Why And How To Make Home Made, Flouride Free Toothpaste, Plus Large Variety of Sources For Ingredients and/or Flouride Free Toothpaste Provided

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Why And How To Make Home Made, Flouride Free Toothpaste, Plus Large Variety of Sources For Ingredients and/or Flouride Free Toothpaste Provided

Where does flouride come from? Flouride is a highly toxic, poisonous waste/garbage product produced by the aluminum, chemical fertilizer and nuclear industries. As a man made chemical, it is used to produce deadly rat poison and insecticide. 


http://www.laytondental.com "Is Fluoride Dangerous in your water. Is Fluoride Dangerous in your toothpaste? Dr Layton DDS is a Holistic Dentist In Encinitas Ca. In this video he talks about the dangers of Fluoride in your toothpaste and in your water. Layton Dental is also known as a Natural Dentist and practices Metal Free Dentistry and is an expert in safe Mercury Removal. Dr Layton has videos demonstrating this procedure on his website. Layton Dental 285 N. El Camino Real, Suite 102, Encinitas, CA 92024 (760) 753-7700."

Bottom line, this truth telling dentist is advising everyone to NOT allow children to be exposed to ANY flouride, at all.

Dr. David Kennedy DDS explains why sodium flouride is more toxic and poisonous than lead. Lead is not allowed in toothpaste. Why not make a toothpaste with arsenic or cyanide, because essentially, that is what flouride is comparable to. There is no way to spit it all out, as blood levels of flouride go up after brushing, even if it is spit out. (Flouride in toothpaste is absorbed by mucous membrane.)

Over 1,000 scientists and dentists are calling for removal of flouride from toothpaste and water supplies..Why are they being ignored, denied, and suppressed? Why is the mass media repeating the same industry propaganda of flouride being 'safe and effective'? 

"John Moore - Special operations, covert operations, psychological operations, undercover operations, surveillance operations, bodyguard for executives and stars like Jane Fonda and Charleton Heston, private investigator, firearms instructor, intelligence analyst and homicide detective - talks about the dangers of sodium fluoride which is found in your toothpaste like Colgate and Crest."

How can one of the most hazardous, most toxic, most poisonous substances found in insecticide, in the form of sodium flouride, also be 'good' for you? The mouth is a mucous membrane, just like the skin. Putting poison on the skin or in the mouth, means absorbing some of that poison into your body, even if you or your child manage to NOT swallow any, which is hard to do, since some is left in your mouth even after spitting it out. 

Now add all of the other chemicals and artificial, man made ingredients in your toothpaste, such as; Sodium Lauryl Sulfate (SLS) and glycerin, etc. Can you imagine anything good coming out of this long term, when thinking about 7 future generations?


"We are forcibly being medicated with fluoridation of our tap water in cities across the US, even though fluoride is a non-pharmaceutical, chemical waste and the main ingredient in rat poisons and many pesticides. This video doesn't even go into the myriad studies that have been done to show the harmful effects of fluoridated water on every system in your body. Instead, I just tried to look at this issue from a logical justification standpoint. If you swallow toothpaste, you are urged on the tube itself to call the Poison Control Center immediately, but somehow if you drink eight glasses of fluoridated water, it's fine? Where is the logic in that? There's information out there to show that the amount of fluoride in a serving of toothpaste is the same as a glass of fluoridated water (if the water doesn't have MORE)! 

Continuing on that logic train, how much of the water you drink even comes in contact with your teeth where cavities form for very long anyway? 

The bottom line: fluoridated tap water makes no sense. There's a reason Hitler was fluoridating water in Nazi concentration camps, and I'm pretty sure it wasn't because he was overly concerned about their dental health. He added fluoride to pacify the prisoners and keep them docile. And now we're drinking it? Think about it. 

To learn more about fluoride and what you can do about it, check out www.fluoridealert.org where you can also take action by writing to your local representatives about the dangers of fluoridated water. People in cities all over America have petitioned their reps to get fluoride out of their water and some have won the battle—you can't win if you don't try!

Here are a smattering of scientific studies on the negative impacts of fluoride:

Brain, spinal chord and sciatic nerve: 

Antioxidant Systems (Free Radical Metabolism): http://fluoride-journal.com/01-34-2/3...

The Grand Rapids Fluoride Study: http://hartkeisonline.com/natural-hea... Quote: "The city officials of Grand Rapids in the 1940s had no idea that fluoridation chemicals were toxic industrial waste contaminated with lead and arsenic..."

Geez. There are so many that I'm going to run out of room..."

Microscopic analysis of what happens to body cells when they are exposed to one part in 30 MILLION of sodium flouride in water.

Never mind what happens to all of that flouride and other toxic chemical stew in products like this, after it goes down into the septic system or into the sewer system along with all of the other poisonous chemicals and toxins from all of the other poisonous and toxic products. Never mind studying what effect it has on human health after it is dumped on farm soils and goes into foods and animals.

Sure, you are spitting the poison out, and then it goes into the sewer, and then into the river, where it goes downstream, into the drinking water of all cities downstream, right? What happens to the fish and ocean life exposed to this and other poisons? This deadly dose of poison does not just magically disappear once it goes down the drain potentially dozens to hundreds of times a day, per household, from hundreds of millions of people. Ever heard of bio accumulation or bio concentration? 

Essentially, most of modern civilization is fighting Nature and poisoning the environment, all life on the planet, as well as destroying human health with all of these non regulated chemicals. What is covered here is only the very teeny tiny, tip of the iceberg.

2014 - List of 45+ Negative Global Tipping Points; via @AGreenRoad

So what is the solution? The first step is moving away from the monopolistic Matrix of huge corporations that are destroying the environment and all life through personal small changes in your own life. That first step means not supporting the poison industry, and creating a life affirming alternative for your family, then acting to protect the health of 7 future generations through various positive, life affirming, in harmony with Nature activism methods. 


