ayn and was inducted into her cult in 1956, after she died from lung cancer from smoking, which proved she was 'free'. He brought a dollar bill flower arrangement to her grave. When the parasites (all those who believe in socialism or communism) die out, as they must eventually, Rand followers will control the whole world and Heaven will exist on Earth. Many people who follow Ayn Rand feel this same way and are working to make it happen.

Ayn collected Social Security and Medicare when she was alive, so she ended up living a lie, by collecting 'socialist' entitlements and welfare while living in an 'evil' country where parks, schools, roads, bridges and much more were all provided to her at no cost. Close of 100% of the goods sold at places like Walmart are made in Communist China and bought by people like Ayn Rand, sold to her by huge corporations based in the US, but paying no taxes here. So many if not most of the goods sold in the US are benefiting huge corporations who profit from Communist country provided slave labor, no environmental protection and no human rights or freedoms. Ayn Rand would be proud, except for the Communist part. 

She used those things while complaining about them, and saying that they should all be privatized and held by a corporation that must make profits off of it. Her vision is becoming reality, and soon, everyone will pay for everything, including every breath taken, and every cup of water drunk, and every step taken. Is this the kind of future you want to live in? If yes, keep following Ayn Rand. If not, choose another way, and make sure you vote only for candidates who put distance between themselves and Rand.


DisasterInterpretationDissorder December 17, 2014 "One nation under Galt: How Ayn Rand’s toxic philosophy permanently transformed America
While Harriet Beecher Stowe shamed Americans about the United States’ dehumanization of African Americans and slavery, Ayn Rand removed Americans’ guilt for being selfish and uncaring about anyone except themselves. Not only did Rand make it “moral” for the wealthy not to pay their fair share of taxes, she “liberated” millions of other Americans from caring about the suffering of others, even the suffering of their own children. The good news is that I’ve seen ex-Rand fans grasp the damage that Rand’s philosophy has done to their lives and to then exorcize it from their psyche. Can the United States as a nation do the same thing?

The "Atlas Shrugged" author helped make the United States one of the most uncaring nations in the industrial world."

The Salon article above is well worth reading in it's entirety, because it goes into the personal life of Ayn, and shows how she lived, as well as how she 'cared' for the people that she loved.


The cult that follows Ayn has infiltrated the government. The ultimate goal is to celebrate sociopathy and reject any type of organized sustainable civilization that follows any kind of laws or rules that promote sustainable living in harmony with Nature's laws for example.

Libertarianism is an oxymoron. They say and believe that they do it all on their own, with no help from anyone, but at the same time, the 99% workers are actually creating all of the wealth. The characters in the book often inherit the money they have from their parents, which was also created by workers and raping communities financially. The wealth is transferred away from the 99% and given to the 1%, via Ayn Rand's philosophies of godless greed and mindless violence.

How To Spot A Sociopath Or Psychopath - 10 red flags that could save you from being swept under the influence of a charismatic nut job; via A Green Road

Ayn has rejected God, the commons, the middle and organized democracy. Selfishness and brutal greed plus absolute power is celebrated by Ayn and her followers. Running a train at 100 miles per hour through the middle of towns is ok, just because it can be done, despite it being against safety rules. Let's do it, no matter what, is the Ayn Rand philosophy. Let's break all God's and Nature's rules plus violate all government laws, and just do it to do it, because I want to do it selfishly. Who cares what God thinks, what the community thinks, or what the nation's citizenry wants, or what the effect is on the environment. Never mind voting, democracy and the commons. This belief system is what is running the US government currently, via huge corporations that express the belief system and philosophy through their channels of absolute power and money.


This Libertarian philosophy also believes that the government should serve NO purpose or interest, except as it bows down to corporations and their interests. In other words, there is no public interest, and no citizens can say anything about anything, because corporations rule the world. Guess what, that is exactly the world as it exists today in the USA. Citizen input into the government which is controlled by corporations has flatlined, and does not exist any more. 

Drugs, Medicine, GMO's, Super Bugs, Cloning, Vaccines, Education

Whatever the huge globalist corporations want is what they get, no matter if it causes nuclear accidents that contaminate thousands of square miles permanently with nuclear waste, nuclear war via Armageddon causing nuclear weapons, environmental destruction or a world where there is no more freedom, democracy, human rights or beauty.

Nuclear Power Plant Threats, Accidents, Recycling Nuclear Fuel, Movie Reviews, Next Generation Nuclear Plants, Terrorists


Corporations ruling government via promotion of Nationalism (most often combined with racism) is the definition of Fascism, as happened under Mussolini and Hitler. Governments should serve corporations, protect their patents, copyrights, and profits in case of invasion, but nothing more. In other words, brutal selfishness rules, above all else. 

