What Are People Saying About AGRP? Comments About A Green Road Project

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What Are People Saying About AGRP? Comments About A Green Road Project

Starting in August of 2014, AGRP started collecting random posts from people commenting about AGRP articles. These comments are not complete, and AGRP apologizes for all the comments missed, that are not included here. 

Via CodeShutdown July 29, 2014  "Dr. Goodheart, I commend you on your tireless and well executed works. Your site stands out above all others for its inclusiveness, positivity, balance and selfless good intent for the earth and its inhabitants."

Jinglepots October 30, 2014 "Than-you Dr.G. for this excellent information in your link on how to help oneself using natural remedies, when it comes to radiation exposure. It was nice to hear Chris Busby again, as well:)"

moonshellblue August 29, 2014  "I highly recommend Dr. Good hearts website a lot of very adept info and once again kudos to you Doc for your excellent work."

Radio August 29, 2014  "Ditto, msb."

We Not They Finally January 1, 2015 ..."Meanwhile, kudos to Dr. G. — agreenroad correlates more diverse info into one place than nearly anyone, and it is very much appreciated.

ISeePinkClouds August 29, 2014  "... Thanks to all of your for supporting the truth with facts here today. I can handle the truth. And, yes, thank you Dr. Goodheart. I watched 500 Nations on A Green Road Project just last night. Nice respite, really sad, but true."

chemfood September 5, 2014 "lol, Dr. You're funny. The vast info your blog provides is amazing. All..are encouraged to go http://agreenroad.blogspot.com/

Aug 6, 2014 - We Applaud A Green Road Blog For The Information They Post! ...Background Radiation Has Increased 600 Percent – 1 mSv In 1950 To over 6 mSv In ...Low Dose Radiation Dangers/Symptoms For Children And Adults

Sep 17, 2013 - Behind the scenes, a few large monopolies control Congress and ....Symptoms Of Low Dose Radiation Exposure; via A Green Road

Thanks to a Green Road Project, We Get Some Truth! Aug23 by nootkabear ... even more high cost, patented drugs, vaccines and GMO products. ... Low Dose Radiation Causes Bacteria And Viruses to Mutate Into SUPER LETHAL BUGS.

Alan Reid  I had to laugh last night.. I plugged the 201 playlist Dr GoodHeart hosts and i think my computer belched. Way good stuff. Thanks a ton for the playlist Dr Goodheart.. You rock!

Via ISeePinkClouds - "Yes. NEWSERS. I am overwhelmed by the way everyone here has jumped on this story to get the Truth,and the Rad Word Out. Honestly, I have never been so impressed. A quick look this morning showed nothing on this story on the MSM, but NEWSERS have it covered in detail, and post haste. That just goes to show that MSM doesn't have citizens best interest in mind. In fact, they are nothing but shills for the Nuclear Industry. ...What a great job everyone has done! Dr Goodheart, you always do good such good work, and this time is no exception. In fact, you were totally on top of it. Everyone here did, and everyone here was. Thank you NEWSERS. Thank you for all the work you do to help others. Myself included. Blessings. Peace"

Sickputer October 30, 2014  Good job Doc! The nucleoapes just can't stand the hard facts of death records and historical data. They will not escape the verdict of history.

Jinglepots October 30, 2014 "Dr. G. That is a fascinating article you posted. I did not know about this other source of plutonium contamination, how it was spread all over the earth from satellites. Good grief, they leave no stone unturned in their apparent quest to destroy life on earth."

Via obewanspeaks November 14, 2014  "Dr., Excellent education you provide! As usual! Great Work!"

J. November 14, 2014 "Within your exceptionally informative link is a tremendous documentary by an Australian Tv channel. It has lots about Safecast. When Safecast started, their funding made me a bit concerned that it would turn into a 'controlled opposition' outfit, toeing the nuclear cartel's line, but fortunately Safecast goes from strength to strength. I hope they will get eventually sell their geiger counter as a finished product rather than a kit; I think they could raise funds that way. At $450 for a do-it-yourself kit, it's a bit off-putting for some folks I think. Anyway, thanks for your hard work and another great posting.

ISPC November 18, 2014 Yes. Dr. Goodheart. TY. I read that recently. I follow your links. You are very much respected by me. By the way, the information you present on WIPP is enlightening. You are throughly informed. The video interview you posted of VB Price interviewing Don Hancock was very encouraging to see. Suits that care. What a concept. We are not alone. Much gratitude. Peace

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What Are People Saying About AGRP? Comments About A Green Road Project


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