Nuclear Books Reading List - Knowledge To Help Create A Nuclear Weapons And Nuclear Plant Free World

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Nuclear Books Reading List - Knowledge To Help Create A Nuclear Weapons And Nuclear Plant Free World

The SGI antinuclear exhibition "Transforming the Human Spirit" was shown at the Ministry of Foreign Affairs in Mexico from February 11-17, 2011, in commemoration of the 44th anniversary of the Treaty of Tlatelolco and the world's first nuclear-weapon-free zone.  

Nuclear weapons free zones are spreading across the planet. Nuclear plants are where nuclear bombs come from, so both need to be eliminated. Knowledge of how a world can and does work very well without nuclear plants or nuclear weapons is important. Knowledge comes from books, so the following list of books is dedicated to helping the global village accomplish a goal of zero nuclear weapons and zero nuclear power plants. 

pinksailmatt October 17, 2014 "I would also like to add...

2. Harvey Wasserman's – Killing Our Own"

 (Links above lead to bookstore where these books are available)


Megan Rice said that she is only sorry that she did not do this before. Sister Megan Rice said to the judge sentencing her; "I was acting on my God given obligations as a follower of Jesus Christ. I have no apologies or shame. If given the option, I would do it again." 

She and her two companions were sentenced to 3-5 years in prison, plus $50,000 in fines for spraying painting a building. 

82 Year Old Nun - Megan Gillespie Rice - Nuclear Mafia Whistleblower Thrown In Jail via @AGreenRoad


Wikipedia; "This is a list of books about nuclear issues. They are non-fiction books which relate to uranium mining, nuclear weapons and/or nuclear power.

Hiroshima (1946)
My Australian Story: Atomic Testing (2009)
Plutopia (2013)
Smyth Report (1945)
The Atom Besieged: Extraparliamentary Dissent in France and Germany (1981)
The Plutonium Files: America's Secret Medical Experiments in the Cold War (1999)
TORCH report (2006)


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uranium mining

nuclear weapons

nuclear power

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Nuclear Books Reading List - Knowledge Helps Create A Nuclear Weapons And Nuclear Plant Free World

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