Huge monopolistic corporations currently have no one that controls them or reigns them in, much less break them up or dissolve them if they act in criminal ways. Stealing on  a huge corporate level is ok in the world of Ayn Rand, because it is all about individuals doing whatever they want, with no one telling them what to do, morally, ethically, or spiritually. Feeding the hungry or caring about the environment is seen as weakness, not as a virtue.

Public education? Who needs it, it is just getting in the way of doing what Ayn wants. All schools should be privatized, made into charter schools and run by and for profit corporations, along with parks, roads, water, air and soil. People should pay for everything, and get nothing for free, from birth to death. 

Atlas Shrugged caricatures fascism, socialism, communism, and any state intervention in society, as allowing poor people to "leech" the hard-earned wealth of the rich; and Rand contends that the outcome of any individual's life is purely a function of its ability, and that any individual could overcome adverse circumstances, given ability and intelligence.[25]

There are so many problems with this one belief expressed by Ayn, that it is hard to know where to begin. Huge corporations have actually moved millions of jobs to Communist China, so calling Communism 'evil' no longer works. Corporations are now Communists, and they are one and the same creature; godless and based on pure greed, plus lust for power as expressed through a top down government, which is controlled by these corporatists.  Because corporations now own the US and Chinese government, the US and Chinese governments could also be called Fascist. The only reason that huge corporations still hate Socialism, is because they cannot make as much profit off of it. But they now love Communism, because it has turned into a huge profit center. 

Communist China Winning War Against USA, Without A Shot Being Fired; via @AGreenRoad


Wikipedia; "Fascism — especially once in power — has historically attacked communism, conservatism and parliamentary liberalism, attracting support primarily from the far right.[30]

Nationalism is the main foundation of fascism.[157]The fascist view of a nation is of a single organic entity which binds people together by their ancestry and is a natural unifying force of people.[158] Fascism seeks to solve economic, political, and social problems by achieving a millenarian national rebirth, exalting the nation or race above all else, and promoting cults of unity, strength and purity.[34][159][160][161][162]

Bill Duff November 17, 2014 Alternate titles: corporate state; corporativism; corporativismo; state corporatism, corporatism, Italian corporativismo, also called corporativism, the theory and practice of organizing society into “corporations” subordinate to the state. The advent of Italian fascism provided an opportunity to implement the theories of the corporate state.

Benito Mussolini, 1935, Fascism: Doctrine and Institutions, Rome: 'Ardita' Publishers.

Fascism is definitely and absolutely opposed to the doctrines of liberalism, both in the political and economic sphere. Benito Mussolini, 1935, The Doctrine of Fascism, Firenze: Vallecchi Editore."

There is a reason for the worker safety, human rights, freedoms and union laws. People have forgotten freedom, democracy, and worker rights movements in the US. Moving millions of jobs to Communist China where there are no worker rights, unions or freedoms is the epitome of Ayn Rand philosophy, and very profitable for corporations, who hate any restriction on what they do. In Communist China, corporations can have their 'free market' Capitalism cake and frosting too, without any unions, freedoms, rights or environmental laws. The problem is, that the people who move all of those jobs to Communist China souled out and they don't even realize what they lost on a spiritual level. Of course, America is paying a huge price for this selling out process via corporate power expressing itself selfishly, a la Ayn Rand's philosophy.

Roseanne owns state rep on fair wages, taxes, labor rights, and plight of the middle class; via @AGreenRoad


Ayn Rand says that housing the homeless is seen as decay and anyone doing that must be HATED with a passion. Taking care of the poor, sick or elderly who have no one to take care of them is seen as empty of any value, so people should just walk by and ignore these sick poor people laying in the ditch. Money is celebrated and worshiped above all else. Of course, for a selfish immature person, this makes good sense, but to the average compassionate adult, it is insane sociopathic thinking.


Ayn writes that "whenever destroyers appear among men, they start by destroying money, for money is men's protection and the base of a moral existence. Destroyers seize gold and leave its owners a counterfeit pile of paper. This kills all objective standards and delivers men into the arbitrary power of an arbitrary setter of values ... Paper is a mortgage on wealth that does not exist, backed by a gun aimed at those who are expected to produce it. Paper is a check drawn by legal looters upon an account which is not theirs: upon the virtue of the victims. Watch for the day when it bounces, marked: 'Account Overdrawn.'"[32]"

Private for profit corporations led by the 1% that Ayn adored, took over the money supply and banking, corrupting it and turning it into a criminal enterprise. According to Ayn Rand's philosophy, the corporations doing this are the 'looters', and AGRP actually agrees with her on this one point.

