Dr. Frank Glover Reports 80 to 90% Death Rate From Current Ebola Outbreak In Capitol Hill Hearing, Number Of Cases Rising Exponentially Fast

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Dr. Frank Glover Reports 80 to 90% Death Rate From Current Ebola Outbreak In Capitol Hill Hearing, Number Of Cases Rising Exponentially Fast

Starts at 18: in, longer, more complete close to 3 hours of video, same hearing..

Aug 7, 2014 The House Foreign Affairs Subcommittee on Africa, Global Health, Global Human Rights, and International Organizations holds a 2 p.m. hearing on the Ebola virus, which has killed more than 900 people, according to The Associated Press.

Witnesses include Dr. Tom Frieden, director of the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, Dr. Ariel Pablos-Méndez, the assistant administrator for global health at the U.S. Agency for International Development, and representatives from the State Department, Samaritan's Purse and SIM. Website: http://www.rollcall.com


Currently, the Ebola outbreak is doubling in size about every week to two weeks. According to PBS NewsHour guests, the rate of increase is transitioning from a steady line rising up into an exponential increase that is logarithmic. Assuming this growth curve is not stopped and reversed, the increasing speed of growth will not be limited to Africa. Ebola can and will accelerate out into many countries globally, just as Aids and other superbugs did years ago. But this superbug can and does kill a person in a week, while looking like an ordinary flu for the first 3 to 4 days. 

Via CSPAN - EBOLA: CDC Calls It Apocalyptic! Capitol Hill Hearing on Ebola Outbreak in Africa. (Short 20 min. segment) Ooops, CSPAN pulled the video; wonder why? Maybe the reporting of a 80 to 90% death rate was too scary for people to hear about from a person on the ground in Africa?


Any overpopulated mono culture in a crowded environment is an invitation for a super fast spread of some fatal organism, and then a fast, drastic crash of that population. This happens eventually in any mono culture where space is limited, immune systems are depressed, vital energy is reduced, but especially in situations where food and water that is full of toxics, radiation and chemicals is added into the mix in unlimited amounts.

Ebola may be the spark that lights a fire which then rages through the densely packed immune system weakened humanity on a lifeboat called Earth, leaving only a small fraction left over after it done. The denser people are packed together, and the more air travel there is, the higher the risk of some super virus, fungus, bacteria, or other organism taking off and spreading through throughout the world in a lightning fast manner, either accidentally or on purpose.

The terrifying mathematics of Ebola

The risks of Ebola spreading globally are magnified due to over reliance on very limited, expensive, hard to manufacture, long lead time drugs and vaccines, along with a profit motivation behind and over arching everything.


A public health response with only hospitals and clinics involved is inadequate and takes too long to respond to air transmitted viruses. It would be like trying to stop the spread of the common cold or a flu spreading across America. The rough equivalent would be like trying to put out a house fire with a garden hose, and that is what the 'experts' are claiming will work to stop this superbug. The authorities are claiming that they can stop the spread of Ebola to America, and keep it contained in Africa, but those very categorical statements may not pan out as well as they like to believe. 

Aids and Ebola will not be the first or last plagues visited on a crowded global village. There are cheap or free natural and sustainable solutions to both preventing and reversing this and other super bug infections, but if the medical community relies on its profit making system of isolation, drugs and vaccines as the only answer, odds are that the whole medical system will be brought to it's knees and overwhelmed globally. 

Aids was not contained despite the best global response, and it spread globally. The same will more than likely be true for this superbug.


Fighting Nature is a losing battle. It helps to work in harmony with Nature.

Everyone has access to natural drug and vaccine free anti viral and anti bacterial modalities, but for some strange reason, the medical industrial complex won't talk about any of these, and they refuse to test them on Ebola.. Why?

Ebola Natural Health Remedies And Protocols For Other Virus Based Dis-eases

More articles around Ebola at;

Drugs, Medicine, Super Bugs, Medical Radiation and GMO's


Dr. Frank Glover Reports 80 to 90% Death Rate From Current Ebola Outbreak In Capitol Hill Hearing, Number Of Cases Rising Exponentially Fast

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