"Ditch the fluoride, Sodium Lauryl Sulfate (SLS) and glycerin in this simple and healthy non-toxic toothpaste that only takes a few minutes to whip up! Recipe from Crunchy Catholic Momma: http://crunchycatholicmomma.blogspot....
1/2 cup baking soda (I use Bob's Red Mill)
1/4 cup extra virgin coconut oil (anti viral, anti bacterial)
5 Tbs. xylitol 
2 tsp. peppermint extract 

Combine ingredients and store in a jar or container until ready to use! More questions? Check out the post on my blog about this recipe: http://ashleysgreenlife.blogspot.com/..."

A Green Road Supplements And Vitamins Store 

A Green Road Store - Flouride Free Toothpaste

A Green Road Store - Coconut Oil

A Green Road Store - Xylitol

A Green Road Store - Peppermint Extract


Do you believe that flouride is somehow protecting your teeth from decay? Do you believe that flouride is what keeps teeth healthy? Maybe it is time for you to watch this video by Dr. Weston Price. Everyone has been taught to believe that flouride is what protects teeth, correct? The TV news, doctors and dentists almost all claim that flouride is causes teeth to be 'healthy' and decay free, correct? What you learn in the following two videos will shock you!

Keep an open mind as you listen and watch these two paradigm shifting health experts.

Dental Health Industry Deception, Flouride Is Not Solution For Tooth Health, By Dr. Weston Price DDS 


HoTaters September 20, 2014 "Am trying to remineralize my teeth with homemade toothpaste. Can use Cal/Mag powder for part of it. Mixed with organic coconut oil, which is said to draw toxins from the body. To this you can add baking soda, food grade diatomaceous earth (make SURE it's food grade), and essential oils. Clove oil, a little tea tree oil, lavender oil, are all good choices. The essential oils need to be GRAS (generally regarded as safe) food grade oils.

There are people who have been doing this who swear it can heal decay in the teeth and remineralize the teeth, as long as the tooth decay isn't too advanced. Many recipes are available on the web. Am thinking using the homemade toothpaste along with a heavy metals chelation protocol would be a good idea for all of us. Coconut "oil pulling" can also remove toxins from the body and supposedly the teeth. It also makes the teeth whiter looking."

A Green Road Supplements And Vitamins Store 

A Green Road Store - Clove Oil And Tea Tree Oil

A Green Road Store - Lavender Oil

A Green Road Store - Coconut Oil

A Green Road Store - Diatomaceous Earth

A Green Road Store - CAL/MAG Powder

A Green Road Store - Flouride Free Toothpaste


Dr. Joey Hensley MD Calls Flouride A Harmful Toxin, Calls For Removal From Drinking Water; via A Green Road

Flouride Dangers; Dr. Paul Connett PhD; via A Green Road

The Fluoride Deception: How a Nuclear Waste Byproduct Made Its Way Into the Nation’s Drinking Water

Christopher Bryson On Flouride Deception; via @AGreenRoad

Drugs, Medicine, GMO's, Education


Flouride is found in nature is very small amounts, and that is then accumulated in foods and/or animals. An example of how much flouride is found in foods is provided by Wikipedia; 
Examples of fluoride content
(mg per 100g)
(mg per portion)
Black Tea (brewed)0.3731 cup, 240g (8 fl oz)0.884
Raisins, seedless0.234small box, 43g (1.5 oz)0.033
Table wine0.153Bottle, 750ml (26.4 fl oz)1.150
Municipal tap-water,
0.081Recommended daily intake,
3 litres (0.79 US gal)
Baked potatoes, Russet0.045Medium potato, 140g (0.3 lb)0.078
Lamb0.032Chop, 170g (6 oz)0.054
Carrots0.0031 large carrot, 72g (2.5 oz)0.002
Data taken from United States Department of Agriculture, National Nutrient Database


In areas that have naturally occurring high levels of fluoride in groundwater both dental and skeletal fluorosis can be prevalent and severe.[34]

Remember though, that many non organic farm soils are regularly 'treated' with the solids left over from sewage treatment plant operations. This solid waste contains the flouride from millions of people brushing their teeth with flouride containing toothpaste, plus flouridated drinking water and other products containing man made flouride. So how can one really tell if flouride is natural or added since flouride started being produced by the aluminum, chemical and nuclear industries? Then there is also the difference between a plant's organic minerals and the man made version, because those two are very different. One is usually a left spinning atomic structure, while the other is a right spinning atomic structure. The body always prefers the organic version of any mineral.

In 1973 a trial found reduced reproduction in mice fed fluorine-deficient diets, but a subsequent investigation determined that this was due to reduced iron absorption.[10]


This article has covered they myths and dental industry lies about flouride and tooth health, as well as explaining how tooth and bone health is really accomplished, via an 'organic' mineral rich diet. Flouride is a chemical industry poison, which should be disposed of in a hazardous waste dump site, not in peoples drinking water and children's mouths. The man made waste product called sodium flouride should not be in contact with or be anywhere around children or adults. To protect the health of your children and 7 future generations, do what you can to eliminate flouride from your local household household products, and your community drinking water supply.

Work on deleting mineral robbing foods and drinks from the families (SAD) diet, while adding minerals to the diet, via organic mineral rich foods and supplements, as this is what REALLY creates great bone and tooth health. Support those candidates who are working to create a  carbon, nuclear and chemical free future and create that future in your families life, as fast as you can. Time is running out, as the consequences of fighting Nature are coming together in a perfect storm of accelerating negative tipping points. 


Why And How To Make Home Made, Flouride Free Toothpaste, Plus Large Variety of Sources For Ingredients and/or Flouride Free Toothpaste Provided

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