FDR Confiscated All Gold And Silver In 1933, Created US Private For Profit Fiat Currency and Fractional Reserve Banking System

People Collecting 'Entitlements' - Who Are They? Links To 1%, National Debt And The Federal Reserve via @AGreenRoad

The important thing to understand is that the 1% individual leaders of corporations which Ayn Rand worships elsewhere, are the same people who took over the money printing, financial and banking system.

The 'looters' and banksters have not only taken over the government, they are also the money printers and the money lenders and the investors in paper derivatives that almost brought down the whole global financial system. And they are also the ones that bailed themselves out by printing more fiat money. If that is not absolute power and absolute corruption, what is? 


In some ways, the Ayn Rand cult is growing in power and control because billionaires at the top are funding these belief systems and philosophies, as well as movie projects like the one featured in the video news segment above. Who else could afford to bankroll three money losing movies in a row, to the tune of tens of millions of dollars each? No logical, rationale person would invest in such a money losing, self absorbed project.

This sociopath's fantasy world needs to be rebutted and debated, because if it is celebrated and taught with no opposition or dissent, the concentration of absolute power and control at the top by the 1% will only grow worse, as the cult followers play out the fantasy of Ayn Rand via projects like Galt's Gulch and much worse, on a global scale. 

Ayn Rand smoked two packs a day of cigarettes, and gobbled amphetamines like they were going out of style. She claimed to love her husband, but carried on an affair with a younger man in open sight, right in front of him. What did he think of this? She also consistently supported the right of Israel to kill Palestinians and to take their land by force. She believed that Arabs were 'less human' than Israelis. She called the Arabs; 'almost totally primitive savages'.

Miko Peled, Israeli Son Of Military General, Talks About What Is REALLY Going On In Israel, Historically All The Way Up To Today


In her book; 'The Virtues Of Selfishness', Ayn promotes the doctrine that America is 'rotten' with compassion and socialism, and that selfishness is the answer to all of those ills. Social Security is named SOCIAL because it is a Social enterprise. Why did Ayn use it and other government services, if it was so evil? 
Christopher Hitchens on Ayn Rand


Ayn is does not believe in God, spirit, soul or consciousness because God, spirit, soul and/or consciousness destroys rationalism and reason. She believes God is a threat because God is superior to reason. Based on that, everyone knows how she feels about all religions globally, including Jesus Christ and other saints as well, right?

Christopher Hitchens comments on Ayn Rand in the video segment above

What most people never think about is that many if not most scientists are 'trained' to think like Ayn Rand. In other words, scientists do not believe in mind, spirit, God, free will or consciousness.

If you disagree with a nuclear scientist or a medical doctor and tell them you believe in God, spirit, soul, consciousness and/or life after death, they will most likely roll their eyes, and label you as a cult member, because you do not think or believe as they do. To them, science is the religion they worship, and God, spirit, soul, consciousness or compassion/empathy is seen much like Ayn Rand sees it, as a threat to their belief system and as a defect of character or a flaw in a person. In other words; a very bad thing, like belonging to a cult. 

But what does that make nuclear science, medical science and scientists or individuals who believe this way and refuse to admit even the potential truth that there is something more than just a human body that turns to dust upon death? Wouldn't this belief system make them a cult?


Ayn does not approve of any religion, because it is mystical and based on faith, not on reason and facts. She is very sure that God does not exist, and she claims it does not take much intelligence to be able to tell that this is the case. Ayn is very arrogant and sure of herself when she says this, and puts down anyone who does believe that there is something more to life than selfish, self absorbed, reason and facts.

Bill Maher, George Carlin; Mass Delusion and Need For More Interfaith Communications; via @AGreenRoad

Believing in God is a 'weakness' as she believes it, because the man is afraid to stand on his own mind and facts. She regards it as evil to place emotions above what your mind 'knows'. She believes that when you die, it is all finished, and there is nothing left to go on, except dust. That all sounds good, but what if she is wrong, completely wrong? What if there is direct evidence of life after death and that there is more to life than just selfish pleasure and doing whatever one wants, with no regard for anyone or anything else?


Atheists all believe that there is nothing after death, just like Ayn Rand. But is that the absolute truth with no evidence to the contrary? Read about Anita's story to see if there may be more than just humans living as skin bags full of water that then turn into dust when they die. 

