9/30/2014 First CDC Confirmed Case Of Uncontrolled Ebola Infection Diagnosed In USA

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9/30/2014 First CDC Confirmed Case Of Uncontrolled Ebola Infection Diagnosed In USA


The CDC sounds really sure of themselves. They guarantee that this one Ebola case will be held in confinement and not allowed to spread.. Really? How can they be so sure? What about the undiagnosed case after that, and the ones that follow? Yes, they stopped other infections through quarantine, isolation and tracking people who may have been infected, but none of those was Ebola. Ebola is unlike any other virus they have encountered before. 

As Ebola confirmed in U.S., CDC vows: ‘We’re stopping it in its tracks'

Via Forrest Sandifer

The article states that Ebola cannot be transmitted by air. Further, the authorities are saying that there was zero risk to anyone on the plane. Everyone hopes that they are correct on this count. Finally, they are 'watching' people that this Ebola patient had contact with, but doing nothing further. They identified ALL people who could have had contact with the Ebola victim. Really? Did he go shopping after being infected? Did he walk down a city street after being infected? Did he go to the bank, coffee shop, drug store, or anywhere else after he became infectious? Did he go for a walk? Did he take a taxi? Did he touch, sneeze or cough on anyone or anything anywhere where someone else may have been exposed to the virus, which survives for days on surfaces that the victims touch?

As it turns out, this infected Ebola patient went to the hospital once and then was sent HOME where he lived for several days, with people around him. So while he was infectious, he TRAVELED, back and forth at least TWO times, and possibly more either via, car, plane, taxi or bus. He went into the hospital and was there in the waiting room or emergency waiting area. If he touched anything, sneezed or coughed, he more than likely infected people, but the CDC says no way.  

There is no REALISTIC way to track all of the people that could have touched something hthat this Ebola victim touched. There is no way to track everyone who may have breathed in some viruses that he coughed or sneezed into the air.

The SECOND time he went to the hospital, was he put in a quarantine container and shipped inside of it directly to the hospital? Nope, not according to this source...

The patient was hospitalized at Texas Health Presbyterian Hospital on Sunday after falling ill four days earlier, on Sept. 24. The Dallas Fire-Rescue ambulance crew who transported the infected man to the hospital is being quarantined and monitored for Ebola symptoms, Dallas Mayor Mike Rawlings told NBC 5, and the ambulance used to transport the man has been pulled from service.

So here is another time that this Ebola patient exposed potentially HUNDREDS of people to the virus, on his second trip to the medical facility. Did he do any other trips around town in between these two visits to the hospital? Who knows? Tight lips are the norm around Ebola, and the cover story sounds good, so let's just roll with that.


The CDC sounds so absolutely sure that they can contain EBOLA, the most virulent and deadly plague virus ever seen on Earth. AGR predicts that this Ebola is VERY different from what they have ever dealt with in the past, and it is WAY past their level of being able to handle it, due to several mistaken assumptions and procedures that the medical industry has put in place and that are now sacred cows, which cannot be changed.

Via Sparky October 1, 2014  Texas Ebola msn propaganda article
Short version: No worries of spread due to our exceptional US health care system and great monitoring at the airports. There are sooooo many holes in this argument, several noted in the comments section. 

Here's one right on the mark, IMO, from a nurse named Duane Dawson:
"As a nurse, I know how isolation precautions are breached by lots of people. This will spread, I have no doubt of that. It is just a matter of time. This article is a sham to make people believe it will be contained. Do you know the ambulance personnel who brought him to the hospital, and their families are being observed for any symptoms of the virus also. There is a lot more to this story than most of you know. I am from Texas, and have talked to several nurses about the happenings of this issue and they are trying to keep us all in the dark."

The ambulance was driving around with patients inside for 48 hours AFTER it picked up this Ebola patient. Who else was in that ambulance?


What may be even worse, is that there is some chance that this Ebola patient may have acquired his infection on the airplane coming over from Africa, from someone else, according to another source. And that means at least one other person may be infected with Ebola, maybe many more..

CDC Warns Hospitals On EBOLA "CONTAMINATED AIR" and Directs use of "Airborne Infection Isolation Room"s

Inhalation Ebola: Governments Ready For World War Ebola

CDC Sees AIRBORNE EBOLA Transmission, Issues Guidance For Aircraft Flight Crews, Cleaning & Cargo Crews


The man who flew in from Liberia carried home a dying Ebola woman from the hospital where she was refused treatment, because it was FULL to overflowing. This is the norm in Liberia. The Ebola epidemic is STILL totally out of control in Liberia and getting much worse.