Anita Moorjani's Near Death Experience And Healing Terminal Cancer; via @AGreenRoad

Is There Life After Death? Has Reincarnation Been Scientifically Proven? via @AGreenRoad

If there is more to life than just being a skin bag full of water and bones, maybe there is more to life than living selfishly and without love as well. Anita points at a way of life that is not based on fear. Living in fear means not having enough, which means taking from others what they have by force or violence, even if one has Billions of dollars.

Billionaires live in more fear than anyone else. They are afraid of so many things, so many people and of themselves. They are actually trapped in a golden cage that they cannot get out of, but they don't even realize it.


Ayn Rand did not really cover the golden rule in her writings, but if she had, this is what she would have said; 

The Golden Rule basically states that in most cases we should treat other people the way we would like to be treated ourselves. This is an important principle in most religions of the world and also in Humanism.

In other words, it is a good thing to have compassion, empathy and love as a guide for actions. But if you talk with most nuclear scientists, they will not go there.. because it is too close to spirit, consciousness, selfless love, and all things of God.


Although AGRP does not agree with the following method, nor recommend it, it is included to make a point, because Ayn Rand seems to celebrate violence, threats and death as a solution. Is there a time when violence is the solution?

Some anarchists seem to think that nuclear power is not good around human beings to the point where they have decided that they are going to use violence as a solution. 

It may be that they believe this is the only way, because there seems to be no way for the average person to have any 'voice' in this debate. This 'no voice' results in anarchists starting to take matters into their own hands. 

Much like democracy turning into anarchy or fascism if the people no longer have a voice, the same is true for nuclear power and nuclear weapons. The majority of people globally don't want nuclear power or weapons. So why is it still happening? Why are new nuclear power plants being built, when a majority of ordinary citizens no longer want it?

"An anarchist group claimed responsibility on Friday for kneecapping an Italian nuclear engineering executive and warned it would strike another seven times at the firm's parent company, Finmeccanica. In a four-page letter sent to an Italian newspaper, the group, calling itself the Olga Nucleus of the Informal Anarchist Federation-International Revolutionary Front, said two of its members had shot Roberto Adinolfi, the CEO of Ansaldo Nucleare, in Genoa on Monday..]"

There is more than one way to interpret anarchy. Here is another way to view anarchy when viewed through the lens of freedom and non violence. 

According to Wikipedia, "the Masque of Anarchy is a political poem written in 1819 (see 1819 in poetry) by Percy Bysshe Shelley following the Peterloo Massacre of that year. In his call for freedom, it is perhaps the first modern statement of the principle of nonviolent resistance.

The poem was not published during Shelley's lifetime and did not appear in print until 1832 (see 1832 in poetry), when published by Edward Moxon in London with a preface by Leigh Hunt.[1] Shelley had sent the manuscript in 1819 for publication in The Examiner. Leigh Hunt withheld it from publication because he "thought that the public at large had not become sufficiently discerning to do justice to the sincerity and kind-heartedness of the spirit that walked in this flaming robe of verse." The epigraph on the cover of the first edition is from The Revolt of Islam(1818): "Hope is strong; Justice and Truth their winged child have found."

Written on the occasion of the massacre carried out by the British Government at St Peter's Field, Manchester 1819, Shelley begins his poem with the powerful images of the unjust forms of authority of his time "God, and King, and Law" - and he then imagines the stirrings of a radically new form of social action: "Let a great assembly be, of the fearless, of the free". 

The crowd at this gathering is met by armed soldiers, but the protestors do not raise an arm against their assailants: "Stand ye calm and resolute, Like a forest close and mute, With folded arms and looks which are Weapons of unvanquished war. And if then the tyrants dare, Let them ride among you there, Slash, and stab, and maim and hew, What they like, that let them do.With folded arms and steady eyes, And little fear, and less surprise Look upon them as they slay Till their rage has died away Then they will return with shame To the place from which they came, And the blood thus shed will speak In hot blushes on their cheek. Rise like Lions after slumber In unvanquishable number, Shake your chains to earth like dew Which in sleep had fallen on you-Ye are many — they are few" [2]

Shelley elaborates on the psychological consequences of violence met with pacifism. The guilty soldiers he says, will return shamefully to society, where "blood thus shed will speak In hot blushes on their cheek".

Women will point out the murderers on the streets, their former friends will shun them, and honorable soldiers will turn away from those responsible for the massacre, "ashamed of such base company". 