U.S. Patient Aided Pregnant Liberian, Then Took Ill
Liberian Officials Identify Ebola Victim in Texas as Thomas Eric Duncan

So why is a man who had direct person to person contact with a dying Ebola patient allowed to get on an airplane and fly to the US? Why is no one asking air passengers about contact within the last month with Ebola patients, or with people who have 'flu' symptoms? Of course they can lie, and probably will, but so far, all that the immigration folks are doing is pointing little temperature sensing devices at people and asking no questions. Doesn't that sounds like a good way to spread an epidemic?

Of course, closing the borders and stopping airline flights may not work either, because these people are then even more desperate to get out and will find creative ways to accomplish this but hide away from any authorities. So far, the world has not responded adequately to this worsening epidemic, so all indications are that the Ebola epidemic will reach the 1 million victim mark before people around the world even take it seriously, and by then, it may very well be way too late to contain it.

Another risk is that if an Ebola infected country like Liberia is feeling completely ignored and getting no help, maybe someone there will get pissed off enough to share the pain with the folks ignoring the problem, but AGR will not go there, because there are enough crazies in the world without giving them any ideas.

This is not the time to get people pissed off at the US. 


The World's Most Dangerous Virus (full documentary movie) Marburg And Ebola

Low Dose Radiation And Antibiotics Cause Mutated, Strengthened Bacteria And Virus; via @AGreenRoad

Ebola, Bio Weapons Lab, And How Nuclear Industry Radiation Plus Antibiotics Creating Mutated, Strengthened SUPER DEADLY Bacteria And Viruses; via @AGreenRoad

Ebola Spreads Via Airborne Methods, Such As Sneezing or Coughing, Just Like Cold Or Flu

Ebola Virus Is Rapidly Spreading, ABC Calls It Out Of Control, 12 Million Deaths Possible By Feb. 2015

Is 2014 Ebola Pandemic The Result Of Secret Bio Weapons Research Or Accidental Release?


Maybe they will get lucky with this patient and hold the Ebola plague in check inside of the US. But this will not be the last Ebola infected person to enter the US without being detected. More Ebola cases will be arriving in the future, guaranteed. More Ebola victims arriving will mean that the odds of infections spreading outside of containment will grow and gather steam. The Ebola virus is so dangerous that anyone infected could be seen as a weapon of mass destruction, much like a biological weapon, due to the number of people just one person in the right situation can infect and kill. 

One of the biggest risks is that the CDC keeps asserting that Ebola cannot be spread by air, when it clearly can be. Ebola IS being spread by air, or why would all of these health professionals be getting infected in Africa? With each passing day, the odds favor an out of control Ebola infection happening in the US and other countries outside of Africa. 


Everyone has the right to use and has access to natural anti viral and anti bacterial modalities, but for some strange reason, the mass media and medical industrial complex won't talk about any of these options. They will not inform anyone about options other than what is inside of the medical industrial for profit system. They don't use natural health remedies or protocols in clinics or hospitals.  They refuse to test anything involving natural remedies on Ebola infected patients. To find out more about why this could be considered criminal behavior, click on the following link.

Drugs, Medicine, GMO's, Super Bugs, Cloning, Vaccines, Education


There are things that can be done to prevent an infection by a virus.

A Green Road Store -  Ebola Epidemic Supplies And Information

There are also natural health modalities that work against viruses, even Ebola. Check out the natural health protocol and remedies available. It may be a good idea to stock up ahead of time, because if this gets out of control then odds are great that the shelves will empty out of the anti viral types of remedies. Better to be safe than sorry. 

Ebola Natural Health Remedies And Protocols For Other Virus Based Dis-eases

Another risk that means Ebola will more than likely arrive and spread like wildfire in the US is that the CDC is working with the FDC to actively squelch any natural prevention modalities. The FDA is also cracking down on anyone claiming to sell a natural remedy for Ebola. 

These monopolistic, vaccine, drug and doctor protecting mechanisms will further accelerate the risks and spread of Ebola, practically guaranteeing that Ebola will arrive and spread like an out of control fire in the US at some point in the near future, just like Aids did. 

If they could not stop the spread of AIDS, which was much less lethal, was spread only via dirty needles and unprotected sex, and AIDS took much longer to kill people, what chance do they have with this virus, which is orders of magnitude worse, more lethal, kills faster and is much more easily spread by AIR?

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AGR's take away advice? Get ready, and start boning up on how to deal this Ebola threat at home and with no help from anyone. Of course, best case, the CDC and their almighty power of vaccines, drugs, radiation and isolation may keep the Ebola out of the US.. What do you think will happen?


9/30/2014 First CDC Confirmed Case Of Uncontrolled Ebola Infection Diagnosed In USA

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