A version was taken up by Henry David Thoreau in his essay Civil Disobedience, and later by Mohandas Karamchand Gandhi in his doctrine of Satyagraha.[2] Gandhi's passive resistance was influenced and inspired by Shelley's nonviolence in protest and political action.[3] It is known that Gandhi would often quote Shelley's Masque of Anarchy to vast audiences during the campaign for a free India.[4][2]

The poem mentions several members of Lord Liverpool's government by name: the Foreign Secretary, Castlereagh who appears as a mask worn by Murder, the Home Secretary, Lord Sidmouth whose guise is taken by Hypocrisy, and the Lord Chancellor, Lord Eldon whose ermine gown is worn by Fraud. Led byAnarchy, a skeleton with a crown, they try to take over England, but are slain by a mysterious armored figure who arises from a mist.

The maiden Hope, revived, then calls to the people of England: "Men of England, heirs of Glory, Heroes of unwritten story, Nurslings of one mighty Mother, Hopes of her, and one another;What is Freedom? 

Ye can tell That which Slavery is too well, For its very name has grown To an echo of your own Let a vast assembly be, And with great solemnity Declare with measured words, that ye Are, as God has made ye, free!

The old laws of England--they Whose reverend heads with age are grey, Children of a wiser day; And whose solemn voice must be Thine own echo--Liberty! Rise like Lions after slumber In unvanquishable number, Shake your chains to earth like dew Which in sleep had fallen on you-Ye are many — they are few".

Political authors and campaigners such as Richard HolmesPaul Foot among others describe it as "the greatest political poem ever written in English".[5][6]
Source: Maidenheaven and Wikipedia


Bottom line, the Golden Rule is taught within the science of sustainable health and is defined as asking and answering the question;

What works for seven future generations, without causing harm, both to your children and mine? 

For more details about how the Golden Rule can and does apply to all religions, all political systems, all philosophies, click on the following;

The Universal Golden Rule; Moving Towards A Sustainable Global Ethic Within The Science Of Sustainable Health; via A Green Road


There are examples of nations living by another way, other than view a Gross Domestic Product (GDP). GDP is a term that means constant never ending growth and taking. The only thing that does that are cancer and selfish people who constantly take and take, and who never have enough. Living this way is not sustainable. 

Gross National Happiness - Bhutan; via @AGreenRoad

Bhutan - Taking The Middle Road To Happiness; via @AGreenRoad

The Universal Golden Rule; Moving Towards A Sustainable Global Ethic Within The Science Of Sustainable Health; via A Green Road


There is an evolution on the planet, and it is happening despite Ayn Rand's books and movies, plus all of the selfish people pushing her agenda of violence, hatred, fear, racism, selfishness, greed and mysogeny. Do we let people like that determine the future? Will people keep voting in those candidates who are servants for people like that? Will corporations keep on spouting this Ayn Rand dogma, knowing that it is based on an immature way of looking at the world?

People, religions and even corporations are becoming more aware and are growing more conscious around how the world and Nature actually works best, (via the Golden Rule), rather than the fiction that does not match reality in Ayn Rand's immature world.

The Force And Power Of Love; via @AGreenRoad

Dr. Emoto On Vibrations, Water, Energy, Consciousness And Healing; via @AGreenRoad

Wayne Dyer; The Power Of Intention Program; via @AGreenRoad

The One Universal Law Contained In All Religions And Belief Systems And Four Powers You Can Harness To Perform Miracles


According to the movie and book reviews, Rand books and movies seem to be the most popular with the extreme right wing conservatives, especially with the 1% corporate leaders, who are following the Ayn Rand philosophy of godlessness, greed, violence and not following any laws. They have a lot of money, influence and power to push agendas, books and movies that they like. They can afford to create 3 movies in a row and lose money on every one of them. Why?

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If the sociopathic 1% can get millions of people to watch the movies, read the books,  and become 'followers', odds are that they will absorb the 'message' and buy into the philosophy and then vote for their appointed corporate friendly, 1% promoting politicians.

Becoming a Randite cult member means giving permission for corporations to do whatever they want, and voting for things like TPP, GMO's, corporate immunity laws, and promoting monopolistic power, just because unlimited greed is good, especially when combined with absolute power and corruption.

Is it any wonder that the due to people like Ayn Rand, that the US is now a leader in this lifestyle as an example through the promotion of a super military industrial complex that spends more than all of the rest of the worlds military's combined, just as one example? Maybe it is time to consider where this is all going, and what the consequences of this selfish, violent, Godless belief system are and will be on 7 future generations. 


Selfishness Versus Selflessness; Book Review Of  Ayn Rand's “Atlas Shrugged”, Galt's Gulch Project And Film Review Of Movies Based On Book

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